Days - Fri. Jan. 8, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Friday, January 08, 2010
Episode #11246 – Director – Noel Maxam

Just be sure today you have a box of tissues handy, you are going to need them… you won’t hurt your TV when you want to throw one at it. Bo runs into Justin at the Pub, congratulates him on being successful, he has finally gotten Bo’s wife. Justin denies, tries to assure Bo he has always tried to urge Hope to make it up with Bo, but then Bo just would not stop being a jerk. Bo takes offense, wonders if those were Hope’s words, or did Justin suggest them to her. He talks of Justin kissing his wife, of being after her since he first came to town, but Justin tells him to look at himself first. And that if he really truly loved his wife, he would not be letting Carly come between them, and certainly would not have kissed her first. Justin walks out.

A preoccupied Carly gets on the elevator at the hospital, not looking at who else is there, punches a button saying “you going up”. And there is Vivian in the back, munching on a potato chip, saying “Down”. The doors have closed, elevator is moving, and Vivian starts taking her little jabs at an unnerved Carly, asking if this small closed place reminds her of the casket she was once trapped in. They go back and forth, Carly becoming more agitated, finally spitting out that she knows what this is all about and yes, she killed Lawrence, he was a violent, psychopathic monster and she’d do it again. Viv murmurs “may he rest in peace”, as the elevator comes to a stop, the doors open, but Carly refuses to leave, not wanting to be down in the basement alone with Vivian, she is not insane. Vivian smirks, telling Carly she will see her in hell, as she gets off herself. The doors close, and whoops, the elevator shakes, the motors whirr, making strange noises, and now Carly is stuck. She is pounding on doors, walls, flashing back to being buried alive in that coffin, yelling for help. Outside the door, a maintenance man is attempting to fix the problem, telling her to hold on. She is panicky, Bo appears, helps the guy open the door and Carly rushes out, happy to have escaped.
Later, Bo & Carly are in her room at the Salem Inn sitting on the bed, each with a beer in hand. She has told him what happened, how she admitted to Vivian that she killed Lawrence. She is beating herself up, talking of becoming a different person from years ago, Bo assures her she is the same Carly Manning he fell in love with back then. And before you know it, he is kissing her, she is kissing back, long and passionate.

In Maggie’s living room, Will questions Mia as to why Gabi said what she did about not stringing him along. Mia is making excuses, Will thinks he had better go talk to Gabi herself, Mia asks why, he says because Gabi has never lied to me, you have. Out the door he goes, Mia chases after him. Will has gone to the Java Café, Mia rushes in saying Gabi is not even there, asks why Will thinks she is lying. Cuz I was raised by my mother and learned a lot about telling when someone lies. He thinks Mia knew full well she made two dates to the dance, she claims she has been thru a lot, her mind was jumbled, Will reminds her he is going thru a lot, his sister is still missing. He finally tells Mia, he just won’t take this anymore, it is over, they are done. Out he goes. Mia sits at a table & pouts.

(get the tissues ready). Maggie sits at the table in the kitchen, as Hope comes bouncing in, babbling away about how excited Uncle Mickey was about the trip, and how he talked about seeing the stars at night, so she brought along Bo’s star chart. Hope is behind Maggie, and is still chattering as she sits down facing Maggie and wanting to show her…..and then she sees Maggie’s face, asks if she is alright. No, I’m not, replies a saddened Maggie. Hope asks what is wrong, and Maggie haltingly tells her “he was packing, I went upstairs to check, he was so excited about the trip, and us spending time together alone. I just had spoken to him 20 minutes earlier……..I tried CPR, I did compressions, over and over and over. But I knew. I have spent enough time at the hospital to know when it is no use. He was gone before I got there”. Maggie is crying, Hope is shocked. Maggie just hopes it was quick and painless. Hope asks if she can go up, Maggie says “of course”, then wonders if Mickey would mind if she did not return. Hope knows he wouldn’t, and goes upstairs. When she returns, she gently tells Maggie she called 911, they will be there soon.
Maggie & Hope stand in the living room as the EMTs wheel a covered body thru on the gurney. Maggie tells them to wait, walks over and takes Mickey’s hand, holds it, tells him how much she loves him. She notices his wedding ring is missing, sees it on the table, and puts it on his finger, telling him she knows he never left the house without it. She kisses his hand, her voice breaking as she says “I love you my darling…I always will”. She nods to the EMTs, who now leave. Hope comfort a sobbing Maggie.
Magie & Hope are sitting in the kitchen, when Maggie suddenly remembers Alice, Oh, Hope, she is so frail. She could not take this. Hope tells her that Alice does have to know, Maggie sadly agrees, Hope calls Alice, saying only she would like to come over, exchanges I love you, too, hangs up, then looks at the picture of Bo on her camera phone, and is crying, as she holds the phone to her chest. Maggie still seems in a state of shock, Hope tells her she will make the calls to notify everyone, Maggie thanks her, she just cannot do that right now.
. Later, she sits on the sofa, holding a beautiful picture of her and Mickey, running her hand across his likeness. Hope comes in, telling her she is going to Gran’s now. They tell each other they love one another, hug. Hope doesn’t want to leave Maggie alone, Maggie says something about how there is usually someone there, the house is now so quiet. Hope leaves. Magie once again looks at the photo she is holding, caressing Mickey’s face. (Kudos to Suzanne & Kristian for these scenes...wonderfully done! )

Rafe feels Sami is not telling him something, she skirts around it, not exactly lying, but not telling him what she & EJ were talking about. He suggests if it was not for EJ, she might have Sydney back already, that someone could have it in for the DiMeras. Finally, she is about to tell him, knock, knock, Bo is at the door, heard about Rafe’s reinstatement, wanted to hook up with him so they could coordinate and try to come up with something else. Sami goes into the next room on the pretext she has to call the school about Johnny (where the heck is Allie anyway?) leaving the guys alone. While she is in the next room, EJ calls her, saying he has not heard any more from the kidnapper, hopes Sami is making Rafe feel he is still in the loop. Sami is uncomfortable, EJ assures her that the kidnapper would no be someone who is seeking revenge on the DiMeras, they would know how dangerous that would be, then tells her to do what she thinks is best, that she has good maternal instincts. She hangs up, back to the living room, Bo is gone to the hospital to see if there could possibly be some connection between Dr. Baker’s murder and the kidnapping. They are running out of ideas. There has not been a ransom note, there has to be a reason Sydney was taken. A guilty Sami only tells Rafe how much she loves him, trusts him, knows he is doing everything he can to find Sydney. Etc. Rafe says she is right, and he is going to do everything he can to get Sydney back, he wants to see Sami happy again. Kiss.

And now we see Anna, in her coat, with Sydney wrapped up warmly in a huge blanket, opening the front door, startled to see EJ there. EJ sharply says her name…..Anna. Just what do you think you are doing? I gave you strict orders not to leave here, and find you going out the door. They are inside, Anna is trying to explain about hearing the noise, and thinking perhaps the place was not safe any more. EJ assures her it is, and she is to stay put, stay with the plan. EJ is talking to Sydney, Anna think Sydney missed him, he has missed her. She takes Sydney for a nap, comes back, is a bit ticked at EJ’s attitude. She reached out to him when Tony died, was there for him…..and reached out to him again when Nicole took Sydney. EJ knows that, tells her to stick with the plan, when this is over she will get the money and he will get his daughter. She makes a comment that the money is rightfully hers anyway, Tony’s share of the inheritance before he was written out of the will. She wonders when this will be over, EJ says when he says it will be over.
She goes to check on Sydney, this is when he calls Sami….see above. She returns, putting Sydney back in the playpen, he accuses her of eavesdropping, she purrs she was not, she overheard, this is a small place. She berates Sami for turning out like she did, with such a wonderful mother like Marlena. She talks of going to Bora Bora when this is over, EJ comments about some ugly dream house she & Tony evidently built there for themselves (??) and next he is holding Sydney in his lap, talking of her getting a couple more teeth, kissing her forehead. Anna says she knows EJ is not going to reveal his master plan, or timetable to her, but would like to know what the next step is going to be. He replies that all she has to know is she will be paid when the job is done. And thanks her. Sydney seems very tired and is nestled on his shoulder, as EJ begins softly singing Twinkle, twinkle, little star to her.

I am going to cry...I know for sure since I was tearing up just reading the recap. :cry2: Even though Mickey has not been seen in forever, and we knew it was coming....just watching the heartbreak that Maggie will go thru...double kleenex time. Now when Mrs H will be a whole box of kleenex. She is like all of the viewers grandma!

:OT: I know a lot of y'all are from the north and 27 degrees might not sound terribly cold....but down here in Texas we are freezing our bootys off!!! brrrrrr
Oh, Barb, I wept just reading your description of Maggie and Hope scenes. So sad.

Now I am fearful for Anna. She made a comment in yesterday's episode that she would rather die than go to prison. I'm afraid that EJ could arrange for that. He doesn't want her around to testify against him. Oooooh, I hope I am wrong. I really love Anna and want her to stick around.
Thanks for the wonderful write up Barb!

I can't wait to see the scenes with Maggie and Hope (although I know I will be crying). They must be doing a wonderful job to be able to do these scenes completely without Mickey really there.

I new EJ was a total RAT!!! Let's see now what could be his master plan?? I will have to dwell on that for a while (that is besides making Sami his, or miserable..both go hand in hand)

Glad for Will, that he is able to see right through Mia. I guess he has learned well.
Thank you for the fabulous writeup, Barb!!!

Well....I'll be a monkey's uncle...and golldarnitall...that dang EJ fooled me!!! I was just SURE it would be that he WASN'T involved, but rather was tipped off about Anna and was confronting her and rescuing Sydney. Maybe when this Sami's-stolen-Sydney-story winds down Elvis can share a cell with Nicole!!!

Glad Will has (for the moment) gotten rid of Mia. I liked her character before. I think her brain has snapped! I'm sure she could have now or could have had recently her Soulmate Chad, so why string Will along?

I am getting a stack of tissues out for the Maggie/Mickey portions! Gosh...I can remember watching the Hortons as a teenager. Very sad! :(

OH...and for yet ANOTHER day I have to repeat myself....SAMI!!! Tell Rafe!!! Immediately if not sooner! LOL

Thank you Barb. Thank you

Oh Maggie..another Horton gone and Maggie jsut breaks my heart..
E.J. can go set by Nicole, and rot.
Oh Maggie, I can't imagine.
Oh, man, there is a preview at the end for Monday, probably 3 seconds....Melanie has evidently come in the door all bubbly and cheerful, saying something about what a welcome, so who died.......and the camera just stops dead on horrified Julie, Doub standing either side of a crying Maggie. It really is like just a flash....Wow!
I'm so sorry for Maggie and the show. Another Horton gone. I don't know what the writers are going to do with that family.

As for EJ, wasn't really expecting it, but not really surprised. He is a Dimera and he will protect his rights and his children no matter what. As for him going to jail, he's the only parent with any legal rights, so I doubt it. He'll catch hell, but I don't think he's committed any crimes (as far as Sydney is concerned). You can't kidnap your own kid, when no one else has any legal rights, thanks to Rafe's unofficial DNA test. I can't wait to see how that unfolds.
When I saw yesterdays show I knew today would be a kleneex day. Suzanne Rogers (Maggie) is doing a great job . she is an amazing actress.
I hope EJ rots in you know where. Now we know how Nicole gets out of jail. (just not when) I hope Sami and her family sock it to him! I don't thing Stefano knows what Elvis is doing and when he finds out EJ will be grass and fatha will be a lawnmower!
Great write up Poirot!!

The scenes with Maggie will be tough to watch! I'm sitting here at work bawling my eyes out just after reading the description. I'm afraid that we are fixing to loose Gran too. the line about her being so frail and not being able to take the news, I think the writers are setting it up that way. I'm starting to see now how Bo & Hope will be reunited. With Mickey dying, it will make them step back and see just how stupid they have been and what is really important to them, especially with Maggie's urging and saying that you don't know how good you have it until you loose it type of advice. I could see her doing that with those two.

So glad that Will has kicked Mia to the curb and called her out on her lying. Now I can only hope that Chad does the same and little maniuplative, lying Mia is left cold & alone to pout.

EJ - that low-down, scum sucking, (%#@((*$@. I hope Sami tells Rafe about the ransom note and then finds out about this betrayal SOON and we see that fire back in her. I'm really hoping that she decks him good and knocks his front teeth out and gives him a concussion at the same time. If she needs help, I'll be more than happy to assist!! I was straddling the fence on his involvment. He would make comments that led one to believe he was in on it but then the grief he portrayed said, well, maybe not.
The Maggie stuff sounds so good and heartbreaking.

The Carly and Vivian stuff sounds excellent too; I love my Auntie Viv. I am not a Bo and Hope fan so I don't have any investment in keeping them together, but if they wanted to be building Bo and Carly it sure seems rushed to me.

I feel so vindicated about the napper being EJ. Everything just fit. Now, it will be interesting to see what the scope of the plan is, and does he intend to keep Sydney from Sami and Stefano permanently. If he were just trying to be the hero he could do that already--he's already tortured Sami and Stefano plenty. I have to wonder how long this phase of the story goes on and whether Nicole is the one who remembers finally that the voice belongs to Anna and that's how she gets out of prison.

Thanks for the summary, Poirot!
P.S. @Mae... I think Maggie mentioning Alice, how frail she is, etc. is going to be the reason Alice will not be present at the funeral.......not that they are going to have Alice pass on.
EJ also aided and abetted the kidnapper, provided a place to stash the kid, and even arranged for a 5 million ransom demand, besides being the mastermind behind the plan. Don't think for a second if push comes to shove, Anna won't turn state's evidence.

You're right to an extent. Anna isn't a kidnapper if EJ placed Sydney in her care. And, the police won't have any evidence other than the money. I doubt Anna is going to talk.

The Maggie stuff sounds so good and heartbreaking.

The Carly and Vivian stuff sounds excellent too; I love my Auntie Viv. I am not a Bo and Hope fan so I don't have any investment in keeping them together, but if they wanted to be building Bo and Carly it sure seems rushed to me.

I feel so vindicated about the napper being EJ. Everything just fit. Now, it will be interesting to see what the scope of the plan is, and does he intend to keep Sydney from Sami and Stefano permanently. If he were just trying to be the hero he could do that already--he's already tortured Sami and Stefano plenty. I have to wonder how long this phase of the story goes on and whether Nicole is the one who remembers finally that the voice belongs to Anna and that's how she gets out of prison.

Thanks for the summary, Poirot!

I love Vivian too. I think your questions about the extent of the napper plan is interesting. I appears from what EJ's said, that he's trying to cement his place in Sydney's life. As for how long, he's planning on making a trade - Sydney for the money soon. So it should be over soon, but I doubt it. Dena and her cronies are writing this, so there's no telling what's in store.
Thanks for the summary. I saw the show yesterday. Boy Maggie and Hope where great together. It had me in tears. Loved when Maggie put the ring on Mikey's finger.
Just love the scenes with Vivian and Carley. The flashbacks of the coffin where great. It was even better when Bo brought Carley to the inn.
Thank you, Barb. You have me in tears here, too. The scenes with Maggie and Hope will be hard to watch.

Ej, EJ, EJ, I was hoping against hope that you showing up was a red herring even though I knew that you had to be behind Anna having Sydney. I will personally provide the bullets, load the gun, and hand it to Rafe to give you what you deserve. I figure 1 to the heart because it is ugly and black, 1 to the head because of your devious manipulating ways, and 1 to the nether regions for good measure. I'm sure Rafe will be right on target with each shot.

:clap: :clap: Vivian, you go girl!! Torture that horrid Carly every chance you get.

Bo, quit thinking with the freaking wrong head. You better be by Hope's side to help her through losing Uncle Mickey.

The way they have Melanie coming in to Maggie's in the preview is unfortunate. I don't think Melanie would really say such a thing when seeing Maggie in tears.
Barb, thank you for the good writeup. Even though I always watch the show, I almost never watch without reading your preview first. It gets me all set to enjoy the show even more. I don't usually like to watch any sad scenes but will watch through the events of Mickey's death. It makes it a bit easier that we haven't seen him (not the real him) in a long time but still will be very sad watching Maggie.

I'm wondering if maybe Mia is on the way to cracking up or something. She's never been a person to really admire but still, it's quite an ugly change for her the past few days.

I'm wondering how EJ plans to arrange finding Sydney, when he gets ready, without exposing Anna. Maybe Sydney will just show up on his doorstep? I hope EJ doesn't do anything bad to Anna.
Just an FYI.........I moved about 9 posts into a new thread and they are in Daily the conversation had veered away from THIS summary, and into speculation as to whether EJ should/would be punished........

Mia's complete 180 personality change is rather is Bo's behavior with Carly.
Can't wait to hear what posters think of Carly & Viv in the elevator.....not their conversation....but Carly said she was going up.....Viv said down. when the doors open Carly won't get out, cuz she isn't gonna be in the basement alone with Viv, the doors close and bang the elevator immediately shakes, whirrs and stops. Now it could not go up a floor, yet, when the doors get opened, they are on the regular floor. LOL It was very odd.
The "up" "down" was a clever play on words. Literally meaning the elevator, and figuratively as Vivian taking Carly down for stabbing Lawrence. I have no doubt that Vivian arranged the elevator problem knowing that Carly would never get off in the basement alone with her.

IMO, Carly in the stuck elevator scenes were way over the top and stupid.
Barb Thanks.

Oh this is really making me sad, poor, poor Maggie she is so sweet, nosy but sweet.

I really can not stand EJ anymore, sorry folks, I know so many of you want him and Sami together, but I would rather see her with anybody but him. He a Creepy Pompous @$$, and he deserves nothing.