Days of Lives - Fri., July 21, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, July 21, 2017

Ah, the beat goes on, with John & Paul at the Greek prison where Xander is held. The warden has shown them all the footage of Xander in his cell the day Deimos was murdered. Paul thinks they have reached a dead end, but when warden returns, they ask to see Xander in person. So, the prisoner is brought to them, all smug of course, snark about poor Uncle Deimos meeting his maker, Xander makes a crack about Sonny doing Deimos in, not thinking he had the guts. Paul takes offense, grabs him by shirt, John separates them, a bit of hostility now, John wants answers, Xander says "ask a question".

At DiMansion, Abby is telling Andre about having seen proof that Chad killed Deimos, Kate protests it isn't true. And you know what hits the fan, as Kate decides to fill Abby in on how Dario roped her in by his fake story of being deported. Abby is shocked, Andre asks how she got Dario to tell her this, well, she has her ways. (hmmm, silent partner???) Abby admits she did not tell Chad that Dario has a picture of him by Deimo's body, wiping fingerprints off the knife (she says "his" fingerprints). Andre makes a call to someone for help.

Hope takes Rafe into the interrogation room, and reluctantly fills him in on Dario's money thefts & counterfeiting. Rafe finds it hard to believe, then mentions Dario getting Abby to marry him because of possibly being deported. Now Hope is upset he did not tell her about this. She loves Abby like her own daughter, Jen is her cousin & best friend. She could have talked to Abby before, talked her out of it. Rafe is sorry, knows Dario was hung up on Abby. Tells of how he befriended her, when she first came back, & Chad was rather cool, so Abby must have felt she was returning the favor to Dario. Hope says she will get Raines to get the warrant, Rafe can stay out of it, she will handle the arrest. Too personal for Rafe. Oh, no, Rafe wants to be there, he is going along.

Meanwhile, at the hospital, Theo is waiting to see Claire, who is sorry, she cannot be "just friends" after they have been boyfriend/girlfriend. Theo wants that, she doesn't. He is still hurting from the sex tape thing, his dad & Hope both saw it, he just can't go back into former relationship. He is meeting Valerie for lunch, takes off. Marlena has been standing in background, Claire spots her, goes to her, hug. They sit & talk, Claire tells her what she did, Marlena said not right to withhold Ciara's letter to Theo, but she raised Sami, who did a lot worse. She tells her 2 choices, either be friends with Theo as he wants, or just break it all off completely. She leaves, Theo comes up, Val had emergency surgery. Claire says she is willing to give the friendship thing a try.

Anjelica sits with an unhappy Hattie, who hates having to wear these stupid clothes (o.k. Hattie is a hoot and then some). Anjelica warns she has to get used to the clothes, and act like Marlena if she is going to convince John in order to dump him, have a chance to get Roman & pay Andre back. She asks if Hattie has read the psychology book she gave her, yeah, Hattie thinks she has 1st page memorized. LOL. Anjelica grabs the book, asks a couple questions, to which Hattie replies with right connotations, wrong words, though. Now Anjelica says she has to make a visit to Statesville prison. Hattie is happy, can see a couple old friends. She leaves.

Dario is on the phone, evidently with his silent partner, telling about the cops bringing in Myron, but he kept his mouth shut. Dario thinks they need to speed things up, partner evidently agrees. Chad comes in, Dario hangs up, the two guys face off. Chad wants what Dario stole, but Dario did not steal Abby. Doesn't mean Abby, means the money, or the cops will hear. Dario doesn't think so. What is going to stop Chad? Dario fingers his phone, but ends up showing him a pic of Gabi & Abby, rattling on about Chad not wanting to hurt either one, as both would be very hurt. Chad starts to take off, stops, tells Dario he IS going to get back what Dario took from him....ALL of it.

Back at DiMansion, Theo arrives, what did Andre want. Abby not happy he called Theo, Andre says he wants Theo to hack into Dario's phone, delete a pic, make sure no copies have been transferred anywhere, delete if so. Piece of cake replies Theo. Needs the phone.

Andre tells Abby to go home, act like all is o.k. and try and get hold of Dario's phone. She leaves, but first tells Theo he cannot tell anyone. Andre will call Theo when they get the phone, and repeats about not telling anyone. Theo only asks if it will help Chad, then agrees when assured it will.

Kate & Andre sit, basking in what has all transpired, noting that they both do not want any harm to come to Chad, tis one thing they have in common. Chad walks in, wants to know what is up between the two. Nothing at all. Chad says o.k., but is looking quizzically at the two of them, as he walks out.

At Statesville, Hattie comes in, glad hands one of the guards, is there to see someone, sits down at a table, and in comes Bonnie. Both squeal with joy, (Bonnie doesn’t come all the way into the room) as they exchange how are ya’s.

Dario pours himself a drink, sits down on a lovely black leather sofa that I really never noticed being in the Club before. In come Hope & Rafe, who comments it being a bit early in the day for a drink. What are you celebrating...Dario claims it is their engagement. But both have their serious faces on, Dario jumps up, wanting to make them a drink. No dice, Rafe pulls out handcuffs, Dario is puzzled, Rafe is reading his rights as he cuffs him. Abby walks in, what is going on? Hope is sorry, they are taking him to the police station. Rafe & Hope lead Dario out, who yells how he can give them a big name.

Abby looks stricken.
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And NBC cut in AGAIN a nonsensical "special report" that was not all that imperitive we hear so immediately. It was a few minutes.....but missed the Days part, they returned during the commercial, naturally. LOL
And just adding a bit of peeve. Why is it, of late, so many of Abby's scenes have her back to the rest of the characters, staring off to space, the wall, or something else? Just a tad overdone......and just my opinion.

Here they are...Bonnie & Hattie............
Thank you for the summary, Poirot. In your first sentence, did you mean to say John and Paul are at the Greek prison? It says Sonny and Paul but I thought Sonny was still in jail, though I didn't get to watch yesterday and I could easily have missed something anyway.

I'm looking forward to watching this later tonight.
I thought it was a good episode, kept my attention the whole time.

Glad Claire and Marlena had a talk, like others, I like to see family connections!

Oh wow, the tension in the Chad and Dario scene, good job by both actors! I did feel bad that Rafe went to arrest his brother.

And glad Kate revealed the truth to Abigail, I almost felt bad for her and first thing I thought was that Abigail may need therapy after this! I hope this is the start of a new Abby, not so blind!

Now Xander is a bad guy, might not be redeemable but I don't mind him on my screen at all!

Anjelica must have a good realtor, she snagged herself an office in Salem! I liked the blue and green decor. LOL
Andre (the newly minted marriage expert): Are the DiMeras going soft? Stefano would have immediately sent his hired thugs, Sergio and Ricardo, over to TBD to terminate Dario with extreme prejudice, and then take his phone so Theo can eliminate the unfortunate picture of Chad.

Kate: She gets a prize for being the first person to get through to the rather dense Abigail. This is truly a remarkable accomplishment. Smug, slimy Dario was focused on all the wrong people. Who knew that his greatest enemies were the redoubtable Ms. Roberts and the suddenly competent Salem P.D.?

Hattie: She'd better work on her Marlena impersonation. As of now, her version of Marlena with the pained expressions and erratic movements could end up in Shady Hills. And has she asked the awful Anjelica what happens to the real Marlena? Hattie may be getting in deeper than she thinks and my well end up back in prison with her old enemies Sheila and Coco.
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Today was a phenomenal episode, I liked everything but fast forwarded the Theo and Claire scenes., meh okay, be friends, done, next.

I'm kind of noticing a spark between Kate and Andre, them teaming up and Andre seemingly happy Kate looked out for Abigail about Dario lying to her about their marriage. Wow.

What is up with the 1970's? I know Anjelica loves her bright pantsuits but even Hattie in jail to see Bonnie Lockheart locked very 1970s with that blouse and earrings. I guess comfort? LOL! You doing good guys keep going!
Thanks, Poirot.

Interesting to learn Kate knows everything Dario was doing to marry Abby. I would have loved
to see how she did that. It does make you wonder if she is the silent partner.

I'm still not sure why Hattie has to play Marlena to get Roman. Why can't she be herself?
And since Bonnie is in jail, how is that going to help Anjelica's plan. Maybe the plan is to
make a switch and Adrienne ends up in jail.

Poor Rafe. He had to arrest his brother like he arrested his father. Will he arrest his mother
next? She'll have to come back to town first.
(o.k. Hattie is a hoot and then some)
You can say that again!

I also missed the end of the show because of the special report. But they couldn't have broken in at the same time - odd.

I'm baffled by this Anjelica nonsense but I'm loving Hattie and the double Deidre Hall duty as Marlena. LOVED the Marlena/Claire talk and the Theo/Claire scenes. REALLY NICE!!!

Ok, I thought Dario's non-citizen thing was a scam altogether (hence his fake INS guy). So is Kate lying, or tricking Abby, or what?

Suddenly André is the voice of campy, snarky sanity. What world do we live in where I'd rather see André and Abby in a scene than Chad and Abby?
Kat, I agree that Hattie would be better off just being herself in her attempts to get Roman. I don't think pretending to be Marlena is going to get her very far in that direction. I'm also not convinced that Anjelica's brain is any more fit for this scheme than Hattie's is. She seems pretty ridiculous sitting there thinking she's going to get Justin back for herself.
I'll have to go back and find that scene. I probably wasn't paying too
much attention. Then again, I slept since then :)

I LOL when Anjelica was talking to Justin's picture.
In re: Kate's knowledge. In order to wind up this nonsense, someone had to make Abby (& others) aware of the scam Dario was pulling on Abby. He spread that deportation story around, but now, Dario has a "silent partner" not yet divulged to us. I am thinking that Kate perhaps fills that spot, and that is how she knows. Yep, could be very wrong, just do not trust that woman. She swooped in to take advantage and become CEO. And yes, could be Andre, even Victor. Heck, that silent partner could even be Anjelica. LOL

But.......Dario just would not divulge the details of his scam to Kate because she asked or was curious. He is just too smart and smarmy for that. However, Kate is someone who does her homework, and SHE could have consulted an attorney to see if this all was true, something Dario's cop brother did not bother to do.