Days of Lives - Fri., May 12, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, May 12, 2017

Rather depressing episode, too many people snapping at each other. Replay of Nicole offering to get coffee for the inebriated Xander, doing massage, him falling asleep, her trying to take his keys, getting caught, Xander putting the moves on her, Eric bursting in, knocking Xander out. Does seem that Nicole just wastes time, as Xander comes to, Eric punches him again, they struggle, Nicole trying to smack Xander with a lamp, he grabs her arms, Eric has a neck hold, finally Xander lets Nicole go, but a guard comes in, hits Eric with his gun, then has him in a hold, so Xander can punch him a few times. Nicole stands wringing her hands.

She & Eric get put in a room, Eric comes to, and now, not only does Nicole light into Eric for killing her beloved Daniel, she verbally stomps him into the ground, grinds him into little pieces, rakes him over coals, and stomps some more. Everything and anything that has gone wrong in her life is blamed on the silent Eric, including Brady being near death now, and Eric getting Holly to safety, as Nicole will probably never see her again. She truly is downright horrible to him.

Chloe has gone to see Brady, upset at how bad he is now, is sorry, knows if she had not gone for custody, this all would not have happened. She cries, can't help feeling like Holly is hers, she carried her. Brady reminds her she agreed to be surrogate for Nicole & Daniel, and would be turning the baby over to them. Holly is Nicole's daughter, not hers, Deimos is no longer the threat. He reminds Chloe she has a beautiful son, can have more, but this was Nicole's last chance. She is a wonderful mother, not only to Holly, but to Tate as well. He asks Chloe not to deprive these children of the love of Nicole. (he wants Chloe to drop the custody charges,)

Theo is having it out with Wyatt, yammering at him over being dishonest, cheating on homework, essays, lying to Ciara, etc. She comes over, wants to know what is going on. Theo says it is about cheating on the work, she makes excuses, as does Wyatt, Theo getting frustrated. He turns away in disgust as the two get nuzzling, biting his tongue to keep from blabbing it all out.

Paul & Sonny are with Justin, telling about getting the lead on where Deimos was going, to Greece, and how they think he is after Xander, who must be holding Nicole & Holly there. Justin is not all that cool with the idea, but o.k. stay safe. Gabi has overheard part of the conversation, stops Sonny as he is leaving. She rants about Deimos, what he has done to her family, her father will now spend 2 years in prison, she nearly died as did Abby, etc. etc. She talks of him being Ari's dad, they need him, Sonny promising always to be there for Ari and her, but he is leaving now. She flashes back to being with Chad in the meat locker, figuring they were going to die, calls Lucas, asks him to watch Ari.

At the cop shop, Lani has come into work, not looking all that good, JJ & Eli surprised she is there. Convesration about Deimos, what he has done to various people, Eli's hands being tied so far. JJ gets a call from Sonny, going to Greece on Titan jet. Eli gets some kind of agreement from police forces in Greece about being cooperative since they owe a few favors to the Kiriakis family, and off they go. Aboard the plane, Eli, JJ, Lani are sitting separately, reading, when out comes Gabi in a red flight attendant outfit, carrying a tray. Coffee? Tea?

Justin has gone to see Brady, who knows he is failing, is not giving up, but wants Justin to provide some paperwork for him "just in case". Brady signs the paper.

Xander is telling the guard to keep a close watch on Nicole & Eric, and not to worry about the baby, who is with the nanny. Inside the room, Nicole sits, still crying, ranting, telling him that Xander is right, he is a monster, will never ever forgive him for what he did. He tells her she is right, & he is not asking for absolution. She sobs.
The only, and I do mean ONLY time one might manage a smile was when Gabi walked out in the plane in that silly red outfit. The hat reminded me of the kind a monkey wears when accompanying an organ grinder. And her line reminded me of an old Stewardess joke that ends with the line, "Coffee, tea, or ME?"
The scenes with Nicole and Eric were intense. Her words were harsh and filled with anger. But the actress was fantastic at delivering her performance as always. I do believe Nicole's emotions are real and she does a very good job at telling Eric exactly how she feels about him. By the end, Eric realized no words or actions would ever make a difference in taking Nicole's pain away. Quite sad and depressing for Eric. I felt bad for both characters.
It certainly was a bad day for Sourpuss Eric. Yesterday, he looked like the all-conquering superhero, but today he was more like bumbling Super Grover of Sesame Street: punched out by Xander's guard. locked in a room, and verbally shredded by Nicole who uttered the fatal lines, "You're not a hero, you're a murderer."


Super Grover: "Don't call Eric Brady. Call me."

Gabi seems to have adopted Sami's style of mothering -- dumping her child on others at every opportunity. It will serve her right if she spends the whole flight to Greece bringing Lani fresh barf bags. As for the writers, fie on them. Yesterday's abbreviated version of the Wyatt & Theo show was bad enough. Did the viewers really need to see the extended version. Finally, one positive note was a mention for Caroline. After all the years she spent raising Sami's children and worrying about Victor, she deserves every shout-out she gets.
Okay, I'm not sad that I'll miss this by heading to my attorney's at lunch. Nor will I spend time on the Scooby Doo Gang (AKA all of Salem) heading to Greece. And the crankiness of Nicole, the paragon of virtue. And I like Nicole, but these rants towards Eric are old and pointless. He is just trying to help.
Chloe has gone to see Brady, upset at how bad he is now, is sorry, knows if she had not gone for custody, this all would not have happened. She cries, can't help feeling like Holly is hers, she carried her. Brady reminds her she agreed to be surrogate for Nicole & Daniel, and would be turning the baby over to them. Holly is Nicole's daughter, not hers, Deimos is no longer the threat. He reminds Chloe she has a beautiful son, can have more, but this was Nicole's last chance. She is a wonderful mother, not only to Holly, but to Tate as well. He asks Chloe not to deprive these children of the love of Nicole. (he wants Chloe to drop the custody charges,)
That scene almost sounds like it could be worth watching.
The thing about mentioning Caroline was odd.....Ciara was clearing out a closet, sending some things to Caroline, who she said was fine. Included in the items was a rosary Chloe admired, and when Ciara went to get Chloe's to go order, Chloe fingered it, prayed that Holly, Nicole & Brady would all be safe and o.k.
It would serve Nicole right if Eric had just left her fate in Xander's hands and left with baby Holly. Instead of being grateful that Eric got the baby to safety away from Xander, Nicole only selfishly thought that she would not see her baby again and quite unfairly blamed Eric for the condition Brady is in. Every time Chloe is shown to care more for Holly's welfare than Nicole as she prayed for the baby's safety, as well as Brady and Nicole. Nicole on the other hand, could only wail that everything wrong in her life was Eric's fault and call him a murderer. I actually wished Eric had allowed Jennifer to come along with him. Jennifer would have been Eric's champion and told Nicole off in one of her famous rants.

So we already got Xander, Nicole, Eric, Chad, Hope, and Andre in Greece. Deimos is on his way there, and today, Sonny, Paul, Eli, Lani, JJ and also Gabi are going to Greece. About half of Salem and all of the younger cast with the exception of Abby and Dario. You know something is going to happen with all of them out of town.

I like the scenes between Chloe and Brady. I thought Brady explained the best to Chloe why Nicole should have the baby. I think if anyone can get through to her about the custody issue, it will be Brady.

As for Theo and Wyatt, I am already tired of the two of them arguing. And why is Hope in Greece when she should be here to help her daughter as her instincts about Wyatt appear to be coming true. Chad is a grown man and if he makes mistakes, it's on him. Ciara is a young, vulnerable girl and needs her mother during her first romantic encounter.
I did get a laugh from Theo's facial expression when Wyatt and Ciara kissed. He really looked like he might toss his cookies.

I can understand Nicole's anger at Eric. Right now she is running on pure emotion and seeing Eric brought back her grief too. Some people do forgive drunk drivers that kill their loved ones, but everyone heals at their own pace. And like she said, she called him a cab, she told him not to drive.

I'm confused, Sonny and others talk like they couldn't find Demios when he has been right there. What exactly are they planning to do to demios in Greece? Arrest him for trying to save Nicole? ( that's what he will claim he is doing) Arrest him for lying about Xander being dead? Or are they only following him to get to Nicole? It makes no sense to me.
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Thanks, Poirot.

I'm glad Gabi called Lucas to take care of Ari before she left town. We found out today

Eduardo took a plea and will be in jail two years.

I hope Sonny won't have to use his gun. I'm afraid he might hurt someone
besides Deimos.

I laughed when Eli and JJ talked about Eric going after Xander. Eli said don't tell me he
acted like an idiot and
went after him on his own. JJ said He acted like an idiot and went
after him on his own.

I hope Chloe is thinking about giving full or partial custody of Holly to Nicole.

How long will it take Xander to realize Holly is no longer in the house?
Any time I see Brady and Chloe in scenes together, I'm reminded of why I thought it was a mistake to break them up in the first place. I think they are both at their best when they're together.

I know Gabi said she wanted to go so she could see Deimos being taken down, but that seems like a lame reason to insert herself into a situation where she really has nothing to contribute. It's as though she's just tagging along. She expresses concern that Sonny is going, saying she needs him to be there to help her raise Ari. So her solution to that is to go herself and put both Ari's parents in extreme danger?

Gabi seemed so shocked and disappointed that Eduardo is going to be in jail for two years. I don't know the law or what is usual in such cases, but I was very surprised it wasn't a good bit longer than that.
How many jets does Titan have, I wonder? Didn't Eric go in one of them to Greece?

I had the same question. Gotta love a small, private international jet with no seatbelts for turbulence. :rolleyes:

And why is Hope in Greece

My sentiments exactly

And like she said, she called him a cab, she told him not to drive.

I think this is a retcon. I remember her telling him to take a cab and not to drive but I'm almost positive he called the cab himself. The reason he drove was because the cab was taking too long. I also remember discussion here about Nicole not waiting with him to make sure he got into the cab.

Any time I see Brady and Chloe in scenes together, I'm reminded of why I thought it was a mistake to break them up in the first place. I think they are both at their best when they're together.

Amen. Best pairing for either character by far. I hope they pursue this.

The Brady/Chloe scenes did not go the way SOD said they would. SOD had said they would draw on old times. Instead they talked about Nicole and Holly. I actually liked that they talked about Chloe growing attached to Holly by carrying her. That's realistic. Had they pursued that angle from the beginning, this story may have been more salvageable.

As for Nicole, all I'll say is I think Claire has more self awareness than she does. Eric is a good person who did a bad thing by accident. Nicole has done far worse and has been forgiven. She is should not be casting stones.
A cab taking too long (where was so important that he had to hurry to?) is not a reason to get behind a wheel drunk. Making the decision to get pie faced and drive is not an accident. I agree he is a good person, I agree he should be forgiven, when should that be, varies.
Nicole has every right to be angry at Eric about what happened to Daniel, but she could have waited until they were away from Xander. And yes, I am also talking about yesterday when she told him she and Holly could make it without him after he got the baby from the nanny. If she had not stood there arguing with him after he got the baby, they may have gotten away before Xander came home. Eric was also thinking of the baby's safety when he took her to the plane.

Nicole is only thinking of herself in this situation and that she might never see Holly again. It sounds as though she would prefer Holly to be in danger as long as she was with her. She could have accepted Eric's help to get away, and once they were away from Greece, then told him that while she accepted his help in getting away, she could never forgive him for driving drunk and Daniel dying as a result of the accident and wants nothing to do with him. It would still be ungrateful of her but it would make more sense and show she still has some brains in order to escape.
Hospital: An obvious foreshadowing of a Brady/Chloe/Holly/Parker/Tater relationship. I had expected one sentence of concern in regarding Brady's health, followed immediately by, "Where is my baby?!"

Who could have guessed that Gabi would sneak onto that plane? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I hope they're not setting up another fully-loaded plane crash!
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