Days of Our Lives - Fri. Apr 30, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Friday, April 30, 2010
Episode #11,325 Taped 3/8/10 Director – Albert Alarr

Daniel & Carly come into his apartment, he is insisting on a drink to celebrate, calls for Chloe who is not there. Carly protests, she will go back across the hall, knows Chloe had been upset about her, doesn’t want to cause any further problems. Daniel says he & Chloe talked, all is o.k. Carly starts to leave, answering a knock at the door, and there is Melanie & Philip with a welcome home basket of goodies. Small talk chatter ensues, Philip is clearly uncomfortable, staying close to the door, as he flashes back to hot sofa sex with Chloe, but when he does get into the room, pouring himself a drink. Melanie finds the smashed picture of Chloe & Daniel, everyone figures Chloe was really upset, Daniel picks up pieces of glass, Philip gets more uncomfortable, says he is worried about business. Melanie claims she should go back to the hospital and finish up paper work she neglected last night, they take off, Melanie figuring that Philip only said something about his “business” cuz he could see it bothered Daniel about the picture. Gee he is a great guy. Inside, Carly gets a call, has to return to the hospital & leaves.

Sami is talking with EJ, reluctant to say she will move into DiMansion, telling him what Rafe said about the why. She goes on about how open and honest EJ is with her now, and she with him!!! Sami brings up the things Stefano has done to EJ, and how he tried to kill her twice. And then with Kate there to boot. EJ then talks of how he didn’t know his father as he was growing up, and thus it is important for him to be spending time with his children. Sami asks why it has to be at DiMansion, why not just another place, where they could be together, but EJ once again talks of Stefano being ill, not having much more time Sami is not saying no, but not saying yes, will think about it. She leaves, Stefano is out in the waiting area, spots her, and goes in to see Elvis, asking how it went. He gets upset when EJ confesses Sami is not yet convinced, warning him he had better see to it.

Hope has a protesting Nikki down at the cop shop for questioning, hauling a big stack of files into the office, records of previous interrogations. Nicole denies having anything to do with the mugging of EJ, claims she destroyed the tape only because having been in prison one learns to get into self defense mode quickly. She reminds Hope EJ really doesn’t remember, has no desciption of the man, so how can she even begin to know who he is talking about, and they go back and forth, more of the same. Hope figures EJ will recall more eventually, takes the stack of files, leaves the office. Nicole figures she needs help, and goes straight to Stefano at DiMansion. She wants Stefano to get EJ to lay off her, threatening stories on EJ being mugged, Stefano’s hospitalizations, his diabetes, hinting that DiMera Enterprises is rather shaky at the top. Stefano roars his anger, tells the kidnapping ex-con of a ***** to leave his house NOW, showing her the door.

Chloe has hung around the hospital all night, waiting to see Nathan, who has been in surgery. She pleads with him not to mention to Daniel what he overheard, but Dudley Do Right seems ready to blow the whistle, even tho he knows not the who. Chloe explains it was all a mistake, that she thought Daniel & Carly were resuming their affair, which takes Nathan by surprise. She begs, and in walks nosy Stephanie, wanting to know what is up. Chloe just says she was upset about Daniel’s surgery, talked to Nathan, who listened, thanks him and leaves. Stephanie & Nathan kiss, make plans for later in the evening.
Now Chloe talks to Maxine, looking for Nurse Gregg, finds out he quit suddenly, left town. She calls the motel, learns the clerk is at the Cheatin Heart, goes there, confronts the sleaze. He doesn’t recognize her, she persists, reminding him he had told her Daniel was there with this other woman. He starts to take off, she throws out the Kiriakis name, which halts him in his tracks, he sits down, promising to tell all. However, he still doesn’t spill anything to her, claiming there were a lot of couples there that night.

Sami is over at the Pub, hugging and welcoming back her gramma Caroline, who tells her Kimmie is doing well, she left as she did not want to be “hovering”, and Uncle Bo is also recovering nicely, should be back soon. They sit, Sami tells her Gramma about Ej wanting her & the kids to move in. Every thought a viewer has had about Sami doing this, Caroline tells her. First she asks if Sami has talked to her mother, but Sami says her mom is always too reasonable. (Guess that means Sami doesn’t want to hear common sense)She goes on about Will leaving, Rafe going out of town, talks of how EJ was there for her all thru the kidnapping saga, kept her calm, how he is so good with the kids. She says Will is there, so it would be good for him to be with his siblings. Caroline tells her to go get Will and bring him back home. Caroline truly is the voice of reason, but as she listens to Sami, this look comes over her face, as she proclaims “you are falling for him……again”.

Dr. Baker knocks at the door of the seedy poker room, some guy opens it, Baker is leaving town, but figured he’d stop for one more round of poker. They talk a bit about the woman who Baker claims is a whack job. The guy asks if Baker saw that wedding movie, that whack jobs can be psycho. Baker says the woman has man issues, and he is not sticking around for it all. The two play, Baker wins. Is on a roll, it seems. He is about to leave, the guy talks him into one more hand.

Hope is in her bedroom, talking on the phone to Ciara, who evidently is with Doug & Julie. She says nighty night, claims she is going to bed now, is exhausted. She hangs up, and with glass of water in one hand, seemingly shakes a pill from the bottle into her mouth.

Sami is in EJ’s hospital room, holding Sydney, learning Lexie brought her in (and I am guessing the good doctor left her alone with a man who is in bed with a bad head injury…hmmm.) Sami is talking to Sydney, smiling, and then tells EJ, she has decided, and yes, she will move into the mansion.

Baker wins the poker hand, the guy evidently is cleaned out, gets up and leaves. Baker puts his jacket back on, the money in his pocket, picks up his suitcase, exclaiming “and away we go”. LOL. He opens the door, and there stands Hope, (o.k. it is Hope 2), asking, “Just where do you think you are going”?

Thanks for the write up!!

Nothing real exciting for a Friday episode. But I love that you keep me up to date. Chloe is really trying to cover her tracks!! Wonder how much research she will do to find out who started the lie!???
Forgot to mention that Stephanie finds Philip at Cheatin Heart, really drowning his sorrows.....asks what Melanie did now. Melanie did not do a thing, it was me, he retorts, wanting to know why Stephanie always thinks lMelanie did something.
stephanie shut the hell up. she always has something negative to say about melanie. stephanie thinks she is so much better than melanie and shes not.
Thanks for the write-up, Barb.

stephanie shut the hell up. she always has something negative to say about melanie. stephanie thinks she is so much better than melanie and shes not.

You're absolutely right! I really dislike Stephanie. She's just an egotistic sl**!

OK. I think I am pretty much done with Sami. I'm starting to think she and EJ deserve each other. But I do feel sorry for the kids.

No, no, no!! Sami is stupid and easily swayed, but nobody deserves Evil Jerk!
Chloe o Chloe, o why are you implicating Philip in your discussion with the motel manager? When will you learn to keep it zipped?

And Nathan o Nathan, you are going to prove to be a gossip, aren't you? You don't really care that Chloe cheated on Daniel. You only care that you have some information about Melanie's father that Melanie might be interested to know.

And Barb o Barb, thank you for a sensational report, as always.
Honestly, it truly was hard to watch and listen to Sami today.
OK. I think I am pretty much done with Sami. I'm starting to think she and EJ deserve each other. But I do feel sorry for the kids.

I agree, I am done with her. I don't understand how some of my friends on this board can talk about Carly being such a horrible person and a home wrecker, when EJ is 10x worse than her and they want to see Sami fall right into his arms and get knocked up again!

Nathan is as bad as Stephanie, they are perfect for each other, and I can't stand either one of them.
And Nathan o Nathan, you are going to prove to be a gossip, aren't you? You don't really care that Chloe cheated on Daniel. You only care that you have some information about Melanie's father that Melanie might be interested to know.

I dont think Nathan wants info on Daniel, but on Philip. If Melanie knows what happened, then Nathan probably thinks that she will leave Philip and run back to him.
Daniel wants a drink when he gets home? Because that's what any responsible doctor would do right after surgery? Okie doke!
That's it! I rid myself from caring anything about Sami! She deserves anything that happens to her. She better find out the truth about the kidnapping or I am through with Days!

Come on Rafe... find out the truth, find Anna!
Well... one of my favorites on the show will have to get her head together and figure out what EJ and his Father are doing soon or her name will be mud for me too!
I have been enjoying the show a lot more lately and now Sami is going to screw it up for me again!!:mad:
I dont think Nathan wants info on Daniel, but on Philip. If Melanie knows what happened, then Nathan probably thinks that she will leave Philip and run back to him.

But at this point, Nathan doesn't know who it was that Chloe slept with.
That's it! I rid myself from caring anything about Sami! She deserves anything that happens to her. She better find out the truth about the kidnapping or I am through with Days..............

Even if Sami finds out about the kidnapping she will forgive EJ after she calms down....any woman that forgives a man the things Sami has forgiven EJ for, wouldn't even think the kidnapping was that big of a deal.....
But at this point, Nathan doesn't know who it was that Chloe slept with. mistake, I thought he heard who she was talking too. I have not watched the episode, just read the summary. Thanks for clarifying. :)
Even if Sami finds out about the kidnapping she will forgive EJ after she calms down....any woman that forgives a man the things Sami has forgiven EJ for, wouldn't even think the kidnapping was that big of a deal.....

Sami teaming up with EJ has clearly been coming for awhile now, and Pallison, I have absolutely no doubt that what you said is exactly the way it will happen, if the truth ever does come out. Your statement sums it up! I can't care about someone who is acting the way Sami is. It is just too, too demeaning and stupid.