Days of Our Lives - Fri., Apr. 6, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, April 6, 2018

Love is in the air....well, if not love, definitely sex. It is morning, Justin & Adrienne are canoodling on the sofa, Sonny comes in, says Good Morning, proceeds to take a plate, filling it with various chunks of fruit and things that apparently are spread out on the coffee table........since Salemites never eat at a table in their homes. (yes, am being sarcastic).He evidently has quite the appetite this morning, when Leo comes barging in complaining about a lost sock. Ooops. Big grins from Justin & Adrienne, intro from Sonny, Leo declines to join them, has to go to work, Sonny walks him out. Both had a good time, kiss, say goodbye. Sonny returns to the living room, Adrienne starts a barrage of questions, Justin calls a halt to them, gets a call that the jury is returning, has to go to Gabi. He keaves, which gives Adrienne another chance to constantly bombard Sonny with comments, questions, apologies, promises to mind her own business, but then starting all over again. She obviously is happy for him, but she goes overboard.

Rafe comes to see Gabi, could not find anyone who saw her driving around the lake that night, they discuss Abby's testimony claiming Gabi confessed. Gabi tells Rafe exactly what happened, says she thinks Abby has had a mental breakdown. She remembers how Abby saw thing, hallucinated, etc. with the whole Ben thing, and thinks maybe Andre's death caused such trauma, Abby had another breakdown. Gabi talks of how different Abby seems, acts, etc. Rafe is going to go see for himself.

At the hospital, Abe & Val have a nice talk, sort of rehashing all that has happened, Abe asks for explanation of Lani's high risk, Val is forthcoming, he tells her he understands her concern for her grandchild, for her son, doesn't find fault with all she did to get to the truth, she did the right thing. Kiss, and thank you from Val.

Vivian meets up with Stefan, gives him a hard time about his wanting to be with Gabby, pointing out that she is only a figment of Abby's brain. But Stefan wants Gabby to take over Abby's body, mind, constantly.

Jen & Eric wake up in bed, both with happy faces, enjoyed each other, enjoyed the night, the sleep. Smiles all over, round 2, and then they are having breakfast at the Pub, still all smiles and lovey, dovey, but they talk of being really, good friends, even more than friends, can talk to each other about anything. Adrienne comes in, sees the lovebirds, does the throat clearing thing, teases t hem a bit. Eric gets a call, has to leave, one last quick kiss. Adrienne gets nosy, teasing Jen a bit, she doesn't mind, admits she & Eric “spent some time together last night”.

Vivian meets up with Leo, is happy he accomplished Part 1 of the plan, now on to Part 2. He is not sure what she means, she says if he wants to get rid of all his student loans, to hop to it. Leo takes off.

Dr. Laura has come down to the study, is sort of talking to herself, about not letting Abby out for her own good, she just would not be able to cope. In comes Chad, wants to know who is the She. Dr. Laura does her usual cat and mouse, blames it on her sick mother, who did not sleep well. Chad gets into the testimony, both Gabi & Abby swearing on their children's lives they are telling the truth. Chad thinks maybe Stefan did something to Abby in Hong Kong, brainwashed, hypnotized, threatened, blackmailed.....something. Stefan comes in, claims nothing happened in Hong Kong, he did not do a thing. Rafe arrives, more conversation about it all. Chad has said Abby is different, doesn't look at him the same way, doesn't react the same when he touches her. Something is off. Rafe gets a call about the jury coming in.Takes off.

Justin is with Gabi who feels this is not good, not even 24 hrs., the jury must believe Abby's lies. Justin tries calming her down.

Sonny is on the phone about Titan business, hangs up, bumps right into Leo. Smiles, apologies, etc. Leo has some good news, the company he works for part time, has now put him on full time. Sonny is happy for him, Leo is happy. Smiles galore. What is the name of this company you are working for. Leo replies - “Titan Industries”. Cue the look on Sonny's face, and the eavesdropping Vivian behind a shrub.

Gabi talks with Rafe, is upset, he tells her it will all be o.k. She talks of Karma, their father being in prison, and now she is going to join him. She spots Chad, Abby & Stefan coming into the courtroom, has a fit, calls Abby a liar, why are you doing this to me. Dr. Laura (Abby) decides to leave, not wanting to cause a problem. Tells Chad to stay. She leaves, Stefan follows her out. She begins having a “talk” with Gabby, who wants out, she is refusing. Along comes Stefan, insisting she let Gabby out, he wants to talk to her. Trask comes in, smirking, tells Justin that justice will be served, both for Andre and Nick Fallon, as she goes to her seat.

In the courtroom, all stand as the judge comes in. Everyone can be seated, but Ms. Hernandez is to remain standing. She and Justin rise. The judge gets the decision from the jury foreman. He opens it, reads it, looks at Gabi. She stands, waiting anxiously to hear the verdict.

And WE have to wait til Monday to hear it. !!!
I liked that Gabi thought of about what Abby said, and she came up with the idea that Abby might possibly have had another mental breakdown. Chad just keeps saying something about Abby is off, and talks of Stefan brainwashing, hypnotizing, etc. But Gabi got her finger on it.

So now we have Leo saying he is working for Titan, shocking the CEO of Titan.........just like Stefan coming in having secretly convinced the Board to make him CEO of DiMera, having bought the bank that has Chad's mortgage on the house, just furtively gathering all the power before he just appeared to sting unsuspecting victims. But even he doesn't know what his mother is up to, does he?
It doesn't matter who knew what when, it's highly inappropriate and they need to back off before Vivian takes over Titan as well. Appearances matter - particularly in Corporate America.
I am thinking, tho, that since he is working for Vivian, maybe she told him to say he was working for Titan.

However, knowing Vivian always has something up her sleeve, since Leo is an employee (if he really is) there could be a request for stock, or a merger or something to "keep quiet". ???
I wonder.......I really don't think Abby is the one who killed Andre, despite Dr. Laura saying so. What if it was Vivian? Andre threatening to reveal his involvement with her. After all, he could say he was "preventing" them from doing it some other way, sort of "keeping your enemy close". I just think there is going to be some sort of unexpected twist coming up....yep, could be wrong. Stefan finding that his mother is going behind HIS back is another option. (the whole Leo/Sonny, get control of Titan, pay Vic back for rejecting her)
The Trial: It really bothers me the way they are isolating Gabi and have who's there for her besides Rafe is Chad. If there is one person who should not be there, is Chad because of their past. I wouldn't mind it if there was someone else there: JJ, Eli, Sonny, or anybody else. But just having Chad there makes it look they are setting him up to be Gabi's hero and I don't want him to be. If they make Chad to be Gabi's hero, that opens the door for revisiting Chad and Gabi as a couple and I don't think anybody wants that. I just wish there were other people there.

I know this won't happen but in my world this how today's cliffhanger would be resolved:

Judge: *looks at jury slip again and rubs chin in thought and addresses jury: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, are you certain this is your verdict?

Foreperson raises to feet: Yes, your honor.

Judge: It would not be helpful to go back into the jury room and deliberate further?

Foreperson: No, your honor.

Judge *nodding*: Very well. *turns attention back to Justin and Gabi* After careful deliberation, it seems all the jury could agree upon is this stunningly beautiful drawing of the Easter Bunny (holds up a drawing of a large yellow rabbit wearing a polka dot bow-tie and holding a large basket of brightly colored Easter eggs). Under these circumstances, I have no choice but dismiss this case with prejudice and recommend that the state bar association take disciplinary action against Ms. Trask for bringing such a fraudulent and inept case to trial.

Trask *leaping to her feet: YOUR HONOR!

Judge: Ms. Trask, in the words of Susan Banks, you have been "mean, mean, mean" throughout this trial and I advise you to to remain seated for the remainder of these proceedings. *Turns to Justin* Mr. Kiriakis, I must congratulate ou sir, on the utterly flawless and technically superb bit of lawyering you performed through the entirety of this case. I believe that if Clarence Darrow himself were alive to observe your work, he sum it it up with one word: WOW!

Justin *blushing*: Why, thank you, your honor.

Judge: My pleasure. *looks at Gabi* Ms. Hernandez you are of course released from custody with the apologies of the court for any emotional hardship you may have endured throughout this ordeal. May I suggest you consider suing the pantsuit off Ms. Trask?

Trask *once again jumping to her feet* YOUR HONOR!!

Judge: QUIET Ms. Trask!! Court is adjourned.

Again, I know that's not going to happen but it would definitely be an outside the box conclusion! LOL
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Thanks, Poirot.

Darn, it's Friday and we won't know the verdict in Gabi's trial until Monday.

And if Stefan makes Dr Laura have Gabby come out and play

And what about Sonny and Leo? At least, Leo can't say he's pregnant.

When Trask walked in the courtroom, she and Stefan sort of acknowledged
each other. Are they working together?
I liked that Gabi thought of about what Abby said, and she came up with the idea that Abby might possibly have had another mental breakdown. Chad just keeps saying something about Abby is off, and talks of Stefan brainwashing, hypnotizing, etc. But Gabi got her finger on it.

I liked this too. I was thinking to myself it's too bad that Gabi, Chad, and Jennifer can't all get together and chat since Marlena and Kayla can't. Maybe they can put the pieces together. Though I don't know that any loved one would automatically guess that someone has multiple personalities?

I did not like Trask putting her arm on Justin like that. Seemed a little too close for comfort and unprofessional too.

I suppose Leo working for Titan was supposed to be a shocker? Will he be working directly for Sonny?

I thought Dr. Laura's dialogue and behavior today was exactly how Abby should have acted a year ago. She was great in the scenes with Rafe.

Nice to see Rafe supporting his sister and not a single mention of Hope.

Discussing junior high friendship bracelets is probably not the best dialogue after you've spent the night with a handsome fellow, Jen.

Still want to keep Leo and get rid of StefanNo.
A decent past few days. I like that there's been movement in the Sonny storyline and with the trial. I also appreciate Marlena having more scenes, and that Abe/Valerie/Lani seem to have everything worked out. Gotta say, though, that Stefan0 is really a creep and getting on my nerves. I hope all of this multiple personality stuff is wrapped up by May Sweeps. Gabi has suffered enough in her life, and Abigail too for that matter!