Days of Our Lives - Fri., Aug., 24, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, August 24, 2018

Can’t miss episode…terrific acting by everyone, I cannot do this justice in summarizing. Again this episode is split between Will/Sonny remembering, and chaos at John & Marlena’s wedding. Will is wiping tears from his eyes, Sonny arrives, was going to get his car, asks what is wrong. Will makes up story, finally claiming to need a glass of water, goes to Pub, Sonny insists on going with. He pesters Will, who finally admits he remembered the wedding. There are a few more flashbacks to that day, including one with him talking to Sami. He is remembering more and more, but Sonny pressures him endlessly. To me he got rather annoying, but throughout the show Will remembers more and more. Gramma Caroline, how close he & Gramma Marlena were, his dad standing by him when he came out, his mom not so much but came around. Sonny notes his mom was the same. Will goes over a litany of things he recalls, realizes he remembers his whole life. He talks of his daughter…our daughter, Sonny grateful he said “our”. Flashback to just the two, smiling that they finally did it, got married, kiss. Real time, yep…they kiss.

But over at the wedding, replay of Sami stopping, rushing in, stumbling and falling. (no wonder, ridiculous spike heels with torn jeans, egads!). She is insisting her mom not marry John, Marlena thinks she is drunk, no, no. Sami struggles to get up, was drugged, you will die if you marry. She pleads with John, Abe, not to marry…..she is here. She will kill you. John is frantically trying to get her to say who “she” is, but Sami just keeps repeating she is here, she is here, as she starts going thru, looking at the guests. Marlena is mortified, Eric tries to stop her, she will not be deterred. Susan has pulled a gun from her purse, but keeps it hidden. As Sami rages thru the seated guests, she spies Susan……it is YOU! She grabs Susan who throws the purse down, they have huge struggle, Susan is yammering about being Susan, who rescued Sami’s son when thought dead. Sami is growling back, they are grabbing at each other. Sami shrugs off Eric, grabbing at Susan, managing to knock off the hat & wig & glasses…..Blond hair is cascading down the head. Sami smacks her, Susan’s head goes back…….teeth go flying across the room, right into Marlena’s bouquet. Ewwwww, she drops it. LOLOLOLOL

Marlena looks at the woman, the print dress is off, red one revealed…Kristen! Yes, tis Kristen DiMera….I am back. I survived, despite you pushing me out the window in Italy, never giving me another thought. She is holding the gun on the entire group, waving it around, talking of wanting Marlena dead, her wedding day is perfect. She did visit Susan on New Year’s Eve, caused her relapse, easy to do. Steve makes an effort to come down the aisle to try and get the gun, but she shoots a vase, he backs off. John, Abe, Eric all try to get her to stop this now, (she is threatening a mass shooting). Kristen notes Sami is drugged, it will wear off, just like it did for you Eric, hey Jen, how do you like his birthmark. She taunts Eve about Theresa, Brady steps forward, noting Kristen does what she always does, mentions a litany of things done to her, but not what she has done to others. Stealing a baby. Kristen says it was her baby. He figures Kristen is just someone seeking love, being a mother. Eric has been sneaking around the back, getting behind Kristen, but she whips around, knows Brady was trying to distract her from what Eric was doing.

Now she is saying she is not going to hurt anyone, but Sami is, throwing the gun to Sami. She has decided instead of Marlena dying, better to have her see John die. Sami is to shoot him. Sami won’t, her differences with John were settled years ago, her mother loves him. Oh, love….you love EJ…he’s alive. I know where he is. Sami (and everyone) is disbelieving, but Kristen says her father had her go to hospital after EJ was shot, inject him, he is alive. I will tell you all about how, and how I got him out of there, AFTER you shoot John. Sami is shaking, Eric is asking her to give him the gun. She is torn, looking at John, back at Kristen, who continues the torrent of words about EJ. Eric goes for the gun, Sami is saying no…..a shot rings out…..screen goes black.
Kristen does mention a lot of back history, so t hose who were not watching then will have some understanding, and others will have memories jogged. At one point Susan calls Steve Cyclops!! She has some good lines, and the actress does well with it all.
Wow. Stupid Sami hesitates. Shooting John to know where EJ is. Yeah, sure, that's something to think about. I mean, why not shoot the man who treated you as his own for years, who endured your temper tantrums, your horrible behaviour, all this to know where the guy who raped you is.

Sorry, Poirot, no offense to you. Thank you, your summary is perfect, as usual. But I just can't take Sami. And frankly, this is it for me. I can't even watch her anymore. Add Kristen and a mention of EJ to the mix... I'm done.

So, since I am addicted to this board though, and I love reading summaries and commenting and sharing with other posters, I will do just that. It will be more fun than watching The Sami Brady Show.
What bothered me was that once the gun was thrown to Sami EVERYONE should've jumped up, Brady & Eric had hold of Kristen. Steve, John, Paul......could have easily grabbed Sami....nope, they all were glued to their spots. Somehow that did not jibe with the "heroic" men of Days who constantly risk life & limb catching the bad people. Instead it is Eric attempting to take the gun from Sami...
Poirot, those were my thoughts when the Kristen-Sami gun farce was taking place. None of Salem's allegedly brave men of action did much except to watch the show. As I said in another post, it's too bad that Ben didn't wander by and become the hero of the day by leveling gun-toting Kristen or taking the gun from Sami. Of course, if Will and Sonny hadn't spent so much time travelling down memory lane, they too could have come upon the scene and played the role of action heroes. If they'd have saved the day, they'd have become such heroic celebrities that Ted, if alive, wouldn't be able to lift a finger against them. In fact, fickle Victor just might have changed his mind about Sonny and handed the CEO job back to him. Victor: "Sorry, Chad, but Sonny is now a Kiriakis hero. You're just a second-rate DiMera. Here's a reference, and good luck getting another job."
Wow, we got a mention of the Titan tabletop tryst today. Sami must've been drugged to the eyeballs, because having that mentioned is like pulling the pin on a grenade with her.

Wonder where Susan is, since Kristen said it was really Susan who was with Marlena and the ladies earlier?

Surprised Kate and Maggie weren't at the wedding, since they are friends with John and Marlena. Guess Gabi, Ari and Lucas were too busy to attend?
Wow so Kristen has been recast. That surprised me. I had read another actress was playing Susan but i thought maybe Eileen Davidson just didnt want to do dual role. I kept saying pull off the wig!! Finally it got pulled off!! Crazy wedding as usual.

Will and Sonny - guess Paul just gets left in the cold again!. He's such a nice guy. Doesn't deserve it.
Thanks Poirot. Another good episode today.

I teared up watching Sonny and Will.

Where oh where are the cellphones?

Kristen called Eric Father Doofus. That goes with my nickname for Brady, Dopey.

I laughed when Kristen talked to Jen about Eric's birthmark.

EJ is alive. Did he lose his memory like Will did?

Why didn't the people in the back run away after Sami got the gun?

Why didn't John stand directly in front of Marlena?
EJ is alive.
I really hope this is a lie. Not just because I hate EJ, or Sami, but because it was established that one had to be nearly dead for the serum to work. EJ had been on that slab for hours and I don't believe for a second someone injected him before his deal with Clyde - or Clyde would no longer be.
At one point Susan calls Steve Cyclops

This was Kristen not Susan

Fantastic acting today by Stacy Haiduk(Kristen) and Ali Sweeney(Sami). I thought they did really well. The Kristen reveal was epic. Absolutely flawless.

It was terrific episode overall. My biggest beef were the fake Sami/Will flashbacks and the fact that Detective Shawn Brady remained seated throughout the ordeal like a bystander. Does he not carry a concealed gun? Come on.

There was also a point where Eric, Sami and Brady were standing in front of John and Marlena. It would have been nice had Belle joined them.

Other than that, I did like Eric in hero mode. It's about time he got some meaty material. I could see him easily playing a cop too but probably won't happen unless they find another culprit for killing Daniel.

Who wants to bet that Hope and Rafe will magically return from Chicago on Monday's episode so they can investigate the shooting? I'll be pleasantly surprised if it's Eli and Lani though.

Don't even start me on this EJ nonsense for the 3rd Sami return in a row.
Before I comment on today's episode I just have to mention that SO MANY IMPORTANT PEOPLE were missing from the wedding. I suppose it comes down to money but it's a shame. I won't waste my time listing the people missing because I'm sure everyone noticed! :rolleyes:

Today! It was the perfect mix of romance, comedy, action and drama. Why can't they do this more often? However, when Sami kept shouting, "she is here" I would have thought that Ohhhh, I don't know John, Steve, or Abe would have pieced together that it might have something to do with Susan... Then, it just got sillier with nobody taking Susan down! I suppose they were building suspense but what they ended up building was comedy! Overall, well done episode! I did, however, find Sonny a bit pushy towards Will.

EJ alive. I know I'm in the minority but I'd be OK with that.

Best acting today went to...the teeth!! What a scene stealer!!!

Idiotic move of the episode goes to...Eric. Why in the world...yet, Sami will get blamed.
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But to me, Sami is to blame. Why on earth would she even consider shooting John? :angry::angry::angry::angry: To know where her rapist is? Seriously? :angry::angry::sick::sick::rolleyes::rolleyes: She could have ended it all when Kristen threw the gun. Ridiculous, in my opinion. Then again, everything concerning Sami is ridiculous, infuriating, frustrating, and horrible.

O.K. Off my rant. Carry on. :)
I was getting quite bored by the whole "love fest" wedding. Seeing Sami make the "heading into home plate" slide perked me up. Yeah, Sami is a pain, but that's what makes her so great. Even now, most people say something to the effect she's just "being Sami" this time she was right and when Kristen's denture went flying into Marlena's bouquet, I howled like a wolf ! I just wanted Sami to take the gun, and shoot Kristen, but alas, no such luck. Kristen did say Sami had been drugged, so I guess that's why. Kudos to the make up team, Sami looked totally deranged and drugged.
Thanks for the summary. I haven't watched yet but I can't remember when Sonny hasn't been annoying, in recent years. That's the one part of the show I'll skip. Sonny seems to always be moping or pressuring.

The rest sounds good. I'm interested in seeing the new actress play Kristen. I've never liked Kristen at all but I do wonder how she will seem with another person playing the part.