Days of Our Lives - Fri., Dec. 30, 2016


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, December 30, 2016

Tis New Year's Eve night in Salem. Paul is on the phone, his date, Derrick, waiting for him to finish his business calls. Derrick realizes it is a job for the Kiriakis, Paul apologizes, starts over, Hi, you look great.....and off they go to TBD.

Andre sits in the Pub, icing a bottle of champagne, Chad arrives, Andre happy Chad asked him to join him this evening. Chad talks about the bad year, losing Father, and his wife, been hard. Andre figures good things will be coming, let's toast, is about to pour...but Chad puts his hand over his glass. Nope, still deciding if I am going to kill you for letting me believe my wife was dead. Oops, she gave Andre away. They go back and forth, Chad is pretty angry that Andre watched him grieve, said nothing. Andre figures Chad has his wife, his son, his family intact now, a new year, etc. All is well. Chad is not sure about that, but none of Andre's business. And now Andre adds to the misery. He tells of the micro-chips being stolen, and adds on the fact that Father may not be dead, so says Shane Donovan, plus the body in the grave is not Father's. Chad is ticked now, after all he has done to get the family legit again. Andre talks of the man seen in Easter Europe apparently building himself a huge business base there.

Kate gets a phone call, revealing to her the person who stole the microchips. She tells the person to not tell another soul, goes to meet Eduardo in the square. She mentions having to go take care of some business, and tho Eduardo tries, delicately, to find out, she won't say. She leaves.

Now don't ask me how, but suddenly Eduardo is with Ari, happy to be spending New Year's Eve with her, talks a lot about the fireworks that will be coming.

Kate has gone to meet up with Andre, tells him that Eduardo or his company are the ones who stole the microchips. Andre says they have to get them back, his invention to spy would make them billions, but not without those chips. Well, she is not going thru Ed's pockets, will deal. Andre says something about you should see how I deal with thieves.

Gabi is in the park with Abby, helping her overcome the meltdown/panic attack, getting her to slow her breathing, overcome the hyperventilating. Gabi is going to call Chad, Abby says No. And now questions Gabi about how and when things started up with her husband. Gabi is a bit reluctant, but tells of Chad offering her the image consultant job, working with him, helping with clients, spending a lot of time together. Then the client with the crazy wife, and something happened, a spark. She tells how Chad mourned and was so lost, but seemed to begin to live again. Abby talks of seeing them together, relating how she has been in Salem since right after JJ was shot. She is getting better, healthier every day, wants her life back, is Gabi going to interfere? Gabi tells of JJ, Miami, the unknown woman. Abby claims responsibility for it all, JJ thought she was dead, loves Gabi so much, can you not forgive him? Gabi's phone rings, Abby realizes it is Chad, tells Gabi to answer it, Chad will be persistent. Gabi does, Chad needs to talk to her, stuff has happened. Gabi cannot talk now, not a good time. Happy New Year. She hangs up....but Abby is gone.

Jolly ol Sonny comes to the Horton house, despondent JJ just sitting in a chair, nothing else to do. (hey, where the heck in the Horton Christmas tree. They hang ornaments on Christmas Eve and take the tree down 2 days later? Huh? ) Sonny says JJ is having a pity party, looks around for Abby as he knows she is alive. Nope, he is Chad's best friend, and shares a child with Gabi, so he cannot divulge anything either one has said. Sonny is all hyped up, says Gabi will be at TBD before midnight, both guys rush off.

Gabi is with Eduardo & Ari, hugging her, happy new year, etc. Kate returns, decided Eduardo was right, not good to start the New Year alone. Gabi rushes off to TBD, Kate can't wait til midnight, kisses Eduardo.

At the Club, Paul & Derrick see Lani arrive, invite her to join them. Small talk. Sonny & JJ arrive, Paul's eyes go right there. JJ & Sonny say hi, Lani is snippy, grabs her coat, and goes to the bar. JJ doesn't know what he said or did, Sonny suggests JJ go talk to her. He sits down at the next table. Derrick has had enough, stands up, grabbing Paul, takes him to Sonny's table, this is something he should have done long ago. He tells Sonny Paul still has feelings for him, and knows Sonny still has feelings for Paul. He leaves, wishing both a Happy New Year.

The 2 guys talk, both admitting they still had feelings for each other, Sonny reminding Paul how he acted when Sonny brought him home from the hospital, but Paul figuring Will would still be an issue with them.

JJ has approached Lani, who is pretty mad, can't believe JJ pretends nothing happened with them in Miami. JJ said nothing did. Oh, yeah? Well I have proof, she grabs her phone, shows him a pic of the two of them between the sheets. (nothing like taking selfies while having sex, huh?) JJ is staring in shock, disbelieving. Gabi voice behind this was the woman you had sex with in Miami. She is looking shocked at well.

It is midnight, confetti falling from the ceiling, Sonny & Paul are kissing big time.

At DiMansion, Chad comes into the room, Abby has poured 2 glasses of champagne, could not imagine welcoming in the New Year with being with him. He takes the glass. They each take a sip, both putting their glasses down. She has talked of last year, when she told him that Thomas was his son, he remembers it changed his life. There is lovely music playing, she stands close. He tentatively kisses her, softly, then, as she responds, more passionately.
Thanks for the write-up. Nice show. This storyline with Kate and Eduardo looks like it'll be getting a whole lot more interesting in the New Year. I wonder if Eduardo will catch on.

I'm happy for Paul and Sonny and can get behind them as a couple. But I can't help feeling bad for Derrick. Hopefully his handsome self will still be around Salem, and involved with someone else.

JJ & Lani is not a surprise. What IS a surprise is that Gabi so quickly discovered the truth. I wonder what the fallout will be. Is she going to take Abby's advice and forgive him? Or will she still be angry? One thing's for sure: she is not over Chad.

I'm glad it looks like Chad and Abigail are reconciling. And yet part of me still hopes that he and Gabi aren't over. It sure feels that way. Can't wait to see what the New Year has in store for them.
When Eduardo was talking to Ari about being proud of being a Hernandez and he wanted her to grow up and know she was something special, she should've replied:

I know! I'm half Horton. I have an ornament on the tree. That alone will open doors for me around here. What do YOU have??
I think Chad is still waffling. Like Adrienne still is. Here and now, yep, my beautiful, wonderful wife. When alone, down in the study, Gabi, I need to talk to you.

Just like Adrienne. Oh, Lucas, am so glad you are here. An hour later, Oh, Justin, remember when............????

Enough already!
A few words of advice for assorted Salemites.

Abigail: You weren't hyperventilating because of stress, you were suffering from hypothermia. Who goes out in a Mid-West winter wearing a short skirt, light coat, and low-cut dress?

Kate: Drop the hammer on Eduardo now. Romancing this sleaze while he's stealing from your company makes no sense. After all, you can always count on another slimy guy to share you bed. They're drawn to you like flies to honey.

JJ: You can escape your awkward situation with Lani and Gabi by suddenly remembering that you have to be on duty. After all, as a rookie cop, you should be out keeping an eye on bar and club revelers, the fireworks event, and Rory's New Year's Eve mother of all pot parties.

Lani: Don't get mad, just go away. Why would a falling-down-drunk guy remember a night of pseudo passion with you? Anyway, your photo of two fully-clothed people proves nothing
So...isn't Abby taking anti-depressants? Can you safely have alcohol when taking them? Yes, I know she only had a sip, which would probably be o.k. Just surprised me. But then, maybe I am wrong???

LOL DBF on the reason for Abby's hypo activity.
Poirot: you are not wrong about mixing alcohol with antidepressants. It is dangerous and potentially life threatening.
Enough already!
In 50 years when all human information from this era is downloadable on flashdrives installed in our brain, I'm certain this will be the subtitle for this era of Days of our Lives. (It will cover episodes from February, 2016, to ???.)
Kate: Drop the hammer on Eduardo now. Romancing this sleaze while he's stealing from your company makes no sense. After all, you can always count on another slimy guy to share you bed.
Additional advice to Kate: Just pretend it's your kid and not your current bedwarmer.
Abigail: You weren't hyperventilating because of stress, you were suffering from hypothermia.

I'm really proud of Derrick. However, I also find him far more intriguing than Paul and more rootable than Kiraikis-rebooted Sonny. I'll miss him. (And this is not a spoiler, it's Soap Logic 101.)
Thanks, Poirot.

I loved the scene with Eduardo and the bear. Until you see Ari, you think he's
talking to the bear.

Poor Ari she fell asleep before the fireworks.

Paul and Sonny finally admitted their feelings to each other. Will Derrick still be in the
picture to have that triangle storyline?

People in Salem are strange. They take pictures of themselves in bed. Thank god, Lani
and JJ were dressed. And Gabi got there just in time to see it too :)

Will Kate find the missing chips before Eduardo knows about her plan?

Today I wondered who Eduardo might be working for. Would Stefano or whoever
the person is, be behind the theft of those chips?

Lani: Don't get mad, just go away. Why would a falling-down-drunk guy remember a night of pseudo passion with you? Anyway, your photo of two fully-clothed people proves nothing

Exactly. She and JJ were clearly nothing even remotely close to a thing. Why is she so angry and why the heck does she even have a photo of them in bed? Is this a setup or is she going to blackmail him? I really hope she is not pregnant because there is no chemistry here whatsoever.

And Gabi honey, you already knew he slept with someone. You don't get to be angry about it again. And Lani certainly isn't worth your anger. Please.

Who goes out in a Mid-West winter wearing a short skirt, light coat, and low-cut dress?

Gabi Hernandez that's who. Don't forget that Kate seems to be the only person in town who owns stockings.

Someone jog my memory. When have Paul and Lani met let alone being chummy with one another?

I did like the scenes with Ed and Ari and then Gabi. And thank you Troy I can now tell the difference between the Ari twins.

I also liked the scenes with JJ and Sonny. I like that Sonny found out about Abby from Adrienne. That's the type of thing I don't necessarily need to see but it would be a nice to have scene. More importantly would be seeing Sonny and Abby reconnect.

Gabi really needs to remove herself from Chad and vice versa. Let me guess. On Tuesday, she'll use Lani against JJ once again just as another excuse to run back to Chad upset. As much as I would have hated it, it actually would have made more sense for Chad to fall for Belle than Gabi. She was the one who was working with him for a while and she was the one who comforted him when he first got the news about Abby.

For a New Year's Eve episode, this was probably the most underwhelming one I've ever seen. Where was everybody else? TBD and the Pub were full of extras. Why couldn't they just use other characters and give us small snippets with them? Sad.
Sorry, I haven't posted in a long while but I just don't care for the new Abby. I don't think she has any chemistry with Chad. I'm actually rooting for Chad/Gabi at this point because I think there's some serious sparks there. I absolutely loved Abby/Chad with the previous actress but I'm not feeling it now at all. I know it's hard sometimes with a recast but for me this is a no-go. I don't think she's a bad actress, she's just not good as Abby, in my opinion.

I don't mind Sonny/Paul but I feel bad for Derrick. He's a hottie and deserves a little lovin' on New Years! LOL.

This whole Lani thing is so bad. I absolutely cannot stand the character. She is beyond pointless. If they make her pregnant then it better be some other poor sap's kid because JJ doesn't need saddled with that. She has got serious man/sex/stalker issues. Blech! Go back to Miami.
That would be interesting, Kat, if Stefano were behind the theft of the chips.

I haven't watched yet but it does seem strange to me that Lani took a picture of her and JJ in bed, unless she had plans to do something underhanded with it. But then, I can't relate to how everybody takes selfies of all every little thing they do, so maybe this is not as odd as it seems to me.

Maybe that's it, Sparkster. Maybe she is having some other guy's baby and for whatever reason he isn't an option as the baby's daddy so she wants to snare JJ by making him out to be the father.
Even though I liked the scene, I thought it was funny that Ed and Ari had ice cream in front of them but Ari's wasn't directly in front of her nor did it seem reachable to her.

Also funny that Kate didn't acknowledge Ari at all. It was like she was Ed's granddaughter and that's it. Didn't she spend New Year's Eve with Gabi and Ari 2 years ago?
When have Paul and Lani met let alone being chummy with one another?
This struck me as odd, too. I think Paul was virtually non-existent during Lani's short prior run in Salem. But, their fathers are friends, so I'm okay with this, more or less. But it looks like -shocking as it is to believe- Lani's getting even worse writing this time around!!
I don't mind Sonny/Paul but I feel bad for Derrick. He's a hottie and deserves a little lovin' on New Years!
Hear, hear!