Days of Our Lives - Fri., Feb. 12, 2016


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, February 12, 2016

Today is a sort of romantic show, filled with dreams by mostly females, some rather odd. Doug & Julie sit with a bunch of framed photos, donated by various people, to the Martin house. The first is of Tom & Alice, they talk of love, of Valentine's Day, and we go to the apt. where Nicole answers knocking at her door, finds a delivery man bringing a huge vase of gorgeous flowers. She is refusing them, no card, but the guy has a letter. She takes it all, opens the letter, which of course is from Daniel, ordered and paid for prior to his death. The letter says that he did not forget Valentine's Day, just because they are getting married, and goes on about how much he loves her, how happy they will be, and more. It is Daniel's voice we hear. She clutches the letter, dozes off on the sofa, but next she is at the cemetary, by his grave, but hearing his voice calling her name, then echoing it. She goes home, is asleep on the sofa, her name still being called. She opens her eyes and Daniel is there. But you died, we buried you recently. Yes, but my love for you did not die. He goes on, giving her a pep talk about going on with her life, that she will always have his love, his heart will beat forever for her. She touches his chest, then they kiss, long and passionately. Her eyes are closed, she opens them, he is gone.

Theresa is in a maid's uniform, carrying bags of groceries or something, when something falls out, a pink liquid is all over the ground. (The park bench area of square). Brady comes by in a hurry, almost slips and falls, she catches him. Makes some remark about not being a good maid. He gets a call, dashes off, and then he is in a tux, victor telling him he is o.k. with Brady marrying Nicole, and is allowing her to change household staff as well. She can fire that new maid, Theresa. Now Theresa is rushing thru the square, red dress, comes upon a wedding decorated area, chairs and all. Brady chasing after her, she protests about being the maid, and a lousy one, not good enough for him. He doesn't want her as the maid, wants to marry her. Kissssss.

Doug brings Julie flowers, they have talked about Maggie & Mickey, some music is playing, they dance. (honestly don't know whose dream this next one is) And we see Ava, looking thru some exotic shrubbery. (this is now black and white) Steve comes bursting into the room, very angry because Kayla is going to tell Joey about what Ava had him do, and is taking him away. Ava knows Steve doesn't want to lose his son, so he is going to have to do something to prevent that. She is alone, Kayla comes in, slams the door when she sees Ava, tells her to get out of her house, They have some words, Kayla is spitting fire. Behind her, Steve comes in with a gun, pointing it at Kayla. Ava is urging him to shoot, he doesn't, she goes over, grabs the gun, complains of having to do everything herself. She turns, and there is Kayla, a gun in her hand, pointed at Ava. Ava is pulling her trigger, oops, click, click, no bullets. Kayla fires, down goes Ava.
Kayla rushes up to Steve, Ava is gone out of their lives forever, kiss, kiss.
And on their sofa, where both have fallen asleep watching a movie, Steve & Kayla wake up (now in living color) with Steve talking of having sweet dreams all night.

Abby wake up, sees Chad sitting in the rocker, holding Thomas who is sleeping. She smiles, falls back asleep, they are in DiMansion, Chad is gifting her with a beautiful locket for Valentine's Day. Inscribed on the back, "A love like ours comes once in a lifetime". she loves it, kiss kiss. She is going to make him a wonderful dinner, will check on Thomas first. She leaves the room, Chad pours himself a small drink, and there is his "dark side" standing in the doorway. They argue a bit, Chad 2 saying you know I would be here, I am wherever you are. Chad #1 falls to the floor, drugged, wakes up in some other room, his shirt & jacket gone, just the T-shirt. He is pounding on the walls, yelling. In the study Chad 2 is donning the jacket, Abby comes in, dinner ready, He has papers for her to sign, a pre-nup. She is puzzled, he is firm. If she loves him, she will do as he says. She wants him to rip the papers up, but he won't. She smiles, so be it. She gets the 2 glasses of wine, already poured, he is toasting his "prized possession", drinks 3/4 of the glass down. She barely sips hers, watches, as he realizes something was in the drink. She gets up close "I am NO body's prize possession", as he drops to the floor, saying she will never find Chad. But, she does, Chad 1 is in the room, hears her calling his name, yells back, she opens the door, hugs, kisses, etc.
And in her bed, Chad is beside her stroking her shoulder. She wakes up, tells him she had this dream, mentioning the locket, engraved "A love like ours"...Chad finsihes the line...comes once in a lifetown". He knows that, because it is true. Kiss, kiss, snuggle, snuggle.

And the weirdest one, as Ciara is asleep on the sofa, jumps up, begins talking to the camera, saying how she makes her own movies, how her name is Irish, and means both Saint, and the Dark. She is in the square, this is her home town, where she grew up. She talks of Theo, & of Chase, about her own 2 personalities with each of them, how she grew up with them both. She is dressed in jeans & a t-shirt, but when she talks about her other self, the one who is a bit scared of Chase, the mirror reflection has her in a short leather dress, her hair pulled to one side. As she talks about the guys, Theo has brought her a heart shaped pizza, and then there is Chase, brown paper bag, sits on a bench, brings out what looks like a bottle of beer, offering it to the leather dressed "dark" Ciara.
She is back, talking to the camera again of her two sides. They are both her, if she can keep them straight. Now Theo is seeing leather dress Ciara, while Chase is seeing jeans & t-shirt. Then they change back. Ciara wakes up, throws off the afghan.

And then Rafe sits in his office, a file about Stefano's murder on the desk??? He dozes off, and is at DiMansion, with the laughing Andre', The Ride of the Valkyries playing a bit. He wants to know where Hope is, Andre' says to play a game of chess. Well they do, but the pieces look like checkers. In a few moves, Andre wins. We see a tied up Hope in a room somewhere, yelling for Rafe to help. Rafe is telling Andre' they should play again. A gun is in the center of the chessboard...Rafe looks up, Andre is gone. He rushes into the next room, Andre holding a struggling Hope. Rafe is holding a gun, tells Andre to let her go. She manages to get loose, runs to Rafe, but Andre has a gun, fires and it hits Hope, who dies in Rafe's arms. Rafe shakes himself as he wakes up.

And now, after the commercial, we are in the square, Doug & julie are walking, she is commenting how it will be a wonderful day.. walking along behind them are Chad & Abby with the buggy, Steve & Kayla sit at a table, Brady & Theresa go walking by, stop & kiss, Ciara is there offering Theo, some of whatever she is eating, Rafe & Hope walk by, chattering. And thru the archway comes Nicole, who has been crying, she stands and looks around at all the happy, loving people, and is about to break down in tears again, as she hears Dan's voice saying every beat of his heart is for her.
I can't say it was a break for me, as it was all too dark in my opinion. Not much love, but more sadness, violence and drama. Not in a good way.

Anyway, I have to say, though I am very, very tired of the Daniel worshiping on this show, that the best parts for me were with Nicole and Daniel. It was a nice way to wrap up their storyline (or so I hope) and I actually shed tears. Then, if Nicole decided all of a sudden to imitate the square dancing lady from a while back, I'd probably dance with her, so...

Anyway, as far as the rest is concerned, Julie and Doug aside, I thought it was a complete waste of time. Not romantic at all, at least, not to me.

Abigail and Chad : It comes in second, today, but I'm tired of this "dark side, light side " crap, being a Dimera and yada, yada, yada. I don't believe in such a curse, Chad wasn't even raised by Stefano, he only met his siblings briefly, he just met André. So this is too over the top for me. In fact, I just wish, again, that Chad would believe André, decide to tell Hope he knows she killed his father, thank her, and then arrange for Andre's demise. There, problem solved.

Hope and Rafe : I do like them together. But again, it all revolved around Andre. So, no, not entertaining. Plus, Hope dies. Enough of dying people, even in dreams, please. Oh, and I did catch the "Stefano Dimera murder" file, also, before the dream : since when is Stefano's disappearance being investigated as a murder ? If it isn't, bravo Rafe, what a great way to not raise suspicions, by actually writing this on a file left on your desk ! :sarcasm:

Ciara : Oh, I won't even go there. :rolleyes: So she gets a dream, yet no Lucas, no Adrienne, no Marlena, no John, no Roman (boy, couldn't he use a good fantasy) ? :eek: Yeah, all right. :rolleyes: Plus, I don't really like, in fact, I hate it, to see a young woman say she "actually likes being scared by a young man". Great message, there, writers ! Again : :sarcasm:

Theresa and Brady : I have no words. Yeah, I have one : dumb. Suddenly, these two have this great love ? I don't think so.

And lastly, Kayla, Steve, Ava : Kayla and Steve, or I have already mentioned this, are ruined for me. So, again, no thanks !
The good part of Steve/Kayla was Ava died.
I did not like Rafe's dream, except it showed that he is concerned over loose cannon Andre's revenge plots against Hope getting out of hand.

I had read something about movie "film noir" dreams, but sure did not come off that way to me.
Actually, everyone really had dreams about what is currently going on in their own lives. And since that is what they were doing, I would rather have had Chase's dream, than Ciara's.

And I am nearly positive Ciara was sleeping on the sofa at home, but wasn't she supposed to be at Jen's?
I can't decide if I'm irritated they took a break to do a stand alone episode that doesn't advance story or relieved that I get a break from the garbage they've been putting out lately. :eek:

Seems like this is the only way they could pull off a decent Valentine's day episode without having to put a lot of work into it fitting in with and advancing current stories. Not a whole lot to work with as far as romance in Salem these days.
If they were going to do this stand-alone Valentine's Day episode, they could have at least shown the characters experiencing love/romance. Most of this episode was filled with angst. Then the ending was heartbreaking with Nicole crying. Thanks, writers! Keep kicking poor Nicole when she's down.

Would've been nice to see John and Marlena having a romantic night with the strawberries/cream and champagne.

Maybe JJ and Gabi having a romantic date.

More of Doug and Julie being romantic.

Chad and Abby celebrating with a nice evening out dancing, or doing something with Thomas.

I can't say I want to see Steve and Kayla being romantic since we know he slept with Ava. But maybe them having a nice dinner and remembering romantic trysts of the past, using flashbacks.
I watched this show today, as I'm home. I thought it a tad bit odd that Brady's chest wound has healed amazingly well, yet his facial wounds are still healing. Does he not wash his face in Salem's magic water??

How can you have a romantic show and NOT show John and Marlena???

Ciara talking about puberty happening overnight, that was worth a chuckle. However, being ashamed of her body was NOT a good message. Actually, the only thing good about the Ciara "dream" was her acceptance of Theo.

The other "dreams", why, why, why did they all have to contain violence??? Not sure if we are supposed to be "happy" that it was Chad drugged and thrown in a cell in his undies instead of Abby. But really, couldn't they have just had a happy dream??

Why couldn't all the dreams be happy fun dreams?? :confused::confused:
If they were going to do this stand-alone Valentine's Day episode, they could have at least shown the characters experiencing love/romance. Most of this episode was filled with angst. Then the ending was heartbreaking with Nicole crying. Thanks, writers! Keep kicking poor Nicole when she's down.

Would've been nice to see John and Marlena having a romantic night with the strawberries/cream and champagne.

Maybe JJ and Gabi having a romantic date.

More of Doug and Julie being romantic.

Chad and Abby celebrating with a nice evening out dancing, or doing something with Thomas.

I can't say I want to see Steve and Kayla being romantic since we know he slept with Ava. But maybe them having a nice dinner and remembering romantic trysts of the past, using flashbacks.

Agreed. If they are going to do a romantic Valentine's Day episode, show me romance and show me rootable couples. I would have liked to have seen Belle and Shawn included as well.

For me the only enjoyable scenes were Doug and Julie.

And I'm sorry but for a 50 year old show, I'm tired of seeing only recent photos. They couldn't show a wedding photo or old photo of Bo and Hope? Come on!
Well, John & Marlena exchanging love talk was yesterday.
And they did show Maggie & Mickey's wedding picture.
AND, they managed a photo of Tom & Alice as well.

I did NOT like Ciara's breaking of the 4th wall. (talking to the camera). Heck, she easily could have had a couple flashbacks of the little kids Chase & Ciara, plus Ciara & Theo. But then they would have had to pay royalties to all those kid actors, so....cannot have that. Heck, why not. then they could forget the Ava junk. LOL
I liked some of the dreams.

I laughed when Ciara mentioned that only yesterday they were in
the 4th grade.

I didn't like the violence in the dreams. Abby poisoned Chad 2. Kayla
shot Ava
and Hope was shot.

The end was interesting to see the couples out and about. A day without the
usual problems. Then we saw Nicole and how sad she was watching all the
happy people. I know how she feels.

Nice to see Doug and Julie, but there should have been more love and
I did think it was crazy that Rafe had a file labeled Stefano Dimera Murder. Everyone thinks he's in Europe. I hope Rafe and Hope don't become a couple though it appears thats what he's hoping for.

Nicole's dream was nice. I feel bad, I had forgotten Valentine's Day was to be their wedding. :cry:

I know I'm in the minority here (as in maybe the only one) but I am liking Brady and Theresa and I still don't like Chad and Abby.

It was funny when Ciara commented how she grew up overnight. :rotfl: