Days of Our Lives - Fri., Feb. 12, 2016

Yes, I've seen that, sections set aside for various reasons (children, veterans, urns, etc.). As I said, I'm just surprised a cemetery requires flat stones for ashes (if they allow upright stones for caskets).
My grandparents both died in the Winter. As a matter of fact it was so cold that the cemetery had trouble digging the grave both times because the ground was frozen. Anyway, both had graveside services by choice so we all had to stand outside in the freezing cold weather.
Oh, my. Up here, they may have a service, but burials are done in Spring. But we do have a lot of snow accumulated that has to melt first. But if there is a graveside service requested, then the obit will just say that burial service will be announced later.
It was really very kind that everything was done the way your grandparents wanted.
:OT: I once read a book that took place before the turn of the century. When people died and the ground was too frozen to bury them, the bodies were kept in the local ice-house until the ground was thawed enough for a proper burial. The main character then uneasily asked her mother-in-law where the ice came from that was used in their ice-box at home. The mother-in-law said there was only one ice-house in town. The main character then got a little sick to realize the ice in their ice-box came from the same place that was storing dead bodies until spring. LOL