Days of Our Lives - Fri. Feb. 7, 2014


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, February 7, 2014

Rather slow moving show today, but helped by the presence of Rafe & Lucas. LOL. Jordan is checking her phone, is tapped on the back by a cane, Tis Rafe, smiling away, kisses, and both happy about their date tonight. Jordan lets him know, though, that she asked Sheryl to come along. Meanwhile, Lucas is talking to his mom, who sits in her office in the middle of the town square. She won't tell him what she is up to in re: Jordan, except she is very close to finding Jordan's secret. She knows Jordan & Rafe are together tonight, wants Lucas to let her know when Jordan leaves. Lucas says he was asked, but said no. Looks as though he is uncomfortable with the employer/employee relationship. She tells him he has to go, Sheryl happens by, Kate notes Lucas had changed his mind, and wishes them a good time, reminding Lucas to do her that favor.

Gabi is having a meltdown at the apt., unable to find Ari's scarf, was taking her to the Pub, as she promised Caroline. She yammers about Nick, what he knows or doesn't know/remember, as Will tries to calm her down. He brings up Mr. Greetings, causing Gabi to go off again.
Meanwhile, Nick is at the Club, ordering a beer, trying to make small talk with Sonny, who just doesn't respond. (love it). Nick starts babbling his "wanting to make things right" speech, but Sonny is having none of it. Heard it the fist time in the church, tells him instead of going round town telling all who will listen about wanting to make things right, to just do it instead. And then see if anyone really cares. LOL
Later, Will has arrived, Sonny fills him in on Nick's around the world tour to say he has changed, Will is not buying it either. Rafe & Jordan arrive, Will is happy to see him, chatter about the cane, and losing it soon. Rafe gifts Jordan with tickets to opening day at Wrigley Field, saying she has to study up on baseball, so she is as knowledgeable as she is about football. Kissing. Sheryl & Lucas arrive, she gets introduced to Lucas's son, and is shown more pics of Arianna. Later the 4 are sitting together, just chatter back and forth, teasing about the seats at Wrigley being lousy, yada, yada.
Meanwhile, Kate has called Ortiz (??), going to meet him, he should bring the thing they talked about. Later she is outside Jordan's door, some kind of key gets her inside. She begins searching thru drawers, etc. (She is wearing another humungous ring, plus her large purse is decorated like the British flag).
(Lost about 10 minutes of the show, when NBC interrupted with news of a hi=jacked plane in vicinity of the Olympics). Came back to Kate having found the lockbox where Jordan hid those fake licenses, forces it open, and when she sees the bonanza, grabs her phone to take pics. She calls Lucas, who asks where she is. Never mind, is Jordan close to leaving? She already has. Kate panics, especially when she hears the door rattle, and Jordan call out "Arthur, I'm home".

Gabi is at the Pub, where she evidently ran into Nick, who is apologizing for something, over and over, starts to leave, she stops him, saying, o.k. Just for a minute, and gives Arianna for him to hold. He is evidently happy, but then goes into a big song and dance speech to Gabi about everyone making mistakes, starting over, blah, blah. He finally hands the baby back, thanks her, and says something about it being the first step, then leaves.
At the club, Jordan and Rafe have said good-byes, as has Sheryl, leaving Lucas & Rafe to chatter away. This is when Kate calls Lucas.

Eric is still talking to Father Timothy, who eventually leaves him alone. Eric is having recently made "flashbacks" to him and Nicole, and also some black & white of him when he became a priest. He begins to pray.

Stefano's thug, Ricardo is on the phone with Stefano, telling him Chyka has company, but doesn't know who, Chyka is tied up, looks like he is being questioned. Stefano says no answers are to leave that cottage. And don't call me back til you make sure of it.

Daniel is questioning Chyka, who is now giving answers, as Nicole records it all. He admits knowing Kristen, working for Stefano, and made up a cocktail drug, consisting of memory eraser, aphrodisiac, to be used on Father Eric Brady. Yes, he kept records or all of it, including the formulas. And just when he is about to say where those are..Ricardo bursts in, gun drawn. It is but a few seconds, and Daniel is battling Ricardo, but gets thrown against the fireplace, and knocked out. Nicole tends to him, the goon is mouthing off about 1 down, two to go, as Chyka repeats it. But Daniel has grabbed the poker, and is up, having jabbed it at Ricardo.
What follows is sort of odd, with no sound, as Daniel and Ricardo battle, but Eric's voice is heard over them saying the end of his prayer, as things seem darker, the men struggle as Daniel get shoved into a corner...... and we hear a shot.
I think we should declare a national holiday because in 48 years isn’t this the first time someone said that Stefano was behind a crime with family member! WOW!!!!!!

I looked at Kate today and thought she was a lumberjack in her red and black plaid jacket and then looked at her feet, no tree climbing for her, what the “H” did she have on her feet! Ugly!

I sure wish Lucas would cut the apron strings from Kate! He knows she wants to ruin Rafe/Jordan relationship just like she did to him and Sami, but yet he goes along with it! He even looked a little disturbed that Rafe/Jordan were enjoying themselves! Normally I liked Rafe and Lucas on a double date but not today, because he is spying on Rafe for his mommy!

Love Sonny – Nick is on his world tour of 2014 being a changed man!

I hope Daniel/Nicole have a hidden camera so there evidence doesn’t get destroyed! Daniel/Nicole has missed there calling! SPD are you hiring? Spoke to soon, 10 minutes ago Nicole was gun happy and Stefano’s thug shows up and she helpless!

Eric is just yawn worthy!

Gabi find your backbone and tell Nick to buzz off the sooner this crap comes out the better everyone is going to be!

I have a feeling that Rafe/Jordan relationship is farther along then what we are privy too! This is a shame! I think they would be a wonderful couple, but of course they aren’t being written right! More filler then anything I guess TIIC think if we see Rafe kissing someone everyone will be happy! NOT!

Nick just more blah, blah, blah!
Kudos to Sonny for telling Nick to buzz off. In fact, if Sami and EJ really wanted to help out the people of Salem, they'd have Mad World provide everyone with a spray-on Nick Fallon repellant. As for Kate, she's the latest Salemite to take up Bo Brady's specialty, breaking and entering. However if Ms. Blue Chunk wants to play the burglar, she really ought to wear a less conspicuous outfit. Any of Jordan's neighbors who happen to see her are sure to recall the ring, jacket, ugly shoes, and Union Jack bag. (Hopefully Kate will have enough consideration for Caroline's Irish-American sensibilities that she won't bring that Brit bag in the Brady Pub.) Finally, Stefano really ought to spend more on his secret operations. The one-thug option was chancy at best when pistol-packing Chyka was involved, but when it's Super Jonas, the mighty medical crimefighter, it's definitely inadequate.
Really boring show overall but nice to see a mix of characters

Can we PLEASE move the Eric story along?!? Good grief this is at least 4 episodes now and still NO decision. I enjoyed the flashbacks but someone should tell TPTB that the Brady Pub was not around yet during Eric's first go around. It was that burger place at Salem Place where Nicole used to be a waitress.

Today was just a colossal waste of acting talent. Daniel is playing Mr. Tough Guy detective while Rafe is sitting at Club TBD as just filler. The cops should have been called as soon as Stefano's name was mentioned. And I don't like seeing Nicole so vulnerable--she is much smarter and tougher than that.

And Gabi had way too much of Sami's idiot kool-aid. She handed her baby to a psychopath. I wish Will and Sonny or even EJ or Rafe had walked in.

Sami was only on twice this week and wasn't even in a front burner story. The show functioned just fine if you ask me.
Today's show was a disappointment....not nearly exciting enough for a Friday episode or for February Sweeps. The DAYS writers seem incapable of writing a week's worth of really exciting cliff-hanger type episodes....making you want to tune in tomorrow.

I couldn't believe my eyes when Gabi handed Ari over to Nick.....really???

What was with Kate's sniffling while she was in Jordan's apartment? Think maybe she will hide somewhere and then sneeze when Jordan comes into her bedroom....too bad Rafe didn't 'walk her home' as he suggested....tune in on Monday!
While I understand it is hard to do flashbacks when you have someone else playing the role, in my opinion, they should have not done it. It was a lot of years ago, Nicole was much younger then, had longer hair, etc. etc. They could have had a daydream instead. This just did not work, at least for me. Or, put a wig on her, even one with a bit longer hair for Eric. Did a long shot, walkin in the park. Oh, well, the sets for the places back then can no longer be used for such a small scene, if they still exist.
I'm still enjoyed seeing Rafe/Jordan and Lucas/Sheryl. Cute banter between Rafe and Jordan, especially about the baseball tickets. They re like "romantic friends." She is really comfortable with him now, doesn't back off like she did before. But there is still something in her history that has yet to be revealed.

I like the way Sonny ignored Nick and then how he handled him later. "Nick's around-the-world tour"...funny!

Did anyone notice Kate sniffing a lot? Then, when Jordan yelled out "Arthur," I figured out she had a cat, and Kate must be allergic to cats. I guess the day of reckoning for Jordan will be here soon, now that Kate has the fake licenses. :eek:

I posted my comments about Gabi and Nick in that conversation thread about "what was Gabi thinking?" She wasn't.

Eric can't build a new relatiionship with Nicole based on the old one. Too much has happened since then. They just can't pick up where they left off, and I think this will be headed in a different direction, though I am still unsure about what I would like to see happen and what should happen.

I noticed that Nicole put the phone with the confession on it in her back pocket, but I lost track of it during the fight. That is all the evidence necessary to clear Eric, I hope it will not be compromised.

I also lost sight of the gun Nicole and Daniel had. I assume it got kicked away when Ricardo came blazing in.

Yes, that was definitely strange with silence during the fight in the cabin and us hearing Eric praying, and then the gunshot...a real Friday cliffhanger!