Days of Our Lives - Fri. June 19,2009


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Friday, June 19, 2009
Episode #11,107 Director – Albert Alarr

Today is Grace’s funeral, so please…..have tissues handy, you will need them. The show starts with a replay of Thursday’s final scene. EJ & Nicole come in, EJ says he can hardly remember what Grace looks like, goes up to the coffin, picks up the picture of Rafe, Sami & Grace and says “this is all I have”. Sami walks in with her father, glares back and forth. Roman gets in front of Sami, and in EJ’s face just says…..Not now, not ever. Nicole & EJ go out to the vestibule. Hope & Bo are already there, come over to offer their condolences to Sami, hugs all around. Mia has arrived, followed very shortly by Will. She tries to get him to go to his mother, but he doesn’t. He points out EJ & Nicole, saying that tho he is mad at his mom, he understands why she did not want EJ to know about Grace, wanted to protect her. Mia asks about Johnny, and yeah, he is o.k. …so far.
Sami was glad to see Will, asking if he was going to sit with her, but he doesn’t answer.

Brady runs into Arianna at the Java Café, mentions that they both are probably going to the same place. A bit of conversation about Sami, Rafe and they leave together. At the chapel, Father Matt is trying to comfort an angry Rafe, telling him that he understands Rafe is unhappy with God, and sometimes his plans are bewildering. Rafe is not bewildered, he is angry. There is that family, thieves, murderers, kidnappers all, who are fine, and God takes HER! Why? It does not make sense.

Caroline has arrived, comes up to Sami, who has seen her talking to Will. No Caroline did not mention to Will about sitting with her mom. Roman goes to the pew in front of Nicole & EJ, sits down, turns around and warns EJ that if he tries to hurt a single member of his family in any way, ever again, he will take off his badge and come after EJ, and deal with him in the same way EJ has done.
There are lots of little conversations & scenes, Nicole to EJ trying to comfort him, Nicole just pats Mia on the shoulder, Rafe with his arm around Sami, Roman hugging her. Brady comes up, offers his condolences, Sami thinks he might have been mad at her. Nope, he understands. She says the same thing when Bo & Hope come up, about being mad at her, no, they could never stay mad at her for long. A stoic Rafe assuring Sami that Grace is still here with them, and to always remember the three of them against the world.
Stephanie has come in, finding EJ alone in the vestibule, and confronts him, telling him, yes, here she is, untied, out of a drawer, walking around free. She lights into him about hiring psycho Owen, and not to worry, no one is around, and she has not told the police. She explodes that he is a terrible, despicable man, no different at all from his father, as she slaps him across the face. Phil walks in, asking what is going on. EJ says just that he is being slapped. Philip warns him to keep his distance, EJ leaves. Stephanie says she is sorry. Nope, nothing to be sorry for. Nicole is up at the coffin, saying that she was the first one to ever hold Grace, and will never ever forget her. EJ standing alone in the vestibule, pulling out his blue covered document, as he flashes back to Stephanie telling him he is just like his father.

Max comes upon Melanie at the hospital, filling out some paper. He is there to un enroll from med school, but learned they already had given his spot to someone else anyway. They do some good-natured teasing, he learns she is applying for nursing school, and not coming with him to London. Hugs, she will miss him, best brother ever. Max notices her eyes lighting up as Nathan comes over to the desk (is he an intern? Med student? It has not been explained) who is looking at some files. He comes over, Mel introduces him to Max as Nathan, Maggie’s grandson, and Max, who is on the ball, realizes why Mel is staying in Salem. A bit of jocular conversation, Nathan leaves, Max gives Mel an open-ended ticket to London, for a visit, permanent move…whatever. More hugs.

Nicole is talking to EJ, saying she knows he has the papers, but to just take the time to grieve and pay respects. The extras have come in and sat down, and Father Matt urges everyone to take their seats. (And just my own complaint, but I just cannot believe Lucas is not there, that is totally unbelievable!) We see various parts of the service, Father Matt talking of Grace Rafaella Brady, EJ complaining to Nicole that she was named after HIM, not a DiMera, Father Matt blessing everyone with holy water, Caroline does a reading from the Book of Ecclesiastics…..”A time to be born, and a time to die”….Sami is sobbing. Will talking about Grace, telling a story of Johnny doing a raspberry, baby food all over the place, and Grace laughing. Will nearly breaks down, Father Matt tell him he did really well, then asks if anyone else wants to say something. And EJ stands up, not having any memories himself, but wants to say something. And now he talks of how anyone who knows him knows his children mean everything to him, and his #1 priority is keeping them safe…he is very pointed about this….and then talks about all the memories Rafe & Sami share, the first time Grace little fist curled around their finger, smiled at them, etc. and tells them they will always have those memories…but he is her father and will have none. He sits down. Father Matt asks if perhaps anyone else has something to say…..and Mia sort of mumbles, then says that no, she really doesn’t have anything to say….and begins to sing the first verse of Amazing Grace (and it is a capella – no music). There is silence when she ends it, but Caroline begins the 2nd verse, standing up and going up front, and everyone rises and joins in. Sami is crying uncontrollably on Rafe’s shoulder.
We see everyone going up to receive communion….except for Sami. EJ comes up behind her, muttering what’s the matter, Sami. Didn’t you go to confession and get your sins absolved?
Now we see everyone lined up, a rose in hand, putting them into a small basket in front of Grace’s coffin. After Mia puts hers in, she tells Will she has to leave now, get back to work, and she walks out, Nicole watching her. Sami & Rafe come up, put theirs in, she is breaking down again, then EJ & Nicole, who are the last ones. People are leaving, coming up to Sami for one last comforting hug. Bo tells her the next few days, weeks, months are going to be hard and to call them, any time, day or night, they will be there for her. Brady offers his condolences again to Sami, while Arianna says a few words to her brother, telling him she knows this is hard for him, but Sami has a lot of loving family to support her. Rafe tho, knows how much she is going to need him.
Philip & Stephanie are on the K terrace, she insists she is fine, he goes inside to have Henderson bring them out some lunch. No, she doesn’t want any wine. As he goes inside, she grabs her pill bottle, popping a few.
Mia is at the Java Café, her back to the door. A voice say, Hello, Mia. She turns, and says just one word. Chad! A cocky looking young fellow stands there, looking at her.

Everyone is gone, Nicole stands in the vestibule as Father Matt comes in saying he is glad they made it…..the nuns from the convent of the Holy Cross. They had a flat tire, and would have been very upset if they had not been able to see Samantha. Nicole flashes back to talking with the nun who helped Sami so much, & how she said her name was Mary. She says to herself that this is not good….. and now EJ takes out his paper, handing it to Sami. Sami open it, reads. She quietly says…..he is taking Johnny from me. EJ replies…just like you took my daughter from me. An eye for an eye, Samantha.

GO ROMAN!!!!! Now you have to watch EJ like a hawk. Then give it to him with both barrels.

The funeral sounds sooooo sad. I'm glad that Nicole is able to keep EJ from throwing the custody papers in Sami's face before and during the funeral.

Can't wait to hear Mia sing.

What's up with EJ saying he could hardly remember what Grace looked like? He never paid any attention to her anyway.
Such a sad day! I I dont think I can say anything different about EJ other than what I said yesterday!! He burns me up!!

Thanks for the terrific write you Barb!
Good grief at EJ. He didn't name Sydney after a DiMera either. Of course Sami didn't name her baby after a DiMera...that's kind of the point. To break away from the DiMeras!
I see another tissue day. Great write up Barb! I almost broke into tears just reading it.
He gives her the paperwork on the day of the funeral? How despicable...
How is that possible with all the bad things that he's done that he is able to gain custody?
Thanks for another great write-up, Poirot.
Does anyone think that Chad may cause trouble for Nicole? He may pressure Mia about wanting to see his baby. Then that could eventually lead to DNA tests.
The thing is....there are things WE all know, and the characters don't. And that makes some things more poignant.
Philip may have had to go to Chicago on business, but he is back in time to be with Stephanie, who really holds her own with EJ. Rafe stands so tall, so strong and protective by Sami's side, his heart is breaking, too. EJ glares at everyone, finding fault. He even complains because it is Rafe up by the coffin with Sami in the "father's " place. He keeps tapping that paper, while he holds off serving Sami with it. Sami's family DOES rally round her, tho, assuring her that they are not mad at her. Roman tells her she has proved how strong she is, just like her mother. Bo also at one point tells EJ "not here, not now" as it appears EJ is going to make a scene. Nicole sitting there, knowing an unknowing Mia is burying her own daughter, not Sami's, while she tries to comfort her apparently grieving husband, knowing what his plans are in the very near future.

Mel & Max do provide some comic relief from the strain of it all....and really, I am so happy for "Father Matt" to be in Salem. He truly is a comforting presence. Perfect choice.
He gives her the paperwork on the day of the funeral? How despicable...
How is that possible with all the bad things that he's done that he is able to gain custody?

I've found that people like that usually end up and cark it alone, think about old stefano...
he really is a lonely human.
Thanks Barb!! Great write-up as always!

I'm all for Roman hunting EJ down like the rabid weasel he is. I hope he really lays one on him and soon!!!

What's up with EJ saying he could hardly remember what Grace looked like? He never paid any attention to her anyway.

I wondered the same thing. Whether he knew Grace was his child or not, he was still walking around calling her an orphan. the day can't come soon enought for me that EJ has to eat crow. Heck, I'll even go out in my back yard and get some for him if the writers are worried about money!
Good grief at EJ. He didn't name Sydney after a DiMera either. Of course Sami didn't name her baby after a DiMera...that's kind of the point. To break away from the DiMeras!

It was out of his control AND she was named after Rafe - the guy he blames for stealing Sami away from him. Two things that he despises the most - losing & being out of control of something.

He gives her the paperwork on the day of the funeral? How despicable...
How is that possible with all the bad things that he's done that he is able to gain custody?

Don't even get me started on that again. Barb might just ban me this time for saying what I think of EJ and his low-life, nasty self. :wink:
I agree about Ralph Waite. The casting was perfect and I hope he shows up often.

At least, there were no rude interruptions at this funeral. It's good to see Roman stand up to EJ.

The thing that most tugs at my heart in the summary is the way Rafe feels. Without going into detail, I will say that I've had lots of turmoil and sadness in my life but never once questioned God's will until Luke died in 2002. It took me several months to accept His will and to apologize for ever questioning Him. I'm glad they are addressing those feelings.
Don't even get me started on that again. Barb might just ban me this time for saying what I think of EJ and his low-life, nasty self. :wink:[/QUOTE]

I'm right there with you, Mae00!!! Someone should throw him a pity party... Oh wait.... He is doing that himself!!! I don't feel sorry for him one bit!!!

Great write up Barb as usual!!! You're the best!!!
Thanks, Barb! I will run out an buy more tissues right away!

One comment, I'm glad Grace's funeral was within a reasonable time from her death, unlike Zak's, which was held over a month later.
I just want to smack the crud out of Ej for giving Sami those papers at the church no less. She hasnt even left the funeral.. SHEESH!
I might get smacked for this but... I understand why he is upset and saying what he said at the funeral, I think he should have the right to say what he wants to say. He is upset because he was around her a few times and was there during the final hospital stay until Rafe showed up and she could have told him but she didnt. but I still dont think he should be taking Johnny away from her either.
This is a first for me. I was crying just from reading your summary, Poirot. The part that got me was when they sang Amazing "Grace." Couldn't have been more appropriate.

Big hugs to KathyLu and everyone else for whom this story hits close to home or revives sad memories.

I'm glad all the family was there to support Sami, finally. Well, except for Lucas. Seems to me Max should be there too. I'm glad Philip made it back from Chicago to support Stephanie and her family. Chicago is theoretically just a short trip. Did Will end up sitting with his mother?

Does anyone know when Max's last day is? There had better be a satisfying scene where he says goodbye to Caroline. I haven't seen him tell her that he's leaving.

Thank you, Poirot.
Thanks for the summary Poirot.

There is no reasonable explanation possible for Lucas being absent from that funeral. The entire handling of Grace's death is completely unbelievable, robbing it of all emotional impact for me. I hardly know how to express my thoughts on the writing/production of this storyline. They managed to do something I thought completely impossible; I don't think there is another writer/producer team who could take a story about a child's death and manage to make me shrug with indifference.

I am glad to see that the rest of Sami's family (and apparently most of Salem) think Sami did the right thing and support her decision to protect Grace from the DiMera's.
There is no reasonable explanation possible for Lucas being absent from that funeral.

Remember when Bo wasn't at Shawn and Belle's wedding? I wonder if they have a per-episode budget and that's how they determine who's in the show.