Days of Our Lives - Fri. June 25, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Friday, June 25, 2010
Episode #11,363 taped 4/22 Director – Noel Maxam

Make sure your box of tissues is by your side, as today, Alice Horton is laid to rest. There are so many little scenes, I am sure I will not be able to include them all, please try to watch if you can. Shane & Rafe talk as they continue their flight, Shane about his family, admitting he let the love of his life slip thru his fingers while he was off saving the world. Rafe loves Sami, but her indecision about EJ drives him crazy, she hates him, she doesn’t hate him, she does hate him. They both talk of the slimy DiMeras not to be trusted. Shane hopes that perhaps Anna will come out of her coma with a change of heart and do the right thing. They evidently are landing in Salem, as they retrieve their under the seat bags, say their good-byes, agree they just might be running into each other in Salem as they both try to get their lives back in gear.

Carrie & Sami are continuing their talk in the Pub, Carrie noting to Sami that she loves Rafe, but is living with EJ??? Sami claims he is father to 2 of her children, Carrie retorts that Lucas is also father to two of her children and she doesn’t seem to be living with him. Now Sami brings up the pipes breaking and water damage, Carrie asks if it has been repaired, yes it has. When? A while ago is all Sami will say. Carrie is on her case, noting Rafe left so she then moves in with EJ? She goes on….telling her she can’t be in love with Rafe, living with another man. She is going to have to make up her mind.

Kayla is still giving Bo what for about Carly, he is trying to defend himself, telling her she wasn’t there, Kayla telling him that Carly was just a distraction for him, that he & Hope belong together. Knock, knock at the door, and there stands Hope. Roman & Kim have come out, hugs all around, all leave to give Hope & Bo some privacy. Hope is not doing well, and needs and wants her family around her. She asks if Bo will say a few words about Gran, he would be honored, and then she asks if he would sit with her & Ciara, he agrees.

Maggie & Melissa are getting things ready in the kitchen (for after the funeral) tearfully wondering what they will do now without Alice. Bill & Jennifer are in Mike’s hospital room, he is upset, seems he has a ruptured spleen, but he HAS to get out of there, go see his Gran. Bill & Jennifer assure him that Gran knew he was on his way, knew he loved her, but, she could not wait. She is gone. Mike is devastated, asks about the services, Bill tells him today. Mike wants to go, Lexie comes in, is very sorry, but they cannot let him do that. Mike explodes, yelling between clenched teeth that they are putting his grandmother in the ground, he has to be there. Jennifer starts crying, goes to him, he holds her, is so sorry, he has made this all about him being there, he is sorry, he is so sorry.

Justin & Adrienne run into each other down by the pier, do the awkward “how you been”. Adrienne learns Justin has not seen Hope in a while, all her time has been at Alice’s and she has other things on her mind. Kayla comes along, more greetings and hugs, Justin leaves, the two talk of Stephanie a bit, and how crazy she is about Nathan, Adrienne almost spills the beans about Stephanie stopping her birth control pills (flashback) but doesn’t. At the Pub, Caroline comes out, with Allie, telling Kayla, Kim & Stephanie it is time to go, pay honor to a wonderful woman named Alice. Allie announces that her name is Alice, too. J
Over a the Horton house, Hope comes in, telling the group that it is time, the cars are there. Hope, Marie, Maggie, Melissa, Bill, Laura, Jennifer all start to leave, but Lucas stops, looks around the living room. (this is truly poignant). He stands there, then walks over to a side table where a picture of Tom sits, takes it. He walks towards the door, stops, and once more, looks around the living room, then leaves.

The 2nd part of the show is devoted to the graveside services. Everyone is gathered there, small conversations on the nice job Rev. McMartin did at the church service, how so many people shared their memories of Alice, and how many have already left for the reception. Lucas is with Allie, seems Sami was called home because Johnny was sick. Everyone is sort of milling around, Jen finally coming up to Hope, saying she thinks they should get started. Hope agrees and Jennifer says she will get things going.

Meanwhile, we see Sami rushing into DiMansion, Kate has Johnny laying across her lap, he is running a small temp, she would not give him anything without Sami’s permission. Just did cold compresses. Sami thanks her as she holds Johnny. Later, she comes back down, having changed clothes, Johnny is sleeping, took his cold med, is now cool to the touch. She thanks kate again, who comments that all 4 of Sami’s children (naming them) are good kids, Sami must have done something right. The doorbell rings, Sami goes to answer, and there stands Rafe, rendering Sami absolutely speechless.

And back to the cemetery. The casket is heaped with beautiful yellow flowers, and there is a huge picture on the end of a younger Alice. Caroline begins talking of the good friend Alice was to her, and how when she was at her wit’s end, not knowing what to do, Alice was able to…and Doug picks up. As each person talks, the last couple of words they say are the ones used by the next person to begin their talk. I truly cannot relate what each one says,Julie, Nathan, Melissa, Lucas…oh, yes, he talks of how he discovered he was a Horton late in his teens, and how Alice welcomed him into the family, made him feel an important part of the family. In the background, we see Shane appear, standing at the back, & a shot of Mike in the hospital, thinking of his Gran. . Jennifer, Bo say a few words. ..everyone is dabbing at their eyes, a tearful Hope looks at the picture of Alice, saying good-bye Gran, we will never forget you. She mentions how Alice never wanted to say good-bye, always saying “Til we meet again”. Lucas has taken the picture of Tom and tucked it into the corner of the big picture of Alice.

Everyone has a yellow rose, and one by one, they all lay their rose atop the casket, Lucas holding Allie who puts it down, and Bo with Ciara. As they mill about Shane comes up to Kimberly, saying “Hey”, and she blows up, telling him he just doesn’t come sneaking up with a “hey”. She storms off. Shane expresses condolences to Bo, leaves. Hope & Bo look awkwardly at each other.

And now we are treated to a montage of scenes from Alice’s life, through the years, from a younger Tom & Alice together, Alice hugging Jen, Julie, Lucas, dancing with Tom, their second wedding, with family around, she has her cane in one scene, and you can see her becoming more and more frail, and the final scene, she is sitting in her chair, looking at Tom’s picture, touching it as she says…Good night, Tom, til we meet again. The show ends, there is a message saying “In loving memory of Frances Reid” with her picture there. And that is the fade out. No previews.

Thank you for the write up. That was hard to read... going to be harder to watch... it does appear the writers for the most part have done us (the fans) proud with this goodbye
Holy Cow! Goosebumps & tears galore just reading the summary. No telling what will happen when I watch this!!
Such a wonderful tribute to a classy lady!! Days did this one story justice.

Thanks Barb. Not sure how you got thru the watching it & then the typing it all up!! So much emotion in this!!

THANKS!!!! :clap:
Ok I am crying just reading the summary. Thanks Barb for the wonderful write-up. Tomorrow is going to be a wonderful show for a wonderful lady.
Got choked up just reading this. Thank you Barb. I think I'll be saving this episode on the DVR.
Amazing Tribute

Barb, you have an amazing talent for writing! Because I work full-time, I always read your wonderful summaries at work and watch the shows in the evening. I will definitely keep tomorrow's episode - I am so glad the writers have done such an impressive job with this tribute to Alice/Frances, especially bringing back all the missing Horton clan. I'm sure we will see real tears, not acting. I'm also glad I work at a computer and am facing my monitor (and the wall behind it) right now so nobody can see the tears in my eyes.... I usually don't get this emotionally involved with soaps but this episode will be traumatic. I haven't really cried while watching a soap in many years and that was when Cindy died in Russ Matthew's arms when they were married at the hospital in Another World. Friday's episode will be worse...

God Bless Frances!
Hard to type with tears streaming down my face. Barb you are the best. Thanks SO
much for the write up. And thanks to the writers for this special tribute to this wonderful
lady. Goodbye Alice We will miss you all The Days Of Our Lives "Till we meet again"
Thanks for the write up! Can't wait to see it in person! I am at work already crying just reading it.
Thanks Poirot. I will watch this one at noon. I don't have to go anywhere til later today. Sounds like Ken kept his promise about a fitting tribute to Alice and Frances. Rest in Peace Mrs. H.
Wow, that is so emotional. It will be so sad to see the tribute to both the actress and the character. Thank you Poirot. Please make sure that none of this episode gets pre-empted.
Guarantee you, the montage at the end is just sooo moving. And tho I put it at the end, it actually occurs just a bit earlier, followed by Shane's encounter with Kim & expressing condolences to Bo & Hope. The show actually ends with Bo & Hope looking at one another in front of the casket........and then comes the "In loving memory".

You are all correct. This was difficult to write up. I tried to do honor to this wonderful lady, who I think will always be here, in our hearts, as Maggie says today.
Hard to type with tears streaming down my face. Barb you are the best. Thanks SO
much for the write up. And thanks to the writers for this special tribute to this wonderful
lady. Goodbye Alice We will miss you all The Days Of Our Lives "Till we meet again"

ditto. .. and Barb- you do such a good job with these...thank you... k, i'm gonna find something funny in the just for laffs section so maybe the tears will stop before someone walks in my office and wants to know whats wrong...
Don't know if I will be able to watch this one. You see, I lost my 16yr old granddaughter in a car accident a few months ago so emotions are very close to the surface. Need to know if at anytime during service, they play Amazing Grace because that would be the clincher for me. Cannot hear that without bursting. Appreciate your recap Barb. Perhaps I will set my DVR and watch it when I feel emotionally able to do so.
There is only some original background music.....nothing recognizable.

I liked that everything was centered outside. No scripture readings, no minister, (as that part had already taken place).
Gotta tell ya, that Shane Donovan is one handsome dude!