Days of Our Lives - Fri., ., Nov. 9, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, November 9, 2011

Rafe & Hope show the store owner a pic of Ben, asking if he is the young man who bought the accelerant. Tho it has been a while, & the fellow wore sunglasses, Mr. Snyder is very firm in that it was not Ben. He leaves, Hope & Rafe are dejected. They try to figure out who could have done something like that, if not Ben….someone who loves Ciara, wants to protect her from Ben, doesn’t like that he is always around….Tripp!!

And that young man wakes up next to the sleeping Ciara, checks his phone to find messages from Claire, who thinks he is avoiding her. He keeps checking Ciara, not wanting her to see him w/phone, but she wakes up, queries him, he claims work, yada, yada. Later, they are dressed, he is leaving for work, hugs. Tripp mentions Ciara trying to help Ben get a job, Claire telling him was Ciara’s idea. No, it wasn’t, was Claire’s.

At the square, Claire wants to know why Tripp has not been answering her, they go back and forth, she manages to drag it out of him that he planted the false evidence, having lifted a print from a DVD case Ben had left behind, then transferring it to the can. She promises to keep his secret, tell no one.

A disheveled Stefan is outside DiMansion door, flashing back to getting knocked out. Inside, Kate has woken up, realizes quickly that Abby switched the cups. She is gathering her things, in comes Stefan, what are you doing here, where is my wife. Kate does her usual sidestepping, has no idea, blah, blah. Stefan figures that Chad came in, Abby is gone, so he is going to go report to the police. He leaves, and of course the next one in (egads, everyone comes and goes with no keys, butlers, etc.) is the frantic Gabi, who has been trying to reach Kate. So now, Gabi learns that Chad evidently took Abby away, and Abby is onto Kate & Gabi, having switched the tea cups, thus Kate was asleep all night, just woke up. She doesn’t know what Gabi has in mind now, but leave her out of it. They do their usual “you tell on me, I’ll tell on you” dance, but Kate tells Gabi she had better clean up everything here, throws the bag at her with the wig & Gabby clothes, says she is going home for shower and breakfast, and out the door she goes.

Claire has met with Ben, wants to know all that happened with Ciara “yesterday”. He throws some money down to pay for his coffee, saying he had a small job, a one time thing, got paid. Claire pesters, Ben only says he told Ciara some stuff about when he was a kid, Claire thinks that was a brilliant idea, Ciara was sympathetic. Ben really doesn’t say much, Claire just wants him to continue to stay close to Ciara, even mentioning Tripp not being such a clean cut guy as one might think, but won’t say why. (When she sees Tripp, she mentions him already having framed someone, Kayla, which is how Tripp admits what he did)

Chad & Abby are in some cabin, I guess. Doors & windows locked, he has only key. He claims Laura will be there, or will be calling him, as he left a message for her. Then he & Abby go round and round about getting her the help she needs, her denying her alters are back, etc. She talks of how Gabi has not forgiven her, wants her locked up, as she was, wants her deprived of her children, etc. etc. She tells of Kate working with Gabi, switching the tea cups, Kate going out like a light. Chad is saying he loves her, she says then why move out, desert me? She says she loves him, and knows he would not be able to live with a child not his, and if he really loved her, he would be able to accept it all, her, and the baby. He claims he does.

Ben comes into Doug’s place, finds Ciara, says they advertised for a dishwasher, talks of having worked there when it was Club TBD, knows Sonny would not hire him again, but mayb e this Doug guy will. Ciara says he is her grampa…..Julie her gramma, mom’s side, Ben realizes it would be no go, will try elsewhere. He starts to leave, she calls him back, saying yesterday, what we had was just a moment. That is all. I have a boyfriend. Ben says he wishes she didn’t.

Rafe & Hope show up in the square at Tripp’s workplace, want him to answer some questions. Claire hears, stops abruptly, uh, oh.

Gabi has straightened up everything, picks up the bag, pulls out the wig, shoving it back in the bag as Stefan walks in.

Abby defends marrying Stefan, only thing stopping her from being locked in a padded cell. Chad takes out the key, gives it to her. Abby says thank you, goes to the door, stops, groans a bit. What is wrong? I think I am in labor.
Ugh so frustrating!! Yesterday ends with Chad saying I'm taking you away from here and today starts with them at the Horton Cabin I can only assume!! Abigail didn't fight? She didn't say wait! We have to go check on Kate! This story is being dragged out way too long. I was actually at first hoping Kate was going to be setting Gabi up because she's sick of it but then nope! Kate actually going to do it!! And why didn't Stefan look around, notice 2 tea cups and nail Kate on that!! Enough is enough!!

I've never been a Chad/Abigail fan. I just remember him not being into her at all back when he was with Melanie so I have never seen them as a great love potential super couple and now for sure not!! I do not know how they can still be together when he will not believe her at all when she says her DID is not back!! He believes everyone but Abigail!! That guilt from not catching it the first time is skewing his thoughts now. But to go to these extremes, wanting to commit her, kidnapping her, that is just too much to come back from. I don't care if they do have 2 kids together super couple status is gone as far as I'm concerned. And in true soap opera fashion one tiny little contraction and they won't be able to get to the hospital probably! More ugh.

Hope needs to lose her job now. All she is doing is trying to nail Ben. Apparently no other crime in Salem. I just love how she thinks Ben should be behind bars when she has done many illegal things. Nighttime Hope tried to kill Bo, regular Hope did kill Stefano. I just don't like her. Not sure why Rafe does.
I had to choose between watching this live and a nap .... I chose wrong.
The Abby and Chad scenes were good, but other than that pretty bad for a Friday.
For Pete’s sake, we had scene with Rafe, Hope, and Stefan :rolleyes:
I dozed off about two or three times.
I miss when I liked Hope and Rafe as characters. People bash Galen Gering (Rafe) 24/7 but he’s great. It’s not him. It’s the writing. He’s not made to be confined to an office every episode being a paranoid sidekick. He’s made for fun, outlandish, and different storylines like the safehouse. I mean this is the guy who was involved in a super couple where his mate was an orangutan (I’m not kidding) on Passions. Hope needs to go back to modeling lol.

I was a little disappointed that a Grandma Caroline and Grandpa Shawn clip wasn’t shown for just a moment yesterday along with Alice Horton or just a 10 second dedication as both actors passed this year. I saw they did a tribute to the actress who played Caroline Brady on the new app, but not all fans have access to the app, so I don’t think that was fair to everyone.
Apparently no other crime in Salem
I thought the same thing.
I have never seen them as a great love potential super couple and now for sure not
Me too. I'll never forget how he treated her when he returned (and Billy Flynn was first cast).

When Hope first suggested Ben framed himself (what was it - 10 years ago?), I thought Rafe was kidding when he agreed. I can't believe this is still going on.
I think it would have been more fun if Kate was very allergic to the sedative and had an anaphylactic reaction :)

Or Abigail found the sedatives and put a few extra in Kate’s tea.

So Stefan slept outside all night? ok

Hope and Rafe have become the most boring and annoying characters on the show. Separately they would make more interesting characters. And preferably take them out of the police station. Rafe has never been very interesting except the first year or so on the show. But his character has been lifeless for so long, they need to do something different with him besides being Hope’s sidekick in the station.
even mentioning Tripp not being such a clean cut guy as one might think, but won’t say why. (When she sees Tripp, she mentions him already having framed someone, Kayla, which is how Tripp admits what he did)
She tells Ben about Tripp killing Pamela Van Damme, the ISA director, while trying to save Ciara.
So Stefan slept outside all night? ok
I guess we're supposed to believe he was unconscious the entire time.
And thus it seems Days no longer has the VP in charge of common sense! And also, how it is very apparent that Corday does not watch his show, while Greg Meng & Albert Alarr seem to doze off themselves during filming & editing.
I really hate that the suits all seem to think the viewers won't notice or won't care. Just too many unexplained things go on, or DON'T go own, as has been pointed out. Abby goes with Chad, doesn't say boo about Kate (until they are at their destination) or Gabi, or anything. If that is the Horton cabin, it is winter, one needs a boat, but the water should be getting pretty icy. Since when does a door lock from the inside? And the outside? How would one get out in case of fire, emergency is door cannot be opened from inside?
Yep, one little contraction & she cannot get to a hospital! Makes one wonder why so many women spend hours and hours...many at home first.
Chad stands there like a zombie saying, I love you, I love you, I love you. Sheesh. I really wish these guys would shave.
And this ex-FBI agent, well trained, now a policeman, is reduced to following after the Police Commissioner like a puppy dog? Since when does anyone enter a police station to supposedly report a crime, and talk directly to the Commissioner?
How does the person get past all the other police, desks, etc. etc.
And thus it seems Days no longer has the VP in charge of common sense! And also, how it is very apparent that Corday does not watch his show, while Greg Meng & Albert Alarr seem to doze off themselves during filming & editing.
I really hate that the suits all seem to think the viewers won't notice or won't care. Just too many unexplained things go on, or DON'T go own, as has been pointed out.
Whenever I feel like the show is going off the rails, and almost nothing makes sense, I have to go watch this cartoon from 2009-2010 that makes fun of Ken Corday and Dena Higley lol

Thank you for the summary!! We finally cut ties with the cable company today. Sooooo, that means that I won't get to see Days until the next day on Hulu or NBC app.
I was disappointed that after Sami returned from Nashville with EJ, she never had another scene with Rafe. It would have been nice to wrap that up before she left town. I'm in full agreement about Hope. She's much more interesting as Princess Gina. She never sees her children or spends any time with her grandchildren. Clearly, not much of Alice Horton rubbed off on her.
Once again, the Salem brain was missing in action all over town.

Stefan Zero: He actually threatened Hope with the inept Salem P.D. He's lucky she didn't laugh in his face. Then, he compounds his error by reporting a crime committed by a fellow DiMera to Hope and Rafe. Doesn't he know that DiMeras just don't do this. Stefano must be spinning in his grave.

Claire: She actually thinks that she has integrity? Why -- because she's not as bad as Kate, Gabi, Hattie, Bonnie, Kristen, and Stefan O. McPerv?

Ben: He actually thinks that Ciara has integrity because she is the daughter of cops? Wherever Ciara got her integrity, it wasn't from her felonious parents.

That said, some sense was evident.

Abigail: She correctly noted that Chad committed the crime of kidnapping -- not that he'll ever be charged with anything.

Melinda Trask: She's on the right track with her whispering campaign against corrupt, inept Hope. However, she needs to step up her game and arrange for a full-scale investigation into the all the abuses taking place at police headquarters.
Didn't the local mental hospital mess up with Abigail the first time around? She had to run away and get with her grandmother before she got the help she needed. I had thought Chad was planning to put her back there, until now. They should have called her grandmother in the first place.

Claire.....I won't say what I'm thinking about her because I know Jason and maybe others like her. I'll just say, as far as I'm concerned, she and Tripp deserve each other.

Thanks for the summary. I've watched part but need to finish.
Thanks, Poirot.

Another sweeps period that needs to be swept away with all the fall leaves.

It was interesting to learn there's a whisper campaign going on about Hope.
I didn't realize she could hear the viewers talking about her :)

You could tell today was Flashback Friday because we saw three.

I'm glad Chad let Abby leave the cabin, oops too late. Baby on the way.

Rafe and Hope finally went down a different road to figure out who planted
evidence in the cabin. Will they be able to tell if Tripp is lying to them?