Days of Our Lives - Friday, August 22, 2008

I have been reading these recaps for a long time, but have never posted. I just wanted to thank Poirot for always doing such a great job and keeping me updated as to what is going on. I would be lost without this. I look forward to reading everyday, typos and all!!:D LOL

Okay, I am also tired of the Stefano vendetta s/l. I wish they would come up with something new. And please let Kayla and Steve do something besides whine!! But that probably isn't going to happen until we find out what happened to Baby Joe while he was kidnapped.

I love the Lucas and Chloe pairing, I didn't think I would, but I was wrong. I also want to see EJ and Nicole stay together. Maybe Sami can find someone new to string along!
I agree with Bugadoo - why does Lucas seem to think that he can just walk in and take Allie?
I actually am starting to like Lucas and Chloe...I think Lucas wants to be a "hero" and take care of a woman and Chloe loves that!
Ditto. I think so, too. I can't bear the thought of yet another amnesia!!

From what I have read, you are right - she is only asking which John he is. She has not lost her memory.
She is tired of the ups and downs of her relationship with NuJohn and needs to take time for herself
Gosh I bet Roman and Abe hating playing there roles so darn DUMB. Poor guys.
I am not sure I like this storyline with Marlena forgetting and John too. Good golly Miss Molly how much forgetting can one show have?
How can Stefano be so darn smart as to what all he does to the Salem people and keep getting away with it all?
Sorry I love EJ and Sami together. I don't care if they do make Nicole nice and all, she can find her own man. Maybe Philip. Now I think they would make a great couple.
Lexie just can't stand her on Days. Her and Abe both should go into the sunset and off the show.
Wow, Bo and Hope work for the police and no where to be found with this big crisis at the hospital. They could have said something like they are on vacation or something.
Oh well Days is days and the writers will do what they want no matter what we say.
Have a nice evening everyone.
Wow, Bo and Hope work for the Police and no where to be found with this big crisis at the hospital. They could have said something like they are on vacation or something. JMO

Didn't Bo get suspended for destroying evidence? Therefore he wouldn't be there.

Barb wrote:

Isn’t it great how much all these babies sleep?

I have a 15 month old son....I wonder the same thing every time I hear the 'babies are sleeping!!"

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO!!!!thanks for the laugh!!!
I too could do without seeing Barb's FEW mistakes pointed out. I am amazed she is so gracious about it. I've never seen her make one that I couldn't figure out what she meant, and like KathyLu said, as posters, we all make mistakes from time to time.
I too could do without seeing Barb's FEW mistakes pointed out. I am amazed she is so gracious about it. I've never seen her make one that I couldn't figure out what she meant, and like KathyLu said, as posters, we all make mistakes from time to time.

Hey, speek for yourrself...!!! I'm gosh darned aulmost perffict...!!!!!!
I think it will be interesting to see 2 people who both don't remember each other. Before it was one or the other. Both at the same time would be like starting all over again.

You know...that could be a really good storyline. I kind of like that whole take on it.

This could really work, watching them fall in love all over again....
I will take EJ and Sami in scenes together anyway I can get them......jealous whiny Lucas in the background even better.
Thank you. I am so glad some people are finally agreeing with me. I fast forward through all the Stefano scenes. Same boring storylines that have been going on for years...particularly all the brainwashing, vendetta's, stealing memories. I prefer Rolf as the babysitter...he was really funny to watch. As the mad scientist he is funny, but the storyline is ridiculous. Let's see Stefano become a match for Victor...some shrewd business stories and maybe some love triangles.

Barb, thanks for everything you do. Read your days ahead, every day!
who's looking after Paul

He is locked in the basement. John is preoccupied at the hospital and Rolf is under Stephano's control, again. Who is feeding this poor man? :confused: Guess he is on an Olympic diet. Maybe someone will remember him next week?
misslou, welcome. :welcome: Good point about poor ol' neglected Paul. Ah, soap opera timing!

sewgirlie, love triangles??? After Sami, Lucas and E.J., I'm not sure I can take any more of them. Not to mention the recent stories of NuJohn, Marlena, and Ava or Philip, Chloe, and Morgan or even Daniel, Chelsea and Kate. I do look forward to Victor and Stefano interacting though.
I was unaware that so many people had a problem with one or two other people and me pointing out Barb's errors. I point them out when it's something that I'd want pointed out to me, if I were doing the summaries, otherwise I leave them alone.

I am for grateful for all that she does for us on this forum. I've told Barb that I don't think I could do nearly as good a job as she does. Anytime I point out an error, I put in at least one compliment, usually two; one at the beginning and one end, because I absolutely do not want to come across as critical of Barb. I have too much respect for her for that.

Someone (KathyLu, I think) did point out that they had a problem with the errors being pointed out publically. That is a good point. In the future, if I see something that I think I'd want pointed out to me, I'll send Barb a private message, rather than posting in the discussion.
I was unaware that so many people had a problem with one or two other people and me pointing out Barb's errors. I point them out when it's something that I'd want pointed out to me, if I were doing the summaries, otherwise I leave them alone.

I am for grateful for all that she does for us on this forum. I've told Barb that I don't think I could do nearly as good a job as she does. Anytime I point out an error, I put in at least one compliment, usually two; one at the beginning and one end, because I absolutely do not want to come across as critical of Barb. I have too much respect for her for that.

Someone (KathyLu, I think) did point out that they had a problem with the errors being pointed out publically. That is a good point. In the future, if I see something that I think I'd want pointed out to me, I'll send Barb a private message, rather than posting in the discussion.

Thank you for that. It will make me much happier.