Days of Our Lives - Friday, August 22, 2008

I was unaware that so many people had a problem with one or two other people and me pointing out Barb's errors. I point them out when it's something that I'd want pointed out to me, if I were doing the summaries, otherwise I leave them alone.

I am for grateful for all that she does for us on this forum. I've told Barb that I don't think I could do nearly as good a job as she does. Anytime I point out an error, I put in at least one compliment, usually two; one at the beginning and one end, because I absolutely do not want to come across as critical of Barb. I have too much respect for her for that.

Someone (KathyLu, I think) did point out that they had a problem with the errors being pointed out publically. That is a good point. In the future, if I see something that I think I'd want pointed out to me, I'll send Barb a private message, rather than posting in the discussion.

Ah, don't worry about it b2curious, we are a funny bunch aren't we..??
In my opinion, letting Poirot know about an error in her Days Ahead isn't insulting at all...the thread is read by thousands, tens of thousand, people and I would think she would want it just right....Days Ahead is more than a thread here, it's a well read blog, it's the same as an article in SOW, SOD or any magazine or newspaper and I would think the author would want it perfect.... It just isn't the same as "nitpicking" (there word, not mine) our personal little opinion threads, which to my knowledge, doesn't happen here much......
I would hope we all don't all get really anal about these error notifications. I think it was cute the other day when someone pointed out my "pointers" faux pas. It added a bit of humor to the board and I was not offended whatsoever. As long as its done tactfully and respectfully, I don't think there is a blessed thing wrong with helping Barb, or others, make this board the best it can be. I am more concerned with the possiblity of self appointed Spectator police trying to micro-manage the rest of us if we didn't notify Barb, or others, just right. Do we really want to reduce the board to that kind of behavior? I know if I was new and saw that, it would scare me right out of here.
New to this site.

Hi everyone, I am new here, but I have been reading the spoilers forever. Poirot, you have done a wonderful job of keeping usa all informed on the show. Thank you. I can't watch it all the time as I am a Full time Nursing Student.

I just wanted to say I too am tired of the Stefano story line. My favorite villian was Lawrance Alamain. He was trully evil, and I liked the way he kept ahead of everyone else. Maybe his son will come back. What does anyone else think of Lawrence when he was on?
While waiting for this mornings post I was reading yesterdays comments. I was upset by the people who are always pointing out Barb's mistakes.!:( I think we should all be greatfull for all Barb does for us instead of critizing her. I for one would be lost without barb's recaps cuz I can't watch the show on a daily basis.
Thank you Barb for all you do for us!:smile:
Now that I said my peice on to read todays recap.
I guess now John is going to see how it feels for someone not to remember him. There is only one troubling thig here, they did this before. So what's going to be different this time?

:smile: yes thank you for all the great write ups!!!! I also would be sooo lost!!!! Thanks again you do a GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!!!