Days of Our Lives - Mon., Apr. 30, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, April 30, 2018

Good show! Yes, it jumps around a lot, but holds your attention. John & Paul are searching the DiMera mansion, no Marlena, they keep at it, talking of Abby having the last appointment of the day, etc. John finds Marlena's glasses, knows then she was there, and Abigail (tho it was Gabby) lied. He gets a call about Brady being in the hospital, heads off to there, Paul with him.

At the cop shop, Chad & Jennifer are berating themselves for not paying closer attention to what was going on with Abby, not seeking help for her, not trying to help her. Eric tells them to stop beating themselves up, not their fault, they had nothing to do with this. In come Hope with Gabby, and it is bedlam. Gabby is in Chad's face, scolding him for what he did to Stefan, calling him names. He tries to reason with her, to no avail. She doesn't want to see him or talk to him, assuring him she wanted to be in bed with Stefan, had wanted to for a long time. Chad is devastated. Jennifer tries to talk to her, attempts to remove the wig, Gabby backs away, don't touch me. She tells them all her name is Gabby with a “y”, insists they call her that. She tells Jen she is not her mother, no one knows Gabby, leave her alone. Finally, Hope takes her away to question her. She has been insistent about wanting to see Stefan, but until she answers questions, she isn't going anywhere.

Rafe & JJ are in Gabi's room in the prison infirmary. She finally wakes up, where am I, they tell her, ask what happened. She says she was attacked, but is reluctant to tell by who, afraid of being a stoolie and get attacked again. Rafe tells her he won't be able to help her, protect her unless she does, so finally she tells all, about Diane, her being Raines' girlfriend, angry both on are in prison, etc. He goes to talk to warden, right now Gabi cannot be moved. JJ stays, talks she wonders why he is there, he explains about being with Rafe when he got the news about her. He owes Gabi, she saved his life that night, he will always owe her. Rafe returns, now has the info about Gabby, identified as Abigail being in the dark wig in Hong Kong. Right now, cannot prove it was her going into Andre's office, but they will be working on it.

And down in the bunkers, Kate & Vivian are trading insults, Viv hits something with her foot. Lo and behold, a case of champagne. Viv grabs a bottle, as does Kate. Marlena tries to dissuade them, but Kate convinces her other wise, so Marlena grabs her own bottle. More insults are traded back and forth, talk of Abigail & her split personalities, then snark about Viv burying Carly alive, and then a snipe at Marlena being possessed. Kate & Viv want the story, and Marlena launches into the tale, how it started with Stefano having the townhouse next door, building the tunnel to her bedroom, hypnotizing her into Queen of the Night, taking her out, etc. And we even get a flashback to the whole bed violently shaking, stopping, and her being levitated up into the air while asleep! Marlena mentions turning into a jaguar and attacking a group of bible scholars, is laughing, then is mentioning the swarm of bees, but Viv stops her, enough, they only asked how it started, not the entire history. Back into being buried alive, Viv was in the coffin herself, Kate reminds her that when she got out, she put Maggie in there. More snark and insulting back and forth.

Chad, Jen & Eric are in interrogation room with Gabby, who is smart mouthing to them all. They get ushered out, John comes bursting in, wanting to know where Marlena is. Gabby gives him a “look”, isn't saying anything. John is adamant, Hope comes in, tells John how she says her name is Gabby with a “y”. John is frustrated, and very angry, but Gabby is not going to tell him anything. Hope ushers him out, tells the guard NO ONE else is allowed in there. Jen & Eric go to talk to Kayla, seek her help. Hope tells Chad they need something to get Gabby to talk, she wants to see Stefan. Chad tells her to go ahead, do what she has to do.

Now Gabby is alone, who arrives, but Dr. Laura, puts on the glasses John left on the table, tells Gabby she really screwed things up, reminds her of when she ran off after Chad beat Stefan. Gabby mentions the 3 crones in the bunker, Laura says luckily someone thought ahead and made plans. What did you do, says Gabby.

Back to the bunker, Viv is behind the rack of clothes, yakking about not having food to go with the champagne, there has to be some around there. She grabs on to the bar, saying she is finding it hard to breathe. Kate mentions she is, too, though it was her imagination. Marlena looks worried, Ladies, we are losing out of air.

And in the tunnels is some thing, I cannot tell what it is. Looks like the tunnel is boarded up with duct tape??.Since I don't tape the show, cannot go back, check, stop tape, etc. The women are losing their ability to breathe.
Gotta say, the ladies had a field day. Vivian made fun of Abby's alters, saying that is what she is going to do, split and call her alter Schmivian! LOL

Gabby has told everyone her name is Gabby, so all now know that Abigail is really not herself. far they all don't know about Dr. Laura. At one point, you can hear Abby calling out to Chad, Gabby is telling her to shut up..and of course those present think she is talking to them.

Was interesting to see Gabby & Dr. Laura talking...and in the same room, as it had to have been inside Abby's head...or Gabby's. but it is in color......not black & white, as they usually do.

Really good show for a we don't usually get one on a Monday.
And in the tunnels is some thing, I cannot tell what it is. Looks like the tunnel is boarded up with duct tape??.Since I don't tape the show, cannot go back, check, stop tape, etc. The women are losing their ability to breathe.
Looks like "Dr. Laura" taped over all the cracks around the door so it cut off their air supply.
I thought it was a pretty good episode. I found it interesting because essentially it was a single story episode: the DID story, but that story has grown so many branches, at first it didn't seem that way. I liked that.

The Police Station Squad: Those scenes were well-done and well-acted by everyone involved. But I am just burnt out by "Gabby". I found it a little hard to totally invest myself in those scenes. At this point, the DID story reminds me of a dog walking upright on its hind legs. You can admire the trick when it's done well, but you have to ask why it's done at all.

The Bunker: I appreciated the injection of humor, especially after last Monday's episode. I've read comments on on another site that a drunken Marlena is just Hattie. That may be true, but I gotta say she still tickles my funny bone.

Aww, poor Gabi. :cry: She's so broken and battered emotionally, and now physically, but still hasn't totally given up hope. *sniff*

If they are going to reunite Gabi with JJ, I wish they would quit teasing. But on the other hand, they do say that "patience is a virtue" and "good things come to those who wait."

Come to think of it, they also say "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush". It's probably not applicable to the situation, but I've never really understood what it meant, so I just thought I would throw it out there in case it sticks. :)
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Good episode.

Cabin Fever: Vivian is getting tired of the company of Kate and Marlena? She should get down on her knees and thank God that she's not locked up with self-righteous Jenny and sourpuss Eric or the unbearable Ciara and Claire.

A Few Too Many: Marlena actually said that Viv and Kate were fabulous mothers? Just how many swigs of that champagne has she had?

Air Supply: If things get dire, both Kate and Viv could use their dragons' breaths to melt an airhole in the dungeon door.

Port-a-Potty?: If the ladies keep swilling that champagne they'd better hope that Stefano had the foresight to provide toilet facilities in his dungeon.

Memory Lapse?: John is a veteran resident/prisoner at the DiMansion. Why wasn't he looking for the entrances to secret tunnels and passages?
I liked this episode. Enjoyed most all of it. The ladies in the tunnel were fun. I disagree about a drunken Marlena being Hattie. Hattie got on my nerves pretty quick but not Marlena being drunk. I like all three of the actresses and even enjoy Kate and Vivian in something like this.

Gabi and JJ were good. I hope they get back together. I wouldn't want to leave Gabi alone in that infirmary. I don't trust the prison authorities to protect her.

I wanted somebody--anybody-- to yank that wig off Gabby's head and stick a mirror in front of her face and tell her to get over it. (I know that wouldn't be advisable in real life but it was what I felt like seeing in this case).

DBF, it would have been Vivian's worst nightmare to be shut up with Claire and Ciara! So funny, just thinking about it. I also kept thinking that several of the Salem residents are aware of the Dimera tunnels. I think there was one day when Chad came along and found the door to it open and he asked Stefan or someone what was going on, then he closed the door. But he's too fixated on Abigail to think about anything else right now.
John probably would have decided to check the tunnels after he found Marlena's glasses, but....he got the call about Brady being in the hospital. One can imagine how torn up he had to be. I think he will go back to DiMansion & look down there. Maybe not.

Also have to say, Marlena drunk was MARLENA DRUNK. Some folks (not here) are just not happy about anything, so have to constantly make a negative comment. That flashback to levitation was great....and to this day, Deidre Hall (Marlena) will not reveal how it was done. She did say once there were no wires.

The trio were fun, the snark was good, the "memories" were really great, enabling newer viewers in on some past history. Too bad they did not mention Kate's fall from grace...& how she tried to kill Victor, set the house on fire, injuring Lucas badly in the process.
That flashback to levitation was great....and to this day, Deidre Hall (Marlena) will not reveal how it was done. She did say once there were no wires.
Here's how it was probably done (the basic trick):

Add in some post-production wizardry and you have her floating without wires.

It always cracked me up that on clear images of her floating, you can see she's wearing pantyhose (or knee-highs) under her pajama bottoms. I guess she wanted her feet to look extra pretty. LOL
Thanks, Poirot.

Funny scenes with the ladies, especially when Vivian asked Marlena about being possessed
and Marlena talked about it. I wish they could have been done it without the alcohol. Getting
drunk in "real" life is not a good thing.

I thought it was funny when Hope kept telling everyone that she was Gabby spelled
with a Y. She never said an extra B.

Calling Steve Uncle Stevie Wonder was funny. I rewound the tape and listened to it twice

I wish someone would have pulled off the wig. Hope was behind Gabby a couple of times.

Will Gabby tell Hope what Dr Laura did with the duct tape? Will Vivian, Marlena and
Kate be found before their oxygen is gone or they have to go to the bathroom? Stay tuned.