Days of Our Lives - Mon., April 19, 2021

Maybe that new doctor is an employee of the Vitali family and Jan was just someone who agreed to do the crime and he helped?
Thanks, robin.

I loved it the last line today when Jan said "Sorry, Charlie"

Hopefully, the next few days we'll see Jan remembering what all she did before she
killed Charlie. Like was it Belle's coat or did Jan buy herself the same one? Was Jan in
the coma on Valentine's Day? Somehow she knew about the coat or she took Belle's.

Poor Belle, she got arrested. Who's going to be her lawyer? Will she have to use Justin?

It's too bad Marlena didn't erase John's conversation before they left. Will Jan give it

to someone to get Belle convicted of Charlie's murder?

Wow, Allie is going to look for job. Will Grandpa Roman hire her?

Is Jan supposed to be Little Red Riding Hood who shoots Charlie the Big Bad Wolf :)
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Charlie was shot well after the wedding because he was supposed to be Claire’s date. Then, he bailed quickly after seeing Allie there. It was a bit of time before everyone found him out and then more time passed when he was running around as Salem’s most hated citizen.

Jan didn’t have to steal the gun, at least. It was at Charlie’s place, but that raises the question of how she knew the gun would be there. What was her plan?
And how did she get the gun from Charlie? I was pre-empted so didn't see any of it, did they show that?
The only thing we saw yesterday was Charlie getting shot. We didn't see anything
before that happened.
I recorded overnight. Jan being the killer is crazy but so are these writers. I assume she just did it to frame Belle so her acting like she cared about Claire was a bunch of bull. I'm sure Charlie was thinking who the hell are you and why are you shooting me?

But the absolute most ridiculous thing was being arrested over a button!!! A button is Trask's absolute proof that Belle killed Charlie? A button? Don't they know that Charlie died like 3am? I'm sure Belle was home at 3am. Please don't let this drag out. Let Charlie come back from the dead and point his finger at Jan. Hey, it could happen!
Well, while a button is the most ridiculous thing, it's also physical evidence that cannot be denied. It speaks to presence in the location that it was found, unless they can prove that it's not the missing button from that specific coat. And it's Trask - she's always out for blood, and has gotten hung up on the smallest things before.
I wondered if they could tell if button was cut off or torn off the coat. Was Jan wearing
Belle's gloves or her own? They can get fingerprints from the inside of gloves.
Tripp also tells Steve and Kayla he is no longer Tripp Dalton, but legally changed it to Tripp Johnson.

*this happened on Monday's show...Poirot
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I'm so relieved the knife-wielding Ava lover now has the surname of a multiple abuser & rapist (Duke Earl Johnson) instead of the name of his abusive Daddy! I was waiting with baited breath for that name change!!

It's like they think if they keep calling him Tripp Dalton, the next set of writers (should there be one) will get confused as to whom he's related to.
Jan could have managed to tear a button from Belle's coat, but bought an identical one for herself. The bigger mystery is her being gone for a length of time from her hospital bed, with no alarm or any one mentioning it.
I keep thinking back before Charlie was killed we were seeing previews of a knock on his door and him opening it and saying, "Don't shoot." But that's a long stretch for me to remember so it probably didn't happen that way. If it did, then that wouldn't fit with Jan using Kate's gun.
Yes, that is what I remember as well, he opened the door, hands up..... "don't shoot". Now, we are seeing it differently.
It was Allie with Kate's gun, but she ended up chickening out, dropping the gun and leaving. Then apparently Jan came in after Allie left and shot Charlie.
It was Allie with Kate's gun, but she ended up chickening out, dropping the gun and leaving. Then apparently Jan came in after Allie left and shot Charlie.
I guess you're right, J.S. I don't rely on my memory too much but I was thinking when Allie came in with Kate's gun Charlie wasn't afraid because he knew she wouldn't shoot him. He more or less made fun of her and dared her.