Days of Our Lives - Mon., Aug. 3, 2020


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, August 3, 2020

I don't know who approved this episode, but it was horrible, twisted, & sickening. Sorry, but I cannot even describe it, except to say that over half was Eve taking great pleasure, with the help of Vincent, in torturing Ben, both physically & verbally.

Evidently, somehow, Hope, Shawn, Ciara & Claire all are in NY, trying to find Eve. Shawn & Hope have address, go to check, empty, messy, dirty. Eve paid 3 months in advance, but landlord hasn't seen her for weeks.

While they were gone, Claire & Ciara had friendly chat, Ciara sorry she did not believe Claire in first place, & is glad she is there with her. After Shawn & Hope return, Shawn calls someone, who might be able to help. End of show, Chloe shows up, how can I help.

Sami is with Belle, complaining about Nicole causing rift between her & Allie by telling Allie something Sami did. Evidently, Sami tells about going to see & talk to Rafe, Belle is voice of reason, pointing out finally that Sami rushes in, wanting everyone to do what she wants, then when she knows she is the one who screwed up, tries to justify what she did. Sami thinks Belle would react the same if Claire wanted her to give her space. Belle notes she just did that! Sami feels she has to explain to Allie, leaves.

Sonny is looking for papers to adopt a puppy, Will comes in, gets call from his dad about Allie giving birth, boy guys happy, they have a son, rush off to hospital.

At the apartment, Eric comes in as Nicole is looking for adoption papers Justin made up for Will & Sonny, but Allie did not sign. They talk of Sami, Rafe, Will, Sonny, the whole mess.

They show up at hospital, see Will & Sonny admiring their son. They break the news (Eric, as well as Nicole) that Allie not quite sure yet, but the guys realize no one called them when the baby was born, despite Eric & Nicole being there, along with Sami. Nicole explains Sami asked them not to. They go to see Allie, Sonny is furious, knows Sami is Will's mom, thank goodness he is not like her. But he is going to give her a piece of his mind, everyone afraid of her, but he is a Kiriakis, and is not afraid. Yep, here comes Sami, who just arrived.

Over at the torture chamber, Eve has brought out a mannequin wearing Ciara's wedding dress, with a tablet of a video of Ciara smiling in front, where the head would be. Confident, because he has been given mind altering drugs, along with the shock treatments, & brainwashing, she gives Ben a scarf, telling him to kill Ciara.
I thought the episode was disgusting. I kept flipping between Chopped and Days and I finally couldn't take any more. Days has become too dark and disturbing lately. We had Leo Stark with his inappropriate, but hysterical comments, but this goes way beyond that. I'm going to record Days so I can flip through that stuff. On second thought, there may not be anything left to watch if I fast forward it.
Today was truly awful, between the torture and Sami's self-righteous BS, I rather with I had turned on the mute and just enjoyed Ben being half naked.
I kept thinking at least this is just acting and oh my look at Ben in his skivvies! He definitely is Yummy.
To Rew's corner I go. Wish she were here.
What's the right word?: The Ben scenes could alternately be described as sick, perverse, disgusting, twisted, and vile. Whatever word is used to describe them, the writers seem to have forgotten that they're writing for daytime TV, not for some cheap horror film that will show up on HBO or Cinemax at 3 AM.

Let's not presume too much: Everyone seems to presume that Rafe was pressured into declining Allie's adoption offer. Do they really think that Rafe is so weak and pliable that he could be buffaloed by Sami? The commissioner is made of sterner stuff than that.

Be careful what you wish for: It would be ironic if Eve did manage to turn Ben back into the necktie killer only to become his first victim.

Priorities anyone?: Eve said that she was enraged by Ben's release from Bayview. She couldn't have been that upset because her primary goal wasn't revenge, but getting control of amnesiac Jack. During all this nonsense, there was little or no mention of her beloved "Paigie."
So did anyone NOT fast forward through Ben getting the Marvel Avengers' Winter Soldier treatment? I'm even more worried that this means they're going to turn Ben back into a psycho. For the billionth time, why waste ink and airtime on redemption stories only to reverse them whenever convenient? I'm hoping the Salem sleuths find Ben quickly. If they're going to do this for days and days on end, I can't watch.

I agree that this "Rafe was pressured" business is annoying. Will went to Rafe and straight-up asked him if he was pressured. This was handled in the story already. Not that Sami hasn't been stupid and bossy and interfering, but Rafe has said repeatedly that he made up his own mind.
In addition to the torture scenes being totally unnecessary, could they please get rid of that horrible high pitched strings soundtrack that’s supposed to make it sound ominous? Never been a fan of the overused background music, but this track in particular irritates me.
Well I am relieved to see the above posts. I was dining out for lunch and the TV across the room had on Days. Too far to read closed caption even if it was used. I could tell what was happening with Ben and I was disgusted as most of you are as well. This is the umpteenth time for Eve and how does she come back from this? How does she justify killing Hope's daughter? She is coercing him to commit a felony. She is just as guilty as Ben if he succeeds. I truly understand the grief is insurmountable when a parent loses a child - especially to murder. But to take this person and make her no better than the person who murdered her child is ridiculous, unnecessary violent and vulgar. I bet the scenes with Ben were almost every segment. To be honest, I don't care how attractive someone is physically, this is sick and demented. Ken Corday's parents would be mortified and beyond disappointed.

And the hits just keep on coming. It's never going to end until the ratings kick it off the air.
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Thanks for the summary. I wouldn't have blamed you a bit if you'd chosen to not watch this mess. But I am grateful for the writeup so I can be forewarned. I just watched Friday's episode and I fast forwarded all of the scenes with Eve and Ben. I surely won't be watching much of today's program.
Honestly, I wanted to just turn off the TV. Only was concerned that perhaps something impt. might have shown up, & I missed it.
And in case some of you did.......this is off topic, but Ron Carlivatti was married over the weekend to his long time partner. He joked about no interruptions, etc. ala Days.
I heard some who described this as no worse than what Stefano did to John at Maison Blanche, but I don't know...maybe it's the difference between a character like Eve and a character like Stefano - maybe it's the times - or maybe it was the fact that Ben is NOT a good guy (whereas John was) that's totally rootable - who knows, it was gross.