Days of Our Lives - Mon. Aug. 30, 2010

@ Rew

A quote from Poirot's write-up
"Rafe suggests they go to his place to talk. She agrees, they leave, and run into Arianna outside." did they NOT leave together???
But that was outside the Pub....and they still left together.
Oh gosh, I think I just threw up a little......

Oh no, see my most hated phrases in Daze & Knights.

I really like how they are integrating Nicole into the Chloe/Daniel story in order to keep Nicole on a front burner. From the spoilers, it sounded stupid, but the way it has played out so far seems realistic. And I liked that Nicole was genuinely happy for Chloe. But then, when Nicole needs something from someone, she knows the right thing to say.
I know...its really hard to tell when she's being genuine or not....look the fast wool she tried to pull over Daniel's eyes....mind ya doesn't take much with him...could be fish net stockings and he still wouldn't have a clue.
I think Nicole was genuinely happy for her friend. Whether she needed her or not. And, I liked that the writers explored the history with Nicole's fertility issues.

I also liked how they made Arianna (the only) sympathetic to EJ. Even though he didn't see it. Methinks she's smitten on her lawyer.

And, I didn't like the last scene with Sami confronting Arianna "how is any of this my fault". Um, hello Sami. You almost married your rapist/child's kidnapper just to get back at your lover. You need some humble pie!

I'm also glad that they showed a strong Will standing up to Grandma and Grandpa Dearest.
Yes, he is definitely clueless....but he tends to think he is the center of the universe, so he doesn't pay much attention to the little orbs circling him......
And, I didn't like the last scene with Sami confronting Arianna "how is any of this my fault". Um, hello Sami. You almost married your rapist/child's kidnapper just to get back at your lover. You need some humble pie!

Let's be fair here, at this point, ARianna has no idea the WHY of Sami's almost marrying EJ. And who knows what the heck ARianna is babbling about.....she makes no sense, doesn't really say a word.

And Trey......thank the rest of your post (unquoted here) is pretty postive, Appreciate that. :)
(Re Daniel)....but he tends to think he is the center of the universe, so he doesn't pay much attention to the little orbs circling him......

Ahhhh! But remember, he's a surgeon, and they learn to think that way! :D

One 'benefit' of Nicole in the guestroom .... just think, if Carly has to move, that won't be an option for her, since it's 'occupied'. She'll have to go to the Inn.
Nah, I'm sure the apartment would magically grow an additional guest room...!!
I think it had at least four bedrooms when Sami lived there and it also held Austin's office. Austin, Sami, Will and Nicole lived there and they also had an office.