Days of Our Lives - Mon., Dec. 16, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, December 16, 2019

Evan goes to see Kate, tells her Sonny did nothing wrong, they are friends, that he initiated the kiss, Sonny did not respond. He is sorry, it was not right, he knows Will & Sonny are married, he respects that, doesn't want Kate giving Will's husband a hard time when he did nothing wrong. Kate is, as usually, snippy, snarky, nasty, thus is not willing to accept anything Evan says, admits she went & told Will of the kiss. She remarks that Will & Sonny have not seen each other in some time. Evan says they are together right now, Will called Sonny, asked him to come. This surprises Kate.

At the prison, Will & Sonny have a long, painful, sad, emotional conversations about themselves & their marriage. Upshot is, Will wants to give Sonny his freedom, says he not only took Sonny's mother away, but his husband as well. Not fair to Sonny, who protests that his mother's death was a horrible, tragic accident. Will tells of seeing Justin, how kind he was, Sonny protests a lot, but in the end, Will is ending the marriage, says good-bye to Sonny, knows Ari will be in good hands with him & Gabi. Leaves with guard. Sonny, tearful, is alone as he emotionally says, good-bye, Will.

At the cop shop, Rafe is talking to Gina/Hope, evidently having prevented her from leaving. Abby rushes into the room, says the tech guy uncovered the face under Eve's, tis Rolf! They figure he knew Jen had the flashdrive, wanted it, pushed Jen over. Rafe is putting out APB on him. They all rush back to see the footage themselves. Abby thinks Rolf might still be in Room 311 at Salem Inn, Rafe is going, Abby wants to go along, Gina declines, will stay there, take care of things on this end. Alas the room is empty, person checked out, room cleaned, any evidence gone. Rafe tries to call Hope, she is gone for the day. How odd, she said she was staying to take care of everything there. Rafe & Abby talk of how oddly Hope has been behaving, cold, distant, etc. How she did not want Abby looking at the evidence, etc. Comparing notes. What is going on with her.

Back to the prison, where Clyde is out of solitary, chiding Ben for ratting on him, Ben says he only told the truth. He doesn't know why Clyde is after Will, who did nothing. But Clyde says he might. They argue, Clyde claims he had Xander's baby kidnapped, so they could force him to confess, free Ben. Ben tells Clyde lay off Will, stay away, he has new lawyer, Justin. Clyde laughs, same one who defended Eve, look where she landed. They argue back & forth, Ben talks a bit of him & Will sort of becoming friends, Clyde berates Ciara (even insinuating Ben & Will could be a “thing”, he has heard of this in prisons) Ben says he & Ciara are fine, she has been helping tremendously.

Meanwhile, Xander is confronting Ciara about his key not working in his box, they go back & forth, she evades, he accuses, even mentioning hearing a loud noise, with Sarah saying Ciara trying to get into old box. Ciara says old box of high school mementos. He wants to see it, really doesn't believe her, they have words, he fires her. She says he can't, Vic is still chairman of the board, would not stand for the apple of his eye granddaughter being fired. More arguing, she warns Grandfather has changed CEOs for less. Xander finally decides she can stay, he is watching her, & wants to see the mementos box. She says first thing in a.m.

Gina comes to see Stefano, complaining he did not answer her calls. He already knows Rolf pushed Jen out the window. She asks how. He says she called, was in trouble, beats around the bush, finally tells her the tech guy works for DiMera, he called him, and we get flashback to him threatening to reveal to the tech's wife & son that the son only got into big deal university because of big bribe by dad. Would be huge scandal. Thus the tech guy put Rolf in there, saving Gina.

Sonny in park, Evan comes along, Sonny very sad.

Will returns to cell, Ben warns him Clyde is out and watch his back. Will sadly tells Ben his marriage is over.

Gina hugging Steve, chattering “you saved my life, thank you”. He replies, Don't you forget it! She looks a bit worried.

Rafe alone, trying to reach Hope, asking what is going on with her?
I am hating this stupid Stefano stuff. It is ridiculous that Gina has been able to masquerade as Hope for over a year. And Stefano set up Rolf? The man that put his essence in Steve! I just want it to end.

Now today Sonny said "what happened to my mom was horrible, tragic accident". So why is Will in jail then!? They need to show us that already!!
& Steve-ano says to Gina, who wonders what Rolf will do........Rolf is very loyal, and so........he will just be "taking one for the team".

Found it amazing that Steve-ano, when calling the tech guy, knew everything about him, what he had done, how neither his wife nor son knew, and then the threat of the scandal......etc. So Steve sits in that room, and knows every single thing about every single person who lives in Salem, or works for any of the DiMera companies. AMAZING!
Maybe they should change DOOL to Dumb and Dumber. I know I could quit watching, but after 50+ years, it's just a habit. Other than Jack and Jen, no one is happy. So depressing, and for me, very few characters I give a hoot about.
How she [Hope] did not want Abby looking at the evidence, etc. Comparing notes. What is going on with her.
Rafe noted Hope had planned to go to Hong Kong to be with Shawn and Belle because they couldn't make it home for Christmas. Abby is confused because she claims Shawn and Belle ARE coming home.

I wonder if we'll actually see them, or if something happens and they don't make it home for Christmas?
The discrepancies will become more and more WAS said today that Gina has not been commissioner for this whole past year........not sure when, but definitely not the entire year. Thus Rafe would not perhaps been as puzzled as he is now, along with Abby trying to investigate on Eve's behalf....which is very recent. Ciara has been so wrapped up in Ben's problems, while Shawn & Belle are not around, and probably are more concerned about Claire. They do need to leave Hong Kong permanently, I don't care if they decide to live in Chicago, rather than Salem, but Hong Kong??? Give me a break.

Am sure Gina has not gone to see Claire, has not called Shawn & Belle, but then, wonder if Ciara has.
Kate: She continues to amaze. Roman has enough trouble luring customers into the Pub without her tossing them out. If Roman had seen that little incident, he might have uttered a loud, "What da hell!!!" And does she realize how incongruous it is for her to be standing up for the sanctity of marriage -- the same woman who once hit the sheets with scheming Ian McAllister while she was still married to Stefano.

Xander: Once again he showed that he's a lot smarter than most Salemites (this means you, Eric). He saw right through Ciara's lame excuses about switching his case and was astute enough to realize that carrying out his threat to fire her would not be a prudent move.

Will & Sonny: Good scenes with them today (kudos to the actors), but why is Will in prison? It's repeatedly been said that Adrienne's death was an accident and it would take a special set of circumstances to put Will in prison if he did not intend to kill her. Did he channel his inner Eric Brady, drive drunk, and then plow down Adrienne who had suddenly remembered that she's part owner of the Spectator and was rushing over there to reintroduce herself to the staff?

Steve-ano: Once again, he showed himself to be a pale shadow of the real thing. The real Phoenix wouldn't have thrown Rolf under the bus. He'd had set up some other poor sap to take the rap. In addition, his chess skills are sadly lacking. The problem he was working on today -- two rooks and a king mating a solo king -- was absurdly easy. If this is the level of his game, he'd better not play any of the children who belong to the St. Luke's Academy Chess Club.
Thanks, Poirot.

Stupid Rafe. I knew on Friday the tech man would fix the video so it wouldn't
be "Hope's" face.

Poor Rolf. Stevano threw him under the bus.

Great news for Eve. The new "fake" video proved she didn't push
Jennifer after all.

Ciara called Xander "Lawn Boy".
Upshot is, Will wants to give Sonny his freedom
I'm going to go out on a limb and say this is at least 45% of the reason for the time jump. If we'd seen the accident that caused Will to kill Adrienne, we'd be on his side and think this whole story was stupid. (That said, I and others still do.)
I'd call it lazy, bad, awful, no-good writing. Wouldn't Gina being outed and her friends and family struggling to release Hope be more compelling? Or giving Hope a rest for awhile?
I have a feeling that Miss Ciara is going to have to wipe that smug arrogance off her face very soon. Victor will surely know everything she has been doing and she won't have to worry about Xander firing her - Vic will do it. She was incredibly arrogant and way too sure of herself with Xander and he didn't buy her act for a second.
I just this watched today! That doesn't happen often or hasn't lately. I did skip some parts of it though. I can't stand watching Clyde. I don't mind watching bad guys if they have some sparks of humanity. He's like a cold dead fish. Just creepy, not interesting, to me.

I also don't like the Will and Sonny story. It doesn't make sense. And Evan going to Kate and apologizing. More apologizing? I'm on overload from listening to Nicole do it.

Then there's Gina and Steve-ano. Way ready for that to end. Please let Rafe and Abby figure her out! Let somebody do something I can cheer for!
& Steve-ano says to Gina, who wonders what Rolf will do........Rolf is very loyal, and so........he will just be "taking one for the team".

Found it amazing that Steve-ano, when calling the tech guy, knew everything about him, what he had done, how neither his wife nor son knew, and then the threat of the scandal......etc. So Steve sits in that room, and knows every single thing about every single person who lives in Salem, or works for any of the DiMera companies. AMAZING!

Yet he couldn't stop Gabi sending Eli to Rome or take back his company from Gabi. I guess he is only as omnipresent as the plot dictates at any time. Bad writing 101.
And does she realize how incongruous it is for her to be standing up for the sanctity of marriage -- the same woman who once hit the sheets with scheming Ian McAllister while she was still married to Stefano.
Yeah, if Kate cared about the sanctity of marriage, Lucas wouldn't exist.
She was incredibly arrogant and way too sure of herself with Xander and he didn't buy her act for a second.
Somewhere, little girl Ciara is just shaking her head. Little girl Ciara was one shrewd cookie who'd have never allowed Xander to have the upper hand.
I know what they are doing. I just figured it out. they are attempting to create the same longing for "what happened?" that This is Us viewers had for what happened to Jack (the father in This is US, where the audience knew he was gone but not what happened, and only found out at the very end of the season). Which, was all well and good for the writing of This is Us that has a real season.

Days is year round, every day. So the mystery isn't intriguing or interesting. Rather, it's annoying and frustrating. I hope the writers are being told to quit trying to be like This is Us and get their own material.
It's been noted that some think the writers were inspired by the success of This Is Us with them going back and forth in time.
while Shawn & Belle are not around, and probably are more concerned about Claire. They do need to leave Hong Kong permanently, I don't care if they decide to live in Chicago, rather than Salem, but Hong Kong??? Give me a break.

Am sure Gina has not gone to see Claire, has not called Shawn & Belle, but then, wonder if Ciara has.
Long ago, I said they never go to another state or town. It's always across the world. Pretty stupid in my opinion.