Days of Our Lives - Mon., Dec. 17, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, December 17, 2018

Victor has notified Chad he wants to see him, Chad fixes a couple drinks, as Victor then reads him a riot act about a start up company Chad had Titan buy, top dollar. Chad says bidding war with Stefan, they won. Victor doesn't think so, bad decision, gives all the reasons, goes on into Sonny marrying Leo, which is news to Chad. Sonny comes in, learns of the purchase, adds his admonishments, talking of having given Chad a 2nd chance. Now Vic wants to know what that is, Chad admits having proof the sexual harassment suit was a fraud, saying nothing, hated Stefan so much, wasn't thinking. Back & forth they all go, with Victor finally saying Chad is fired. Sonny protests, he had forgiven Chad, believes in him, etc. Victor is talking of giving Sonny the CEO position again, but Sonny doesn't think he really wants it. Doesn't think he is cut out for it.

Meanwhile, upstairs, Gabi has caught Julie in her room, Julie at first claims she was looking for Maggie's room, but so many up here. Nope, Gabi doesn't buy it, so Julie admits it. Good scenes as Julie confronts Gabi and all she has done, with Gabi denying it all, but Julie insistent. They really have a verbal showdown, Julie has her proof, pulling out the envelope she found. Gabi claims that is rest results of her not being able to have another child, Julie doesn't buy it, opens the sheet, despite Gabi's attempts to stop her, and is shocked. Chad is the baby's father and you did not tell him. More war of words, with Julie naturally bringing up Gabi killing Nick, Gabi telling of him trying to rape her, Julie is going to tell all, Gabi is trying to stop her, they are now out in the hall. Still yelling at each other.

At DiMansion, Stefan is worried about Gabby leaving while he was gone, Ben is trying to talk him out of being worried, asking if he still thinks Abigail might be playing him. They have a conversation, Stefan talking of how much he loves her (Gabby), raising their baby, etc. etc. Ben says he will go find her if Stefan is so worried.

At the Pub, Hope comes to see Ciara, seems Roman told her Ciara had another boyfriend. Ciara says they only had one date, Hope does her usual “Ben is the evil devil, killed 3 people, is dangerous“ speech. Ciara does her “he's changed” one. Hope tells of attempting to get Ben to confess, luring him to motel room, hiding so the person could get Ben to confess. But Hope says Ben was there to kidnap the person, Hope had to come out of hiding, yada, yada. No, Ben had not told Ciara that, Hope leaves, gonna get proof to Ciara. She will. Ciara calls Ben over, asks him about it all, why did you not tell me. Because he did not want her to get mad at her mother. He assures her he promised he would not cross a line, and he won't, but Stefan is his boss. She wishes he had another job, so does he, he tried. She knows. Tis o.k. They talk a bit about having a 2nd date, kiss.

Rafe goes to see Eli, wants to talk about finding Hope in hotel room with Ted coming out of shower. He tells the whole story, Eli listens well, a few comments (sorry, but it is filler scenes, & seems we heard it all before, however Eli is sympathetic, and is being a good friend.) Rafe wishes he could fix things between Ted & Stefan.

Kayla comes into her office to find Gabby at her computer, turns on the light, what are you doing? At first, Abby stays in the Gabby persona, but really cannot come up with a reason for being there, she quickly tells Aunt Kayla she is not Gabby, she is Abby, taking off the wig. Kayla is not all that sure, ready to call Bayview, the cops, etc. Abby stops her, pleads her case. She was trying to find evidence that Gabi had access to sedatives, which she used to drug Abby. Well, Kayla cannot talk of anything with her patients, Abby gets that. She tells Kayla her whole story, how Gabi admitted it all to her, bragged of drugging her, told her all, how she had to divorce Chad because he wanted to lock her up, and marry Stefan, who wants Gabby so bad, so she pretends. Kayla cannot give her any info, would lose her license, what is Abby going to do. Abby tells her about sending Julie to search Gabi's room, hopefully find some kind of proof of what Gabi has been doing.

Rafe & Hope meet up in square, she gets all worked up that Rafe had Eli & Lani check her credit card, says Rafe was treating her like a perp. He says would not have happened if she had told him what was going on, he was only trying to find his wife, who had not even come home that night. She says he was jealous, he says not. Banter back & forth.

Stefan sits with Charlotte (actually, is the overworked “doll in a blanket”), talking to her, saying how much he loves her, so does her mommy, etc.

Abby is walking thru the park, comes to the bench, long flashback of telling Julie all that had been going on, and asking her to go to Kmansion, search Gabi's room. She calls Julie, leaving a message for Julie to call her back, let her know if she found anything.

And up in the Kmansion hall, Julie & Gabi are yelling, Gabi trying to get Julie purse away from her (envelope is inside), they are pulling back and forth. Downstairs Chad & Sonny hear the ruckus, what the heck is that? Julie succeeds in pulling her purse away from Gabi, but the force sends her off balance, and tumbling down the stairs, just as Chad & Sonny come out. Cue the shocked/startled faces on them all, as Julie lies unconscious at the foot of the stairs.
Thank you, Poirot.

Geez, I wanted to reach right through the tv screen, and slap that nasty smirk off Gabi's face.

I almost felt bad for Stefan when he said the baby had him wrapped around her little finger. On second thought...nope, he deserves all he's going to get when he loses her.
Forgot to mention that when Abby is with Kayla, she gets a phone call from stefan, so does her Gabby impersonation as she talks to him, which Kayla hears, of course. Probably seals the deal for Kayla believing Abby.
I am loving what I am seeing from Julie. That slap was devastating and well deserved. I miss this Julie that would go toe to toe with Bonnie. That “Chiquita” comment made me laugh but scared me lol. Good thing it just means “little girl”.
I laughed at Hope exchanging pleasantries with her daughter and then getting right to her favorite topic Ben Weston.
I need Kayla to get with the program, so they can get this operation to take down Gabi going in full effect
So, Sonny finally realized he is not cut out to be CEO. That realization came too little, too late. I do wonder though: does that kind of throw a wrench in Leo's plan? Because he wanted money and power of the Kiriakis name, and...well, the only way to get that is to be married to the CEO, and Sonny is not and is never going to be the CEO.

Also, I wonder what made him realize that he's not cut out for it. I hope they follow up with that tomorrow.

Sigh...Sonny was just thrown into a world he was not ready for when he joined the family business. And now it's coming back to bite him in the rear end.
So now Kayla is worried about "breaking the rules" but it was ok when she gave Stefan Abigail's file during her pregnancy. She has to know, that yes Gabi was drugging Abigail. Let's get on with it!!

I thought it was weird that Rafe led with yep found her with a man in a towel. Had to laugh though when Eli said I don't think your marriage has ever been normal.

How long is Rafe gonna take crap from Hope? She's mad at him for invading her privacy?! She is a piece of work. I loved that she outed herself to Ciara about tryng to get Ben to confess . .. .to something he didn't do!! Ben does worry me a little. Kidnapping someone is pretty serious. I didn't watch back in the day when Bo and Hope were getting together but wasn't he a bad boy? I don't think he killed anyone but did people not want Hope with him? I really don't know.
Poor judgment abounded in Salem today.

Julie: It was good to see her lay into Gabi, but she ought to remember just how old she is before she starts mixing it up with a much younger woman. In her feisty youth, Julie probably could have sent a worse-for-wear Gabi home in a bucket, but that was then, this is now.

Hope: She ought to quit blathering at Ciara with anti-Ben propaganda. She's lucky that Ciara didn't answer her by saying, "Mom, lay off on Ben. After all, Eli says that your marriage to Rafe is "abnormal." And as for Rafe treating Hope like a perp, why not? Going back to the days of Bo Brady, the police commissioner has probably committed more felonies than half the criminals in Salem.

Chad: He certainly dropped the ball as Titan CEO. Did he think that he could get away with what he did because since Victor has fired Big Boy Sonny and Brady, the only candidates he now has for the job are Henderson and Xander?

Gabi: This inept schemer should have known better than to brawl with an older woman at the top of a staircase. After all, stairs in Salem practically beg for somebody to plunge down them headfirst. Recall Faye Walker's flight down the DiMansion stairs, how Nicole bounced down the Town Square steps (and blamed Jenny), and date rapist Ford Decker's fatal misadventure on the stairs of Chelsea's sorority house. .
Thanks for the summary and for all the comments. Sounds like a good episode. It would be nice if Sonny was turning down the CEO job, in hopes of causing Leo to lose interest but I seriously doubt if that is the case. At least it's encouraging that he has finally figured out he's not cut out of the job.

I wonder what lie Gabi will tell Chad and Sonny about why she was fighting with Julie.

Sure hope Kayla gets onboard with Abigail.
Thanks, Poirot.

Julie had a lot of interesting comments to Gabi. One was putting Gabi back in her cage.

I laughed when Victor made the comment "I know a guy" after Sonny wondered how
it was going to get rid of Leo.

Hope was getting her panties in a twist when Rafe was talking to her. She was keeping
secrets from him and he was worried where she was.

I'm glad Stefan was at the DiMera mansion when Kayla and Abby talked. The door
was open the whole time.

I hope Julie will be ok after her fall.
Instead of showing Gabi the envelope with the paternity results, Julie should have told Gabi she could not find anything on her, leave the room, and later look at the papers she took. She would not have been in a physical altercation where she ended up falling down the stairs.

I was so aggravated to see Gabi holding the test results in her hands after Julie had fallen. Unless Julie is able to say anything, Gabi's secret is safe for awhile longer :angry:.

I liked that Abby confided in Kayla, but I wish she felt that she could confide to Jennifer. I don't think Abby has actually talked to Jennifer about the problem with Gabi without Chad or JJ around, and the two of them had her agitated at the time so she looked like she had lost it. If it had been the two of them, Jennifer might have believed her like Julie and Kayla have.

Of course, it's also frustrating that while Abby was at Bayview, we never saw her actually talk with any psychiatrists, who could have determined that she was fine.