Days of Our Lives - Mon. Dec. 7 2009(updated Sun afternoon)


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, Dec. 7, 2009
Episode #11,223 Taped 10/12 Director – Herb Stein

Uh, Oh. Have good news and bad news. It is very cold here this morning, and evidently my dish does not respond well to the cold. With about 14 minutes left to go, the show abruptly ended. Must have reached 15°, as that seems to be the magic number I figured out when I first got the new receiver. So… goes for as much as I got

Hope & Ciara are in the park, having evidently been Christmas shopping, Hope thinks Daddy will love what Ciara bought for him, talks of a good place to hide it. Ciara thinks under her bed will be good, her REAL bed, in her REAL home. Hope tries to explain that someone else is living there now, but Bo’s voice is behind them saying, no, he is there all alone now. Later he & Ciara are jabbering to each other, he gives her money to put in the Salvation Army Santa’s kettle. Hope is a bit reluctant, but Bo has told Ciara to come right back, and they can see her. They chat a bit, Ciara runs back, asking Hope if now they can go home. Hope smiles, says sure.

Carly is talking with Melanie & Mia in Maggie’s kitchen, (repeating their last scenes from Friday’s show). Melanie tells her in no uncertain terms she should not move in, Mia is rather hesitant, but Melanie tells her not to back down now. Melanie asks Carly if she needs help with her bags just as Maggie comes in, commenting that is a good idea, she is putting Carly in the room next to Melanie’s. Ooops, Maggie now hears Carly is not staying. Melanie is still rude, says something about the age difference between them & the new roomie, and says she is late and leaves. Mia rolls her eyes, says she is going to her room. Carly & Maggie talk, Carly explaining about running into Mia during a vulnerable time, she opened up, is now embarrassed. She also must have explained about the accident with Melanie. They talk of the differences in the two girls, Maggie still wants Carly to stay, but she thinks it is better if she doesn’t.

At the Cleveland hospital, EJ is bullying, yelling and screaming at Nicole, wanting to know where his daughter is. Nicole is crying, shuddering, seems to be hyperventilating. (kudos galore to Ari Zucker here) Out in the hall, Mr. & Mrs. Robinson are going to give statements to the cops, (who ask Rafe if he wants to sit in & he says yes) tell Sami they are sorry they don’t know more, will pray for her daughter, and leave. Rafe comforts Sami, assures her every cop in the city is out looking for Sydney, and leaves. Sami mutters she is not going to pray, she is going to do something. She goes into Nicole’s room, to find EJ badgering & threatening Nicole, she tries to get him to stop to no avail. His hand is around her throat, he is threatening to kill her. Sami is telling EJ to cut it out, he is making things worse, he insists she is lying. But he gets up from the bed as the nurse comes in wanting to know what is going on. EJ is still ranting, and won’t leave the room, she goes for the doctor.
Now Sami sits talking to Nicole, telling her to focus, that if she wants to help, she has to tell them exactly what happened. In a halting voice, Nicole relates how she never took her eyes off Sydney, was trying to call Sami, felt someone behind her and thought she saw something out of the corner of her eye, but then there was this terrible pain, she doesn’t remember any more. EJ begins ranting again, saying Nicole is lying, that she has an accomplice. Sami tries to reason with him, telling him Nicole could not have done this to herself, EJ is yelling this is exactly why he thinks she is working with someone else. The nurse returns with the doctor, who orders them all out. Sami tells EJ that his screaming at Nicole was not going to work, that they have to get her calm, and there is one person who can probably do that. Brady walks up to them.

Earlier, Arianna had called Brady, who told her all about finding Nicole, who is in the hospital, was found unconscious, Sydney missing. As they talk, the cop comes up to Brady, wanting him to give them a statement. While he is talking to the cop, Arianna is pouring out her heart, hoping they can put their problems behind them, which of course, Brady doesn’t hear. She is asking him to say something, just as he puts his phone back up to his ear saying he has to go, and hangs up. Melanie comes into the Pub, learns about Nicole being found, but Arianna is disheartened at the way the call went.

Bo, Hope & Ciara arrive home, Ciara asks where is the Christmas tree, Bo says it arrives this afternoon. Hope gives her the present for Daddy to hide under her bed, Ciara happily runs upstairs. Bo & Hope are grinning from ear to ear at each other.

Rafe comes into a waiting room, and who is sitting all comfy cozy, reading a newspaper, but Stefano! Rafe asks what he is doing there…..Stefano claims concern for his granddaughter. They banter a bit………and my tape ended right there.


Did some looking around, and as far as I can make out, Stefano & Rafe have a few words, with Stefano asking Rafe to note how close EJ & Sami are with the addition of another child, that they will probably now be a nice family with Giovanni & Sydney. Rafe goes to tell EJ he has a visitor, Sami asks him who, he figures she would not want to know. Brady goes in to talk to Nicole, who has been given a sedative and cannot talk much. Hope feels like a guest in her own house, she & Bo exchange a few rather mild words…doorbell rings, Hope goes to answer, and there stands Carly.

O.K. I downloaded the show today courtesy of our poster, Norma, and you all will love the exchange between Rafe & Stefano. Boy, ol Stef tries to rattle Rafe's cage, but it doesn't work. He goes on about when Sydney is found, in all probability Ej & Sami will want to give their two children a happy home life, and he holds up 4 fingers, saying....just the 4 of them. Rafe tells him yep, that could happen. Then adds that he has seen a lot of EJ the past couple of days, and he is as big a jerk as you are. Stefano replies (these two are sooooo polite) that Rafe is just as obnoxious as always. Hahaha. When EJ sees his father is there, he asks what he is doing there, Stefano tells him he came to help. EJ tells him if he wants to help.......then leave. Tells him that twice. The look on Stefano's face....hmmmm.
And love when Ciara wants to stay and play a bit longer, Hope says sure, then when Bo asks if he can get her some tea....she says this is as if she is a guest in her own home. Bo tells her YOU were the one who moved out.....move back in, and I will never serve you tea. LOL. She puts her arms around his neck, trying to get him to tell her the secret that Carly has with him, claiming they are partners. LOL, as Bo again says "partner, you are the one who moved out. heheheh. That is when the doorbell rings, and she answers to find Carly standing there, suitcase at her side.
Melanie talks Arianna into not giving up on Brady, fight for Arianna calls "Salem Air".
Thanks for the great write up Barb!!

I see Sami has learned a thing or too from being around Rafe on how to deal with a situation..glad to see that.

Can't wait to see...
Thank you for the great update, Barb!

I'm thinking since Stefano magically appears in Cleveland that his thugs have snatched Sydney at his direction. How the heck did he find out about Cleveland? LOL

Carly! Just go back and stay at Maggie's! LOL Melanie and Mia shouldn't have any input as to whether you live there or not.

Have a great day, Everyone!
Thanks Barb!

Again, EJ strangling Nicole? Why didn't the nurse or Sami or someone report it to the cops who are taking statements? I guess Salemites find attempted murder an acceptable means of getting info from someone. I wish EJ would just disappear already.
Thanks Barb!

Again, EJ strangling Nicole? Why didn't the nurse or Sami or someone report it to the cops who are taking statements? I guess Salemites find attempted murder an acceptable means of getting info from someone. I wish EJ would just disappear already.

EJ is getting as bad as Lawrence was with the abuse.
Me too,thanks Poriot, We are glad to get as always,Can't wait till the week of the fourteenth.
Thanks for the write-up.
EJ is the one who is going insane. Nicole can blame it on post partum depression, but EJ he is just so filled with anger that he has gone off the deep end. He should not be allowed anywhere near Sydney. If he is trying to strangle Nicole, and almost strangled Stephano, could Sydney or Sami be next? I know there are a lot of EJ/Sami supporters, but why would you want Sami with that monster. EJ has proven time and time again that a leopard never changes his spots. He has shot, kidnapped, raped, attempted murder on several occasions. I know Sami is not a saint, but she has a good heart and proven she cares about other people besides herself. I don't think EJ knows anything but evil. The other thing is I am to this day not convinced that Johnny is actually EJ's. I think Stephano switched the DNA results so that the Dimera name would live on. I think Stephano has taken Sydney. It is the only thing that makes sense. So he can look like a hero, or because he is going to ship her away.
I Concur

I concur with GaGirl73 that Stefano's goons took Sydney. He wants to look like a hero to EJ I believe. Stefano can find anyone and can do anything it appears still. Money talks, b.s. walks. Not sure how they are going to find Sydney if that's the case but you can be sure they will drag this out 'til the Christmas show I think. (Their Christmas Eve Miracle like every year). Is anyone here as tired of Stefano's little games as I am???? I've been watching these antics since Stefano came on the show and I think that's 1969 or thereabouts. Come on! This is ridiculous anymore! As many times as Stefano has been the victim of attempted murder (and who can blame all these people who threw him off a cliff, shot him etc.) but still he 'rises again'. It's about time they killed off Stefano and let someone else become Mr. Evil of Salem. Please not EJ, but maybe Vivian as Ms. Evil of Salem or Kate????? At least they are entertaining as much as I hate them both.

I would suspect that EJ hired goons, but if he did I doubt he would have tried to strangle Nicole and demand to know where Sydney was.

So I guess we wait until the Christmas Eve show to get Sydney back where she belongs with Sami! Oh and Sami??!! For Sydney's sake and everyone else's PLEASE fight for full custody. EJ is an abusive, mean, vicious psychopath.
There is no way that Jonny is not EJ's. Stefano is, family, family, to accept someone else's kid. That poor kid is a DiMere thru & thru.
There is no way that Jonny is not EJ's. Stefano is, family, family, to accept someone else's kid. That poor kid is a DiMere thru & thru.

First, it's Salem so nearly anything can happen. Second, DNA is not what makes one family for Stefano, it is about loyalty to the DiMera way. Not only has Stefano accepted descendants that were not his by blood but he has rejected blood children (and ones he believed were by blood at the time) for going against him and put adopted descendants above them (Kristen & Peter were favorites of his even though they were adopted). He has also stolen or attempted to steal children he knew were not DiMeras by blood. He tried to steal Sami & Eric when they were infants to raise as DiMeras and he manufactured Rex & Cassie who were the blood children of Roman & Kate to raise as DiMeras.
ITA with Rioks. Stephano likes to take whatever babies he can get so he can mold them and/or brainwash them to be TRUE DIMERA.
Hope tells Ciara "someone else is living there now" What an absolute "Witchy" but I mean the B word thing to say to a child....

I have about had it with Hope She has become about unbearable. She deserves to get herself replaced with someone else.
Thank you for the writeup, Barb. Sounds like another good show. Others have already mentioned EJ strangling Nicole but I have to say it too......I could only shake my head and roll my eyes that he is in a hospital room, trying to strangle a woman, and Sami just blathers on, trying to reason with him. She should have been screaming for help to get him restrained!

So Carly is back at Bo's? What was the point of the past two days of her trying to move in at Maggies, only to be driven away by Melanie, who has no obvious reason to dislike her? Maybe this is what people call "fillers." It seemed pointless to me.
Pirot, thanks for all the hard work you do to put up a daily summary....even going the extra mile to find out what you missed...thank you

ITA about Steffeno having Sydney. EJ is having a nervous break down....the world doesn't revolve around him and he can't take it. I love the strength Sami gets from Rafe...I can't wait for the square off between Rafe and Steffeno.
Thanks for the write up Poirot. Sounds like a good one. See that Stefano showed up in Cleveland. I am also thinking that he had someone take Sydney. He just seems to calm about it all.

Thanks!!! Can't wait to see Monday's show. Ari is a great actress! Good thing they got her into a hospital bed cuz she's TOO Pregnant to hide at all now! When she woke up and winced in pain it was more like labor was starting! I too am tired of EJ's demands of everyone that sometimes are really stupid ("Excuse me, this plane needs to take off on time. Thank you!") Now they have him trying to strangle Nic at a hospital?! Subtle! I'm now hoping it's Melanie who is Carlly's daughter instead of Mia; she's older than Mia and it would be more interesting and make more sense. I hope the suspense doesn't last too long. I also hope they allow Hope to support Bo instead of insulting him all the time. It is hard to take. I also hope Nathan does go back and make things right with Melanie. Phil is a jerk and he's much too old for her!Dejavu
Oh MY GOSH!!!!!
Carly is like a homing pigeon, she goes straiight to Bo's when things don't go well at Maggies. I know they have at least one Hotel in Salem, why didn't she go there!!!! I do agree that Hope is being totally unreasonable and she is about to hit my last nerve. I love Hope and have for years, but she need to stick by her husband instead of going into full pouty teenage mode and walking out again. Bah humbug!