Days of Our Lives - Mon. Feb 1, 2010

Yes, I don't think any of us can thank Poirot enough....what a wonderfully generous woman....!!!!
Whooooo--hold the horses Nellie---I don't stop in for a few and then read the above message--thinking to myself--as I'm sipping coffee and wondering where Rew is---what is that all about--so I back track--- Barb--what you do is amazing and I'm sure that there are times that you have thought--oh--if I didn't have to write today--I might be able to----fill in the blank--but a waste of time--no way!! I thoroughly enjoy your writing ability. I'm sure---well hopeful anyway that someone found the program and out of shear excitement let others know.

You have such a gift---I wish you could be paid what you are worth---just to let you know that at times I've read your summary--watched the program and had to go back to your summary because I sit and scratch my head---was that what I thought it was type situation---so then I reread your and find out that either---oops I really am crazy --or amen---I'm ok for today!!!

When I know I'm going to be at my daughter's in Jersey and know that I'll miss a few days---I check on one of the sites that posts Important dates head to make sure you record. Then I know that that is the day I beg for the computer and a few minutes alone to read your summary. But I really depend on your critical eye and ability to take a chopped up program and give it normal sequencing and enjoyability. I know I'm not in the minority you are soo appreciated.

Granted there have been people who have come on board stir up contrversy and leave. Some of us are guilty of not reading the guide lines before jumping right in----as my face blushes!!

I know I'm too long and figure you will either cut it short or it will disappear--but I want to reach out and let you know you are a valuable asset to the "Days Crazies" who frequent here. Heck--even if I quit watching the show I'd still be here for the "famly" I have found.

Barb---don't even know if you remember---and to everyone else---I was a lurker for a few years. One day I got the nerve to email Barb--had no idea who the "person" was --but I wanted to extend a thanks --got a wonderful message back admonishing me (with such warmth) for being a lurker and not just jumping in. My fears of an elite I wouldn't be accepted were so much put to rest with Barb's reassuring email. I jumped right in--so when you want to boot me--remember --yell at Barb--she encouraged me!

Ok---enough---back to coffee and checking out the other parts and seeing what trouble Rew has gotten into today---gigantic hugs to everyone!!!

Crazy Lin from Weirton WV all are so very nice......and I wasn't looking for any accolades at all. I know how exciting it is to see the show ahead of time only too well, , (and by the way, it was me who moved the links into this area, as well as PAllison's "best lines" as I felt they all dealt with the same thing. )
Lin was right in that at times I want/have to do _____________(fill in the blank) and that includes getting some additional sleep, which I could have used Sat. a.m. but downloading takes 45 min. and another 45 to watch, then more than an hour to write up so.....I spent all that time.....and it was on you tube already. (could have written it up later is all...) I can't do it on is first.
:hug: Thank you, Barb. I didn't have time to get on this weekend until tonight. What a huge surprise to find Monday's show up. I figured you were in an even deeper freeze than I am.

It looks like Caroline had the Salem brain, then she passed it on to Hope. I need to put something soft on my kitchen table so I can throw it at the tv when Bo and Carly are on.

Mia turned into a little witch. However, it was a clever way of keeping the "teens" on screen instead of having them disappear for the duration of the olympics.
Sorry i would never mean to take away from your summary. . I personally love your summaries more then watching the show, i mean i watch the episodes a day ahead but find myself reading your summaries five or six times because it interests me so much :) Thank-you for your hard work and effort I and everyone else greatly appreciate it. I never meant for it to seam "Tacky" because i seem to be getting allot of hate for posting them on this board, which i did not expect, i was just excited to see it on youtube and thought others would to, i will try not to let it happen again. Sorry.
timetodream, I'm sorry you feel "hate" on this board. I don't think it's the intention of anyone here to make anyone else feel that way. Could it be that you are mistaking the huge dislike of the Bo/Carly storyline among many of our members to be that we don't like you? I'm glad you defend the characters you like, even though they may sometimes be in the minority of current posters. You will find that about many characters, so please don't let that keep you away.

You are also fairly new to the board and may not know how loyal most of us are to Poirot/Barb, our administrator. Many of us have been "together" for years and kind of feel like family. Barb does go above and beyond to keep up the standards this board holds high and we feel protective of her.

I know you didn't mean to offend anyone, so let's forget it and move on. :)
I did not mean it in a negative way, i was talking about people disliking the fact about the posting of my youtube links of the day ahead, so i was just expressing my apologies in case it did offend people :) I moved on no worries, i never feel hate about my love for characters, because we all know we have strong opinions :)
I believe her feelings were due to posting youtube links for Monday's show and some people thought it was inappropriate....I thought it was great she shared them with us since we all love Days and can't wait to see it especially after reading Poirot's summary...!!!!
I for one enjoy your posts timetodream and know that you would not do anything to distract from Poirot's summaries and only wanted to share your excitement for Monday's show with be cool and hang in there...!!!!!

The second time Bo is called a Dunderhead. My Grandpa was of German desint and he used the word quite often , also "dunkhoff" loose translation= numbskull and jack%^&*
Yupp fits Bo right now!

It's actually spelled Dummkopf

That's funny -- my Daughter is doing a presentation on our German heritage tomorrow at school, and we were listening to all of my old German Kinderleiders (vinyl records) this afternoon !

Fun !

I got the impression that timetodream was trying to be helpful and posted the youtube links in response to this exchange:

In addition to enjoying Poirot's summaries just as good reading, it saves me time. These days, I fast forward a lot (EJ/Sami/Rafe/Anna/Arianna) and by reading the summaries I have an idea of what's going on without having to endure the boredom of my least favorite characters. So thank you, Poirot, for everything!

I just like the last few previews of each show...


I wonder if they showed Ciara getting busted for Carly's clothes !


Wow, they are sure going to make Ciara go crazy huh....
How old is she now ?

Eh -- anyhow ~ Barb, thanks for taking time of your Saturday to write up. I was surprised to see anything since it's freezing here... Wow !

Stay warm !

as Carly somes in to tell Bo her "great news" and takes off her jacket...

BO: "Guessing from the look on your face, you have great BOOBS..." (actually it was "news")

LOL, sorry, I couldn't help it... as she took off her jacket, her boobs were just like POP - there they were ~ HAHA

I think I need sleep....

Sorry !

LOL, but it *was* kinda funny.


(at least in my own head)
You guys can always make me laugh. No, Ciara, in the previews, doesn't appear to have done anything yet.

And just to clarify....I usually tape the show during the wee hours of the morning, then just watch the tape. However, when it is so cold like this, I have to first turn on my computer, let it warm up and go thru whatever it goes thru, then go to this private website where Norma has put up the video of the show. So I download that, which take about 45 minutes for me. Then I watch it on the computer. Then write it up. Anyway.....I just wanted you all to know that yep, it is cold, cold, cold here, 4 below, I cannot get the show on tape through my big dish when the temps are like this. does take longer, etc. etc. Anyway, that is why I can do the Monday show on Saturday a.m. .......cuz Norma, who lives in Canada, comes home from work, and watches the show, then puts the video up every night. When I ran into troubles last year, she very kindly gave me access to the site, Bless her heart.
I believe her feelings were due to posting youtube links for Monday's show and some people thought it was inappropriate....I thought it was great she shared them with us since we all love Days and can't wait to see it especially after reading Poirot's summary...!!!!
I for one enjoy your posts timetodream and know that you would not do anything to distract from Poirot's summaries and only wanted to share your excitement for Monday's show with be cool and hang in there...!!!!!

I just want to say that I totally agree with PAllison .....

moving on .............. :)
Thank you again Barb ! :)

I am so glad to have found this sunny spot on the web...

I love reading your write ups and the responses, and I especially love the camaraderie amongst the group. I am glad to be a part of it.


Have a fantastic day, and lets both pretend we are in the Bahamas enjoying a Beach Drink !


Hey, let's pretend we are on that Soap Cruise with Chloe, Brady, Shawn D., Frankie and Billie...!!!! Sunny beaches here we come....!!!!!!