Days of Our Lives - Mon. Feb 1, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, February 1, 2010
Director – Grant A. Johnson

Today we meet new Will, who is blond, with much shorter hair. Chad comes into the DA’s office with a file his dad needed and forgot to bring with him. DA Woods is distracted as Chad thanks him for letting him & his friends go to the Vancouver condo for the Olympics. The DA is concentrating on the file, as he is to go to court in a bit with it, Chad starts to leave, his dad stops him, tells him he is sorry, he did hear him, he knows Chad has been thru a lot, is just happy that Mia McCormick is out of his life, hopes he & his friends have a blast. Next Chad is with Tad, Kinsey & Gabi at Java, all chattering about the trip, talking of packing, can’t believe they are going. Chad talks of his dad trying to get them tickets for the luge, figure skating, Kinsey asks about curling. Behind them, Mia sits with Will, hunched over a laptop, not liking what she is hearing. She tells Will she is going to check on Maggie & leaves. Over to the DA’s office she goes, and manages to get into see that very busy man unannounced. He is not happy to see her, she is hesitating, says maybe she shouldn’t have come, then manages to say that she just wanted to thank him for letting Chad invite her to Vancouver. He is taken aback, asks her to repeat, she does.
Will shows up at Maggie’s looking for Mia, who is not there, of course. He has been unsuccessfully trying to reach her by phone. Mia now returns to Java, soon joined by Will who asks where she was, tells her about going to Maggie’s, Mia makes up an excuse about being in a bad mood and figuring Maggie did not need that. Behind them, Chad comes over to the table upset cuz his dad just called, cancelled the trip. None of them can believe this, Chad tells how ½ hr ago he & his dad were fine, and now this. Mia listens, smiles, gets up, puts an arm around Chad and Gabi, telling everyone it is not that bad, they can all watch the Olympics on TV.

Vivian sits in the Kmansion living room, reading from a book, plotting how to do in Melanie. She calls Melanie, leaving a message, inviting her to have a spa day with her, as Hope comes in. Viv hangs up, Hope wonders why Vivian is so wrapped up in Melanie. Viv babbles about both of them being new in the house, and she figures that the good will can hop from Melanie to Philip to Victor. They get to talking about Carly, Hope’s police instincts at work here, as Vivian talks of Carly killing her nephew and taking Hope’s husband. Hope figures Vivian wants some revenge, but she laughs it off, saying she did at first but no longer. She leaves for a hair appt.

(Sure wish the show did not jump around so much, lol). Melanie has arrived at the hospital, jokes around with Maxine a bit, then tells her about hurting her finger, and Dr. Manning advising her to come in to have it x-rayed. Maxine says Dr. Manning is not there yet, but points out another doctor who can authorize…tis Nathan, of course. He tries to take a look, she doesn’t want him to touch her, he says she will have to then wait for someone else. She seems to be trying to get him to say something, but he just tells her this is her problem, not his, and leaves. Carly comes in, evidently the finger will be o.k., Melanie won’t have to have a cast to match her wedding dress. They begin talking of the wedding, and doing some more bonding. Melanie wonders why she seems to like her now, when she didn’t before, Carly says maybe because you met someone who seems to screw up as much as you have. As they chatter, Carly is offering advice, talking of how young she is, how she had to grow up too fast for her age, that maybe she should try just being a kid for a while. She has two great guys in her life, why not just enjoy that, just be a kid for a while. You get married, you then have to be very grown up….Melanie thanks her.

Stephanie sits at the pub as Justin joins her, and before you know it she is talking about being in love with a guy, who seems to be hung up on someone else. Justin gives her the old pep talk, the guy is a jerk, bad eyesight, etc. until she says the guy is Nathan. He advises her to just ask him outright. She wonders if he follows that advice with Adrienne. Nope, just gives it. And there she is on the phone, he leaves her table. Next we see Hope dashing in for a coffee, wanting to dash out, when Justin stops her, saying Adrienne said Hope called her trying to urge them to get back together. Hope can’t talk, is in a hurry, has to do something, decides he can help, drags him along.

Stephanie & Nathan are in the park, her sitting on Benchie, as she complains of having stepped in a huge puddle, her foot is all wet. He pulls of her high heeled boot and sock, drying her bare foot with his scarf (and Stephanie, walking around in snow with those boots, you are lucky you did not fall and break your ankle. And all that snow, and cold, she has bare legs…..amazing. Ha.) They chatter, he took a few days off, make reservations for skiing at Alpine Lodge, wants Stephanie to come along. Nope, she can’t go on the 14th, it is Valentine’s Day, Melanie’s wedding, and she is helping her with it. Perhaps the 15th…Fine.

Bo is talking to Ciara on his laptop cam. Ciara is at Maggie’s with her gramma Caroline. They talk of drawing snowman, his doorbell rings, he says goodbye, moves his laptop from the coffee table to another table. It is Carly, all bubbly and happy cuz she had some good moments with Melanie and she thinks she can tell her she is her mother now. Bo is taken aback, tells Carly she knows how he feels about her, caresses her face, says it would not be a good idea, as he knows Melanie, she would blab it to Vivian in no time. They sit on the sofa, Carly admits he is probably right, she should not tell her, kiss, kiss, could not have gotten thru all this without you, more kissing. Over at Maggie’s Ciara wants to finish her bowl of fruit or something, so Maggie & Caroline go into the living room, telling her to come when she is through. Ciara presses a key on the laptop, and voila, there she is gazing at her father and Carly on the sofa. They are kissing, she is almost in his lap, Ciara watches. Later, Gramma Caroline comes in, has Ciara’s jacket, says they are going to see her father, surprise him. They leave. Over at Bo’s, Carly has to get to work, puts on her coat, opens the door saying “love you”, and there stands Caroline and Ciara. LOL. She leaves, Ciara runs into Daddy’s arms, he helps her off with her coat, tells her he bought her pencils & new crayons, upstairs on her desk. Ciara runs upstairs, and Caroline lights into Bo, asking him if he ever thinks of anyone besides himself, then talking of what he is doing to his daughter. Bo immediately starts blaming Hope taking Ciara away from him, this is all her fault. Nope, Caroline will have none of that. She asks him if he has considered how Ciara feels to be at the door to her home, having it open to hear Carly saying she loves Bo. Now Bo says it is no different than being over at the K house, seeing Hope doing whatever she is doing with Justin. Caroline won’t let him get away with trying to shift blame. She rests it all squarely on Bo, and how what he is doing affects his daughter. He tells how he doesn’t know what is going on with Hope these days, how she won’t talk with him, just AT him, Caroline knows he is having a hard time, but tells him he has to ask himself what is best for him and for his daughter, and she doesn’t think the answer has anything to do with Carly Manning. Later, Caroline is gone, Ciara sits on the sofa coloring, as Bo rummages thru a drawer looking for a red crayon, comes up with a picture of him, Hope & Ciara, looks at it as Ciara asks him if he found what she needs. No, Baby, I haven’t, as he puts the picture down with an odd look on his face.

Over at the K mansion, Hope comes in with Justin, telling him to keep watch and stop Henderson or Vivian if they come in, and she goes upstairs. Justin is not paying too much attention when Vivian arrives home, but does spot her and tries his best to delay her, wondering about her hair appt. (she had cancelled it earlier). Hope is coming downstairs, behind Viv, comes into the room, brightly asking about her hair appt. Vivian wonders why everyone is so concerned with her hair, and takes off. She meets Gus at Java, telling him she has not decided on the “how” of doing Melanie in, but the WHEN will be her wedding day.

Justin & Hope sit on the sofa as she attempts to open the puzzle box that Vivian had hidden in her closet. She finally succeeds, opens the box, finds Lawrence’s letter, reads it, then finds the hospital record (this seems to be the original one) reads it, puts it down…..damn you Brady…..damn you.

Thanks, Barb. I was hoping you'd be able to get this show over the week-end!

Ahhhh! Sweeps month begins!

BTW ... you ask in your 'footer' " I went to San Francisco. I found someone's heart. Now what?"
My suggestion ... find Tony Bennett, and give him his heart back, since he left it there years ago. :D
Poirot said:
(Bo) tells how he doesn’t know what is going on with Hope these days, how she won’t talk with him, just AT him,...

Is Bo stupid or just lying? Earlier that day, Hope wanted to talk to him in private and he told her there was nothing to talk about unless it had to do with Ciara. Then, he walked off with Carly.
@kathylu....I think some of both. He is squirming as his mom calls him to task, and trying to put a halo on his own head.....but Caroline won't let him. Yayyyyy for her.
Finally we get to see Caroline lecture her son on his recent behavior! Talk about bull Bo...Hope wanted to talk to you but you were too busy protecting Carly.

Thanks for the preview, Poirot. Sounds like a good show.

I would love to see Caroline and Victor discussing their son's situation. For once, they are in complete agreement about Bo.
Thank Poirot a milllion for all you do. You made my weekend...sad I know...but thanks again. As I have just taken a little break from watching videos of Rafe and Sami in happier times
Kpatch I wonder if the writers know how much potential a Victor and Caroline pairing could be.

Whoa...!! Mia is a piece of work alright...!!! What a little vixen....I can't believe she got the trip cancelled....wonder what the heck she will do next....??

Bo is lying to everyone including himself...he's so eat up with thinking Hope is interested in Justin that he can't think straight and it's totally consuming him....all of this sex with Carly business and hatred towards Hope is from his jealousy....what a dunderhead.....
Thanks, Poirot, what a nice treat for a Saturday! I can only echo what others have said. How dare Bo say Hope won't talk with him, after the way he snubbed her the other day!

I wish Maggie would find out how nasty Mia is acting and light into her. I know, she has her own problems to contend with right now but somebody needs to shake the living daylights out of Mia.

Stephanie sure does fall in and out and in love at rapid speed, doesn't she? :rolleyes:
Pine Valley...????

On Monday's show Nathan says he's going to the ski lodge in Pine Valley and says it's a 2 hour drive from is it the same Pine Valley in All My Children...????
lol Salem PA ? If you break your leg and Dr.Hayward comes to your aid RUN! ...if you can.
Monday's, 2/1, best lines......

Viv to Hope: "Oh, I didn't hear you waft in...."

Maxine to Melanie: "Good lord, what are you doing here...?? I thought the future Mrs. Kiriakis would be picking out china, silverware, opening charge accounts..."

Justin to Stephanie: "Fathers don't need to know anything about the situation to pass judgement..."

Kinsey; "There is something so lovable about a guy who's family has a condo in Vancouver..."
Tad: "My family rents storage units. I can get the key anytime you want."

Vivian: "Oh crap...!!"

Caroline to Bo: "I'd like to ask you a you ever think of anybody but yourself....?"

Kinsey about trip being cancelled: "He was looking forward to it...?? I told everyone I know, everyone I hate...."

Vivian to Justin about Victor: "Yeah, he gets a little snarky when it comes to coveting thy neighbors wife unless of course, he's doing the coveting..."

Hope to Justin while trying to open Viv's box: "This stupid thing is as weird as Vivian herself."
Justin: "I'm just glad she doesn't use a safety deposit box like a normal person."
Oh by the way, Melanie invites Carly to the wedding....da-da da-daaaaa....!!!!!!!
PAllison........I did not know you got to see the show a Day Ahead...I just may be calling on you for a sub sometime. :)

What Nathan said was ALPINE Valley.....
Alpine Valley...!!! That makes sense....I was stuck in soap land I guess... :D

I watched it on youtube, sometimes it's up early and sometimes it's lucky this weekend...!!!
Just an FYI......but Alpine Valley is an actual place in Southwestern Wisconsin.
This is a pic of the Alpine Valley Resort....skiing is really big.