Days of Our Lives, Mon., Jan. 25, 2016


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, January 25, 2016

Rafe arrives at Hope's house, at Ciara's request. She tells him about joining them at the Horton cabin, fishing, building a snowman, hiking, just relaxing a bit. Hope comes down, dressed for sitting on a beach chair getting a tan, Ciara definitely wants Rafe to come, she leaves. (yawwwnnnn) Rafe & Hope go back and forth about doing so, and why. He finally agrees he will come along.

Meanwhile, Andre' is in the building that is coming down, (poorly edited in my opinion) hides under the stairs when a worker comes in, looking around, all clear. Andre' can hear the conversation outside, Chad is saying his brother told him to meet him at this address, the worker saying the building is coming down in a couple minutes. Stay back of the tape, watch the show. Inside, Andre' evidently thinks he is superhuman, continues his flashlight searching, starts pulling debis off of the big lump, and manages to expose Stefano's hand with his distinctive ring. Now andre' is upset, oh, father, I am here, I am here, as he pulls more of the stuff off the body. And we hear the countdown, which Andre' ignores, and then Chad standing outside, as the big boom shakes everything, then inside as stuff rains down on Andre'.

At home, Steve is trying to get hold of Kayla, who is not returning calls. Joey is distracted, leaves for school. Steve goes out, shows up at Ava's knocking at the door, picking the lock after no answer. He looks around when inside, then begins searching the room, finding nothing. But eventually, he notes, bends down & picks up a charm from a bracelet he had given Kayla. Now he is on his phone, looking to find his son, Joey.

Joey is at school, sees Chase with a friend, turns away, calling Ava, who is in the square. He is pleading to see her, she is nicely refusing, but Joey won't take the no. and they meet at ye ol park bench. For someone who was saying no, forget about me, she is now sort of flirting, but pushing him away. He is very insistent, cannot live without her, she claim she is dying, there is NO future for her, he wants to go to Mexico, find a cure, is determined. He pulls her into a hug, she pushes him away. Has a gift for him, wrapped nicely in a gift box, season tickets for the Cubs. Can go anytime, bring friends, yada, yada, But then cozily tells him when he is there, to think of her, sitting close beside him if she could. She again tells him there is no way for them, to go live his life, not spend what's left of hers taking care of a dying woman, (or something like that). He leaves, is upset, leaves the box behind. She mutters that is done, only one more problem now.
And here comes Steve, who has been observing and listening and is furious at how she used Joey. Ava is claiming to have worked so hard to get Kayla & Steve back together, but Steve is not taken in. He is very angry, asking where Kayla is. She says she doesn't know, but he pulls the charm out, found it in her room. She starts to complain about him being in her room, but don't mess with him now. He is yelling, so is Ava, who mentions both Kayla, & now him. She is sick of it. She now admits she conked Kayla, knocked her out, and she is not telling where she is until Steve finds her son, and brings him to her.

Ciara is at school, sees Chase, tells him of going to the Horton cabin, the island, he refuses. She talks and talks, finally convincing him to come.

Joey goes to school, is looking down in the mouth, Ciara comes along, wants to know if he is coming to her kickback tonight. He is remote, she thinks he is upset for a teacher scolding him, gives him a bit of a pep talk, wanting him to be sure he comes. He finally agrees, she leaves, he sees his friend Brian, asks if the guy still has the fake I.D. Sure. Joey asks him to get him a bottle of whatever. In fact, make it two. Brian smiles, someone is going to be doing some serious drinking.

Chad is over at Abby's, telling her about Andre' wanting to meet him, not being there, building being demolished. No idea what was going on, maybe Andre' wanted him demolished. Now, Chad tells a whole song and dance about the bank foreclosing on DiMansion, that for the past YEAR, Stefano had not been paying the mortgage, nor the taxes, so the bank is foreclosing in a week. He says Stefano only took the mortgage in order to get some cash for something (this all did not make sense). Anyway, Chad has money, wants to buy the place. The bank may foreclose, but knows no one will want the place with it's rep. Abby is appalled at the idea, doesn't want to live with Stefano, Andre. Heck, Stefano has left for Europe or somewhere, and Chad would just love to throw Andre' out. He wants to do this, so he takes her over to the house. She hates it being dark, dingy, old books, etc. etc. He tells her to close her eyes, and talks of getting rid of everything in the room, painted a light, bright color, Thomas's toys all over the floor, upstairs is his room, right next to Daisy's. When she questions "Daisy", he said our daughter, and goes happily on, about it being a boy, she names it whatever she wants, and adds, more brothers and sisters, lots of noise, Fluffy barking. (that will be their small dog) He has her laughing. He promises she can redecorate however she wants. He pleads for her to think about it. She agrees to just "think about it". She is pushing the buggy out of the room. (and yes, they brought the buggy (and I guess Thomas) to DiMansion.)

Over in the warehouse, in the dark, Andre' lies unconscious, bleeding from a head wound. His gloved, hand moves. His eye opens.
I think they dressed Hope to be on the back of a motorcycle gang rather than a beach. :sick:. This business of Ciara lying to Rafe needs to stop too (her telling Rafe that Hope was hoping he would come).
Yeah, and then telling Chase how Rafe was so in love with her mother, so they have to work to get them together when on the island.

It just made me laugh to hear Ciara talking about fishing (is that ice fishing??) and building snowmen, and Hope comes down in deep V-cut, and deep sleeveless top. (yeah, guess it did look like black leather, lol) In fact, for just being at home casual, why the fancy necklace, earrings?? LOL
Too bad Andre' survived! Been better if he died, then when both bodies are found, the SPD will conclude that Andre' killed Fatha and was killed himself getting rid of the body! That would leave Chad in charge of Dimera Enterprises. Chad could even make it legitimate!
Who is this impostor and where has the real Ciara gone? I cannot for one minute believe she would be onboard with her mother moving on to another relationship this soon much less pushing her in that direction and then imploring Chase to help her?! Oh my....this story gets stupider by the minute.

Of course Andre is still alive. Too much to hope he would have died along with Stefano's corpse in that demolished building and we could put an end to this ridiculous story.

I'm not sure how I feel about Chad wanting to move Abby and Thomas into the mansion. I get where he's coming from and saying Abby could redecorate the whole place, setting the scene for her describing how it could be but I totally get Abby's reservations here. She's unlike Sami and Nicole in that she never wanted that life, the money, mansion, perks of it all. I think she would prefer a small cozy home for her little family away from all things DiMera. Otherwise, I did like Chad trying to turn the whole thing into a sweeping romantic gesture. That was cute.

Ava is off the rails. I suppose Steve is going to give in to her demands too without telling the cops or even John about the situation first. This story is going nowhere fast. I'm betting there's not even a child out there and this is just a trap to lure Steve away from his family in some sort of twisted revenge plot. I hope this is resolved quickly and Steve and Kayla can get back to planning their wedding. And don't even get me started on Joey being in love with Ava. Barf.
Glad I didn't watch today, so thanks for the summary. The only part I really enjoyed was Chad & Abigail. It was lovely and romantic. I get where Abby is coming from, but I think it would be a good idea to take the mansion and redecorate it. Though I do wonder what happened to the home Clyde got for her and Ben. Since she and Ben never went there or had memories there, keeping that home might not be a bad idea either, if possible.

The Hope & Rafe thing dragging on for months on end is just really bad, and even worse now that Ciara is trying to get Chase to help her bring them together. :sick::sick::sick:

Also :sick::sick:-worthy is Joey "loving" Ava. Count me OUT!

And the Patch & Ava thing is beyond stupid.
Salem is filled with the deluded, but Little Joey rose to the head of the class by telling Ava that he loves her and uttering such nonsense as Ava being "the only good thing in my life" and "I've got no reason to stay here." It's too bad Steve came along too late to overhear this nonsense. As for the Steve-Ava-Kayla situation, none of it would have happened if foolish Roman had locked up Ava when he had the chance. Over at the abandoned building, another Salem P.D. member, Rafe, was also proved to be a poor prophet when Andre found the unfindable body of the Phoenix. At dear old Salem High (home of the Panthers), when Ciara told Chase that Smith Island had no deer, she really should have mentioned the visitor-averse, locked-and-loaded Horton Cabin Raccoon Team. Finally, Chad might want to consider being a realtor. His pitch to Abigail was pretty convincing. He might also have mentioned their kids playing in the secret passages, but how will she react when, in the interest of history, he says that Stefano's portrait is staying on the living room wall?
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she really should have mentioned the visitor-averse, locked-and-loaded Horton Cabin Raccoon Team.
Did someone mention us?? Hang on while we grab our weapons and gear up.
It did not set well with me when Abby said "why here, you were not raised here", and he replied......well, I lived here.
Let's see, he moved in for a few months, but left, was not for him at all, got his own apt.
When he returned to Salem, after being gone over a year, yes, he lived there, again, for seemingly not long at all. He moved out, and is living currently at either the Salem Inn or the Martin house, no idea . Fact remains......Abby has lived longer in the Horton house than Chad ever lived in DiMansion.
Chase had the line of the day and asked what we were all asking. Smith Island and fishing in the middle of winter, are you crazy??! John can go to New Orleans, Belle to Vegas, but to get away for a few days Horton cabin is the best they can come up with?
Trouble is, they did not mention "ice fishing" which is usually all you can do this time of year. Which then begs the it snowmobiles out to Smith Island and the cabin? Or is water still open allowing the ferry to operate?

And then, I can remember how someone always had to close the cabin down for the season. You know what that means? draining water lines, shutting off pumps, electric, the frig, stripping beds, taking away all perishable food. And if cabin has absolutely no heat, then can goods as well. Toilets have to be drained, and anti freeze put in all pipes that ever carry any water, even with the lines drained., in the middle of winter, Hope, who cannot even cook, was going to go with 2 teens to this island out there. And go fishing? Give me a break here. No wonder Ciara wanted Rafe to go with them. LOLOL