Days of Our Lives - Mon. Jan. 6, 2014


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, January 5, 2014

Good show today! We move all over Salem, as Hope is at the club with Ciara, who is looking sad, and not looking forward to returning to school. She really misses Father Eric, and doesn't like all the bad talk about him, is worried he will go to jail. Hope assures her that he will not go to jail. and all will be fine.
Marlena runs into Eric, chats with him a bit, asking if there is anything she can do. Nope, he just wants to be a priest, and mentions Nicole doing the story to try and help.
Brady pours himself a drink at the K mansion, is about to drink it, but pours it into the bowl containing ice cubes (amazing they don't melt). He turns to find Victor & Maggie standing, having seen this. He talks to Victor, admits he had a relapse, has been before New Years, and that Daniel & Nicole saved him, or he might be dead now. Victor is proud he has realized this, Maggie wants to go to a meeting, Brady does, but wants to come down a bit before he goes, says he has to rest a bit.

Victor leaves, has one more apology to make, and meets with Marlena. He makes a sincere, full and deep apology for the wrong he did, both to Marlena & Eric, noting that a lot of people were hurt. He mentions Maggie having accepted his apology and forgiven him. Marlena say that was up to Maggie, but as far as she is concerned, she cannot. Victor notes she probably has been unable to forgive herself, as she was into everything very willingly. But Marlena says, even if she did forgive him, would not be long before there would be something else, and what he did was unforgiveable. She leaves.

Nicole is watching the video footage of interviewing Brady when Miles comes in. He loves all the footage, too bad they cannot use it, he knows that, but tells her to get going on the Father Eric interview. She notes that Eric left his phone. Miles is gone, Marlena comes in. She knows Nicole is doing this story on Eric, knows they have already gone a couple of rounds on this. Nicole sighs, o.k. bring it on, figuring marlena is going to lay into her again, but she doesn't. She says her son just wants to be a priest, and wants Nicole to go ahead with the story.

Hope visits Brady, tells him of this big lead they had on a woman stowaway, how they thought they had Kristen, but it wasn't her. Brady wonders why she came to tell him the lead fizzled out. Must be something else. Yes, John called her, had been digging into ancestry, and discovered that he was NOT Ryan Brady, the child Colleen had. She continues that Colleen was so desperate to find Ryan and the orphanage took full advantage of that. Also that John still doesn't know who his parents were. Brady notes that means he is not a Brady.....and Hope adds....nor a DiMera. But assures him he IS a Brady, always will be. The Bradys don't go by blood, and he will be a Brady just as she herself is. Yes, Brady realizes that.

Nicole goes to see Eric, returning his phone. They talk all about Brady, how he scammed Eric about going to that meeting, and all that happened after. But that Maggie texted Nicole, and said Brady had gone to a meeting with her, so he is trying to get back on the right track.
And so Eric then goes to see Brady, who really doesn't want to see Eric. Tells him that when he looks at lhim, all he can see is Eric on top of Kristen. Yes, he knows he was drugged and raped, but he cannot help it, it is the picture in his head. So, he doesn't want to see Eric, wants distance between them. Eric understands, and leaves. Brady remembers the video, flashback time again. He angrily goes to the bar, pours himself a drink and downs it.

Gabi is pacing at the apartment when Sonny returns. She babbles and I truly means babbles about Abigail going to see Hope, tell her all....enough so that Sonny says....Whoa here. He gets her to slow down, explain how she was so jumpy, and upset at the text Abby got, did not know it was Kate, no one told her, yada, yada. She tells of going to see Sami, and getting EJ instead, and now he is going to Smith Island, and Abby will tell Hope. Sonny slows her down, Hope is in town, was at the club with Ciara. He thinks actually EJ is the best person to dissuade Abby, that EJ could talk a dog off a meat truck. But Gabi says Abby is relentless when she gets onto something. She does send a text to EJ to say Hope is in town. Later both are nervous, as they have not heard from EJ and it seems to be taking too long.

So, let's go over to Smith Island, where EJ comes up behind Abby, stopping her as she was about to knock at the door. She wonders why he is there, followed her. He tries to get her to return back to the mainland with him, she refuses, has to talk to Hope. He gets the text from Gabi, so lets Abby ramble on. Abby goes in (did not know there was a door to the outside in the bedroom.....unless this is a different cabin, a guest one or something. The bed is right by the door??) Abby goes in, calling for Hope, EJ suggests she may be out for a walk. Abby opens another door, calling for Hope, then returns, saying the cabin is still warm. EJ comes in closes the door, and the two embark on a game of he said, she said.
The very smooth and suave EJ proceeds to come up with excuse after excuse for Gabi's behavior, and why he is there. He uses truth (the argument in the square), tells of how Nick set up the whole modeling gig, figuring he would have Gabi away from family and friends, all to himself, dependent on him. But Abby is just full of disclaimers. EJ finally tells of how Gabi slept with Nick, twice, and thinks that she unknowingly encouraged him. Gabi accepts it, but Gabi used to be married to Nick, what is the big deal? Yep, this little dog just won't let go of the bone, lol. Abby finally concludes Hope is not on the island, EJ admits this is true, he had a text message.
And now Abby figures out that this is not about Nick at all, and the reason EJ is there. It is because of EJ himself, he is the one in the middle. He is sleeping with Gabi. He denies this, Abby notes he & Sami are having problems, he says no, they are fine. But she starts talking about how he tensed up when her name was mentioned, the vein behind his ear (she touches it) popped out. He insists she is wrong, he is engaged to Sami, Will is her son, Gabi is the mother of Will's child, and he cares about family.
She again claims he has to be sleeping with Gabi, he protests she is a young girl, has a child. Abby notes Gabi is not that young, is as old as she is (since when??) and that "any girl with a pulse would want to...". She stops, their faces are close. They exchange stares, and then.....they kiss.....and kiss.........and kiss......
Today is January 6th Poirot...Perhaps you have the Ej & Abby fever!

Marlena looked Super Hot...Her hair was Marvelous

Abby and Ej were SUPER Hot...Boy Ej can spin a story..Thid man is honest incapable of being honest, if even he stands and bites him in the rear end!

Abby totally got a brain today...I love how she practically calling Sami's little lackey!
Everyone sure has junior number... no one is buying his lies….He sure is a drama Queen….Laughed when Sonny told Gabi that “Ej could talk a dog off a meat wagon”! Junior thinks he is the savior of the Nick murder group and everyone is laughing behind his back. I thought a couple of times when he was talking to Abby the look on his possessive face that he would rape her. When Abby said that junior was sleeping with Gabi I thought you better not say that in front of Rafe.

EJ/ABBY ARE HOT TOGETHER! Abby almost better at pushing junior’s button then Sami is!

Too bad people don’t talk to each other, because I think Eric forgave Victor but Marlena doesn’t know that. And Victor was right she wanted Kristen stopped by any means possible!

Hope’s right you don’t need Brady blood to make you a Brady. Brady should be happy he not a DiMera.

I wonder if by Friday we know if Ej/Abby has sex. Because they sure are dragging this out!
Barb, I knew you did a happy dance when Hope said John found out he was not the son of Colleen Brady and Santo DiMera! They finally fixed that debacle of a storyline!

They should just go back to having him be the child of Daphne DiMera and her lover, raised by the Alamains until he was presumed drowned as a child.
gotta tell you all.....that while I would have liked more, I am so glad Days took a simple way, very simple way, to undo the travesty storyline that tied John to the DiMeras...and the Bradys. It had bugged me a long time. (Always said they never had blood tests, etc. to prove Colleen's belief).

So now Brady, who has just returned from a meeting, is downing booze. Can the coke be far behind? Nicole looked so very nice today. I liked that Marlena, wearing that leather jacket, and gloves, rubbed her people do when cold.
I really liked Sonny trying to calm down the overly hyper Gabi, and then EJ, the story teller, casting his stories out there, getting them rejected, adding more and more bait....and the fish finally is getting reeled in. LOL
I haven't seen the show yet, but from what I've read it seems like what I was thinking is true - EJ is attracted to Abby when he kisses her. She mentioned his problems with Sami and called her his puppet master basically. She let him know of the vein in his neck when he's tense which proves she pays more attention to him than he knew of and tells him any woman would want to be with him. She delivered some well placed strokes to his fragile ego and he couldn't deal with it.