Days of Our Lives - Mon. June 2, 2014


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, June 2, 2014

And the kudos today go to Camilla Banus who plays Gabi. Her brother, Rafe is in his room with Jordan, having a long and leisurely roll or two in the hay, phones turned off, thus Rafe is not aware of what is going on.

Replay of Gabi coming into the room where Will is confessing to killing Nick, stopping him from signing, and saying she knows he did not do it, because she killed Nick herself. Shocked expressions on faces all around, EJ immediately is telling her to not say another word, the DA arrives, is now aware two different people are confessing to killing Nick. Hope mentions that new evidence has gone forth indicating a different suspect. Gabi is trying to insist she did it, EJ trying to keep her quiet. He reps her, wants to talk to her privately. The DA agrees to 20 minutes, then she ushers out everyone else, Will, Sonny, Lucas, Sami, & Hope. Will is free to go, worries about Arianna, who Gabi had to give to someone else when she came in. Sami talks of them all learning a lesson about confessing to something they did not do, Will claims surprise that Gabi was the shooter, Sami asks who he thought he was protecting then. Sonny figured out Will thought he was protecting him, and says he would never have let Will go to prison for him. Hope lets Will know that Social Services has Arianna, to give to him, Sami urges him to go home, she will call when there is word about Gabi.

EJ sits with Gabi, who is insisting she needs to tell all, he doesn't think so. She talks of how Nick wanted to take her and Arianna away from all who loved them, have her all to himself. She talks of how Nick was using what she had done to him to keep her in line. EJ thinks they can use that blackmailing, she refuses, because then everyone else would go to prison, Sami, Kate, Will, Sonny. No, she knew she had to do this herself, stop Nick.
EJ agrees she can confess, but he will make a plea bargain on her behalf.

Hope & the DA return, and ask Gabi a few questions. Gabi tells them everything she can, crying, sobbing, talking of how Nick wanted to isolate her and ARianna from everyone else, have them just for himself. She had overheard Nick bragging to Sonny how he had Gabi doing what he wanted or he would send her to prison. (Flashback) She explains how Will & Sonny did not know she had returned to her room, having forgotten her wallet, heard them talking about the gun, and putting it up on the shelf. (Flashbacks here) When they left, she got a call about the court date for custody. Something she did not want, something that Nick had pushed and done, insisting she do this. Then she got a message from Nick to meet him in the park. So she got the gun, put on the silencer, put it in the diaper bag.

She went to the park, saw him, he was on the phone. She came behind him, pointed the gun and shot him in the back. He turned around, saw me, looked so surprised, and I fired two more times. She went to the square, there were so many people there, and then he came. Gabi gets very upset, sobbing here, that with 3 bullets in him, Nick followed her to the square. Actually followed her. She tells of putting the gun back, how she thought if she put it back, it would be like it didn't happen. But she sees him every day, in her mind's eye. She sees him at night, she cannot forget it. She won't ever. the DA asks what kind of hold did Nick have on her, that she did all he said, didn't say NO. And Gabi tells of hiring this guy to stalk her so she could get sympathy from Chad DiMera, only he was in love with Melanie Jonas. So Andrew kidnapped Melanie, thinking this would help Gabi, but of course it did not. Nick knew all this, and threatened her with it constantly.
She also mentions that she had gotten physical with Nick. And he had that as well. So, the only way to save her daughter was if she alone took care of it.

As Hope & the DA go to leave the room, will have the statement drawn up for her to sign, and yes, including the plea agreement, Gabi tells Hope how sorry she is. Hope curtly replies that Nick did not deserve to die. EJ & Gabi are alone now, she breaks down, crying how she wants to hold her baby, hold her now and never let her go. She wants it so bad, knows she can't, that she may never see her again. But she knows Arianna is is good hands with those who love her.

Will & Sonny are at the apt., Will talking to Arianna, will never let her be without him, will take of her, so will Sonny. Later the two men talk, Sonny again reminding Will he would never let him take a rap for him. Both agree to tell each other everything from now on.

Jennifer is at home, when Marlena comes to visit, talk about Eric, They share small talk, Marlena never having seen Eric so happy, and that is all she wants for him. She mentions him leaving town, Jen thinks maybe he might not go. Marlena is puzzled but gets a call, has to go.

In the church garden, Nicole is all smiles, ready to leave now, earlier plane, but the look on Eric's face stops her. He asks a few questions, about Daniel, but no he didn't call. You said he was talking crazy, we should stay and see if we can help. Nicole doesn't think so, but Eric just is not going to leave. Why would Daniel want to talk to him, and finally asks her if Jennifer came to her room. No. Yes, she did, heard you and Daniel arguing. She told me everything, everything.
Eric says he can see the wheels spinning in Nicole's head, trying to figure if she can get out of this. And finally he says he knows she found evidence that would clear him, proof that Kristen drugged him, and she destroyed it. Nicole admits it, then tells her tale of wanting to help so badly, going after Chyka, he escapes, she finds the papers, hurries back all ready to tell him, but he kept interrupting her. She is asking if he remembers this, how excited Eric was to tell her he had chosen her, was leaving the church. She goes on and on and on about it getting harder and harder, and then they got engaged, made love, etc. etc. and it got even harder than ever. Eric remembers, but cannot understand why she did not tell him.

Jordan & Rafe are in the square, Sami spots Rafe, starts babbling about trying to reach him, he mentions phone turned off. She exclaims then he doesn't know about Gabi. What, he asks. She hugs him, is so sorry, so sorry.
Nicole has had to explain about Liam finding her shredded evidence, etc. Eric notes that Nicole's lie nearly cost Jen her life, Daniel was shot. That she was doing this to protect her lie. She denies this, says it was out of love for him. Eric is appalled, what you did was not out of love.
How does Nicole shredding evidence make her responsible for whacked out Liam stalking Jennifer and Daniel getting shot (granted Nicole is the one who shot him)? These writers will never cease with their Dan and Jen love fest. They are constant victims even when they aren't the victims.

I know Gabi did the honorable thing by confessing to hiring Andrew and Nick blackmailing her with it as her motive for killing him, but the evil part of me wishes she'd used the November "murder" and subsequent cover up involving Sami, Kate, EJ, Will and Sonny. She takes the fall completely and they all get to happily go on with their lives.
Liam found the shredded documents and using them to blackmail Nicole. Nicole was determined to get the evidence and she put other lives at risk.

Gabi was much more convincing at confessing than Will.
A good day for Camilla Banus (Gabi), but a very bad day for the character she plays. She's now the second Hernandez daughter to go to jail. Where did poor Mama Hernandez go wrong? It's also a very bad day for Nicole. Not only has her big lie been exposed in a rather brutal fashion, but she's now being blamed for darling Jenny's life being in danger. Really? Liam wanted to kill Ms. Sleeveless because she preferred the Love Doctor to him. He'd have gone after her with lethal intent at some point regardless of anything Nicole did. If Salemites are going blame Nicole for everything, imaginable, her pariah status after the Town Square steps incident will be nothing compared to the holy hell that she faces now.
This is old history, and Nicole said Liam used the documents to blackmail her into helping him. Yes, he followed Jen to Smith Island, but the danger did not come about until Nicole followed him. She wanted the evidence back, and worried he might tell Jen. Things spiraled out of control afterwards. Eric really seems in a state of shock right now, at least to me. He did remember how he would not let her talk, etc., but felt, rightly so, that Nicole still should have told him.

Meanwhile Jen is trying to get hold of Daniel, probably to tell what she heard and then did, but Daniel is still in surgery.
Did Nicole help Liam in any way follow/stalk Jennifer to the Horton cabin?

No, Nicole did not. Maybe she could have talked about her suspicions of Liam sooner, but in no way is Nicole responsible for that crazy dude's actions. Seriously, if there's ever a tornado in the town square, Salemites will surely blame Nicole somehow !!!!

And it amazes me to see Eric's reaction. For a few seconds, I thought he was actually beginning to understand Nicole's motives, especially when she talked about her coming home with the evidence, all ready to tell him, and he kept cutting her off. But then, Nicole had to mention Liam and Jennifer and bam ! Oh, no, prissy Jen can never be in danger, ever. :rolleyes: Like Dr Baker Fan says, Liam would have gone after Jennifer, regardless. If anything, Nicole made things better by being suspicious otherwise, maybe Jennifer would still be captive somewhere with crazy Liam (think Shawn Douglas in the cage). And Eric seems to forget that Nicole put her own life at risk for him, more than once, and she was able to forgive him for being accused of the rape. But noooooo. Eric will be in his pedestal, along with his "friend" Jennifer.

Though I don't know why I'm so angry, as I knew it was going to go down like that. Eric all bent out of shape, Jennifer acting like the perfect martyr with Marlena :sick:, and Nicole, the only one responsible for the whole fiasco. :beat:Boy, is it going to be entertaining to see all the Salemites line up to tell Eric "I told you Nicole was no good" :sarcasm:

But... kudos to the actress who plays Gabi indeed. Wonderful acting ! :clap: I cried with her.

And baby Arianna, as always : :love::love:

Jordan and Rafe : zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
LOL, well, I doubt Liam, or even Nicole, figured on Dan & Eric coming to the island.....but can we just stick to this summary????

Not to be a pain, but doesn't that pertain to the summary because I just couldn't understand Eric saying Nicole was responsible for Jen and Dan almost dying. Either way, I'll leave it be.
An emotional episode that left me teary-eyed, very well done. I officially hate Hop; Gabi tells her everything Nick did and that he tried to rape her, and Hope says Gabi deserves to die? Or did I hear it wrong? Either way, it isn't like Hope really spent a lot of time with Nick, so I don't get why she is SO upset, especially after everything he has done. I am glad Gabi confessed to hiring Andrew back in 2012.

The Jordan and Rafe scenes were SO boring! So were Marlena and Jennifer.

I liked Will and his family and all those scenes. Great.

The Eric and Nicole scenes moved very slowly but were good. I am upset that Nicole is blamed for Jennifer nearly dying. Liam would have tried to kill her anyways. He had the gun even before Nicole arrived, and we see how in real life these types of stalkers often try to kill, or sadly succeed in killing, those they are obsessed with.
Hope didn't say Gabi deserves to die. She said Nick didn't deserve to die. But I did find Hope less than... compassionate, considering the circumstances. Especially considering Hope herself once tried to kill Bo. But now, we're supposed to believe she was so close to Nick, but alas, she did not know him at all. Oh, and Gabi said it was "physical" but didn't specify Nick tried to rape her. Which surprises me. Gabi should have used the word "rape". It wouldn't have given away the others who helped her throw Nick into the river anyway.
Is the budget so tight that we didn't even get to see the shooting flashback of Gabi actually doing it. That's always the best part of a murder mystery for crying out loud. I missed the last ten minutes but I don't think they even showed Nick on the show. Just his voice. As far as Nicole folks. I know you don't like the way they wrote her, but she and Theresa could have stopped things sooner. Lives were placed in danger because they were both thinking of themselves. For whatever reason the writers have chosen to keep Nicole's bad character in tact. Sad because she's one of the sharpest tacks in the drawer and it seemed time to redeem her.
Thank you, Poirot. Can't wait to watch the Gabi scenes later on line. Even the Eric / Nicole scenes sound good.

Yes, a flashback of Gabi doing the shooting would've been nice. They could've just shown her without Nick in the picture if they wanted to save money by not having to pay him for his likeness on screen today. UM, does that make sense. I knew what I wanted to say, but not sure if it came out right.
JMO, but I wish Daniel would shave.... whoops I wish Daniel would dump Miss Goody Two-Shoes when she tells him she went running to Eric to tell what she overheard at Nicoles apartment. I almost said tattle, but decided not to do so....Daniel should be really mad at Jennys behavior If he dumps her, she can take up with Eric and those two deserve each other.... wish Nicole could realize she can stand on her own two feet.... if she doesn't want to be alone get a cat or a dog.... they love unconditionally......

Gabi was excellent today.... wish she had said rape, instead of just physical.. I thought Hope said Gabi deserved to die.... Gabi seems to be losing contact with reality... so maybe she'll get an insanity plea......

edited to replace word....JS
I agree, that they could have shown Gabi in the park, at least pointing the gun. They do show her taking the gun, putting on the silencer and stuffing it into the diaper bag.

The scenes today are very intense & emotional. I guess that is why the lightweight scenes of Rafe/Jordan, & Jen/Marlena, to give us a break.
The thing that bothers me about Nick's murder and Will and Gabi's confession is the Ari angle. Will and Gabi (to an extent) both stressed how obsessed Nick was with Ari and separating her from her family. I'm sorry but that is just weak. If Nick was so obsessed with Ari and taking her away from Will, why didn't he just kidnap her. This never made any sense to me seeing as how Nick wasn't portrayed as having issues with Will raising Ari because of his sexuality after the Smith Island shooting. The Ari angle is ridiculous and was obviously used to give Will and his deranged family some relevance in this story.