Days of Our Lives - Mon. June 22,2009

Thanks for your great insights, Nanahl. It would be a wonderful thing if the story creators did their homework on this subject.

Welcome back to the board!
Thank You Kpatch. As I was re-reading what I had written I was thinking about the sermon I just helped my husband write (he's a lay minister). It is on death of children. It brought back memories of when our youngest son was 27 months old and burned with scalding water in a freak accident and what we all went through as he fought the battle of his life...and WON! He is now 38. He was dismissed as a miracle case after 13 months. Lots of prayers. However, 2 years prior, our little nephew died at three days old. The anguish and grief and various demonstrations of emotions (based on age) were there. The teens were very angry with the doctors and even GOD. Thankfully, God has big shoulders and a forgiving heart! Poirot, I know this is off-topic, but I guess I just want to emphasize the vastness of emotions during grief (I am a social worker who deals with grief on a regular basis), especially among the teens. Maybe this is one time TPTB did a good job! :)
I switched to another channel after about ten minutes of golf. When I checked again about 45 minutes into the show, DOOL was on. I'll check the DVR later.

Does anyone know if todays show will be on youtube today or tomorrow? My satellite receiver is out and the new one won't come until sometime tomorrow, at the earliest. I never know how to find those youtube things. Whether I get it or not, thanks so much for the writeup! More than ever, if I don't get to see the show.
Yikes.....Chad is think he could be Daniel's long lost son...???

And I'm still laughing at the carload of nuns with a flat tire...:D :D :D

Will is up to least I hope he is......if not he's just a little arse.....

And oh my lord, Sami is still not blaming EJ for his worst actions...she's blaming Nicole...good grief....I may be sick.....

I'm thrilled that the over-the-top, outrageous Kate is back....!!!!

And once again, Chloe and Daniel's clothes match...!! But then so do Maggie and Chris'....hmmmmm....

Holy cow, Grace already has a head stone...?? That was fast....
I was going to post something about the headstones but it didn't seem worthy of its own thread. I own a funeral home and I know what goes into selecting a stone and having it set. It's the same day as Grace's funeral and her stone is already there. It was the same with Shawn's.
We had golf the first 40 minutes too. :(

Nicole's scenes at the gravesite were amazing. She is soooo good.
I'm glad KathyLu and PAllison mentioned the headstone. I thought that seemed way fast.
Did anyone else think that Chris has a crush on Daniel?
Lately, I've been hearing a phone ringing in the background of a scene (and no, it's not my phone). It happened today too, when Sami was telling Johnny that they're going to Johnny's father's house.

The scene with Sami and Lucas was unsatisfying. He dropped by for 2 seconds. And Grace wasn't even mentioned!!!
I watched last night on soapnet and I have to say that I found Nicole's "speech" to Grace extremely distasteful. Maybe I took it wrong but it sounded like she was thanking Grace for making Nicole's life with EJ more secure.

I also wondered if Will is playing Lucas and Sami and trying to get them back together. Lucas took off pretty quick to see Sami after Will chewed him out. Just my thought.

I didn't pay much attention to Kate, Chloe, and Daniel. Or EJ and his nonstop ranting.

I felt sorry for Mia. It looked like Chad played her and is wanting to start things up again. Be strong Mia! Just say no!
That thought crossed my mind too KathyLu. I hope they don't go there though.
I watched last night on soapnet and I have to say that I found Nicole's "speech" to Grace extremely distasteful. Maybe I took it wrong but it sounded like she was thanking Grace for making Nicole's life with EJ more secure.

I was sort of shocked by the dialogue too. But I believe the speech was designed to show how conflicted and guilty Nicole feels. She understands that she benefited from Grace's death because of Sami's confession and EJ's subsequent disgust with Sami. I did not, however, take Nicole's speech to mean that she didn't love Grace or understand how tragic the baby's death is. I thought Arianne Zucker did an amazing job of acting that scene.
I watched last night on soapnet and I have to say that I found Nicole's "speech" to Grace extremely distasteful. Maybe I took it wrong but it sounded like she was thanking Grace for making Nicole's life with EJ more secure.

She said the worst part about Grace's death was that it made her life with EJ more secure. It was clear to me that it was an unpleasant fact she was acknowledging, not being grateful for. She's made it very clear IMO that she is genuinely grieving for Grace. Even as a hardcore Nicole fan I don't defend her switching babies and I would love for her to come clean--I never wanted her to lie about anything in the first place, if EJ didn't choose her then fine, though at this point we'll never know what he would have done. But, as much as I don't like her actions there was no doubt to me in that scene she was saying that fact made her feel even worse than she already does, that Grace's death may have helped ensure her security.
You are a life saver. I was away and DVR'd it. Some of the beginning, the good parts naturally were missing because of golf. Thanks so much, Barb.