Days of Our Lives - Mon., June 4, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, June 4, 2018

Brady & Theresa argue from the opening scene until 50 minutes later. Just a fair warning. But first, while there are those who appreciate this, it is overboard for me. Eve is in the square, along comes shirtless Xander. Yes, in the square, no shirt. She tells him he might try putting on some clothes, she heard it was all the rage of late. LOL. He starts some snark about Brady dumping her, but she tells him not to get too cozy about the corner office, that Chloe is back, John & Paul are safe, Theresa tossed Xander under the bus when it came to his leaving Chloe behind. She IS Brady's ex-wife. Xander offers a few more snide remarks, advising her to do this....he turns his back, trots off.

Ciara comes to the hospital, looking for Marlena, who has left. Kayla makes a comment about Tripp, and her helping with the pie...Ciara realizes that was why everything looked so great, starts crying, as she comments on how hard Tripp worked to have everything so perfect, and it was. Kayla gets her to open up, learns how Ciara recalled Chase. Ciara also tells of talking to Julie, who told her one never gets over being raped. Kayla realizes this is what made Ciara think of Chase and that night, tells her it will get better. She is very kind, very gentle, and eventually Ciara realizes Aunt Kayla was also raped. She comments “men are pigs”. Kayla agrees some are, but most are not, naming Uncle Steve, JJ, Tripp, your father. She suggests Ciara tell Tripp, (really good scenes here). Ciara thanks her, leaves. Later, she texts her aunt, thanks her for the talk, and says she is going to tell Tripp.

JJ comes into the Pub, finds Hope, sees she is upset. Hope tells him about the possibility of Ben being released, they talk over the past, Ben's breakthru, escape from sanitarium, finding Will was alive set him on the path to the breakthru. Neither are happy about this. Outside, Lani & Eli talk about her sudden craving for chowder, tease a bit, go inside, Hope spots them, JJ turns around, Eli & Lani get filled in on the upcoming possible release of Ben. Lani begins reminiscing somewhat with JJ about being on case together, but then she decides she doesn't want chowder, Chinese instead, they leave.

Hope is sorry, tells JJ one thing piles on to another. Now they talk, no, JJ will not consider getting back with Lani. Hope says her own situation is similar, and while she cannot forget, she is working on forgiving Rafe. JJ notes that there is a difference. Sami did not get pregnant. Lani did, and he was so happy about it, but now, is Eli's child.

Tripp has broken away from the kiss Claire planted on him, she is pestering, pleading, Theo dumped her, Ciara dumped him. She goes on and on about how Ciara has bested her at every turn, even Theo cared more about her than Claire, it seemed. She says neither one of them deserves to be alone, gets up close & is kissing him passionately. Yep, his shirt comes off, as does her top, and they plop on the sofa. No idea when the sheet comes from, but they are really going at it, suddenly Tripp sits up. This just doesn't feel right. I thought I wanted this........I don't. Cue Claire's upset look.

And over to the Bickersons at the Kmansion. Brady is ordering Theresa to leave, but she isn't going anywhere. Egads, Theresa pulls out ever trick in the book, and the verbal knock down goes on and on and on. Brady very angry & upset she left Chloe, Theresa makes tons of excuses, mostly of loving Tate, and Brady, and the threat to kill them. Brady isn't buying any of it. He says she isn't taking Tate anywhere, Tate barely remembers her. Theresa jabbers about her rotten sister, Brady says Eve knows Tate's favorite song (I'm a Little Teapot) and that he hates peas. Theresa knows none of it.

They go back and forth, up and down, about leaving Chloe, informing Mateo John & Paul were on the way. He talks of how Theresa hit his father with the poker, made Brady think he had done it. She talks of telling Victor, but Brady knows Vic hates Chloe, and then remembers how Vic was saying Brady would never hear it from him when Brady entered the room. Wasn't the engagement, it was Chloe. In no uncertain terms he tells Theresa to get out, and she finally does. (and trust me, it is exhausting to listen to it all).

Claire is puzzled why Tripp stopped. He just can't. This is wrong. Door opens.There stands Ciara.

JJ is leaving, Theresa passes him, both stop, stare at each other.

Brady sitting alone in Kmansion, Eve arrives, says he sounded upset on phone. He tells her Theresa gone for good, not returning, he was hoping maybe Eve would consider taking him back eventually. She shakes her head, no. He says, “no, o.k.”, but she says she would not consider taking him back eventually, she is here right right now. KISSS!

Hope is in the square, gets phone call, is shocked, cannot be true, Lani & Eli there, as she says it is so fast! Ben has been released, said he was going to Salem.
Thanks for the write-up! This sounds like a really good show! I'm very pleased there was no grief romp with the younger crowd, although now I'm sure that Ciara is gonna throw a fit and there will be unnecessary and annoying drama for weeks. Oh, well. I just hope Tripp learns the truth soon and everything gets cleared up. Similarly, I'm pleased that Brady knows the truth about Theresa and threw her out. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm glad Eve and him are back together. I guess the writers have succeeded in making this once awful couple rootable, at least for me.

Hope & JJ and Kayla & Ciara were wonderful today. I would love to see more of these kinds of scenes. Xander and Eve are totally random. Someone remind me--did they really ever interact before?
Today's action-filled episode raises a few questions.

Brady: How can his memory be so good? In a town filled with the memory impaired, he remembered all of Jeannie T.'s misdeeds even how she messed over JJ.

Jeannie T.: She really pulled out all stops with Brady today (to no effect), but if her time in Mexico with the Noodle was so bad, shouldn't her name be the next one in Marlena's appointment book.

Hope: Where does she get off making remarks about it being "old-home week" for ex-cons in Salem, when she as police commissioner is the most prominent ex-convict in Salem?

Xander: Does he jog shirtless to keep cool or his he trying to give the bored housewives of Salem something to look at?

Claire: Was it really wise of her to say that she didn't deserve to be alone? Vivian said something similar -- that she deserved to be loved -- and shortly thereafter ended up dead.

The Pub: Why is there now a red light in front of the Pub? Is the once-again-kissless Roman now making extra money by running a brothel: Brady Burgers, clam chowder, Wanchai Ferry, and the hottest ladies in Salem?!
Oh. I agree...but it is the show that wants HER!!! (her last visit was terrible story in my opinion) So she could say :sure, but Sami better not be having another baby. She does have other could just not have time
I don't know, JJ's words certainly sounded foreshadowing:"a baby changes everything". Also they focused on that instead of the fact that Lani tried to pass off Eli's baby as JJ's. Which seemed like was the major issue when they broke up.

I didn't like the fact that Claire was almost begging for Tripp to have sex with her. And I certainly do not like the fact that Brady is trying to keep Tate away from his mother.

They seem to have a few random scenes with Eve and Xander. I wonder if they're testing the chemistry?

I loved the Ciara and Kayla scenes. That was probably the highlight of the episode. I also liked JJ and Hope scenes. I like when they have family there for each other.
Well it didn't take me long to watch this episode. I tried but I just couldn't watch Theresa and Brady or Tripp and Claire. I had to skip most all of their scenes. I enjoyed everybody else though. Xander running around town shirtless was silly but strangely enough, I kinda like scenes of him and Eve together.

I agree with GrkPebbles about how JJ focused on Lani having Eli's baby, while I kept waiting for him to say it was the fact that she lied and tried to pass the baby off as his that caused the biggest problem.
Thanks, Poirot.

Oh no, Ben is on his way to Salem. Hide the ties.

I hope JJ didn't jinx Hope and Rafe when he mentioned
Sami and baby
in the same sentence.

DrBakerFan, I think Xander was shirtless for the home viewing audience :)

Why oh why did Claire and Tripp think it was a good idea having sex on the couch?
And who will they call to clean it? Henderson or Harold?
Can't believe Claire and Tripp were going to have sex on the couch!! They have bedrooms!!

Brady and Theresa killed me. I think I'm the only one that has any sympathy for Theresa. I know we didn't actually see her in Mexico with Mateo but we have been led to believe he was an evil man with a long reach. She truly feared for Tate and Brady. I hate how people keep implying that Theresa deserved what she got cause she knew Mateo before. I was confused though when she said she was faithful to Brady. I thought for sure she was having to sleep with Mateo or did she just mean she didn't have sex with anyone that she wanted to have sex with?

I also went uh oh when JJ said Sami didn't get pregnant. I still wonder whether Lani's baby will end up being JJ's.

Glad Kayla didn't share who raped her. I really can't remember, did Ciara have all these issues when she was with Wyatt? Did they kiss and stuff? I don't remember. I remember she really liked him.
Can't believe Claire and Tripp were going to have sex on the couch!! They have bedrooms!!

Why oh why did Claire and Tripp think it was a good idea having sex on the couch?
Because if they had been in the privacy of one of the bedrooms, Ciara wouldn't have seen them. DA PLOT!!!

I still wonder whether Lani's baby will end up being JJ's.
As long as it's not Rafe's and Sami's, I'm Okay with it. :)
I loved the JJ/Hope scene.

Everything else was garbage. I couldn't even stand the Claire/Tripp scenes and I like them together, but WHY do they still live with that nascent supermodel?
Brady and Theresa killed me. I think I'm the only one that has any sympathy for Theresa. I know we didn't actually see her in Mexico with Mateo but we have been led to believe he was an evil man with a long reach. She truly feared for Tate and Brady. I hate how people keep implying that Theresa deserved what she got cause she knew Mateo before. I was confused though when she said she was faithful to Brady. I thought for sure she was having to sleep with Mateo or did she just mean she didn't have sex with anyone that she wanted to have sex with?
I feel bad for Theresa, too. We saw Mateo tell her how he'd go after Brady and Tate if she didn't come with him to Mexico.

The part about being faithful to Brady confused me too. But like you said, I wonder if she meant she didn't willing sleep with someone, since Mateo was basically blackmailing her to be his side-piece.
Brady today was really annoying me with his trying to keep Theresa away from Tate and said it would be better for Tate to not have her in his life. WRONG! Theresa may not be a saint but she loves that little boy and did what she had to do to protect him. Meanwhile, Brady being father of the year :sarcasm: by being drunk half the time and bed hopping the other half wasn't taking care of his son. Pot meet kettle!

Not sure why Brady brought up the fact Theresa screwed over JJ (or something like that) but he seems to have forgotten his love Eve had a short but torrid affair with her daughter's boyfriend JJ, which makes her no better than Theresa.