Days of Our Lives - Mon. June 7, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, June 7, 2020
Episode #11,349 Taped 5/8 Director – Albert Alarr

EJ is talking with Arianna in her cell, apologizing for being unable to get her arraignment done this evening, and is upset about it. Arianna says it is just one more night, and at least her cell is a single, she doesn’t have to share like in prison. J They talk of Nicole and the alibi she is going to provide for the night Justin was attacked. EJ is a bit worried, Arianna not so much, figuring that it would not benefit Nicole in any way, that with testifying, Nicole has a big story in which she is the center, but EJ knows Nicole, reminds Arianna she is intelligent, beautiful & Nicole could want her out of the way, job wise.

Sami is chasing Johnny around into the study, trying to wear him down, but he has an inexhaustible supply of energy it seems, and not ready for bed. She wants him to perhaps take off his FBI jacket, but he refuses. She knows he misses Rafe, Johnny asks when he is coming back. EJ arrives later to find Sydney on Sami’s lap, Johnny drawing a picture. EJ comments it looks like a family one, mommy, him, Johnny, Sydney. Sami comments to not forget Will & Allie, & Johnny shakes his head, saying Rafe, too. EJ’s face changes, but he says nothing. Later, they have gotten both kids to bed, returning to the study, Sami telling EJ that Rafe is Johnny’s friend. EJ knows that, but comments that how will Johnny feel knowing that when Rafe is back, he will not be part of the family there. Sami says Rafe cares about Johnny, is his friend, and will be a part of his life. They hear a scream, and rush out, and we later see Johnny on Sami’s lap, EJ having called some doctor who makes house calls. Sami is worried about a concussion. And even later, the doc has been and gone, Sami talks of sleeping with Johnny tonight to keep tabs on him, EJ insists he will do it, then decides to let Johnny decide. He says he wants both, putting a hand from each of them across the other atop the coffee table.

Gabi comes to visit Arianna, who asks her to deliver a message to Brady, that she is sorry. Gabi offers to pour it on, like Arianna was crying, etc, but Arianna says no, just tell him simply, I am sorry.
And let’s go watch Nicole manipulate Brady in her own interminable way. She is telling him about her alibi for Arianna, Brady is one happy camper, and then she hedges, saying there could be a hitch, as he would have to testify, too, that he wrote the check that same night, asking if he remembers the exact date. She claims she tore the check up, so he has to be sure. He is. They have been on the pier, in the park and now have entered the Pub during the conversation. She spots the DA coming in, Brady doesn’t, and now Nicole does what Nicole does best. She begins urging Brady to write another check, backdate it, Brady refusing, he is not going to lie to the police. Nicole is phrasing her words carefully, the DA listening intently, as she tells Brady their stories have to match if this is going to work. The DA comes over, informs the two that he has heard enough, there is no alibi for Arianna. Brady protests that if he was listening, he knows Brady refused to lie. The DA walks out, next appearing outside Arianna’s cell, telling her she has no alibi, it is gone. She asks what happened, he tells her to ask her boyfriend.
Nicole & Brady are walking, seem to be in front of the K mansion… she is sorry about it all. Brady was angry to begin with, but has calmed down. Nicole seems so upset, she is so sorry, lays her head on his shoulder, Brady gives her a comforting hug….and along comes Gabi, witness to the embrace.

Nathan wants to know what the box is all about….Stephanie starts to explain, he says he is a doctor, he knows what it is, what is it doing here. Stephanie claims she lost her birth control pills, and so was taking this to just make sure. Nathan takes a few minutes to grasp it all, Stephanie is in tears, doesn’t know if she is pregnant or not, was trying to make sure if not, she wouldn’t be, the pill won’t do any harm if she is, and she will take all the responsibility if she is. Nathan assures her they are in this together, no matter what.

Chloe is alone in the apt., talking to herself, looking at a pic of her and Daniel, and wrestling with her conscience. Should she or should she not. Aloud she is voicing all the “I can’t do this”, while, aloud, the inner voice of her bad side is giving her all the reasons why she should. She remembers the instructions, then calls the number Viv gave. She is hesitant, but the male voice knows what she wants, no names are mentioned, tells her all is in place, just get over to the hospital, 10th floor, make sure a certain party gets on the elevation at 11 p.m. He will text her with the word GO. He hangs up, Chloe rethinks for a minute, cannot do this, tries calling back, gets voice mail, calls Viv, leaves a message for her, then panics completely that she did something so dumb, grabs her key, rushes out only to find Daniel coming in. He has a surprise for her, which trumps the one she is going for…..makes her comes back in, gifts her with the antique necklace he had bought her. Says she can wear it tomorrow for her something “old”. Chloe loves it, but then says she has to leave, and get his. Both exchange I love you, and she is out the door.
Daniel notes the message on his cell from Carly, tries to call her back, decides to go to the hospital since it was so important.
Meanwhile, Lexie & Carly have a rather empty conversation about something troubling Carly, Lexie will stay, no Carly will, yada yada. Lexie leaves, Carly is informed by a nurse she is wanted for a consult on the 5th floor, just as Chloe rushes in wanting to talk to her. They go in some room, have the same conversation we have heard a dozen times already….tell him, I will, if you don’t you will regret it, blah, blah. Carly storms out, refusing to argue about it any more, reminds Chloe this is a hospital, and not the place for this conversation. She has to go because of a patient, grabs some files, heads for the elevator. Chloe continues, talking of how Carly thought her husband was crazy and killed him, thinks she is crazy, and wonders if she told Bo that Hope was crazy, too. She is becoming more irrational, as she then gets the text message “Go”, Carly pushes the down button, saying she has to go. Chloe looks at her phone, saying…”yes you do”.

And over in South America, Rafe & Shane (oh, gad, just L O V E seeing Shane) are complaining because the guard has not been around in 3 hours. Rafe is calling for water, complaining because of the heat. Shane is laying on the cot, they ramble a bit about different things….. Rafe figuring the DiMeras are behind the kidnapping, of Sami, and there being another man in her life, how Shane mumbles Kimberly’s name all night in his sleep, (he is worried that she is all right, has not heard…and after all, she is the mother of his children.) Rafe mentions how even tho they have been apart all these years, she still gets under his skin. Yep, and Shane asks if Rafe would ever be able to forget Sami. Nope. They go on the alert as they figure the guard is coming. And when that guard arrives, Rafe & Shane are having a knock down, drag out brawl. The guard opens the cells door, going in to break it up.

Daniel arrives at the hospital, is at the elevator, pushing the up button. As he stands there, he hears a scream, says aloud……who is that?

Ok I am really starting to think that Chloe needs some professional help. She clearly is suffering from some mental issues.

Thank you for the writeup.
Oh definitely Slyn. She is losing her coconuts.

I love that Shane is thinking about Kimberly!

Great summary, Poirot. What? No flashbacks? :wink:
Thanks for the write up! Yup...That Chloe is a few sandwiches short of a picnic!! WOW girl needs some help.

Love seeing Shane!!

Grrrrrrr Nicole!!! Grrrrr!!!
same old, same old

Thanks for suffering through this for the rest of us, Barb.
Is there anything happening that any of us didn't see looming in the future for this sloooooow moving SL?
:rolleyes: Summer is upon us, shouldn't the action be picking up to keep the younger set glued to their TVs everyday?
@mlou.......i am guessing that May sweeps was not as productive as what is upcoming in June, and I will not say any more as this is NOT the Crystal Ball. Sorry
However, it has already been acknowledged that Days is not gearing summer stories to the very small teen set, and will be featuring their vets quite a bit. That is all that I can say here.
Really Great write up! As Always!

Nicole let me just slap some sense into that empty head of yours.

Viv, Hope, and Chloe all 3 belong in a padded cell, and need to get some much needed treatment.

Love Shane and Rafe.
Daniel is a big boy and has done his share of hurting people in the past. I think he should work through his own relationship problems without Carly or anybody else taking it upon themselves to try to protect him. She will do more damage than good. Whether she intends it to be that way or not, she has a track record of leaving destruction in her wake.
Daniel is a big boy and has done his share of hurting people in the past. I think he should work through his own relationship problems without Carly or anybody else taking it upon themselves to try to protect him. She will do more damage than good. Whether she intends it to be that way or not, she has a track record of leaving destruction in her wake.
Yes, Daniel IS a big boy. BUT Carly would be amiss knowing what she knows about Chloe and keeping it to herself. It would be sure to devestate Daniel if he found out after they were married.
My reply-- would be if you personally knew that this was going/had gone on and had not said anything (especially if ..not mentioning a spoiler here) you also knew this piece of information would you not get it out in the open??

I would tell the guy- also having heard all the info that Kate has blabbed about Chloe and her inability to be faithful to men recently...-I would be very wary of Chloe's ability to be faithful to my friend now..

The 2 women's situations are very different --Chloe and Philip are hiding their affair from his very newly married bride and her fiancé.... and Carly and Bo are not hiding it and he is not with his soon to be ex and has not been for some time.