Days of Our Lives - Mon. June 7, 2010

Knowing information of that nature about a friend or relative is a difficult situation to be in, but based on what I have observed of life, I still have to disagree about Carly telling Daniel. But each to his own opinion. :)
My reply-- would be if you personally knew that this was going/had gone on and had not said anything (especially if ..not mentioning a spoiler here) you also knew this piece of information would you not get it out in the open??
I would tell the guy- also having heard all the info that Kate has blabbed about Chloe and her inability to be faithful to men recently...-I would be very wary of Chloe's ability to be faithful to my friend now..
The 2 women's situations are very different --Chloe and Phllip are hiding their affair from his very newly married bride and her fiance.... and Carly and Bo are not hiding it and he is not with his soon to be ex and has not been for some time.
Since nothing is "going on" is still none of Carly's business. She is NOT a good friend of Daniel's. She really knows NOTHING of his personal life, nor of his life with Chloe.
Chloe & Philip had a one night stand when both were inebriated and both thought their loved one was cheating themselves. Chloe has already told Daniel how upset she was, how she told he was at a motel with Carly, etc.
Carly heard some gossip, and has really no idea of how true it is. Daniel has told her in no uncertain terms to butt out, that nothing, absolutely nothing she could say is going to make him love Chloe any less. Carly should clean up the mess she has made in the Brady lives before she gets so holier than thou on someone else.
Bravo, Poirot!! I applaud your last post about Carly. She may even have good intentions, but it is none of her business.
Thank God I've been having EJ/Sami withdrawls. Nicole......:rant:: the rest....really I don't care.
I have always thought that EJ sounded exactly like Shane and today's episode proved it. They cut directly from Shane saying something in one scene to EJ in another, and I thought Shane was still talking.
Chloe may be nutso, but I love that she's doing something to Miss Stick-Your-Nose-In-Where-It-Doesn't-Belong Carly.

And it's too bad CHloe is wavering, right? :D I much prefer Chloes' take control of the situation it to what it's done to Hope. It's a bit funny that sweet Chloe is turning murderess and strong lady Hope has turned to whacking men on the head, taking their stupid wallets and "stamping" them. Chloe will go to any means to keep her man and Hope has to resort to a personality split to work out her murderous feelings for her man instead of fighting for him. At least I'm rooting for Chloe!