Days of Our Lives-Mon, June 8, 2009


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, June 8th, 2009
Episode #11,098 Tape date – 5/5 Director – Noel Maxam

Today, there are a lot of tears shed, and most of the show is very emotional, so please be sure to have a box of tissues handy, especially during the 2nd half of the show. And men, this goes for you, too. For some reason, the nurse believes Nicole’s statement that Mia is the mother, and tells her to hold & talk to her baby, she will be right outside. Mia & Nicole stand by the side of the crib, and Mia first talks about Grace, then to her, finally picking her up. She hugs, tears in her eyes, as Nicole watches, tears streaming down her face, knowing that Mia is saying goodbye to her own baby. Mia sits in a rocker, holding Grace, and finally Nicole says they have to leave, that Mia has to put Grace back. Mia is reluctant, but Nicole kindly urges her to return Grace to her crib.
Daniel is on the phone, gets the results from the cultures, wants to make sure the tests were accurate, hangs up, looks defeated. Sami & Rafe are in the chapel, having been praying for Grace. Sami is confident Grace will survive, she is a fighter. Daniel comes in, telling them they need to go back upstairs, be with their baby, that they have to prepare themselves. As Sami & Rafe arrive, the nurse says only the parents are allowed in, Sami insists she is the mother, the nurse says another woman was there saying she was. Daniel comes along, confirming Sami is the mother, the nurse apologizes. Sami picks up Grace, nothing seems amiss. She sits in the rocker, Rafe beside her, Daniel telling her to hold her baby, that they have done all they can, that they cannot give Grace additional anti-biotics, her system cannot take it. He leaves, Sami is crying, determined that her baby is going to be better. Rafe goes outside to talk to Daniel, and is told there is no hope for Grace. He returns, tries to make Sami understand, but she tearfully tells him to just leave if he cannot be positive.

Mia has broken down, telling Nicole how she never held her own baby, and now there is some girl out there who gave birth to Grace who doesn’t know she is dying. Will is outside the Pub, saying a little prayer for Grace as Caroline comes out. She wonders why he is not coming in, then sees Will’s face as he tells her about Grace. He is upset at how he initially didn’t want his mom to adopt Grace. Caroline assures him that Grace, Johnny & Allie have the best big brother in the world. She leaves with him for the hospital, making the sign of cross as she does so. Lucas is sitting with Chloe, they mention Allie being with Max a couple times. Lucas lets Chloe know how sick Grace is, Chloe mentions Nicole being at the hospital, but only to visit Stefano. Later, Chloe calls Nicole, and learns of the diagnosis for Grace, she tells Lucas & he says they have to get over there now.

At DiMansion, Stefano is tossing down a brandy as he talks on the phone with someone about keeping Owen’s mouth shut. EJ comes in holding Sydney, and Stefano hides the brandy glass, lol. Stefano says the baby looks more and more like her mother every day, but EJ thinks the baby just looks awake to him. Stefano flashes back to his conversation with Nicole about Sydney being Sami’s child, while EJ is commenting he woke Sydney up purposely as he just wanted to hold her. Stefano babbles a bit about holding your child and spending as much time as possible, EJ realizes he must be thinking of Tony (to tell the truth, this conversation made no sense). Later Stefano is again on the phone, talking to a co-hort about Owen as EJ comes in with a tea tray. (where is Harold??) Stefano now pretends he is talking to some exercise guru or something, but EJ knows better, it is too late at night. Stefano takes one look at the tea, toast, cottage cheese and is not a happy camper.

Roman & Caroline arrive at the hospital, see Rafe outside the door and learn the ominous news. Roman goes in, and Sami, while happy to see him, falls apart, crying at how scared she is. Roman holds and comforts her, she says she is sorry she had not told him about Rafe adopting Grace, he asks about Marlena. Sami says she talked to her, she was going to come, but Sami told her not to, that she should stay with John, as Grace seemed to be getting better. Sami is non-stop tears, Grace is awake and really looking around all the time at everyone. Sami wants Rafe, she needs him, and he is in the doorway saying he is right here. Sami mouths to him she is sorry, as Roman leaves to be with Caroline, patting Rafe on the back. She sobs how sorry she is, Rafe has been shedding a few tears himself.

Nicole has gone to the chapel, sits, land then asks God if he is happy with what is going on. She is breaking down, talking of Grace being just a tiny baby, that this should not be happening to her, and with tears streaming down her face, begs for God to have her suffer herself instead of Grace. Please, punish me.

While all this has been going on, there are a few shots of Philip & Stephanie in bed, a few I love you’s, Phil commenting that they have a long day tomorrow giving their statements to Bo & Hope, and should get some sleep. Kiss, kiss, he turns out the light and nods off. Stephanie stares at the ceiling.

Chloe arrives at the hospital, sees Nicole, and how upset she is. They talk a bit, Nicole says no one tells her anything, but she knows the news is not good. In the background Daniel is on the phone to a fellow doctor, looking for something, anything to help. Lexie comes by, her shift is over, she can stay tho. Daniel shakes his head no. Chloe suggests Nicole go home, she cannot do anything here.

As Sami & Rafe watch over Grace, Will comes in, sits down. Sami is so glad he is there, asks if he wants to hold her. He takes Grace, hugs her, kisses her head. Sami tells him Grace needs her big brother, as Will kisses Grace’s head, and Sami lays her head on Rafe’s shoulder.

Looks like a real tear jerker for sure! thank you for the warning it will be one.
I am sure the scene with Mia is well done -good for Nicole to get her in there and let here be with Grace.
-well at least they mention Marlena and John. She should be there. Glad at least Roman and Caroline are.
I was wondering when Lucas would show up too.
Thank you Poirot. This was probably hard for you to type up, as I got choked up just reading it now. I'm sure there will be a lot of tears flowing when I actually watch it.
I don't normally comment on the write ups, but Barb, you have outdone yourself with this one.

I'm sitting here at work with tears in my eyes.

I don't know if I can watch this one.
Wow!! Sounds very emotional. Not sure I should watch Monday while I am on the treadmill!! I know a lot of people are not liking this storyline, but bravo to the cast. It sounds like their acting is wonderful! It is such a sad sad story!
oh, I'm all teary eyed just reading this. I don't know if I'll be able to watch. :(
I am sitting at work trying to wipe the tears from my eyes without bringing attention to myself. I think i'll be watching this later tonight ( i usually watch during my lunch hour) , all by myself, I know I'll be bawling over the next couple of episodes.
Thank for the write-up Barb.

You do such a wonderful job writing these summaries. Thank you for your time and effort. I have to agree with everyone else. You did an excellent job on this summary and I am now sitting here at work trying to stop the tears from flowing (unsuccessful attempt tho). I don't think I will be watching this episode. :cry2:

I'm still hoping that at the last minute, Daniel will find something that will help little Grace. From your description, he reminds me of Dr. House in not just giving up and going to all measures to find a solution for even the most difficult cases.
Barb, I've always known you were a good writer but this is truly your best. Do they give daytime awards for this?

I somehow feel it kind of tacky to intersperse Stephanie and Philip going at it with scenes of a deathly ill child and the effect on the people who love her.

Toast and cottage cheese, huh? One of my favorite meals...and going to fix some now for a late breakfast.
KathyLu, I was going to type basically the same thing as you about Philip and Steph; inappropriate to have their love scene in this episode. Oh my goodness, I get choked up just reading it. How on earth will I get through watching it on Monday? However, it sounds like they may be on their way to at least a partial saving of the character of Nicole, or at least her conscience is getting to her. I wonder how she will continue to handle her guilt, especially if Grace dies? Will she tell the truth and trust in EJ understanding? I hope so!
Thanks for the write up Poirot. I have tears in my eyes just reading it. Reading about Grace brings me back to when my brother and sister in law lost thier little girl. It was 17 years ago, but feels like yesterday.
Just a P.S. here, I am sorry if I left the impression that Philip & Stephanie are scrumping. They are not, tho they ARE still in bed together. They only have a few words between themselves, a couple of I love you's, they kiss, and out go the lights.
However, even those scenes seemed very out of place in the episode.

One can see the family is gathering to support Sami, and some mention during the show is made of how Grace, in her very short life, has touched so many other lives, has so many people who love her, and in her own way brought Sami & Rafe together.
I usually run watching the episodes a couple behind but love sneaking a peek at these write ups. I am getting so anxious thinking about what is coming. How awful. :mad:

I was crying on Thursday's show just knowing what's coming up. I haven't seen Friday's show yet and I don't know if I can even watch Monday...I watch on my lunch hour at work. I'm confused, EJ & Stephano went home and Nicole is still there at the chapel? Maybe Brady will show up and Nicole will confess ALL to him....b/c he doesn't know about the switch...right? He thinks Nicole has Mia's baby. Why isn't Brady there anyway?
Brady doesn't know, nor does Victor, Philip, Stephanie,or far.
I'm sitting here at my desk having lunch and I can't eat because i'm almost hysterical, I will not be able to watch this show.

Nicole is even breaking my heart I trully believe she feels terrible, what a great actress.
oh what a terrible story... You wrote it beautifully Barb- but the writers have truely written a terrible story for Grace. :( :( From the words you say the family expressed... I'm not getting a good feeling about her making it.
DejavuPlus, Belle & Shawns baby Claire pulled through a similar story line, then it was Kayla and Steve's little boy that pulled through another "sick baby" story line... that makes this the third time, and I can imagine the writers will do at least one with a bad ending... but it doesn't change how terribly sad this story is.Dejavu
Last year, my Godson Riley earned his Angel wings after a battle with Leukemia... the LAST story I want to watch would be another child in pain, and dying.
Tell the writers to call me! I've got 100 ideas for better story lines than killing off babies.