Days of Our Lives-Mon, June 8, 2009

I'm just going to echo what others have said. It sounds like both an incredibly well acted and very sad show. I teared up reading your recap Barb. You write so well.

While I have been against the Grace dying s/l, I've become resigned to it. I'm glad that they have Sami's family standing by her and supporting her. It seems like so much of the time all she has to face things alone while her family chalks it up to "oh Sami screwed up again."

:OT:Maryeliz27 and cbutton: your comments reminded me of when I was a kid and would go across the backyard to watch tv with my grandma (they had a/c and we didn't). I would watch OLTL and GH with her and when she would get upset at one of the "stories" I'd say, "its just a show. Its not like its really happening." Then she would let me watch Days and say the same thing back to me. We'd watch each others shows several times a week and it was always the same. She passed away five years ago this month at the ripe old age of 96 and your comments brought back a great memory. Thank you both!!:back:

I'm undecided about whether or not to watch on Monday. I'm grateful to you Barb, for posting the recaps. That way I'm never too lost if I can't/don't watch.
Just watched Monday's show....I had not planned on watching the Grace s/l....then I got to thinking about the actors and how they must have put their hearts into performing such an emotional story and I felt I should watch out of respect for them.....yeah, I'm a dork, what can I say... :D
Anyway, it's a hard story being handled well, with good performances....Alison (Sami), Arianne (Nicole) and Josh (Roman) really reached in and twisted your gut......Tuesday should be even harder.....
What a test for those two young actors, Dylan (Will) and Taylor (Mia).....still in their mid teens, new to the show and now here they are in such an emotional story....they are getting broke in fast...!!

Stefano still has his leather jacket on....and EJ still has his Devo hair on....there are some things that just never change.....and that is not always a good thing....
Some of you apparently haven't experienced LIFE yet.

I lost my 22 month old daughter to almost the exact "storyline" 32 years ago.
Her fever was only 99 and she also was teething. She started convulsions at my mother's and was rushed to the hospital. With her it happened so quickly that I didn't even make it home from work in time to see her before she died.

If I can stand to watch this happen on the show, so can you.

When most of these soap operas started, they were pretty aligned to "life". In fact over the early years DAYS was showing, at times, very close to what was happening in my own life.
Then they started adding the occult, witches, etc. and some of them became sci-fi wannabes.

This storyline is one of the most real they have shown in a long time.
Lol PAllison. Devo hair. I hadn't thought of it that way but you are right. Now I'm going to hear,"Whip it, whip it good" every time I see EJ onscreen. :D
Lol PAllison. Devo hair. I hadn't thought of it that way but you are right. Now I'm going to hear,"Whip it, whip it good" every time I see EJ onscreen. :D

And I can picture EJ straight as a board hopping up and down too...!! :D
I just finished watching this.

Wow. Excellent acting all the way around.

Definitely time for a new box of tissues!
Some of you apparently haven't experienced LIFE yet.

I lost my 22 month old daughter to almost the exact "storyline" 32 years ago.
Her fever was only 99 and she also was teething. She started convulsions at my mother's and was rushed to the hospital. With her it happened so quickly that I didn't even make it home from work in time to see her before she died.

If I can stand to watch this happen on the show, so can you.

When most of these soap operas started, they were pretty aligned to "life". In fact over the early years DAYS was showing, at times, very close to what was happening in my own life.
Then they started adding the occult, witches, etc. and some of them became sci-fi wannabes.

This storyline is one of the most real they have shown in a long time.

Well said! We all have been through tough times as life can be tough. I also prefer real life stories rather than ie: John's mind being erased, all his memories on a CD and John not remembering who he is.
51rebel said:
Some of you apparently haven't experienced LIFE yet.

I'm sorry for your loss, but that seems a tad condescending to me. Without getting off-topic, I will only say that I have experienced life and hope to continue to do so for many years to come. Watching these types of stories don't bother me. If they did, I'd change the channel.
Maryeliz, glad you found this board and started posting. One of the things I like on here is that there are people of all ages.

51rebel, welcome to you too, and I also am sorry for your loss. Many of us have experienced life, each with our own joys and sorrows, and I think there are many different ways that individuals deal with life. Since watching a soap opera is an escape from real life for me, I prefer not to watch the kind of sad things that do happen in real life, so I don't watch those parts. I'm not into sci-fi either but I just enjoy watching scenes that cause other emotions in me than sadness and grief. But I know many others appreciate and enjoy the scenes as a realistic part of the story as it portrays real life.

Barb, you truly did do an excellent job of summarizing, and it sounds like the actors did a great job as well, but I won't be watching until after the funeral is over.
I'm sorry for your loss, but that seems a tad condescending to me. Without getting off-topic, I will only say that I have experienced life and hope to continue to do so for many years to come. Watching these types of stories don't bother me. If they did, I'd change the channel.

Well said KathyLu. I've experienced life too and I too hope that I will continue to so for a long time to come. Off topic--Not long before Kate's cancer story one of my uncles passed away after a long battle with lung cancer. I watched the story but more out of awe that Kate could look so good while going thru it than any real interest in the s/l.

If I choose to watch or not watch an episode based on what I read that is my choice. It doesn't make anyone a better or worse person than someone else to watch or not, nor does it mean we are confusing reality and a tv show. It's personal preference. I watch Days to be entertained but that doesn't mean I expect or even want the s/ls to all be happy and rosy. In fact I'm one who prefers dark stories to the happily ever after one. And I will probably watch today's episode if I can stay awake long enough to catch it on Soapnet. I'm on jury duty this week and the trial is so boring it's zapped all of my energy by the end of the day. :(
Just a P.S. here, I am sorry if I left the impression that Philip & Stephanie are scrumping. They are not, tho they ARE still in bed together. They only have a few words between themselves, a couple of I love you's, they kiss, and out go the lights.
However, even those scenes seemed very out of place in the episode.

Just my opinion but I think the scene was inserted to give the viewers at home that we are getting ready to go into one of those 2 week 1 day situations again. Sorta like towards the end of the 5/12-27/09 situation where people were starting to comment about how long the night was.
While all this has been going on, there are a few shots of Philip & Stephanie in bed, a few I love you’s, Phil commenting that they have a long day tomorrow giving their statements to Bo & Hope, and should get some sleep. Kiss, kiss, he turns out the light and nods off. Stephanie stares at the ceiling.

OK, I'm wondering if the FDA had a problem with the Philip/Stephanie scenes. Here on NBC there was just one scene in the very opening segment before the hourglass music. That's it. One scene. Did you have more than one?

Today's show left me speechless. Well, not entirely, so here goes. The scene that got me crying is when Roman walked into the baby's room and Sami cried, Daddy, Daddy, as if to say, Daddy, make it better. Oh man, that was tough. Rafe was wonderful. I loved the look on his face when he left the room the first time. He had this look that said, I can't wear this brave front anymore.

Both Rafe and Nicole spoke volumes with their expressions. When Nicole was watching Mia hold the baby, you could see her heart was breaking and you knew she was thinking, oh lord, it's your baby whose dying and you don't even know it. The scene where Mia fell apart and Nicole put her arms around the young girl was the other heartbreaking moment for me. I loved when Nicole called the baby "Gracie" when she was praying. It was as if to say "I know her in a way the rest of you don't. I know who she really is. I delivered her." One thing I was surprised about. Why didn't anyone ask for another doctor/second opinion? I kept waiting for Sami to tell Daniel, okay, if you can't help my baby, get me another doctor.

A good show, and an excellent write-up. Thank you, Barb.
.........................Today's show left me speechless. Well, not entirely, so here goes. The scene that got me crying is when Roman walked into the baby's room and Sami cried, Daddy, Daddy, as if to say, Daddy, make it better. Oh man, that was tough...........................................

My exact feelings also....I was very pained by the scene with Sami and Roman.....I feel a lump swelling in my chest typing about it now.....Josh/Roman deserves so much more air time and s/l.....
Years ago, a doctor told me that since most antibiotics give me adverse side effects, I will be in big trouble if I'm dying and can't take them. I told him that if it ever comes down to death or antibiotics...give them to me. To heck with side effects at a time like that.

I keep thinking how (last week) Sami asked Daniel to give Grace more medicine and he said he couldn't give her any more antibiotics. I'm sorry, but what could it hurt at this point? If a doctor told me someone I loved was dying, I'd try anything.
Some of you apparently haven't experienced LIFE yet.

I'm also sorry for your loss, but I agree with the previous poster... you do sound very condescending. One doesn't have to experience a loss of a child to have their heart broken at the thought of it.
Years ago, a doctor told me that since most antibiotics give me adverse side effects, I will be in big trouble if I'm dying and can't take them. I told him that if it ever comes down to death or antibiotics...give them to me. To heck with side effects at a time like that.

I keep thinking how (last week) Sami asked Daniel to give Grace more medicine and he said he couldn't give her any more antibiotics. I'm sorry, but what could it hurt at this point? If a doctor told me someone I loved was dying, I'd try anything.

I was thinking the same thing. If she is dying anyway, what further harm can be caused at this point.

I did cry watching this show, but I figured out what stopped me from a total breakdown. Baby Grace looked just fine and not sick at all. She was even doing those baby cooing sounds. It was just so unrealistic. I almost even laughed when Sami kept saying "She how good she looks" DUH!!

It was actually Nicole & Mia that made me cry.
I could not understand why Dan said he could not give her any more antibiotics. They are given every 4 to 12 hours depending on the antiboitics you are giving. I have seen with mennigitis that the doctor gives the antibiotic right into the spinal fluid. But the writers wanted Grace to die I guess that is why. I remember when my Brother and Sister in Law lost their baby the doctor looking after the baby told us as long and there is life there is hope. Dan seemed to have giving up tring.
Just some random thoughts here, but I have to wonder if the large dose of phenobarbital that Dr. Dan gave Grace is going to come into play. They made a point of Nurse Maxine questioning such a large dose. I'm wondering if this will lead to some kind of malpractice lawsuit against him. Or another way to go with it is based on some info about phenobarbital overdose from Wikipedia...Phenobarbital causes a "depression" of the body's systems, mainly the central and peripheral nervous systems; thus, the main characteristic of phenobarbital overdose is a "slowing" of bodily functions, including decreased consciousness (even coma), bradycardia, bradypnea, hypothermia, and hypotension (in massive overdoses). Overdose may also lead to pulmonary edema and acute renal failure as a result of shock.
The electroencephalogram of a person with phenobarbital overdose may show a marked decrease in electrical activity, to the point of mimicking brain death. This is due to profound depression of the central nervous system, and is usually reversible.[25]

If they went with this scenario, I could see Grace not really being dead and Stefano somehow getting his hands on her and keeping her hidden until months down the road. Heck, he did the same thing with John. He certainly seemed to have died and then showed up a few months later in the laboratory at the DiMera mansion.
That is an idea. I never thought of that. Just wonder why Stefano would want to take Grace. She is not an heir. At least with Grace alive Sami would keep the secert about the baby being EJ's. (I know she is not, but Sami thinks she is. )