Days of Our Lives - Mon. Mar. 15, 2010

I have a question. It appears from what everyone is saying that Carly KNEW where Melanie was. Did she? Or did Lawrence just give Melanie to Trent without Carly knowing where?
Carly knew who the man was, she mentioned seeing her baby put into "that man's arms". What she knew or didn't know during the years Melanie was growing up, ....who knows. She obviously knew, tho, exactly where to find Melanie now.

And.....just want to make the point that many families are made up with only one bio parent in the equation. Children spend time between two homes, have their own rooms and clothes in each.......and it does not make either one less of a family. Rafe & Sami & the children are a family just as EJ/whoever he marries plus his children are a family.
Seems Max is on his way to San Diego for a medical conference.


A medical conference? Uh oh. Should we expect the pitter patter of little feet in about 20 years? I've heard about what happens at those medical conferences. (Couldn't the writers come up with something besides a medical conference? Like maybe he knew Melanie had been shot so he came to see her???)

Super summary. Thanks Poirot!
Thanks for the preview, Barb. I still have Wed.- Fri. of this week to catch up on watching but couldn't resist reading ahead on your previews. I just LOVE the way Hope responded to Carly! This was a perfect example of how and why Carly is so irritating to me.
Max stops in town .... a lowly med student attending a medical conference half-way 'round the world from London???

Evidently, London is on the same time warp as Salem. Max should just now be in his first year of college, with medical school still years off. :)

Sydney is not Rafe's daughter.

At least, not this week. :rotfl:
Ah ... KathyLu, back last June, when Chelsea returned for a brief visit, saying she was going to stay in London, we learned that among the papers that Max had in his room, were some concerning his receiving a full scholarship, including all misc, expenses .... to 'medical' school.
(I looked it up ... it was the June 11, 2009 show! :D)

He apparently did his undergrad work while off the show, (probably Frankie saw to it that he went.) Let's face it, he knew enough advanced math & science to understand and make corrections to Nick's project.
Max leaves it all, to go to London with Chelsea. He's so smart, he apparently got into another school over there.

But I still question even a first year Med school student attending an international conference??
GHunter: "But I still question even a first year Med school student attending an international conference??"

JMO: And there goes "The Days of Our Lives" . . . soap opera warp speed!
Awww, Max is one smart young man, and you can bet he is into accelerated programs/studies. Cut him some slack. Probably the conference has to do with the field in which he wants to specialize, so is important to him.

I just love that his layover is in Salem. Not Chicago, D.C. or NY. :wink:
Poirot, didn't you know that Salem is the hub for Touch the Sky International Airlines? LOL.

I do think that the writers could have been more original. Carly went to a medical convention. Daniel went to a medical convention. Now Max is going to a medical convention. Honestly, it would have been far more realistic if Max intentionally came to visit his "sister." They had a scene recently where Philip spoke to him, so we know Max knows that Melanie was recuperating from being shot.
OMG!!!! I mega spewed over that one kpatch! :WINDEX: please!

I think Max, as her only relative (at THAT time) should have been at her wedding myself. If TPTB could get him back even briefly I would have preferred him be there for her on that special day. At the very least he should have come back to Salem ASAP to see her when she was shot, not like two weeks later when she's obviously going to make it. And only because he's already passing through? LAME. Family means nothing anymore unless you are a Kiriakis or a DiMera. Hmmmph!

@Poroit I so cannot wait to see the fake dust. Do you think Rafe knows it's fake dust too? Maybe he can get the DNA from the dust!
As far as the timing of Max's visit, they're working around the actor's schedule. He's currently in a prime-time cable show (one of the leads I think), so he wasn't available at a snap of a finger to come back to Salem.
TPTB thought it 'cute' to have a Valentine's wedding ... not his fault.

The stop-over story is supposed to explain why he's only around for a couple of days (actor, Darin has to get back to his 'day job') ... but it is rather lame.
Max does apologize to Melanie for being unable to come to her wedding. And definitely it would have even been better if he had flown in just to see her, has to go right back cuz of classes/exams/ yada, yada....... so only has these couple hours.
@ Poirot, that would have definitely been an acceptable story. Obviously, simple logic is against the rules for the current Days writers. :rolleyes:
Thanks for the write up Poirot. Not happy that Sami keeps insisting that she, Rafe, and Sydney are going to be a family. Newsflash Sami Sydney is not Rafe's daughter.

Do you really believe that you cannot be a family if one parent is not the biological parent? You never heard of a stepparent that also raises the child?
Parents who adopt are real parents too. Biology is not the end all...there are plenty of "biological" parents who never should have been parents. Same goes for all different kinds of parents. It isn't biology that makes the difference!!!!!
Hmm! Bo didn't tell Carly he loves her. Bo also didn't deny that he loved Hope. He is lying to Carly. He is playing her. Either these writers are really bad at writing a story or something is going on with Bo and he has to pretend he loves Carly for some reason.
I'm guessing he is undercover. I also wonder if Hope is undercover with him.
Also if Bo deosn't love Hope then why aren't they divorced yet?
Somethings going on. But what?
GREAT Show Monday

I always loved Max. It will be great seeing him, but I wish he'd hang around and not leave.

I was happy Hope told Carly off, but nothing really sinks in to Carly! She just does NOT get it.

Bo was drinking stupid juice again and can't see who is really right for him. His libido is ruling his head with Carly if you ask me.

I am so glad that Nicole finally figures out it is Anna, but knowing Nicole she will never tell anyone that Anna was the kidnapper and nothing will come of it. She might blackmail Anna to do some dirty deed or other for her or else, but with Anna out of the country that can't happen now can it or isn't Anna leaving after all??!! Does anyone know about that?

EJ is despicable and he should be caught, but we know the Salem PD and if Rafe doesn't figure it out, no one will.

This is getting very interesting but could be very frustrating as well.

I also do not understand why Melanie after hearing from Hope could possibly hang Carly out to dry for attempted 'murder' when it wasn't that at all and she must know it by now. How can Melanie live with herself despite the fact that she 'hates' her 'Mom' for the past. Melanie needs to grow up a bit and forgive the past. Yes it was awful and no Carly didn't know about Trent the jerk. There is nothing Carly can do about Melanie's childhood or her own or anyone else's for that matter. The past is history. (Melanie wasn't exactly an angel when she came to Salem or before that either so she has room to talk??????!!!!!!!!)