Days of Our Lives - Mon. May 24, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, May 24, 2010
Episode #11,341 Taped 3/23/10 Director – Grant A. Johnson

At the cop shop, Arianna is talking with Gabi, assuring her that she will be released soon. Gabi worries that stuff might come out, stuff from way back, no one knows about. Arianna assures Gabi that the records are sealed, she was so young, no one will be able to get them.
In the outer room, Nicole is pretending to be so sorry for Brady, manages to drop a huge brown envelope from her purse onto the floor, picks it up. He asks why it has Arianna’s name on it, what is inside. Nicole claims just some background stuff, in case she needs it, Brady wants to take a look, Nicole refuses, but Hope insists, and Nicole gives it up to her. Of course, these are the sealed records, Nikki refusing to say how she got them, claiming off the internet or something, she hired a researcher. Hope tells Brady these records are from when Arianna was a teen, arrested for assault and robbery. Meanwhile, Ari is telling Gabi about getting mixed up with the wrong crowd, who did some bad things, and her boyfriend cut a deal, dumping half of what HE did on her.
In walks Hope & Brady, with Hope asking Arianna about this stuff. Ari is shocked that Hope has these sealed records, explains to them about the bad boyfriend (Gabi has gone), Hope assures her that when the DNA results come in, she will be exonerated. Only trouble is, when they do come, the hairs belong to Ari, who is now placed under arrest, handcuffed. She looks at Brady, upset because he looks as tho he doesn’t believe her any more. She is led away, Nicole is smirking, but tells Brady she is so sorry.

Earlier, Ciara called her mom, she had a bad dream. Hope promises to be home soon, tells Ciara to sleep in Mommy’s bed, and when Hope returns, they can cuddle together, and no bad dreams, only good ones. Ciara agrees, her nanny tucks her in, turns out the lights and leaves the room. Ciara lays there for a bit, but then jumps out of bed, dragging the box out from under the bed, opens it, takes out one wallet, opens it. We see Brady’s ID in it (driver’s license probably, has his picture on it).

Nicole meets up with Baker, telling him he did a good job, then informing him his mugging days are ended. He doesn’t think so, she wonders how he made it out of med school, reminding him if the muggings continue, then the cops will realize Arianna wasn’t the one. Baker says he doesn’t call the shots, his partner makes the decisions. Nicole informs him he is just gonna have to show her he’s “da man”.

At the hospital, Bo is telling Daniel, he has seen Roman who is kind of woozy, they chat a bit about how Chloe did not much care for Carly moving in with them, just small talk. But over at Daniel’s apt. Carly is confronting Chloe, realizes she slept with someone, cheated on Daniel, insisting she tell him. Chloe really tells Carly off, talking of how she cheated on her own husband, murdered him, kept the truth from Daniel, then came here to Salem to take Hope’s husband away from her, etc. She accuses Carly of butting in constantly, interfering in everyone’s life, tells her to leave. Carly stands her ground, still insisting she tell Daniel (what the blazes business is it of Carly’s), that he is a good man, loves Chloe very much and they definitely will work thru it. Chloe deflates, sits down, agrees she will tell him. Carly leaves, in comes Daniel, Chloe is still tearful, Daniel asks what is wrong, she tries to start and tell him, but again, in true soap opera fashion, he has to interrupt her, cannot wait to tell her he talked to Father Matthew, who checked his calendar and can move their wedding up. He now asks her to be his wife sooner, she happily agrees, and now he asks what she wanted to tell him. Oh, it can wait til tomorrow, she just wants to hold him, love him, be happy right now.

So let’s now go over to DiMansion, where Sami is telling EJ what a good man he is, as a rather morose EJ just looks down. She pulls his face towards her, saying “look at me”, exclaiming how proud she is he stood up to his father, not letting him influence their children. Their faces are very close, they kiss…and hear a throat being cleared. They break apart as Stefano enters, telling them to get a room if need be, there are at least 19 of them on the 2nd floor alone. However, if they want to make out in public, so be it. He only came for this (I think it is his phone)….and takes his leave. Sami jumps up, EJ mumbles something about it being good Stefano came in, as they might have gone a bit farther than they would have liked. Sami looks rather uncomfortable, says she is going to bed, and takes off. In comes Stefano, clapping his hands, telling EJ that was well played.
Now they get into a conversation over Stefano staying out..or else in…..EJ’s business. Stefano says Anna woke up, just may tell Rafe what he wants to know. Does EJ want him to take care of it, making sure Anna tells Rafe nothing…or will EJ take care of it.

And over in South American somewhere, Anna is waking up, Rafe is trying to get her to tell him who did this to her, but she is barely conscious. The doc comes in, removes the medicine from IV, saying her heart rate is 150, it is too much stimulant, then warns Rafe that the poison was very powerful, could possibly cause massive brain damage. He leaves, Rafe tries once more to get a restless Anna to tell him who planned the kidnapping, but she is unresponsive. He tells himself this has DiMera written all over it, as a policeman comes in. Rafe asks him if he found the person who delivered the food, is responsible. The cop says they are about to arrest a person of interest…..then proceeds to arrest Rafe, handcuffing him, telling him he was the only person there in the room, had motive and opportunity. Rafe argues that he needs info, why want her dead. Rafe is hustled to a prison cell, put behind bars, his handcuffs removed. He tries to tell the cop he is FBI, but seems he entered the country with a false passport/name. Rafe wants him to check with the State Dept. but the cop says the U.S. severed diplomatic relations with his country several years ago.
And over at DiMansion, Stefano puts down the phone, all is taken care of. Upstairs, Sami is restless, can’t sleep. She looks at a picture of Sydney, talking of how everything would be absolutely perfect if Rafe would return and they could get back together. She snuggles into her pillow, murmuring his name. Downstairs, Stefano is telling EJ he can go ahead with whatever he has in mind with Samantha, EJ asks why Stefano hates Sami so much. Because she is a Brady, replies Stefano, and cannot be trusted. He advises EJ to put his cards out on the table, let Sami decide what she wants to do….. when she comes in, wearing her robe. She apologizes, just wanted another glass of wine. Stefano leaves, EJ says something about tho this is a big house, sometimes it seems rather crowded, and it is good to keep our feelings in check. No problem for Sami, she replies….”I’m still in love with Rafe”. She leaves the room, saying goodnight.

In his cell, Rafe lays on the cot, talking of needing a miracle about now. He dozes off, dreaming of entering the darkened DiMera study, finding Sami with her back to him, wearing a black dress. She asks where he has been. Searching for the truth, he replies. Did you find it….yes…….I love you. They embrace, but the dream ends, and Rafe thrashes around on his cot.
And in her room, a restless Anna is hearing Rafe’s voice asking her who it was who hired her, give him the name. Her eyes still closed, she murmurs, “EJ”.

Thanks for the great writeup today, Barb!! Looks like Samantha is getting her brain cells back.....:smile: I'm starting to see that dim, small light at the end of this endless tunnel will be so nice to see a SAFE love scene again, even if it is a dream....much better than the nightmare we've been enduring lately!!
@sassyweathergirl......actually, there IS a small Bo/Carly scene. He is at home, she comes in, both happy to see the other. Later, he is rubbin her feet, she is on his shoulder, he talks of a getaway for them, she says she DOES want to go somewhere with him, he asks where, she says you have to ask. Next he is taking off her jacket...that was about it..............
Sami & EJ reminds me of Love Potion #9 , the movie... If the love is not true, you'll taste the sweat of a mule & hear nothing....:smile:

You know when Rafe is the real hero when God in on his side.... He needs a miracle, well the miracle is on it's way...:love:
Thanks for the write up Barb.
Although Carly really has no business making Chloe & Daniels business hers, I dont think Carly deservs all the **** she is getting from Chloe! Chloe messed up & she is taking her anger out on Carly. I'm tired of it!! Anyway...just my opinion!
So Ej and Sami actually do kiss? then she goes back wishing to be with Rafe and Sydney....and confesses to EJ she still loves Rafe...common Sami you are either a moron or a w****! make up your mind....I can't take this version of Sami...I guess the picture of Lucas from 2008 has now been replaced with a picture of Sydney...when will the pic of Rafe be there? boring...glad I'm not watching....thanks for the write up....
Sorry if it sounds wasn't. !!!!
I haven't posted here in many months!! But I got so excited when I read this that I had to share my joy of the unexpected Sami and Rafe scenes!!!! I CAN"T WAIT!!! Thanks so much for posting - you just made my day!!!

:woo: :woo:
@sassyweathergirl......actually, there IS a small Bo/Carly scene.

Thanks. Well, that's better than nothing. *sigh* I just now read on another recap that they declare their love, is that true? If so, that makes me happy.
Outside of Carly saying I love you to Bo......I really would not call it "declaring their love". But that is just me.
Somehow I sense that even though Sami admits to EJ that she still loves Rafe, that will not stop her from going to bed with him.... YUCK!!!!
Sorry if it sounds wasn't. !!!!

Oh Barb, I didn't mean your write was boring, I mean the Ej and Sami debacle of a storyline's the same thing different year....arggggg! I love your write up but Days should really reevaluate what they are doing....
I hope Sami keeps her wits about her and does not invite EJ into her bed. YUCK!

Chloe needs to shut her mouth, slap her Carly. I'm so tired of everyone blaming Carly for everything that happens in Salem.
It was a great show today. Loved the Brady and Arianna scenes. Boy Arianna also has a young offenders record. Just wondering how Nicole got a hold of it. She must have some great connections because they are sealed for a reason. Hope should know that the record can not be used in court.
Poor Ciara finding the wallet with Brady's picture. I wonder if she will say anything to her Dad when she sees him. Bo you need to see your Daughter soon.
I felt bad for Chloe today. Carly really gave her no choice. She tells Dan herself or Carly will do it for her.
Anna gives the name and Rafe is not there to hear it. Drats I just am so ready for the whole thing to be over. Thanks for the write up Poirot. I enjoy reading them so much.
In the Friday previews for Monday, Carly is insisting that Chloe tell Daniel the truth. Has she forgotten that she kept a little truth from Daniel for over twenty years??

I hope Sami keeps her wits about her...

Sami would have to have some wits before she could use them, TamiBelle, and I'm afraid that ship has sailed. :)
@ Kathy Lu. Yes Chloe reminds her of that and Carly admits it was wrong and that Dan is a good guy and has the right to know.
ok i laughed at Stefano's comment about 19 rooms on the 2nd floor, if the house is that big, why do they always hang out in the one, relatively small, living room?

Thank you Chloe of voicing what others have said about Carly and it is the pot calling the kennel black because here is Carly who is in a relationship with a man who is still MARRIED and not feeling an ounce of guilt about it and is in fact telling everyone and anyone that she and Bo are happy and there is Chloe who is torn up about what she did which was a mistaken ONS. So Carly clearly is in no position to judge Chloe

Thank you Chloe of voicing what others have said about Carly and it is the pot calling the kennel black because here is Carly who is in a relationship with a man who is still MARRIED and not feeling an ounce of guilt about it and is in fact telling everyone and anyone that she and Bo are happy and there is Chloe who is torn up about what she did which was a mistaken ONS. So Carly clearly is in no position to judge Chloe

I completely agree.