Days of Our Lives - Mon. Nov. 18, 2013

I missed todays show so thank you for the re-cap Poirot! Sounds like a lot of same ol' same ol' and I didn't miss much except Shane and Kim and of course Justin.
What a complete waste of talent today. It looks like the writers have written themselves into a corner and can't find a way out!!!:confused: Arrrrgggggh!!!!!
saw it in my time zone.... Theresa.... my lord but that girl can blame everyone and everything for her actions..... and by doing this it shows she hasn't hit bottom and hasn't changed..... she is still uber annoying.....
Shane and Kim so nice to see you... I'd love to have you stay but you apparently have functioning brains please leave soon before you are trashed and become POD people.....

any chance the school was closed today to minimize the press' access to the students/teachers asking about what was shown at the Wedding... perhaps to protect the kids? Even if that is so, where were the girls?? would it have killed the writers to say they were in baking with Mary??? or something???? Sami didn't even appear to notice her daughters weren't around...... Johnny is cute and fought well... even while being grilled on his fathers whereabouts.....
Loved seeing Kim and Shane. Too bad they had to do the intervention
in the pub. Every stood talking to each other. I'm glad Roman got invited.

I laughed when Theresa kept telling her parents she changed :)

Sami and leather pants. oh my. Was she trying to get EJ's attention?

Enjoyed seeing Karin talking to Jennifer. Karin was sorry for
what she did and it happened before in high school.

Nice to see Justin and it was cute how Johnny tried to remember his
name... Just

Now we know Harold and probably Mary play with the kids
when mommy and daddy aren't around. I don't think playing
with the sabers inside especially the living room is a good idea.
I'm sure the kids must have play room somewhere to do that.
I enjoyed seeing Kim & Shane together with the rest of the Brady clan - minus Shawn and Bo. Kudos to Justin for his refusal to work for EJ and Gabi! But the rest of the show was very b-o-r-i-n-g.....especially for November sweeps! A lot of the dialogue writing today seemed very 'forced' to me.
Justin's refusal to work for EJ means we won't see him again for weeks. For that reason, I wish he'd said yes.

How old is Theresa? I thought she was supposed to be 25-27. That seems a little old for her parents to come to town and tell her she has to go back to LA, unless they are providing money to her.
Harold should work on his light saber skills. If he gets really proficient and dresses in a Darth Vader costume, perhaps the DiMansion will no longer be invaded by unwanted and uninvited visitors. As for EJ, what makes him think he can clean up Kristen's alleged "mess?" Is Elvis even competent enough to recognize a mess when he sees it? The fact that he has consistently failed to clean up his train wreck of a personal life would cast doubt on this idea. In addition, what makes him think he's so competent at running anything?? He's an awful lawyer, was a terrible mayor, and ran his old Mythic company into the ground. For the sake of DiMera Enterprises, Stefano should buy his slimy son a sports car, an Xbox, and a Barbie Dream House and tell him to go play.
Yes. He was getting into the music industry before landing the Days audition. You can find a lot of videos of him playing & singing on YouTube

I predict that JJ will be playing guitar at Will/Sonnys' club very soon.

I don't think playing with the sabers inside especially the living room is a good idea.

Hopefully, they will destroy those drapes. :(
Justin's refusal to work for EJ means we won't see him again for weeks. For that reason, I wish he'd said yes.

How old is Theresa? I thought she was supposed to be 25-27. That seems a little old for her parents to come to town and tell her she has to go back to LA, unless they are providing money to her.

Seems like they said she was 23 at some point, but the thing about her being in Salem is its through a court order. All they have to do is tell the judge about her OD and she's toast, back to LA and in jail.
I would love to see more of Justin in any SL. He is an actual good guy, who has a spine, and a brain.

EJ is the worst father in the world. Does anyone doubt for a second that he kept Johnny home in order to curry Samanther's favour?
EJ has been using Sami's children to manipulate and control her since 2006. Raping Sami and getting her pregnant with Johnny is what gave EJ a foothold in Sami's life. When EJ is spouting his the, "Children are happiest when we are together," nonsense, he conveniently ignores that prior to 2013 Sami and EJ were never really together, and Sami and the children at different times were very happy with Rafe and Lucas. I don't know why Sami can't remember this. She needs to just realize that the guy EJ pretends to be when he is trying to get Sami to be with him is not the real him, and once EJ gets Sami doing what he wants, he will revert to type.

I liked Will going to see Sami about Eric. Now if they would just have more Sami/Eric, Sami/Brady, Sami/Will and Sami/Lucas scenes.

I wish Shane and Kim were here to stay. I would rather see Theresa interacting with her family. Jennifer and Daniel should just disappear.
Is it just me or did it bug anyone else that Hope was at the Theresa intervention? I know she is her aunt and Bo isn't here, but, Hope has not acted like an aunt nor like she gives a hoot about Theresa. She has sat with Jen Jen while she called Theresa very bad names, and only went to see Theresa to help Jen. In my day we called that very two faced!
Name one person in Salemville who has EVER owned up and took responsibility for his/her actions... They all laid the blame on someone else!!... I think it is the water in Salem make them do it!

Hope. Even though she was drugged and on pills she owned up and took responsibility for the nightime Hope antics.
She was distraught and apologetic when she shot Kayla.

I also think Nicole takes a fair bit of ownership for her crimes.

I'm wracking my brain to think of some others. I'm thinking Lucas also seems to have a reasonable amount of consciousness of when he's done the wrong thing and being willing to follow through with the ramifications.