Days of Our Lives - Mon., Oct. 12, 2015


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, October 12, 2015

An absolutely outstanding & very emotional episode, have the whole box of tissues nearby. Don't think I ever shed as many tears as I did today, as the word of Will's death is revealed to family & friends throughout the episode. Lucas is going to break your heart.
Gabi rushes over to Will, calling his name, saying, no, no, no, crying, she calls Rafe, can barely get out the words, she is sobbing. Rafe arrives, Gabi is trying CPR, they pull her away, she doesn't want to go. Rafe holds her, asks about Ari, makes Gabi leave. Hope arrives, sees Will on the floor, she is also crying, no. There are other cops there, Rafe holds on to her, both are in tears. They talk of calling Sami, Lucas, Sonny, etc. Hope calls Lucas who is in the square, only tells him to come over to Will's. Her voice is so serious, he is on his way.

In their bed, Abby is kissing Ben, who begins reliving attacking and strangling Will (this is in the first couple of minutes, in case anyone wants to skip over that part). Ben gets very upset, but feigns just being happy that Abby is there with him. Later, both are asleep, Ben is dreaming of being arrested, Rafe & other cops coming in. All black & white, very well done) Abby is disbelieving but then Chad is there, confirming it was Ben, she begins beating on Ben's chest. He is in handcuffs, Abby is standing with Chad, saying how they will be together, and raise her child. Ben is protesting it is his baby, as he is pulled away.
Ben awakes with a start.

In the hospital Steve comes to visit Caroline, who is really back to her old self. He asks her about the dreams of Bo, she describes him, his injuries, the room that looks like a hospital room, operating room, big light overhead. Kayla comes in, has a fit, takes Steve out in the hall, reading him a riot act about upsetting her recovering mother. He tries to explain how specific Caroline was in what she saw in those dreams, Kayla will have none of it. Steve only wants an excuse to take off again, breaking his word to her & Joey. she tells him to not discuss Bo with her mother.

In their apartment, Marlena is laughing as she scores a large number in a word game she is playing with Will. Just wait til he sees it. John is on his computer, having made contact with Louise, who was teaching at Winterthorne when Ilya Petrov was there, and eventually turning john into Stefano's pawn. He talks of the big gap between Forest Alamain & becoming John Black, and he hopes to find that lost time. Later Steve comes over, tells John of Caroline's dreams, how specific they were, and the video footage he saw of Bo, knife wound, body bag, lots of blood, and Bo being dragged off. Steve thinks it maybe was a set up, to make him think Bo was dead. Marlena slowly comes out of another room, looking very upset. John asks....and she barely can get the words out about Will.

Chad is seen off and on trying to figure out who is setting him up. He gets a news notice on his tablet about Will being killed. He is shocked, why, Will? His friend. ??
Abby gets a call from her mother, giving her the news. She is shocked, Ben takes the opportunity to blame Chad, saying he struck again. Abby tells him "not now", has to get dressed, go see Gabi & Ari.

Sonny listens to the message from Will on his phone, smiles, begins packing. We hear Will's voice saying the entire message, with the scenes flashing back and forth to Rafe arriving at Will's apt., Gabi doing the CPR, crying.

Lucas arrives, Hope is waiting for him outside the door, these are heartbreaking scenes, as Hope tries to tell a disbelieving Lucas that Will is gone. He denies, goes into the apartment, breaks down as he screams No, this cannot be, my son, a good boy, wonderful family, great job. He cries in Hope's arms, wants to see his son, learns he is at the morgue. Lucas rants about them not catching Chad, then apologizes. Rafe leaves so Lucas can have time with Hope, Lucas asks about Ari, will call Sami himself. He does, his voice breaking as he reaches her. Hope is trying to get hold of Victor, cannot reach him.

At the hospital, Victor is visiting with a grateful Caroline, but he reminds her he told her he would move heaven and earth to see her get well again, and here she is. As she says she is thanking him...Maggie starts to come in, hears Caroline say "from the bottom of my heart", slips back out. Kayla sees her getting coffee, small talk of how good CAroline is doing. Victor comes out, ready to go home, and along come Hope with the shocking news. Kayla insists Caroline not be told right now, all agree. Victor calls Sonny, who is happy as a lark, is coming to see Will, don't worry, not neglecting the job. Victor tells him he is calling with bad news, Will has been murdered. No, impossible, cannot be, I am coming home to him to make evrything right. I have to tell him I love him. Victor says the plane will be waiting for him to bring him back. Sonny drops the phone, backs up against a wall, sinks to the floor.

At the cop shop, Marlena & John are talking to Rafe about Will, Lucas arrives, he & Marlena hug, both are in tears.

Gabi is in the park with Ari, breaking down as she tells Ari she has to go to the police station for a bit, Abby is coming to be with her, and then they can go for icecream. Abby arrives, they are all embracing.

Back at the cop shop, Sami walks in, very stoic, more or less tight lipped. Marlena holds out her arms, Sami walks over to her, as Marlena has her in a big hug.Sami is solemn, no tears.

Ben comes into his darkened living room, sees something or other on his tablet about the huge manhunt for Chad, mutters where in hell are you, Chad. And he hears Chad's voice saying, right here behind you, you son of a !! It was you, wasn't it? Ben turns, looks, doesn't answer.
Thanks for the summary. I can't watch this one---will be too hard, as I'm already tearing up just reading about it. Although I didn't like the latest storyline that Will was in, he was one of my favorite characters on the soap for a very long time. I'm really upset with the writers about this latest development. Also, why didn't we get to see Kate's reaction? I would rather have seen that instead of more talk about Bo. In any case, just sounds heartbreaking, especially with Lucas and Gabi. I really hope this thing with Ben ends quickly. Can't stand him at all! But kudos to the actor for doing such a great job!
I'm almost done with the episode and I try to hold it together holding it in but Lucas did break my heart. It was the best acting I seen ever from Bryan Datillo (Lucas) as well as Hope, Gabi, and Rafe did great in that scene. Looks like tomorrow we will continue to need more kleenex. I wonder how Kate will react.

So Petrov is being mentioned more. I wonder if he is really dead or not, which could be good as John to figure who he is. I still think he is Forest Alamain.
I don't know how you were able to write the summary but thank you so much. I watched it and still had to read. I haven't been watching Days that long, since 2009, but this one tore me up. Just heartbreaking:( I too can not wait for Ben to get his now and hope it's like his dream! Where Abby and Chad can just smear him for the scum he is for all he's done! Just had to come here to vent, thanks.
Will being dead is very heart breaking. Poor Sonny. Poor Abby too. How will she feel when she learns that she made love to Ben right after he killed Will? And maybe after the others too. I don't remember. She is going to be devastated when it all comes out. At least Ben does realize that the person doing this is sick and twisted. I do not understand how Chad figured out that it was Ben. I wish they would have shown him piecing it together. And it was beyond ridiculous that it was on the internet that Will had been killed before Lucas even knew?

And to complain about Bo's story a little more. Caroline having these dreams is just dumb to me. It just seems its going to put Hope in such a bad light. She hasn't really worried about him, never has thought something happened to him. But Steve and Caroline did. I'm curious to see how this plays out.
I thought the editing which showed the scenes of Gabi and Rafe in Will's apartment interspersed with Will's message being heard by Sonny was excellent. Loved the great acting by those who play Gabi, Rafe Sonny, and Hope, and especially Lucas and Marlena.
Caroline having these dreams is just dumb to me. It just seems its going to put Hope in such a bad light. She hasn't really worried about him, never has thought something happened to him. But Steve and Caroline did. I'm curious to see how this plays out.

Maybe the writers are trying to resurrect the storyline where all of a sudden Bo had become psychic. I think that was a thrown under the carpet storyline.....maybe he gets his "gifts" from Caroline. LOL. Of course I am joking please writers don't get any ideas making Bo psychic again.
Lucas got to me. I was bawling. I was fine with all the murders up until Lucas found out about Will. WOW! Give this man a storyline or two please!!!

Great scenes by all today. And really great directing too. Just fabulous episode. I'm glad that Sonny didn't show up at the police station too.

Nice to see Hope remember that Will is her cousin.:rolleyes:

Marlena looked FANTASTIC today!!!! Hard to believe she is almost 70!! I really liked that she found out about Will in the other room and then came in to the living room.

It seems like they are trying to humanize Ben a bit and show these 2 sides of him. Today we saw the vulnerable, guilty side with the dream which was very well done. And we saw the red light outside again, very noticeable when Chad came in at the end.

I was annoyed that Steve went back to Caroline at the end, especially because we knew he knew about Will at that point.

Loved Caroline and Kayla's scenes. Did Maggie even have a relationship with Will?

I liked Marlena mentioning taking care of Ari and I liked John stroking Sami's head at the end.

Some pet peeves:
  • I would have liked to have seen Jennifer come to the apartment to comfort Lucas and Hope. Especially since she called Abby.
  • Where the hell were Roman and Kate?
  • I wish someone would actually work at the Spectator since we see the site so often.
  • I was REALLY annoyed that Rafe didn't call Sami himself. This show continues to disappoint when it comes to acknowledging their marriage.
My guess is that we'll see tomorrow that it's only Ben's imagination that Chad is there confronting him.

I'm not so sure about that. The show did a similar thing on Friday when Will figured out Ben was the killer but he never said it out loud. It was all done with non-verbal cues. They did the same thing with Chad today.
I thought the editing which showed the scenes of Gabi and Rafe in Will's apartment interspersed with Will's message being heard by Sonny was excellent. Loved the great acting by those who play Gabi, Rafe Sonny, and Hope, and especially Lucas and Marlena.

I forgot about that. That was great how they did it. Honestly I was about to fast forward Sonny listening to it cause I heard it when Will did it but then they cut to Will's apartment. That was really good.
I think it was respectful of Rafe to let Lucas call Sami, it wasn't Rafe's place to call her if Lucas wanted to. I'm guessing we will see Roman and others tomorrow. I sobbed, great show, and I wasn't even a Will fan!
As others have said, this was a tough episode to watch. Kudos to all the cast members who excelled at the demanding task of acting the roles of persons who are overcome with shock and grief. At a more mundane level, Chad was taking a big risk venturing out of the confines of the DiMansion. Based on the reaction to the news of Will's death a lynch mob could soon be on the streets of Salem. And God help him if he encounters Sami. Based on the look on her face today, she's going to make her son's murderer pay big time. In addition, Chad was even more poorly advised to confront Ben in the apartment. Imagine the headline in the Spectator: "Necktie Killings Suspect Strangled by Necktie Killer."