Days of Our Lives - Mon., Oct. 12, 2015

  • I was REALLY annoyed that Rafe didn't call Sami himself. This show continues to disappoint when it comes to acknowledging their marriage.
I definitely understand where you are coming from, and though Rafe played a big role in Will's life there for a while, he is Lucas's son. I think it was absolutely appropriate for Lucas to call Sami, and I don't think it was intended to slight Rafe and Sami's relationship at all. I'm sure we will see Rafe comforting Sami, and that would absolutely be appropriate, too - particularly after losing Grace together.
I thought the editing which showed the scenes of Gabi and Rafe in Will's apartment interspersed with Will's message being heard by Sonny was excellent. Loved the great acting by those who play Gabi, Rafe Sonny, and Hope, and especially Lucas and Marlena.
I agree with this! All of them were fantastic! Especially Bryan Dattilo (Lucas) was phenomenal! My heart just ached for him.:cry: Marlena's face when she comes back into the penthouse living room, oh my:cry:. Can someone tell me again why we didn't get interviews from any of these people?! Seems unbelievable to me but I hope they all get Emmy nominated, my goodness! Kudos!:clap:
Ben, I have no words:sick::sick::sick::angry:I did not find his "guilt" endearing at all. Especially not after looking at his tablet but am so glad Chad called him a SOB because that is what he is. Also glad Abigail left to be with Gabi and Ari and that there were no phony and disgusting "comforting " scenes.
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Cannot tell you how difficult it was to write this summary. I think we all could just feel everyone's pain, grief, shock, disbelief, etc. To have Ben tell Abby, who is trying to absorb the fact the man she saw just a few hours ago is now dead, murdered, that she should see now what a sick and twisted man Chad is. He loses no opportunity to attempt to drive that thought into her head.
I cannot heap enough accolades on the cast and crew for this episode. It had to hard for them all. They had to be really emotionally drained at the end of that day's filming.
And there are still others who have yet to hear this news. Nicole, Kate, Roman, Daniel, Jeannie T., Eve, Stefano, JJ. Today was most of those who matter the most, I guess.
This was a fabulous and heart wrenching episode.

The interplay of Gabi giving Will CPR while Sonny listened to the voice message was well done.

Gabi telling Rafe that they need to cover Will because he was cold really started the tears. Her following "how do I tell my baby her daddy is gone" didn't help.

Lucas saying "not my son" and telling Hope "don't look at me like that" broke my heart.

Hope and Rafe losing their professionalism and snapping at each other was a good touch. They really can't lose it when others are around given the circumstances.

That Marlena and Lucas hug :cry:

Ben laughing into another "Chad is the evilest," speech seconds after Abby learned her cousin had been brutally murder was disgusting. I loved she told him "not now."

The ending with Abi, Gabi, and Arianna in the park, Sami and Marlena hugging, and Chad confronting Ben was amazing.
This was a top notch episode straight down the line and very difficult to watch. I don't know who got to me more, my poor Gabi or Lucas :cry::cry::cry:. Marlena broke my heart as well.

I had one small nitpick even though I hesitate to call it that; I liked that Marlena offered to take Arianna but why was she offering to do that to Lucas? I guess it could have just been her elaborating on doing anything she could but I couldn't help thinking "Yeah but Arianna doesn't live with Lucas." It just seemed odd to me I was probably overthinking it.

But here's one thing that did bother me: The scenes with Gabi and Arianna broke my heart but what the heck were they doing in the park at night?. I mean let's think about this: You're a young woman who just walked into your apartment to find your best friend/roommate and the father of your child strangled to death in the middle of the living room and the first place you are going to take your two-year old daughter is the deserted park at night? No. I guess they want to us buy they were there to meet Abigail well my answer to is they need to figure out a different place for people to meet. This is ridiculous in my opinion.

Writers in the name of all that's good and decent can you PLEASE PLEASE knock it off with the love scenes between Ben and Abigail? What was once merely boring and repetitive has become disgusting.

Since Rafe has figured out that Will was killed somewhere else hopefully Abigail will reveal she was the last one to see him alive in her and Ben's apartment and that will start to raise red flags.
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Gabi crying out, he's cold, he is so cold, can we cover him? Hope trying to be the professional cop while falling apart. Rafe, holding it in as long as he could, but finally giving in. Amazing, truly amazing work by everyone.
Interestingly, the writer of dialogue today was Danielle Page....who is new to the show.
I was fine with all the murders up until Lucas found out about Will. WOW! Give this man a storyline or two please!!!
I'm in the same boat. Why is this man not on contract?
Marlena looked FANTASTIC today!!!! Hard to believe she is almost 70!! I really liked that she found out about Will in the other room and then came in to the living room.
Oh, I lost it again when she staggered into the room.
Did Maggie even have a relationship with Will?
All I could think about was the time he trashed her house, when she was acting as sort of a surrogate godmother to the teen set.
The interplay of Gabi giving Will CPR while Sonny listened to the voice message was well done.
I thought that was nicely done, as well.
Lucas saying "not my son" and telling Hope "don't look at me like that" broke my heart.
Lucas is my core character, the one I identify with the most. I'm always on Team Lucas, and every thing he did tore me up today. I know it's stupid but I feel like my best friend just called and told me his son died.
A truly heartbreaking day! Even beat the episode when EJ died! Lucas and Gabi nailed their scenes and the look on Sami's face said it all! I wanted to bust my tv when Ben asked Abby what happened to Will! How much longer do we have to put up with Ben?
Not sure I have much to add here as I agree with so many of you about today's episode. Everything from the writing, to the directing, to the production, to the lighting has been fantastic and on point the last two episodes. I could see these being utilized for Emmy reels down the line.

I literally cried through the entire episode so it was actually a nice respite during the non-Will related scenes, which were obviously few and far between, to compose myself. Gabi, Rafe, Hope, Lucas, Marlena, and Sonny were top-notch today. I lost it when Gabi was trying to do CPR on Will as Rafe walked in and she was like "don't interrupt, I'll lose my count". Oh my goodness and then when she spoke of how cold he was and putting a blanket on him and the devastation on her face at having to explain to Ari her daddy was dead. :cry:

I disagree with the notion that Rafe should have called Sami as that call should definitely have come from Lucas. And the fact that Rafe and Hope talked about him once being Will's step-father and how close they were referenced his relationship with Sami.

Lucas was just so heartbreaking today. I can only imagine being told your son is dead and the disbelief and anger you would feel. He just kept saying, "not my boy, not my boy". Wow, devastating. I wish we could have seen the phone conversation between him and Sami but I understand they wanted to leave her appearance until right at the end.

The look on Marlena's face at the news of Will's death. She could barely get the words out to tell John. I love that he was there with her and accompanied her to the station. I loved the hug between Marlena and Lucas and then Marlena pulling the stoic emotionless Sami into her arms. I imagine Sami will crumble in the coming days.

The back and forth between Sonny listening to Will's message and the gruesome scene at the apartment was excellent editing. Poor Sonny....he went from hopeful excitement at the prospect of reuniting with his estranged husband to complete and utter devastation at the news of his death. I cried when he told Victor through tears, "but I need to tell him, I need to tell him" and Victor told him he knew. So powerful. And then he dropped the phone and just slumped down the wall sobbing.

I wish I didn't have to comment on this but I was beyond disgusted with Ben and Abigail today having sex and then how he so callously reacted to Will's murder and immediately went on his tirade about Chad. I'm glad Abby dismissed him and left to be with her friend and goddaughter. I loved Chad figuring out it was Ben and going after him but I'm really scared of what Ben might do to him. :(
Nitpicks and quibbles:
"Yeah but Arianna doesn't live with Lucas."
I thought the same thing. Then I wondered, does she even know Gabi's out of jail yet? LOL But Lucas does care for Arianna fairly regularly.

I wish the "word game" Marlena and Will play had been mentioned in the last 38 months (or, better yet, the last 2). These writers are sharper than that. Still it was a nice touch they brought it up again.

I'm no fan of Kate or Roman, but I needed them to be on the "A-List" of those who found out about Will. I want them to be together when they find out, too. And I want them to lean on each other (but no grief sex).

I am not ready for more Sami. I wish she'd been killed instead, if we had to lose a core character. Granted, she's not a Horton-Brady, but she's close enough to the people who appear to be the major players here to have resulted in many of the same storylines. Just my opinion

It has been reported that the current head writers "inherited" the serial killer storyline/had it forced upon them. I'm wondering if they picked the victims as well. While I have defended the choice up until now, and hope that it leads to more story down the road, I personally may have picked another victim.

And, mainly (and perhaps we'll know more to-morrow), how in the name of the blue hills did Chadwick stumble upon this revelation about Ben?
how in the name of the blue hills did Chadwick stumble upon this revelation about Ben?
I think Chad just put two and two together. Early in the episode he was looking at the article about Clyde being arrested on his tablet and then later the news came over the wires about Will being murdered (gimme a break, as if that would be on there that fast as they were still notifying next of kin, but I digress). Knowing that Clyde was currently in custody, he deduced that someone else must be responsible and had a lightbulb moment of "aha, it's Ben!"