Days of Our Lives - Mon. Oct. 14, 2013


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, October 14, 2013

Replay of Chad praising his brother and offering a toast to EJ & Sami at the engagement party, Abby shouting "she has a gun", and Marge Bernardi appearing, shooting twice. Both shots hit Chad, who crumples to the ground. She starts swinging the gun around, aiming at EJ. (Poorly directed scene, in my opinion). EJ rushes to help Chad, as does Cameron, then EJ jumps up pushing Sami behind him as Marge points the gun at him. The woman could have already shot EJ 6 times, as she is telling Sami that she wanted to get EJ, take him away from Sami like she took Joe away from her. EJ comes forward yelling, and telling her if she going to do it, go ahead. He goes all the way up to her, so now the gun is pressing against his chest, and she cannot seem to pull the trigger. She pulls away from him, he grabs her gun. Abby is holding Chad's head, her hands covered with blood, which has squirted on to the cake. Cam is holding holding a cloth onto a wound, telling Abby to take his place, compressing the wound. Someone yells to call 911. EMTs arrive, tend to Chad and take him out to the hospital. Nearly everyone follows, including Stefano who had berated Marge for shooting his son, called her names, and was pulled away by Sami, much to his displeasure. He is ranting to himself, but EJ gets on his case about this not being about you and your revenge. Stefano is insulted, he loves his children. No you don't, says EJ. You don't love them, you just love controling them.

Dr. Dan & Eric are in Dan's office, where Eric will not tell Dan what the name of the woman at the hotel was. Joanna arrives with a couple of files, has dropped Parker off, and also brought the flash drive. Dan tells Eric about Parker finding it, and let's see what is on it. Surprising it takes a while for icons to appear, and just as he is about to open one, Maxine rushes in with the emergency surgery, gunshot wound announcement. Dan rushes off, Eric goes back to the office.

Nicole is walking in the square, remembering her conversation with Marlena about Kristen, about one overhearing Kristen say she had an affair, but told Brady she had not, and how Nicole heard Kristen tell Stefano she had a secret that would make Brady leave her if he knew. She decides to get a drink, goes into the Pub.
And there is Kristen & Jennifer, with Kristen babbling all about how they finished their pre-cana, all went well, and Father Eric is going to marry them. Jen is delighted, gets a call from Justin, goes to take it, leaving Nicole to join Kristen, so they could have a "meow" session. They trade insults, quite a few, Jen returns, Nicole leaves. But now Jen gets a call from Sami, telling her what happened, and how upset Abby is. Jen leaves for the hospital, as does Kristen.

Hope is in the square, where Ciara is holding a small bouquet and practicing being a flower girl for Kristen & Brady's wedding. No, she hasn't been asked, but is confident she will. Hope tries to gently say maybe not but Ciara is quite confident. Hope gets a call about the shooting, tells Ciara she will take her to Grampa Vic's, and next Hope shows up at the Club. Chaos. Marge is arrested and taken to the PD, EJ tells her she can get a statement from him at the hospital, Sonny & Will offer to make one, they saw it all.

Eric has returned to the rectory, is reading a bible, I guess. Nicole comes in, did not expect to see him. She asks why he did not tell her he was marrying Brady & Kristen, he said it was none of her business. She calls Kristen a devil, said Eric is going to regret it later both for himself and his brother. She tries to say something about worrying about him always, but ends up walking out. He pulls out the letter from the hotel, calls the number and is making a reservation to return.

At the cop shop, Hope is talking to Marge, who is sorry for shooting that young man, is blaming the DiMeras. Now she learns that Chad is a DiMera, and is surprised. She starts her blame game again, but Hope is telling her that Joe is dead because of his own decisions, no one else's. She refuses to accept that, even though Roman assures her it is true. She thinks that Stefano probably threatened her & Timmy, so Joe was forced to do Stefano's bidding. Hope & Roman insist this was Joe himself who made the choice. Now Marge throws up Mayor Marani, who tried to get rid of the DiMeras and ended up dead. And she notes that the Salem PD never did a thing, were unable to get Stefano to this very day. No, she doesn't want a lawyer, everyone in the club saw her shoot the guy, no point. She wants what little money she has to go to Timmy. Hope says she will still need a lawyer, the court will appoint one, has a cop take Marge away. roman notes Marge was right. They never have been able to nail Stefano.

Back to the hospital, Jen arrives and comforts the crying Abby, who cannot lose Chad. Kristen reads Sami a riot act for calling Jen before her, but Sami gives it right back. Lot of shots of the docs in the O.R. working on Chad. Cameron looks up something about that drug Chad was supposed to be taking for his brain tumor, notifies Daniel about it, and there is something about using a special drug or procedure because of that drug being in Chad's system.
Lots of milling around in the waiting area....Stefano is carrying on about it all, but Sami gets in his face, tells him that he is one who set this all in motion with his petty jealousy, and if he really needs to blame someone, go to the men's room and look in the mirror.EJ is talking of how Chad stepped in front of him, took both bullets meant for him. Sami talks to Will & Sonny, asks if they want to go out, she will call them. Nope, they will stay there. Kristen gets on Sami's case again, wanting to know what she said to Stefano..Sami says "the truth". He is the one who started this whole thing.

Stefano goes to the chapel, sits down, sighs, wonders if that was true. Is this all his fault. EJ walks in, stands behind Stefano, who is talking aloud. He doesn't want anything to happen to Chad. Cut over to the ER, where Dan is done with surgery, is commenting on all going well, the drug is doing it's job, and something about dacron holding. The machine is beeping, and suddenly Chad's body jolts, the machine beeps wildly and then seems to flatline.
Just reading this I can only imagine how poorly the "shooting" played out on television. When she stopped shooting, why didn't someone run up behind her to tackle her to the ground or wrestle the gun away. I know I saw a couple of abled bodied men extras at the party. Why didn't one of them attempt to take Marge down. All so EJ could look the part of the brave, selfless, "real man" that he is. :rolleyes:

Since when do they have overhead cabinets in operating rooms?
There were lots of small little scenes here and there, and was hard to keep up with all the small talk. Though I did not hear it, I think Abby told her mom about having sex with Chad. Stefano is asking God not let his son die....he flashes back to Caroline's banshee warning, and Sami's accusations. Gabi had to go relieve the sitter, so was not at the hospital.
Stefano stands and watches the shooting scene unfold before his eyes, says nothing until Marge no longer has the gun in her hands, THEN decides to lunge at her, calling her names, but of course, first Will, then Sami are holding him back.
I agree, cryin...why the passive response to Marge? There were many people there who could have gotten to her and subdued her. Double duh. Gee, ya think Stefano is FINALLY realizing how far-reaching the consequences are for his actions? Caroline was right, Sami was right. HIs prayers are too little, possibly too late, since Chad's fate is still questionable. Flatlining means nothing, he CAN be revived. We'll find out soon enough. Was that egg on EJ's face when he was forced to admit to Cameron that Chad did not have a brain tumor? I think they were scrambled...:rolleyes:
I agree with Sway. I was actually saying "go Sami!" when she was telling off Stefano and Kristen. Boy, I can't wait for Sami to find out what Kristen did to her brother. There sure will be hell to pay. I just knew we wouldn't get any resolution on the flashdrive thing. Did Daniel just leave it sitting on his desk? Great, it will probably end up in someone else's hands (or Kristen will get it back :rolleyes:). I hope Sami and Abigail get to change their clothes and hair soon. I really don't want to see that stupid jumbo bun on Sami's head any longer and Abby's hair is hideous.
Yep, flashy is indeed on Dan's desk, unattended. :rolleyes:

I actually watched the show, today. Shocking, I know. And, like others have said, I must say the shooting scene was the most ridiculous one I've seen in a while. Seriously ? A woman still holding a gun is standing there, after having shot a man already, and Sami stands up, walks towards her and shoots her mouth off ? GET DOWN, WOMAN ! And EJ ? Yelling, telling Marge to shoot ? :eek: Boy, you'd think that Marge would listen to EJ for once ! Oh, well...

The rest ? I'm sorry to say this, but I'm beginning to really hate the character of Eric. And to think I really thought he had potential. Of course, I hate what Kristen has done to him, and his rape is one of the most disgusting storylines I've seen on Days (put it right there with the grief sex and pretty much everything Sami and EJ), but it's hard to rally for the guy when he's such and idiot and now a very poor, poor friend to Nicole. Sad, really sad.
OK! Look at the clip I found of the shooting. At the 1:03 mark, everyone is raising their glasses to toast and Marge is just standing there pointing the gun. You're telling me the guy standing behind her didn't notice her and that huge black gun she was pointing straight ahead. You expect me to believe that not one person standing to the side of her saw her taking aim. This is just too darn LAME! BUT, it is pretty funny how everyone immediately takes cover when Abby yells about her having the gun.
Can't believe that I was yelling at the TV for Marge to shoot him, just shoot EJ. Kind of scared myself....

I don't usually have too many nice things to say about Sami, but she was right when she lit into Stefano and Kristen. They both deserved it.

Thanks for the write-up!