Days of Our Lives - Monday, Aug. 18th, 2008


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, August 18, 2008

Episode #10,892 Taped 7/14 Director – Phil Sogard

Oh, you all are gonna love, love, love this episode. And right off the bat I am shouting out Bravo to the actors, hairdressers, wardrobe, set designers who have done a fantastic and authentic job of bringing us this story. And to the writers, who did a marvelous job with the dialogue of the era.
Nicole rushes into the DiMera mansion yelling for Rolf, muttering to herself that only Stefano can unlock the doors and free Sami/EJ and all the rest. She figures Sami & “EJ have made love, doesn’t understand what he sees in her, wonders how he can care for anyone he has to force to love him. She pours herself a drink, paces back and forth, muttering, and we go into black and white 1940s film. Oh I cannot do this all justice. Lucas is sitting in his P.I. office, white tank top type T-shirt, suspenders, by himself, talking of how hot it is, how he has had no jobs for some time, things are scarce, etc. Definitely a Philip Marlowe type conversation with himself.
And over in a bedroom, EJ & Sami are in afterglow in a messed up bed. She is sighing, saying all girls should get themselves a limey, talks of how hot it is, like in Florida. EJ (she calls him Junior, which he doesn’t like) says it reminds him of Singapore, except in monsoon season. But in monsoon season, one just never left the bed. :rotfl: Sami talks in a high, girlish voice, sort of a combo Marilyn Monroe/Judy Holliday voice. She talks of her husband, he shssh’s her, saying they do not mention her husband, or his wife. They hear a door open and close, uh, oh, wifey is home. She panics, jumps out of bed, he shoves her in the closet with clothes and purse, and in walks wifey Nicole. She is street smart, tough talking broad, obviously rich, and he married her for her money. He claims to have been trying to nap, but too darn hot, he just tossed and turned. She tells him to take a shower, he is sweaty, she is going downstairs for something, and will be back up to make up the bed. She wants him in a fresh bed. She leaves, he shags Sami out of the closet, telling her to scram. Later, he is in the shower, and she is pushing the carpet sweeper around the rug in the bedroom, wearing an apron (oh, man, this is all just toooo deliciously true to the era) and runs across an earring. She picks it up, sits on the edge of the bed and contemplates it.

Back in the P.I. office, Lucas is still bemoaning the lack of jobs, and Sami arrives, all giggles and high voice. She brought the mail, all bills, he lets her know they are broke, 3 months behind in the rent, 6 months for the office. They will have to pawn the engagement ring, oops, it is still in hock from last time. Guess it will have to be the earrings. Oh, no, she lost one. Well, where have you been today. All over, she replies, rather in a panic.

Lucas is alone when a potential client arrives. It is Nicole, who wants him to find the cheap tart who is sleeping with her husband. She realizes he needs the work, he talks of having to even let his secretary go. Plain little thing, girl next door type. They go back and forth over $35 per day, $25 per day, & then $40. Back to her cheating husband. The only clue she has is this earring she found in the bedroom. Lucas takes one look, and case closed. It is Nicole’s lucky day, won’t cost her hardly anything & has broken his heart. The earring belongs to his wife, he recognizes the most expensive thing he ever bought her.
In a nightclub (called the Club Marlowe, J) Chloe sits at a table. A man comes over, telling her she has nursed that cup of joe since lunch time. Her hair is pulled back and she is wearing glasses (think sort of Ghoul girl but not as bad). She gets up to leave, cannot find a nickel in her purse. Philip offers her a job, but she can’t cook, but can sing. Nope, he doesn’t need church hymns in this club. Look around. (yes, typical smoky, hazy, barely lit up typical club). We see her singing a line or two, he decides to hire her, tells her to lose the glasses, a bit of makeup, etc.
Later, we see her hair long, pulled to the side with a flower, singing “I got it bad, and that ain’t good” (an old standard). EJ talks to Philip about the new singer, Phil says she is taken, but doesn’t know it. EJ thinks she is then fair game. By the way, everyone is constantly lighting up cigarettes throughout the show.
Now we see Chloe going to visit Lucas. He is surprised to see his ex-secretary, lets her know he doesn’t have money to pay her the back salary. Not to worry, she has a job, and actually brought some money to lend him, knowing he is broke. He refuses to take it. She mentions being hung up on a certain P.I. In comes Nicole, telling Chloe to leave, she is a client, and has come to join Lucas in a stakeout. Chloe leaves. Later, we see EJ & Sami arrive at the club, giggling away, and we hear them afterwards, more than see them. Chloe is singing some sort of dooo dahhh, Nicole & Lucas walk in, and there is all the proof she needs. He goes back out to get his camera.

Sami comes into Lucas’s office. He tells her the jig is up, he saw her last night at Club Marlowe. She figured as much when he didn’t come home last night. She gives him her wedding ring, says it is over, she is sorry, but she is going away with EJ. She walks away (oh, my gosh, she actually has her hair in a …..I think it is called a snood)
Back at the club, Philip is telling Chloe to forget about Lucas, he can make her happy. Lucas walks into the club, as Phil is kissing Chloe.
Now we see EJ packing a suitcase, Nicole walking in, him claiming he is going out of town on business, and when he returns he will be staying at the Sunset Arms. Nicole wants to stop him, no luck. He takes off. A bit later, in comes Sami calling for EJ, but only finding Nicole. They have a couple of words about Sami trying to steal Nicole’s husband, as Nicole pulls a scarf off from around her own neck. When Sami turns her back, Nicole wraps it around her neck, choking her, Sami gags and gags, falls on the bed. Nicole pulls the scarf off, and now smothers Sami with a pillow. Lots of little noises, gurgling, and then her foot stops twitching, and there is silence. That’s what you get, Goldilocks, for sleeping in Mommy Bear’s bed.

And in the present, and in color now, Nicole wonders why she always ends up the bad girl.

OMG! It sounds like so much fun! I can't wait to see it on Monday...
I admit, I was laughing a lot as I watched. Thoroughly enjoyed the entire show.
Thanks for the heads up...

Barb, you always do such a great write-up. Thank you for all your hard work. And, thank you for letting me know that I get to "take Monday off." I am never a fan of the fantasy s/l or episodes so I'll get to chill on Monday. I greatly appreciate knowing I won't have to watch it.

I love Nicole, Sami, Lucas and can handle the character of EJ, but I'd much rather see Marlena come face to face with whoever removed her mask, and I'm praying it's Samantha, her long-dead twin. Those are the days that I miss...

Have a great weekend, everyone!
I love it when Days does the fantasies. I wouldn't want them all the time, but once a year isn't so bad, and unlike the Santeen trash they force fed us for 6 weeks last summer, this only lasts a couple of days. :)
Wow I could picture it all inmy head as I was reading this! Cant wait to see it! Thanks for the write up!
Poirot Kudos to you for such a fabulous write up, I could actully vision the whole thing in my head as I read, you are the greatest.
Thanks for the write up Poirot. I was not going to watch it, but after your review and how good it was I think I will give it a chance.
Oh, my gosh, I just remembered the most fun piece of dialogue. Chloe is leaving Lucas's office, telling him she will be around. And out comes that infamous piece of Bogie/Bacall dialogue. If you want me, just whistle. You know how to whistle, don't you? No, says Bogie/Lucas. Just pucker your lips together .......and blow.

I could not stop laughing.
Just saw the show. Was so glad that I did not miss it. The actors and actesses were amazing in their parts. The costumes and hair was perfect. I was surprised, but even the story in the dream was so well written. Loved that Sami is cheating on Lucas with EJ, Lucas telling Nicole that this job breaks his heart because the person her husband is cheating with is his wife. Then just a little while later Lucas is with Chloe. Loved the look on his face with he sees Chloe with Philip. The whole show was super. Poor Sami got killed by Nicole at the end of the show can't wait for Monday to see more of this.
Hey Barb - what an excellent write up. You should seriously consider writing a novel of some sort. You've got an incredible vocabulary and ability!

You rock girlfriend!
Sounds great Barb and, as usual, you did a great job with detail. I can't wait to hear Nadia sing. That's one thing this show has not taken advantage of.
Thanks so much for all your efforts Poirot, I could visualize the entire episode you were so good at writing it out for us.

Just read Monday's episode, can't wait to see it. The pics were awesome, I love the look of that era.....some men do look good in fedoras, yum yum.
Poirot, thank you so much for this and all of your writeups! I agree with everyone who said what an excellent job you do of writing these summaries. I am so eager to see the one for Monday. I don't care if there isn't any serious drama in it, I'm just excited about seeing the costumes, hairdos, settings, etc., with our Days actors playing the parts. It sounds like it is mostly intended for fun and that's what I think it will be. Can't wait to hear Sami in her M.M/Judy Holiday voice. :smile: When I was a kid I loved Judy Holiday, especially in "Born Yesterday."