Days of Our Lives Monday Feb 9 2009

Eh. Like the CEOs of companies know anymore than anyone else working for the company, if anything, they know substantially less. Last I remember, Philip really has no place running a business anymore than Melanie. Let's face it, this is all silly, but I suppose we are supposed to suspend our disbelief. Sure Melanie is in over her head, it is childish of her to use this thing to try to get a guy's attention, but it is up to Philip with whether or not that works out.

I can't blame John for not accepting the shipping terms, afterall, he couldn't even remember his own name. Philip paid Paul to plant massive amounts of illegal drugs on John's ships, much to Victor's dismay. Philip has a habit of acting like he is running the mob instead of running a respectable company. And if the spoilers are any indication, Philip should know better than trying to manipulate Melanie by kissing her to try and get what he wants. How must that make Stephanie feel? I believe Philip will stop at nothing, and I think just as much as Melanie is in over her head, so is Philip.

I personally do not believe Melanie was manipulating Nick, Nick is ill and did what he wanted and what he thought was right in his sick mind. Yes Melanie is guilty on taking Nick up on his hospitality, but Melanie has done just as much for Nick as he has done for her. Melanie had courage to go to court and testify on Nick's behalf after everything he did to her. I wouldn't do it, and I don't think many of us would. Giving her the project was the least Nick could do, he tortured Melanie for the longest time, making her believe she was a murderer so that he could lock her away and keep her for himself. Considering what Melanie has been through, if people can manage to find sympathy for Nicole, I really do not see why no one can find sympathy for Melanie.
I think the majority of Salemites are suffering for some sort of mental disorder but hey, that's just me. Maybe I am being too harsh and should just call it baggage.
Over in France, Melanie played Nick like a violin to get what she wanted. & ended up getting him to take her out to dinner, leaving Max & Stephnie to rot in Jail dor what SHE had done.
And there was no accepting or rejecting on John's part in re: the shipping agreement. The DiMeras & Kiriakis people had an agreement and had shared the shipping in harmony for some time. With Stefano comatose, John wanted ALL the shipping business, and IGNORED the agreement, so he fired the first cannon. and while Philip went overboard in retaliation, it is what a lot of corporations do.....and then find themselves overextended, etc.

But this is Monday's show.....not past history summaries. Let's stick to the show.
Wow, I just watched the show.....Sister Theresa's conversation with Rafe was VERY interesting. She noted all he has done for Sami, and the killer is dead, so why does she need protection still. And answered her own question. She tells him he must care a lot about Sami....he does not deny it. She tells him he could lose his job, his career over what he has done. And Rafe just does a sort of half smile.
And then Rafe admits his boss told him all about the shooting of the killer, but Rafe did not tell what happened to him, did not want to appear a victim. But he has talked the boss into thinking maybe the killer had a partner, so they have to stay at the convent a few more days. Sami is in 7th heaven.

**rubbing hands in glee and smiling**** Ahhh, this is looking good. LOL
What I found interesting....Hope is leaving Bo to have some time to herself, so is going over to stay with her dad & Julie. Bo says...."at Mrs. H's??" yes, sez Hope. Bo reminds her she won't be alone with Doug & Julie there. Oh, they are going away on a trip/cruise....

and Bo says not one word then about "Mrs. H.". You know, on the show, there has not been a word said of any sort of ill health, etc. for why did Bo not ask.......what about Mrs. H?

I swear these writers/directors need someone there with a big bag of common sense.
I don't think a bag would be enough to go around. How about a boatload? I would have like to have heard something about Mrs. H.
Thanks Donna for the Great Write Up!

I surely do not like the way things are going for Bo & Hope, this is not good!

If my baby had stopped breathing I would have performed CPR, that was just stupid on all their parts!

Mel better watch herself, she sure is messing with the wrong folks.

Stephanie grow up, your man is a Greek Tycoon, he is going to try everything to keep that ful project in his company.
Bo and Hope

I am a huge Bo and Hope fan, always have been and am sure I always will be. That doesn't change the fact that I think Hope is going too far with this now. I can not believe how she is blaming Bo for this. She won't even give him a chance to really explain what little he did see. As a cop (if for no other reason), Hope should be better equipped at taking responsibility for her own actions.

This is just one more nail in the coffin that Days has become for me. There is very little reason left for me to watch. I know that many feel we should watch anyway, because if we do not watch, the ratings will go down, and the show will end. Well, I for one, do not have a Nielson's box attached to my TV. They have no idea what I do or don't watch, so my watching does not count in the scheme of things anyway....
Re Sami/Rafe. Rafe is correct. We know that this killer was not acting on his own. Whoever hired him could still be looking for Sami, since he wouldn't know whether or not Sami knows more.
Tired of Hope's Tantrums!

Everytime the sh*t hits the fan, Hope takes off.... maybe she will sleep with someone else while she is away AGAIN...
I love the whole Chloe and Dan thing, cuz I can't stand Lucas!
I can't wait for EJ to find out Nicole is a wackjob!! Woo Hoo!
@LilO...Rafe has told his bosses the killer may have had a partner...(one who was also at the killing of the mayor)....
Actually, the killer was hired, kill the mayor. Sami knew/knows nothing about that person. It was just because she could ID the killer she was on his hit list.

The person who hired the killer knows that Sami knows nothing about him. No one is after Sami any longer. And Rafe has admitted he lied to his bosses.
I finally got to watch today's show and I have to say I was really turned off by how Stephanie acted toward Philip. I had been liking them together but after seeing her today I think Philip would do well to get rid of her. (But I do NOT want him to get involved with Melanie)! If Stephanie thinks she can be the moral conscience for Philip or any other man, she is in for a rude awakening.
A thought!

Poirot gave me the Salem brain today, so here's a thought. Do you think that Philip and Stephanie are staging a breakup for Melanie's benefit?
OK, my previous comments were based on write-ups and spoilers. I just watched the show and I thought the acting was fantastic. The dialogue was great, even if the stories weren't all that realistic. Hope and Bo were so conflicted. I loved that he made it clear to her that she wants to punish him and she's not considering his feelings at all. Great lines. There's no reason to take Ciara with her to Alice's. Why upset the kid's routine for no reason.

Stephanie and Philip's fight was great too. He had some terrific comebacks. I loved how he told her that he doesn't want her to change him, that he's fine the way he is. She had a lot of nerve saying that she'd be okay with their relationship if he would be more of a good guy. I hated how disrespectful she was to both him and his father. She seems to have forgotten that they are giving her the opportunity to learn about business.

I liked the conversation between Max and Melanie. Nicole, as usual, was terrific. Steve and Kayla too, although when she talks in that whispery voice, I can barely understand what she's saying.

Really a great show today.