DAYS OF OUR LIVES - Monday, June 2nd, 2008

Nicole can't have children

lytninalsostrikes, it IS true that Nicole was shot in the abdomen and cannot have children. It was back when Nicole's nasty, criminal dad was killed, and I think it may have been Mimi who shot him and Nicole got caught up in it. Not certain it was Mimi but I think so. I also thought she may have had that in mind when she talked about not having a family, although she didn't have much of a home life growing up either.
I'm waiting for Hope to get pregnant again lol~

I am so wondering how on earth John is gunna get along w/o his Blondie... he's become quite attached to her...
I just have to say that I was blown away at the chemistry between EJ and Nicole today. Maybe it is just me because I have always wanted them together, what did the rest of you think?
I thought that EJ and Nicole together were really hot. And funny. A great combination! She looks so much better with fuller hair and more eyelashes, and EJ is fabulous at conveying "wanton lust" without being crass.
I just LOVE that someone figured out/remembered Max's foray into the new engine development and that it was the same dean who nixed it for him. That does perfectly explain both why he had to remain anonymous and why he evil-eyed the dean at the pub. He wouldn't know what his real dad looked like, so this makes much more sense.