DAYS OF OUR LIVES - Monday, June 2nd, 2008


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, June 2, 2008

Episode #10,839 Taped 4/29 Director – Kathryn Foster

We get some really fun stuff today, or rather “tonight” in Salem, as the evening continues. Lucas has Allie on his lap, playing with her, and we can hear Johnny crying, as a frustrated Sami comes out, looking for Johnny’s blanket. She thinks he is teething, and cannot seem to calm him down. Lucas asks what he can do, how can he help, Sami says when Johnny gets like this, only EJ can soothe him down, singing some silly song. Lucas is willing to give it a try. And LOL, at Bryan, as he holds Johnny, asks Sami again if this song is Frere’ Jacqué, and proceeds to use his best British accent, to sing the ditty in English. (I know it in French, lol) Johnny is all smiles, Sami is laughing, who needs Elvis, as now, in his very best :EJ: voice, Lucas says “Thank you very much”. He takes Johnny to put him down, Sami gets a call from Maggie. Seems EJ is down at Chez Rouge, drunk and making a scene with Nicole. Sami tells her EJ is no longer her husband and she is sorry he is making a scene, but she cannot help her. After she hangs up, she thinks better of it, grabs her purse and takes off.

At the cop shop, Abe is still grilling John, who keeps denying he had anything to do with the drugs found on his ship. Roman joins them, John insists that tho he is no longer the holy and revered John, ever since they have known him, they know he has always been honest, told the truth. A cop brings in the manifest sheets, they have John look at them. Seems the ship picked up cargo in a port in Mexico, notorious for being a cocaine outlet, and the containers put aboard had their contents listed incorrectly on the manifest. John insists someone tampered with them. Abe comments that in all probability, the containers were to be offloaded to John’s warehouses in Salem without being opened, being O.K.’d by Hollingsworth. John keeps reminding them to talk with Philip, he is the one who did this. Abe & Roman send John down to night court to be arraigned. After he leaves both comment they do not believe him. When he returns, he wants to post bail, but they report that Marlena has already done that. He asks where she is, but she evidently left. John leaves.

Morgan arrives at Chez Rouge, looking around when her cell rings. It is Stephanie, apologizing but she & Max had to leave. He was dressed too casual and felt uncomfortable. Morgan says it is all o.k., seems everyone else is gone, too. Steph is sorry, and says she & Max are at her parents’ place, waiting for them to return from the hospital. She hangs up, telling Max she hates lying to her friends. Max says she didn’t lie, it was the truth. She starts picking at him again, & he says, look. I am the son of an immigrant fisherman, I am good with numbers, sort of like in “Rainman” (the movie) and I love you very much. That is all there is to me. You have to accept it. Stephanie say that is fine with her.

Back at Chez Rouge, Bo & Hope are slow dancing, having a lovely and romantic evening, first in a long, long time. He keeps asking about her shoulder, and her about his strength. He hints at saving his energy for later, lol, she says they will see, but he knows he will be up for the challenge. They sit down, Salsa music begins to play, Hope wants to try, Bo is hesitant, she says o.k. she realizes he isn’t up for the challenge, and they go out and shake it up. (The number is choreographed and credits are given at the end,… enjoy if you see it). Meanwhile Morgan has bumped into her dad, who has come for a celebratory drink. The grand jury is to come with their verdict tomorrow, and he is confident they will exonerate him. Morgan hopes that is true, especially after what happened down at the docks. Bo & Hope are leaving, spot Morgan & Paul, stop to say hi. The drug bust comes up, Paul says it all had nothing to do with him, and he was not working there at the time, was suspended, but when he gets his job back, he will definitely investigate it. Bo & Hope leave, but their antenna is up regarding Paul.

Philip & Chloe return to his room, he begins to get undressed, as she is babbling about Nicole taking off with EJ (from the Pub) as soon as they came in. Philip is only half listening, as he is having a flashback of Morgan & him playing darts, when she caught his sleeve. He snaps back to the present, asking where she is going. Back to her room. Nahh, she can stay. Before you can blink your eyes, Philip & Chloe are back between the sheets, it is over, and she is going to leave. Philip wonders what’s the hurry. He wants to go have Henderson fix him a sandwich. Chloe stumbles across the “John disk”, picks it up, asking what it is. Philip gets a tiny bit hyper, puts it away saying it was just business stuff, is encrypted, and he is having someone look at it for him. She goes into the bathroom, Philip calls Paul, who puts him off since he is talking to Bo, Hope & Morgan.

And now let’s go join that cozy twosome, EJ & Nicole, who are more than a bit tipsy, they have danced a bit, and now she is teaching him how to do tequila shots, and when they get to sucking on the lime, they sort of kiss, with him ending up with her lime between his lips. They are really having a good time, she tells him he is a lot more fun than she thought, he says she is a lot more beautiful than he tells her, mumbles something about secrets. Nicole is all ears (seems more sober than him, but then she has more practice, lolol). EJ babbles a bit about annulment being approved, and then maybe not. Nicole questions him, and after some back & forth learns that the judge approved the annulment, it is valid, the marriage to Sami has been annulled. But he is planning at some time or other, the right time, to tell her it is null and void. Nicole is confused, EJ says he has not worked it all out yet, but maybe because they had marital relations. Nicole asks how the judge would know that, EJ hasn’t figured that out yet, maybe interview, maybe he let it slip. He has to figure that out yet. Nicole asks him is scheming and plotting to get love is the kind he really wants. He replies it is what she has always done. Nicole’s smile is gone as she notes look where it got her. EJ say, yes, her hefty divorce settlement. At one point he goes to order some food, calling out for Garcon’…..and she says aloud, Oh, EJ, I think I am falling for you. Anyway, now they are still drinking, she is promising to keep his secrets, they are laughing, and along comes Sami. Nicole accuses her of being jealous he is with Nicole, Sami says no, he can do whatever he wants with whomever he wants, just not make a spectacle of himself in public. Not a good image for Johnny’s father. She is trying to get EJ to leave, he is trying to get a few more shots down. (yes, the scenes here are too funny), she doesn’t care what he does, they are not married, but as Johnny’s father he has to leave now. Nicole is protesting, Sami finally takes glasses out of his hands, gets him up, and starts ushering him out. I think he picks up a glass from another table, lol, she puts that back and gets him out. Nicole is pensive, as she wonders to herself if she can keep EJ’s plan to herself.

Lucas comes into the living room, as John comes hom with a “Daddy’s home”. LOL. Lucas is surprised to see him, John says he is out courtesy of his wife, where is she. Lucas has no idea, John goes upstairs. And now in comes Sami with the 6 sheets to the wind EJ. She tells Lucas that Maggie called, he was drunk and making a scene at Chez Rouge. EJ is laughing, falls to the floor, as John comes downstairs. Sami is surprised, and happy to see him, asks if her mom knows. She is so happy. John has this strange look on his face. He says, she is gone. There is a note. She has left me.

Thanks for the write up Barb - looks like a great show - lots of action!

So John is sprung and Marlena is gone .... Chloe and Philip are at it again and yet he thinking about Morgan. I wonder if Chloe will tell anyone about finding the disk? It will be nice to see Bo and Hope get a little romantic.

Ali Sweeny/Sami commented that James Scott/EJ plays a really funny drunk - What did you think Barb?
Can't wait to see :drunk: EJ and Nicole, even though it appears from the update that Nicole isn't as drunk as EJ... but like Barb said she has had a little more experience.

Well now we know the secret. Can't wait for Nicole to let that little jewel 'slip' out. From the sounds of their conversation, I really think that Nicole is starting to have true feelings for EJ that don't involve: a) blackmail; b) tons of money; c) power (even thought I think EJ and Nicole could be a very powerful couple).

@CJ........he is great at it. I really got a kick out of the scenes. And all that business with sucking on limes, exchanging kisses or something, and the other one ends up with the lime. Too funny.
Max thoughts and etc.

I just thought Max might have been to college and Roscoe Born's character would not accept his calculations by thinking he might have cheated. It looked to me Max knew the Dean from before. He might even know Max's biological dad. I believe there is more to the story and I am looking forward to learning it piece by piece.
Sounds like a funny show. Will be sure to watch!
Thanks for the write up!
You know what I love about this episode? It proves that EJ has been scheming all along. EJ is not the goody two shoes that he has been portraying. Don't get me wrong, I love good EJ, but bad EJ is so much more entertaining. Now if Sami would just ditch the goody goody act, I will be happy. Nicole is basically what I wanted Sami to be...EJ's partner in crime.

Thanks for the write up Poirot. Sounds like a good episode. Even Lucas sounds like he has some good scenes today.
It looks like EJ's true colors are shining true--lying and scheming to get what he wants. I think his HALO is a little tarnish and he's not as wonderful as he wants everyone to believe. I think EJ and Nicole would be a good couple, both lie and manipulate to get what they want.

This sounds like a pretty good show. I do wish they'd hurry it up with the Max storyline.
This sounds like it is going to be great to watch. I can't wait to see Lucas sing to Johnny, Bo & Hope dance , and Nicole & EJ soaking up the alcohol. Thanks for the write up.
I just thought Max might have been to college and Roscoe Born's character would not accept his calculations by thinking he might have cheated. It looked to me Max knew the Dean from before. He might even know Max's biological dad. I believe there is more to the story and I am looking forward to learning it piece by piece.

LOL ITA with all you said!!

You have to remember, that at the time of the shooting...Stefano and Ej were both threatening Will as well as Sami and the Bradys. There were a lot of threats at that time to get her to "marry" Ej.
I think it was to protect Will from them.
Adding a P.S. here. When John is being interrogated by Abe & Roman, he refers to EJ as his lawyer, Elvis John DiMera. are the English lyrics to Freré Jacqués....

Are you sleeping, are you sleeping
Brother John, Brother John
Morning bells are ringing, morning bells are ringing
Ding dong ding, ding dong ding.

Just thought I would throw that song bit in. LOL
Adding a P.S. here. When John is being interrogated by Abe & Roman, he refers to EJ as his lawyer, Elvis John DiMera.

I don't think I ever knew John was his middle name??? Although that would make since because his mother Susan was in love with John.
Hate me all you want, but I think Nicole and EJ are great together and could be a really fun couple, Sami and him are just so boring now, I could cry everytime they are on screen together.

I really want Philip to cozy up to Morgan, I hope this happens.
Just needing a little clarification on Roscoe Born's his name Dean or is he the DEAN at the school? And if he is the Dean, what is his first name?
Hate me all you want, but I think Nicole and EJ are great together and could be a really fun couple, Sami and him are just so boring now, I could cry everytime they are on screen together.

ITA, TamiBelle, I think EJ and Nicole are good together and should be a couple!
He was introduced the other day as Dean Robbins, the new head of the dept. However, he is supposed to be the dean, Trent Robbins.
O.K. So I am remembering a couple funny bits of dialogue between EJ & Nicole. EJ is saying he & Sami were meant to be together. Nicole asks if he doesn't think Lucas feels the same way. EJ ponders...well, he has been in prison a long time.......but no, I don't think he loves me! :rotfl:

He later says Lucas is just a sniveling little boy. Sami is a woman. Nicole doesn't think Lucas is so sniveling, he did put a bullet into him. EJ responds that Lucas shot him in the a coward, and he has not forgotten. Nicole says but you told Sami you forgave him. Ah, no..he only told her that to woo her, to win her. He is a DiMera, and doesn't forget things like that.
O.K. So I am remembering a couple funny bits of dialogue between EJ & Nicole. EJ is saying he & Sami were meant to be together. Nicole asks if he doesn't think Lucas feels the same way. EJ ponders...well, he has been in prison a long time.......but no, I don't think he loves me! :rotfl:

He later says Lucas is just a sniveling little boy. Sami is a woman. Nicole doesn't think Lucas is so sniveling, he did put a bullet into him. EJ responds that Lucas shot him in the a coward, and he has not forgotten. Nicole says but you told Sami you forgave him. Ah, no..he only told her that to woo her, to win her. He is a DiMera, and doesn't forget things like that.

I love the funny commentary from EJ about Lucas. You're awesome, Barb!

And that sounds menacing what he said about he is a Dimera. It's good because it still keeps that dark side of the Dimera's alive! At least we know that Stefano isn't the only bad one left.

Hope this makes sense.