Days of Our Lives - Monday, May 19th, 2008


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, May 19, 2008

Episode #10,829 Taped 4/22 Director – Noel Maxam

Kayla insists upon going to see her baby, but both Lexie & Dr. Elman tell her this is impossible. She is insistent, trying to get out of bed, Steve soothes her, the doctors caution her, that she needs to rest, and would not do her baby any good if she began hemorrhaging or going into shock. Lexie will go to check on the baby, while Dr. Elman checks out Kayla to make sure her uterus is contracting. Out in the hall, Stephanie is worried, Max is comforting her, Chelsea goes to call the rest of the family. Steve comes out, Stephanie goes into his arm, both are crying. Dr. Elman comes out, having given Kayla something to relax her. Steve & Stephanie go in to stay with Kayla. Stephanie suggests they choose a name, and somehow they end up drawing names from a can…….like Cosmo, Spongebob. Kayla breaks down, worrying about the baby. Lexie returns saying the baby is not yet breathing on his own, is on a ventilator, and they are running tests, doing all they can to get him breathing on his own again.

Out in the hall, Nick arrives to confront Max about his grant papers. He saw them, and it seems it was not all his work, so he thinks Max did something. Max denies it, asks if he got the money, yes he did. Then all is well. In fact, he still has the papers at his place, he will go get them, which he does. Nick glances over them, on the surface it looks the same. Max assures him that he only copied the work, sent it in, and from now on will stick to what he knows best…….bartending. That puzzles Nick, who knows Max is his friend, but Max tells him to just go and make the world better for them all.

Dr. Dan is in the locker room, chatting with Dr. Carrington, who comments on Daniel supposedly leaving, refusing the staff position, but is still there. Daniel claims Lexie finds him one crazy case after another, but he wants to catch the next wave outta there. The other doctor leaves, Dr. Dan sheds his towel and goes into the showers. Cue Chelsea to come wandering in (puleeze, of all the contrived scenes here) looking for Daniel. (previously she had no idea where he was, if he was even in the hospital). He pokes his head out, she turns away, not knowing “he was in the shower”. He grabs a towel and comes out, and comments on her new haircut, that she looks “hot”. Same conversation as before between them. This cannot be, yes it can, I am too old for you, I have lived a lot in a short time, am very mature, yada, yada. She decides it is not his dead wife who keeps him on the move, but his ego. She is leaving, he knows where to find her. He pulls her back, and into a big kiss.

At Statesville prison, Lucas comes to the visiting room (yayyy, so good to see him!) to find Mickey visiting. He is so happy to see him. Mickey tells him there is a chance he can go home. Lucas is astonished, he pled guilty, waived a trial and got 10 years. Mickey explains about the overcrowding, how some cases are being reviewed, and already some have been let out. However, the first wave did not include violent cases. There is still a problem, and there is even talk of closing down another prison. Now in comes Maggie, bringing a treat….Gran’s donuts. Of course she had to go through countless inspections of herself and her basket before they would let her in. She talks of Sami & Allie, Lucas figures Sami is probably mad at him for refusing to see her, but he was trying to do what was best for his family. They mean everything to him. Maggie protests that Sami loves him, he knows that. He figured he was going to be in there a long time, and certainly did not want his daughter seeing him in prison. He was unsure he might not be transferred to a prison further away. Maggie insists he has been a model prisoner, worked hard, kept his head down, he has a good shot at going home. Mickey explains that the warden, a judge and the D.A. have to approve, that he will have to wear an ankle bracelet and be under house arrest, but if all goes well, he could be going home tonight. A guard comes out to tell Mickey they are ready for him at the review, and Mickey departs, leaving Lucas & Maggie together. Maggie is very positive this will all work out.

Meanwhile….O.K. the next scenes are all interspersed between scenes described above at the prison. Point and counterpoint. Very well done. EJ is outside Sami’s room, walking up to the door, walking away, unsure if he should knock, starting to, changing his mind. In her room, Sami is pacing, going to her door, about to go out, changing her mind, walking away. She looks at the picture of Lucas beside her bed, smiles and goes over to it. She looks at it, then takes off the chain containing her wedding rings from him, that she has worn around her neck for months. She puts them in front of his picture, then paces some more, finally deciding to leave the room. She opens the door, to find EJ standing there, about to knock. She claims to be going to check on the twins….he just did, they are sound asleep. And now EJ begins to continue their conversation. He wants to know why Sami is agreeable to the clean slate. She hesitates, then says that when he told her how he thought once they had been together, she would fall in love with him that it made her think of herself, that she felt that way once. And now, haltingly, and quietly, Sami tells him how she felt that way about Austin, and reluctantly she admits she forced herself on Austin. And that once, long ago, she thought she could make him love her. So she drugged his drink, and they made love, and of course, he never fell in love with her. But eventually, he forgave her for what she did, and so she understands, and feels this all can be put behind them, and they can move forward. (Alison Sweeney/Sami really rocks in these scenes). EJ agrees, Sami says she will never mention “that night” again. EJ agrees he will never mention it either.

Now EJ wants her to give him a break about his relationship with Nicole…..and it is strictly professional. Sami knows what Nicole is capable of, mentions her going after both Lucas & Austin, and knows how to get Sami’s goat. EJ is aware of Nikki’s wiles, and assures Sami he is on to Nicole, and she will not ever “get to him”. And now he brings up the kiss between them. Sami says she kissed him the first time because she wanted to, and was prepared to ignore her repulsion, but was surprised at how it made her feel. She kissed him the second time because she wanted to see if it still felt the same. EJ tells her there is no one around now, no Nicole, just the two of them. Camera closeup of their faces so close together, they kiss. He asks how that was, and she tells him to never ask her that again.

Mickey comes back into the room, telling a very happy Lucas that he is going home, tonight!
EJ & Sami are kissing again, while walking towards her bed., and as they fall down on it, the camera freezes on Lucas’s picture, sitting on the bedside table.

Sounds so sad on Steve/Kayla.

So basically Chelsea and Daniel thing is a repeat of last week isn't it?

What does Max think he's pulling? Won't Nick see that his own notes don't match up to all the equations?

I wonder if EJ and Sami will get a full love scene?
I agree that Max's work is going to be uncovered eventually, so no idea why he keeps trying to hide his involvement.
OK, so now Mickey and Maggie are helping Lucas?

Wasn't it just a few days (weeks) ago that Mickey gave EJ a job? Wonder how they are going to explain that to Lucas.
Wow Barb... Your write up was excellent! Gave me goosebumps ... sounds like a great episode! can't wait to see it!

I have to say I am looking forward to the "level playing field" that EJ will finally have with Lucas and see how this plays out. I really liked Sami and Lucas together, but recently the connection between Sami and EJ has grown on me. This is definitely a storyline I am looking forward to seeing everyday. Welcome back Lucas!
I feel for Steve and Kayla. The NICU is no fun at all. Been there, done that.
I like Chelsea and Dr. Dan. Wish Nick would just sit down with Max and find out what is going on already!
This sounds like a great episode- thanks for the write up!
Thanks for the great write up Poirot. Looks like a :(sad & :hot:show looking forward to Monday.
but wait...

I foresee a phone call to Sami, letting her know Lucas is coming home tonight, before anything too heavy happens with EJ, and Sami tells EJ to get the hell out, the love of her life is coming home!! Or at least I hope that's what happens!
Thanks, Poirot. The Lucas/Mickey & Maggie scenes and the EJ and Sami scenes sound really good. I love that Sami brings up what happened with Austin. If only "that night" (as they seem to be calling it) was the only problem.

Oh...the stuff with the baby sounds good, too. sounds like a good show.
I suppose EJ and Sami will make love, then Lucas will "surprise" them. Same story, different day. I just hope the writers don't knock Lucas off the wagon and have him start drinking again once he finds out that Sami has fallen for EJ.
I thought that the actor that plays Lucas (sorry, cant remember his name) left the show for good. Apparently I was wrong - its the same actor as before, right?

And who cant see it coming that Lucas will walk in on Sami & EJ?
Yes, it is Bryan Dattilo, same actor, portraying Lucas. His character was being given a "rest" John's was a while back.
I got goosebumps just from the write-up. I can't wait to see the epi!
Ohh can't wait to see the scenes with Sami & EJ.
I'm glad they finally addressed the rape. I like them two together..lets see what happens!
I really like Chelsea and Daniel. Although some scenes are contrived and repetitive the chemistry is real.

I am just not getting this Max thing. I am interested to see how it works out in the end. However, I find it really just strange right now.

I am just torn about the EJ/Sami/Lucas situation.
Thanks for the great write up. Lots going on. I think I'll be watching most of this show. It will be good to see Bryan Dattilo (Lucas) again. However I will be changing the channel when the surfer dude/pervert and his little school girl crush show up.

Forgive me, but I cannot stomach this mismatched pair.:sick: What a waste of Shawn Christian (Daniel)

Max is driving me crazy! Why are they writing him as such a jerk?! Nick needs a real, honest friend right now, not somebody else lying to him.
Sounds like another great episode.

Although I do admit, I fastforward through all Dan/Chelsea scenes. Just too creepy for me.
Sami & Lucas

I suppose EJ and Sami will make love, then Lucas will "surprise" them. Same story, different day. I just hope the writers don't knock Lucas off the wagon and have him start drinking again once he finds out that Sami has fallen for EJ.

I think in a twist Nicole and Lucas will hook up just to spite Sami for EJ. Would make for some good soap drama.
I think in a twist Nicole and Lucas will hook up just to spite Sami for EJ. Would make for some good soap drama.

I was thinking the same thing. I think lucas will do it to make sami jealous and nicole will to try to make EJ jealous. I think she's developed an infatuation with EJ.

I also think this is setting up for a can't miss episode on Tuesday for the sami/ej/lucas SL! I can't wait.

I feel so sad for Kayla. They've been putting her through so much lately, her daughter was raped and involved in fords death, her pop's death, the plane crash, a hard pregnancy, her brother getting so close to death, being held hostage and having a psycho try to steal her husband.. and then planning on stealing her baby.. catching them in bed together...and now an early delivery. wow. poor Kayla.