Days of Our Lives Monday Nov.24 2008


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Dec 31, 1969
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Montreal, Quebec, Canada
John has a gun on Marlena’s attacker. John tells him to let Marlena go or he will shoot. Marlena begs John not to shoot. Marlena falls quickly to the ground and the attacker goes. John helps Marlena get up off the floor and want to know what she was thinking. That the man was going to kill her and she let him get away. He demands to know what it was that the attacker was after. She replies that he wanted to know where Sami is. Bo and Hope arrive and are looking for clues. Marlena is upset about what had happened. John explains that he was talking to Marlena when the phone went dead. He was worried and came. Says if he had his way the attacker would be dead. He was doing what he was trained for to kill. Hope and Bo point out that a dead person can not tell them who they are working for. The attacker may not be the killer. Says that they can find the killer without his help. They are ready to leave tell Marlena not to touch anything as the people for the crime scene will be coming soon. They are going to post a policeman to protect Marlena. John says he will do it. Marlena says no that unless his behavior changes she does not want him near the babies. That he needs help and unless he goes for the help he can not be a part of her life or family.

Maggie is with Bo and Hope at the pub. Maggie is wondering how to tell Nick’s parents about what happened. They had trusted her to keep an eye on him. Maggie hopes that Mickey can get him off with a light sentence. Bo and Hope say that will be hard with what Nick has done. Chelsea is there and wants to go and see Nick. Bo and Hope say that is not a good idea that Nick needs psychological help that it was not that long ago that he was after her. She points out that was different she was in a relationship with him and she wants to help. Reminds her that Kate is coming home today and that they are having a party for her that she should stay for the party and get her mind off of Nick for now.

Brady and Lucas meet in the pub. Chloe is there as well. Lucas tells Brady about the house that he and Chloe are going to get. They talk for a while and Brady gets a call from Nicole and leaves. Chloe points out that Lucas is jealous but not to worry Brady is her past and he is her future.

Kate is getting ready to leave the hospital. Dan comes in and says he can’t let her go yet. He wants to make sure that she will take it easy once she gets home. Kate says she is not going to sit and watch TV all the time. That she will work and travel as she wants to. Talks of professional players still playing while having chemo. Tells Dan to back off and let her be. She wants to be with him for what time she has left. They arrive at the pub. They are talking about Chloe not being able to be there because she has a cold. Kate says she will go see her in the morning on her way to work. Lucas and Kate have the same talk about taking it easy. Kate says she needs the distraction. Kate and Chelsea are talking about how hard she finds it to forgive people. Kate hopes she gets rid of her anger. Dan goes to talk to Chelsea and she blows him off.

Stefano and EJ are in the plane. Stefano says it is important for him to know about all the hidden assets that they have. EJ says he will work for Stefano as long as he does not have to do anything unsavory. Stefano says you should have thought of that before you took the job. They talk of Nicole and the new family. Stefano is wondering if Nicole is the right woman for him. EJ points out that Sami is his past and Nicole is his future. Stefano say ok he will not question it again. That he is happy for another chance with a grandchild.

Chloe and Dan meet outside. Says she saw what happened with Chelsea wants to know if he is ok. He says yes and Chloe goes inside.
Bo and Hope are now at the police station. Bo is complaining about the attacker getting away. Hope says that he needs a break. In the end he agrees to go with her.

Nicole is in the cabin having a lot of pain. She is crying and trying to make a call to get a hold of EJ. She is not able to get an answer. She is now doubled over in pain. Plans to call Chloe but does not remember the number. She is looking through her purse and finds Brady’s number. She calls him and he answers the phone. She says she needs him to come. He asks if it is the baby and she says yes. Tells him where she is. He knows the place and is on his way. Brady arrives and sees Nicole. She is very pale and in pain. He tells her they have to go to the hospital. She does not want to go. Wants to stay there, but does not want to be alone. That if EJ knew he would be there with her. She asks him to stay with her. He wants to try and call EJ again Nicole refuses saying that he is on a plane. That by the time the plane lands it may be all over. Brady says they are not staying in the cabin Nicole starts to have bleeding and Brady picks her up and carries her out. At the clinic they check on the baby. A worried Nicole asks if it is good. They have her on a monitor that starts to alarm. The doctor comes in and says she is in preterm labour. Born now the baby will not live. They will start her on a MGS04 drip. That she must stay calm. Brady tries to calm her down. They talk about the baby shower that Chloe is going to give her. She also shows Brady the locket that she has that she is going to put the baby’s picture in. She passes out and the locket is in her hand.
I read an article somwhere that quoted James Scott saying everyone should watch these episodes with Nicole because Arianne does an outstanding job....
Thanks for the write up. It sounds like it will be an interesting show, but I hate that it looks like Nicole is loosing the baby. :(
I am almost in tears just reading this because I know what is going to happen. Poor Nicole. This is pitiful Days, Really PITIFUL!
thanks for the write up -I could not have done that eppi, it sounds way too sad and I will need the box of tissues to watch it... Still just not fair to Nicole, And I do not want to start on EJ ---leaving her and going with his dad.. boy is he still a daddy's boy. But it does bring Brady to her rescue and probably the restart of them, not that it justifies her loosing the baby for it....
EJ did go on the trip with his Dad, but I have to stick up for him. Nicole was fine when he left. She told him she was heading back to the house. She herself said EJ would be there if he knew.
I don't know if I can watch, since I just had a baby myself... I've been so much more emotional these days. Thanks for the write-up, though!
I'm so happy that Nicole is losing her baby.Since EJ came to her life Nicole became really boring So i hope Old Nicole is coming back

But seriously im really sad thats she will loose her baby
I don't she's boring, it just shows her to have a heart. I feel sad for her losing the baby, too. It would be someone to love that would love her unconditionally. It's going to be heartwrenching.
She has not lost it yet, but sure looks like she will. I cryed at the end today when she passed out and the locket was lying in her open hand.
I would like to know who's bright idea it was for her to miscarry and then I would like to give them 30 lashes and not with a wet noodle either! GRRRRRRRR:mad::mad::mad:
I am a little more than slightly peeved at Marlena. She should be counting her lucky stars that John happens to care enough to rescue her. Then she kicks him in the teeth with "unless his behavior changes she does not want him near the babies????" For crying out loud, this is a man who had his emotions stripped away and yet he is still there for her! GMAB*!!! He has not harmed one hair on ANY child's precious little head and I thoroughly enjoyed his interaction with Claire. I think she should check to see if her HRT** patch needs changed!!!!

*give me a break
**hormone replacement therapy
Just wondering WHAT babies she is talking about? She doesn't have is she now taking care of Sami's twins? If not........she rarely sees those kids herself.
Yeah, a no Melanie, Max, or Stephanie day!!!!!

Marlena needs a kick in her patootie. Not nice to dis nuJohn when he just saved her life.

I was truly hoping that Days wouldn't follow that path with Nicole.
Thanks for the recap DJM, sounds like a gooe one for sure.
AWWW I wish tptb would have let Nicole have her baby. I don't want her to revert back to her bad self.:(