Days of our Lives - Monday October 4, 2021


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Mar 24, 2009
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Short summary for today Mar-Devil is on today. Abe Cooks, EJ insults, Duke gets Trashed.

Abe at Paulina’ wearing the Kiss the Cook apron. Abe calls Lani tells her to stall coming home with Auntie P

Nicole fixing her make up. Gets a text from EJ he is ready, Nicole wonders if she is ready so out comes good ole Duke.

Rafe drinking coffee from Brady’s put. We see the cup. He remembers a painfully awkward conversation with Nicole.

John in Marlena’s office, remembering his conversation about recording Doug’s session. He presses play on her recorder.

Replay of creepy Mar-Devil knocking Julie out. Mar-Devil has a conversation about Julie helping to get rid of Doug

Chanel comes home finds Abe in his apron and sniffs the air, assumes that something wonderful for her Momma. Abe tells Chanel that he is going to take propose to her mother. Cue shocked face on Chanel.

Who is surprised that Auntie P has had enough shopping and wants to get out of her shoes and have a glass of wine? Lani now has to stall her.

Kayla walks into Marlena’s office, looking for John. He gets out of by saying yes he is looking for Kayla and looking for Marlena too. Kayla tells John that the tape is (the ONLY thing in all of Salem) protected by Doctor Patient Confidentiality. He can’t listen to it. So change of subject why were you looking for me Kayla asks? John tells her that Doug told him that Marlena tried to kill him. Cue surprised face on Kayla.

Rafe’s office and Ava walks in.

Nicole’s office and EJ walks in. Duke gets tossed in the trash can, this will help Nicole get over Rafe.

Lani struggles to come up with a story. It’s a lame story, Lani wants to surprise Eli with a romantic get away. Auntie P brings up Paris, cue angry faces.

Chanel asks you are going to propose to my mom. Abe explains that at this point in their lives he doesn’t want to wait any longer. Abe wants Chanel’s permission. She gives it. Chanel’s real dad died when she was young, so she doesn’t remember having a dad, but she thinks having a dad like Abe will be wonderful.

Kayla can’t believe that Doug thinks Marlena is trying to kill him. Kayla gets beeped someone pushed the call button in Doug’s room. (Strange I rarely can get a Nurse to answer those things but a doctor???) John and Kayla dash out to Doug’s room.

Mar-Devil and a Standing Doug argue. Doug won’t let Mar-Devil hurt Julie, Mar-Devil insults Doug, Kayla and John rush in. What’s going on? Mar-Devil turns head and becomes Marlena again.

Rafe is thinking about work, Ava says that Gabi and Jake are home and have commandeered the kitchen. Rafe asks if Ava is asking him out on a date.

EJ brags that the first thing he did when Samantha moved out was remove EVERY trace of her from the mansion. EJ tells Nicole she needs to get rid of Duke. EJ tosses Duke in the trash.

Abe called Big Momma and got all of Paulina’s favorite foods he is preparing them. One of them is Pecan Pie, but it’s not a favorite of Paulina, she hates Pecan Pie. Abe has already prepared it and it’s cooling. (This episode should be totally about Abe cooking for Paulina and fie on the other stories, this is the one that has me interested.)

Meanwhile back at the all-purpose Salem outside eatery Paulina is trying to make up for the Paris comment. As we know Lani said she’s forgiven Auntie P for everything, well except not taking her to Paris as a child apparently. Lani was 8 when this promise was made. Now Paulina wants to talk about it.

Kayla runs to Julie who is still out cold on the floor, John tries to get Doug into Bed. Marlena is still standing with the metal tray. Mar-devil says it was Doug who hit Julie, she wrestled the tray from him.

Back at the only story of interest today. Auntie P’s favorite pie is Key Lime. Y’all can rest now knowing that. Tamara’s favorite pie was Pecan. Whew, glad we got that figured out. Abe is going to go look up a recipe for Key Lime Pie. Chanel tells Abe if they work together, they can get this ready is in 20 minutes.

Auntie P wants to clear the air, but Abe Texts Lani come home. Auntie P tells her no, I have to tell you about this. Auntie P wanted to be a part of that trip. Lani remembers the letters about the things they were going to do. Lani was told it was an important trip that stopped the reason to Paris.

Nicole is starving they go to leave. Nicole has forgotten her phone; she dashes back and pulls Duke out of the trash can. Oh, thank God, Duke will appear again. Off EJ and Nicole go to Julie’s place for dinner.

Kayla says so Doug hit Julie? Julie loudly protests, NO. Marlena says I came in and I saw Doug hit Julie over the head with the tray, I was trying to get if from Doug when you came in. Doug tries to protest but John shuts him down. Doug does not want Marlena to touch Julie. Doug says Marlena isn’t herself, Marlena wants to sedate Doug. Julie and Doug don’t want him to be sedated. Doug says I love you Julie my beautiful girl.

EJ is orgasmic over wine at dinner. Nicole says it’s okay, it’s the most expensive on the list. EJ trashed Rafe as a beer and pretzel kinda guy.

Rafe doesn’t want to go to the pub, he ate their breakfast and lunch at the Pub, so off to Julie’s place for dinner. They hug and kiss, and head out for dinner.

Paulina tells Lani she was being selfish about the Paris trip. Paulina cut Tamara out when she planned the trip. Flash back to Paulina telling Marlena about Lani’s parentage. Tamara shut Paulina down when she told her about the trip. Lani tells Paulina that her heart was in the right place. And again Lani says she’s forgiven her about Paris. Abe texts again.

Abe and Chanel have completed the pie, and are now setting the table.

EJ again talks about poor Rafe and his swill. When in walks Rafe and

Julie claims that Doug would never hurt me. Kayla tells of Doug’s strength in grabbing Tripp. Marlena is saying as a professional I’m trained to be objective. John says I’m sure it is, now tell me what really happened. John wants to know if Marlena listened to the tape, Marlena did, and what she found out is disturbing. Doug wants to kill Julie. John is thinking.

Nicole says hi, to the couple. EJ insults the pub. Ava says she’d heard EJ was in bad shape, good should to know he’s recovered.

Paulina walks in to her place muttering walking in heels should be an Olympic Event (news flash then don’t wear them) Something smells good, Paulina looks up and sees Abe no longer in the apron and Chanel there to greet her. Abe claims he was inspired and made all of her favorites. And for dessert, Key Lime Pie. Surprise!!!! Auntie P hates Key Lime Pie. Abe shoots dagger eyes at Chanel.

After listening to the tape, hearing what she heard. Marlena dashed to Doug’s room to protect Julie. Marlena thinks that Doug has lost his mind. John tells Marlena that Doug told him that Marlena tried to kill Doug. Marlena protests. Julie is going in for x-rays. Drugged Doug is praying to God to protect Julie. Marlena says that in her professional opinion that Doug has become a danger to himself and others. Marlena wants Doug committed to BayView.
I am probably in the minority but I am loving the possession storyline. John better catch on pretty quick though!! He's done this before!! Doug better not get sent to Bayview!! I saw the shocked look on Kayla's face!

I think I could like Nicole and EJ. He's growing on me.

I hate this Abe storyline cause in the end he is going to get his heartbroken!! But what's up with the pies? Or tomorrow is she gonna say oh I'm just kidding I love key lime pie!
Bayview over one incident when he's elderly and the most obvious diagnosis is dementia? In any scenario approaching the real-world, the suggestion is the #1 clue that Marlena is not Marlena.

I don't see Chanel screwing with Abe on purpose about the pie. I'm guessing this is going somewhere. I can't wait until the secret is out. It's not fun to watch.

EJ is growing on me like mold. I still hate him. He offers nothing good or attractive to hold on to. He's not even being nice to Nicole. He's just leering at her and being bitter.
I assume this pie stuff is because of confusion between who Lani's mother is but why would Chanel have it wrong? What a weird way to get this story out. I feel like somehow Abe was told Lani's "aunt" liked Pecan but why or who would he be asking? Once again we spend less time trying to figure out a puzzle and more time trying to figure out why stuff is so weird.
Thanks, robin.

Why did Chanel tell Abe her mom's favorite pie isn't pecan pie? Didn't Chanel and Paulina make a pecan
pie together? Is the devil doing things to other people?

I laughed when EJ and Nicole talked about their long work day. Really. What we saw was Nicole spending
time talking to EJ and daydreaming about Rafe.

Doug should have said "Lair, lair your pants are on fire" to demon Marlena when she said Doug hit Julie.

I hope something good happens soon so Doug isn't sent to Bayview.

John is looking at Doc oddly today. Is he suspicious of her odd behavior?

John told Kayla he was tempted to listen to the tape Marlena made with her and Doug.
Hopefully, he'll go back and listen to it.
I loath this storyline with Abe/Paulina/Lani. They are going to take away Abe's beloved daughter (for all her many faults) and grandkids so they can prop up a controversial new character. Abe is a legacy character who deserves far better, and so do we the audience. :cry:
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EJ has about as much chance of making my temperature rise as an Alaskan glacier. But then, I felt that most of the time with the previous actor.
Ava doesn't bother me as much as she did other times she was on the show. Paulina and daughter are about as interesting as a chipped tooth. Abe jumping on this wedding nightmare is so tedious. He had Lexi....remember Lexi? And now he is chasing after this loud mouthed questionable character forcing us to accept that she is (by the way who cares) :Lani's biological mother. They may share DNA but your mother is the woman who sacrificed for your life and taught you right from wrong. Lani is and has been a pill since she arrived. We can keep Eli. Lani can go with Paulina and her daughter to outer Mongolia for all I care. Sammy's kids: only Will do I have ANY interest in their storyline. At one time Johnny was interesting. Setting out to make a movie detailing his grandmother's "stupidly written the first time" storyline is horrific. Marlena and John were nothing but good role models for Sammy and her kids. This is how you get back at your mother, by hurting her mother? This is part of why I will never invest in watching the possession storyline. They should have kept Claire and gotten rid of Allie. He wants Allie to be in the movie and Abby to be in the movie and it will hurt Marlena and John. Why in the name of all things good, would those characters do that? It is so ridiculous.
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This incarnation of Ava is enjoyable. It's just the character's history is so, so bad and hard to forget. If I could trust the writers to keep it up with her mostly reformed character, I'd like her without hesitation, but I'm waiting for her to go nutty again, Kristen-style. I'm not investing my goodwill in another "reformed" psycho until they prove they won't turn on a dime and betray their writing with a kidnapping or near murder.
I loath this storyline with Abe/Paulina/Lani. They are going to take away Abe's beloved daughter (for all her many faults) and grandkids so they can prop up a controversial new character. Abe is a legacy character who deserves far better, and so do we the audience. :cry:
I could not agree more. I always viewed Abe as a dignified character and he deserves far better than the likes of loudmouth Paulina.

EJ has become totally insufferable, and tossing poor Duke in the trash is the last straw. I'm generally not in favor of physical violence, but somebody --- Xander, Lucas, Rafe -- should pitch little Elvis in the nearest dumpster And since he seems to think, that he's so wonderful,. somebody should remind him that "no class" Rafe once beat the snot out of him after his trademarked sucker punch ploy failed.
They should have kept Claire and gotten rid of Allie. He wants Allie to be in the movie and Abby to be in the movie and it will hurt Marlena and John.

Allie told Johnny she was not interested in playing the part of Sami, and wanted no part of the possession storyline after she talked to John. Abby has not talked to John, so she may change her mind after she hears of his reservations.

I like Allie and Chanel, and I'm glad Allie is still around. It helps keep Lucas relevant. Chanel may have been obnoxious in the beginning, but she is a more interesting character now and I liked her bonding with Abe while they made Paulina's dinner. I do agree that I am not crazy about Abe and Paulina as a couple, I always liked him with Valerie the best after Lexie. I would not mind Paulina so much if they would tone her down and stop pushing the actress so much like she's the greatest thing that came along on the show. I like Jackee Harry but the show is treating her like a vet and while she's a well known actress, she is not a vet on Days and should not be treated as such.

I do agree that Johnny has become annoying about making this movie, particularly since he narrowed in on the possession storyline. He's becoming the one most like his mother about doing what he wants, and I'm sure there's a part of EJ in him, too.
I like Jackee Harry but the show is treating her like a vet and while she's a well known actress, she is not a vet on Days and should not be treated as such.
This is a really good thing to distinguish. I'd argue the same was done with Linsey Godfrey (ex-Sarah), who was a well-known soap actress playing a legacy character, but shouldn't have been slammed into every storyline. This just seems to be Ron's style.

Honestly the "Paulina is Lani's birth mother" story is just cheap and silly. And Paulina and Abe are rushing this relationship which is out of character for Abe.
I'd never heard of Jackee Harry so I didn't even have good memories of her playing more likable characters. In her present role she is just obnoxious to me. The actress does a good job with what she's given. She was believable when expressing regret to Lani and when surprised by Abe's proposal, but overall she's too loud and pushy for me to enjoy, and what kind of person turns up their nose and says they can't stand a kind of pie that someone had just gone to all the trouble to make for them? If she's going to lie and fake things, this would have been a good time to do it, at least enough to be gracious about it!
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Jackee Harry has ALWAYS played this kind of over-the-top, loud-mouthed character. That seems to be why she is hired. Not my cup of tea. Linsey Godfrey was never my cup of tea as Sarah. Plus some of her off screen comments against another actor on the show I found not endearing which makes me miss her less. Have they ever said who the father of Lani is? What about Chanel's father? I might have missed that since I did not appreciate the introduction of this whole storyline. Also, I think they switched actresses on Chanel fairly quickly. Allie does create a link to Lucas and a reason to keep him. I found Claire more interesting as an actress. Even more interesting than her mother.

Since I am relying on this site to keep me updated - Are Sami and Sarah both still missing? Do we know if they are dead or alive? I believe EJ got rid of Sammy and maybe Kristen got rid of Sarah. However I have slept since then and story lines become not as clear! It's like the whole idea of 'always tell the truth and you never have to remember what you told others'. Ron does so much convoluted stuff that I don't even remember why he did it and to what end. Does anyone even mention or reference Sammy or Sarah?