Days of Our Lives - Thu., Apr. 6, 2017


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Western Wisconsin
DiMansion: Abby has slept in, and Chad brings Thomas to her. She has a flashback of looking at Chad's tablet. They talk about Sleepless in Seattle, which Abby hasn't seen in years although Chad is sure they just watched it a bit ago. Later in the study, Chad is working, Kate enters and everyone's super impressed by the stolen antiquities business. Kate doesn't want to give the stuff back to the rightful owners, Abby points out that was promised. Chad tables the idea, wants to know about an injured worker. Abby questions the rough nature of this business, and Kate's attitude. Abby reminds Chad that he wanted to clean up the company for Thomas. Abby leaves for a second, Kate blahs about keeping Abby out of the business, Abby comes in and tells her off.

TBD: Eduardo and Dario talk about a new technology they're working to develop ("institutional hacking"). It will be worth a fortune, but will cost a lot to get off the ground. (Myron is still working for them.) Dario suggests downsizing the club, Eduardo refuses; he has some other plan.

Kmansion: Deimos calls Brady and leaves a threatening message. He will hurt Brady, doesn't care that he's family. Sonny comes in, taunts Deimos, even takes a picture. Deimos is most hurt by the traitors in his family. He reassigns Sonny to Basic Black, despite Sonny knowing nothing about the fashion industry. He gets a text from Rafe (see below). Deimos orders him to work on the summer collection.

Alley/docks or something: Rafe and Hope are listening in to the bug on Deimos. There's interference. Rafe reconsiders listening in on Deimos illegally. Rafe is worried about Hope's career. Rafe wants revenge through standard, legal police type work. Hope wants revenge and their conversation is so long and interesting it moves to the Private Park area. Hope doesn't want to lose this case to "Eli and the FBI." Rafe doesn't want to lose Hope again, says they have ears in the House.

Police station: Sonny briefs Hope and Rafe about Deimos's recent losses. He wants to get him now. And he is sure he wasn't followed. Hope points out that Deimos doesn't trust Sonny, so they need to keep up with the bugging.

Square: Eduardo and Kate talk about Chloe, whom he's treating to a day at the spa. Kate knows what Eduardo's up to.

Private Park: Abby and Gabi meet up, let's stay friends, etc. Abby asks about Eli, Gabi reports it was a nice date, but she's not sold yet. She references Sleepless in Seattle, which she's seen recently. Abby's antennae go up. Later, Abby's alone and ranting about Gabi/Chad when Dario comes up. He wants a reset.

DiMansion: Chad and Sonny meet, Sonny wants to know if Chad did Deimos's dermal damage. They talk about getting rid of Deimos forever.

Square: Kate and Gabi are meeting about Gabi's image consulting business. Gabi sees Dario and Abby walking together, talking about the charity event. Everything TBD brought in is being donated to Salem High. Kate and Gabi watch with interest. They discuss Dario's love for Abby, and Gabi's fantasy of being with Chad. Kate offers to help. Gabi thanks her, but thinks she is just redirecting her energies from Eduardo. They part; Kate goes to Eduardo and asks to talk. Eduardo will meet her at the Club later, as he is babysitting Ari today. (This is actually what is said, even though it makes no sense since this is literally the moment after Kate left Gabi.)

Back to the Private Area: Dario and Abby have returned there, nothing new is said. Later, Abby vows to Thomas to keep her family together.

Docks/wherever: Rafe and Hope are listening to what they think might be a shady deal. Later, Rafe has brought them food, the duo are listening to Deimos talking about a robbery and meeting the robber. Hope gloats, we've got him.
Indeed, it's still Gabi/Abby/Chad. Frankly, we've gone from The Sami and EJ Show, to the Dr Jonas Show, and now to the Chad and his women show. Frankly, the writers have no idea how to write for Days of our Lives.

Anyway, thanks Jason, for watching what used to be a show I used to like.
Chad/Gabi/Abby is getting really old. Chad and Gabi did not have some great love affair. They made out a couple of times and kinda liked each other. And why is Kate such a big Gabi fan? Because she has killed someone and gone to prison she might be okay with illegal activities? I loved that Abigail told Kate off today. Kate seriously trying to say I have shown you nothing but respect. Yeah right. Very respectful to talk trash behind someone's back.

I love love love that Hope and Rafe are fighting! Rafe is just gonna have to get used to the fact that Hope likes to do illegal things. She thinks she is above all that.
Glad Abby got her backbone up to tell Kate off. About time. Every time you think Deimos cannot get any worse, he does just that. Actually he & Kate make a pair, surprised they have not hooked up yet.

Where does Deimos get off saying "they" stole Nicole? Since when? So now he thinks he owns her, while Scooter figures he can make her have sex with him. Yuk on the entire storyline.
Frankly, we've gone from The Sami and EJ Show, to the Dr Jonas Show, and now to the Chad and his women show. Frankly, the writers have no idea how to write for Days of our Lives.

We also had the Hope show last year between the tan man and now Chad/Abby/Gabi, with everybody covering for Hope after Stefano's death. I must say, though, I enjoy her a lot better right now as she's investigating Deimos. It's about time, since she has been aware for months that he was partly to blame for Bo being held captive. I liked the fact that Rafe and Hope were disagreeing today as they were eavesdropping on Deimos. I prefer them as police partners and friends to lovers.

As for the current triangle, Chad needs to lose both women. Abby should walk away, and Gabi should see where things go with Eli. They were so cute on their date yesterday. Besides, Julie needs to realize that Gabi is not a bad person and that Nick had issues, tried to rape her, and was tormenting her at the time that she killed him.

Will someone please kill Deimos already?!? I'm so tired of this awful character. I see absolutely no redeeming qualities in him.

I have been tired of him since he poisoned Maggie and Victor allowed him to remain in the K-mansion after the entire family moved back in. I agreed with Sonny today when he called him a cancer.
Actually, Kate and Deimos did hook up for a while. Then he fell for Nicole and basically dumped Kate (or did she dump him?)
As I recall, Kate was all set to elope with Deimos at one time. She even bought and wore a ring after Deimos' "death" and claimed they had been married.
What I liked about today's show:

Abigail giving Kate a much deserved tongue-lashing. It's about time she showed some back-bone. I especially enjoyed the way Abigail was like "No, no, no, this is between you and me" when Kate tried to pull Chad into it. From the look on his face he couldn't be prouder and neither could I. :)

Abigail and Gabi: Okay I may be alone here or at the very least very much in the minority, but I LIKE the fact that they are trying to maintain their friendship in the midst of all this mess. I get how some may not find it realistic under the circumstances or not like how much it requires Abigail to over look. But I prefer it to the tired old trope of having the women constantly at each other's throats.

Chad and Sonny teaming-up. Like pretty much anybody else I'm really buying either Sonny or Chad as the new "John Giotti" type role being forced upon them. However I do support any and all anti-Deimos initiatives and alliances. So I say sic 'im boys!! LOL

What I didn't like:

Kate propping Gabi. Now everybody take a moment and pick your jaws up off the floor I just cleaned it LOL.

Ordinarily I would be all in favor of Kate being pro-Gabi. But I know it's not about Gabi at all. It's about the fact that Kate simply doesn't like Abigail. Gabi just happens to be Kate's choice for the "perfect mate" for Chad because she's the only one in the running. It could be Melanie or Belle or the nice lady who stocks cauliflower at the local supermarket. LOL

As far as Kate is concerned, anybody other than Abigail would be suitable for Chad. But if Chad and Gabi were to get together Kate would turn on her in a blink of an eye.

Plus I'm firmly in the Eli/JJ/anybody else for Gabi camp at this point.

Prediction and this only a prediction: Deimos is somehow aware that he is being bugged and is leading Hope and Rafe into some kind of set-up.
My thought about Deimos.....He told Sonny he was going to get rid of his enemies one by one, so I think the "robbery" is going to set up Eduardo......or maybe Chad. But Dario mentioned something to Eduardo about them being short on cash.... Deimos is meeting his cohort in an alley, and yes, I think that part might be a setup for Rafe & Hope........"Did you really think you could get me"?

While I appreciate that Abby & Gabi are trying to keep their friendship, it still is awkward. And the show has done a very poor job of insisting to the viewers that Chad & gabi had some great love story. They didn't. Oh, they had a couple lust sessions, but that was all. So to have them both mooning over the other one is stupid, silly, asinine. Chad big love story was Abby, but if he no longer loves her that way...then yep.......she needs to walk away. Let Chad figure out he has been an idiot.

And by the way, Chad better realize that Kate thinking of him as her son is really bad news. Just ask Lucas or Austin, who never could date or marry anyone that Kate liked. She promised to butt out of theirs, so Chad is the replacement. And yes, if Chad was hooked up with Gabi, Kate would immediately find fault. LOL
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Jason, thanks for the summary and the tweet you posted

Maybe Sonny will hire Gabi to help him with Basic Black.

rs, I'm officially adding you to the Deimos suspect list if he turns up dead :)

I loved Abby telling Kate off too. Why is Kate meddling in Chad's marriage?
He's not one of her children.

Since Gabi, Sonny and Eduardo are not with Ari, are we to assume
someone else is with her, maybe Lucas?
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I can't stand Kate as you all know by now but I also need to understand her motivations. Why does she hate Abigail? Why is she pro Chad/Gabi? If she had said she hates Laura Horton and anyone associated with her, maybe I could buy this but that's a big maybe. If Chad is like a son to her, where was she when Chad was beaten into a coma by Ben or when he got married or when Abigail "died"?

And yes I was so glad that Abby told her off and pleasantly surprised Gabi didn't play along either.

I need the show to stop portraying Kate/Eduardo and Chad/Gabi as some epic love story. They were not.

He reassigns Sonny to Basic Black, despite Sonny knowing nothing about the fashion industry.

And it's really no different than him wanting to run Titan. Owning a club does not qualify you to run a major corporation. I hate this whole story. It should have been Philip not Sonny.

Maybe Sonny will hire Gabi to help him with Basic Black.

My thought as well. I hope this doesn't force her back into Chad's orbit since he and Sonny are trying to bring down Deimos.

Rafe and Hope are FF material for me however, I don't understand Hope's motivations either. If this were about Bo, I could understand it. But it's not.
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Chad/Gabi/Abby is getting really old.
Are they ever. The less said about this stuff the better. As for Hope and her little helper, Rafe, they seem not to have heard about the search and seizure rule called "the fruit of the poisonous tree." Under this rule, not only is everything they hear Deimos say because of Hope's illegal bug inadmissible, but so is any other evidence they uncover because of the information they learned from it. Imagine if the case of People v. Deimos ever made it to court.

Defense Attorney: Detective Hernandez, just how did you know that my client was going to be at the location in question?
Rafe: Uh, we overheard him talking.
Defense Attorney: Oh really. And just how did you accomplish this?
Rafe: Uh, my partner kinda bugged the K-mansion living room.
Defense Attorney: And did you have a warrant for this listening device?
Rafe: Huh, who needs warrants in Salem?
Defense Attorney: Your Honor, I move that all the evidence against my client obtained by Detective Hernandez and his partner be excluded, and since it makes up the entire case against Mr. Kiriakis, I also move that the case be dismissed.
Judge Fitzpatrick: Motions granted. The prisoner is discharged.
D.A. Melinda Trask: OMG, not again!
Commissioner Raines (from the back of the courtroom): Detectives Brady and Hernandez, you're both fired!!!
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