Days of Our Lives - Thu., Apr. 9, 2020


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Hospital Waiting Area: Jennifer wakes up Justin. He's worried about Kayla, but also confesses to Jennifer that he's selfishly worried that Steve will wake up back to normal.

Steve's Bedside: Kayla frets and has a flashback to cutting Steve's brain. She had no other option. Jack enters and they discuss Steve's prognosis. She recaps; he reacts. She second-guesses; he affirms. She frets; he bolsters. Jack leaves to update Jennifer, and Kayla begs Steve to wake up.

Kmansion: Xander has a nightmare about Sarah leaving him. He finds a note from Sarah, who had a pre-marriage errand. Later, he talks to Victor in the living room, recapping and speculating that Nicole and Eric know about the switch. Victor is angry, insists that they can not know or everything is lost for them and Maggie.

Eric's Apartment: Eric had a sleepless night. They blab about talking to Sarah before her wedding. There's a knock at the door; it's Roman, wanting an update on Eric's New York trip. They recap, assure Roman that they are fine & together. Roman leaves, Eric laments not telling his dad about Mickey, but first Sarah must know. Instead of leaving as they had discussed, they blather on about their worry and Nicole's actions. Xander considers revealing all, not wanting to keep something from Sarah; Victor wishes he'd "downshift" to the "all-muscle, no morals" Xander. Victor advises him to continue lying.

Prison: Sarah visits Maggie to show her her wedding dress. Maggie talks about her heart aching, how lucky that Sarah and her baby weren't killed, and she continues to want no special favors. She gives her "something new" that she made in the prison.

Waiting Area: Jennifer tells Justin to take things one step at a time, rather than worry about what might not happen. Jack comes out, updates Jenn and Justin, reveals that Kayla's punishing herself. Justin goes in to support her. In the recovery/operating room, Justin tries to support Kayla, but she is angry; he tries to comfort her, she accuses that this is exactly what he wants. Back out in the waiting area, Jennifer laments what Kayla's going through, how she thought Steve had abandoned them. Back in the room, Kayla immediately apologizes and is thankful for his support.

Kmansion Front Door: Eric and Nicole are about to enter when Sarah arrives.

Waiting Area: Roman arrives, Jennifer and Jack tell him there's no change. He gets a beep; he'll go in to see Kayla after. In the room, Justin gets a beep, he must go marry Xander and Sarah, although he is still reluctant. Kayla again apologizes; he will marry them and zip back. Alone with the pre-corpse, she tells Steve he'd better not be taking his sweet time. Roman enters, Kayla starts crying. Back outside, Jack considers the legal ramifications of Steve-aNO's actions, but Jennifer is focused on all Steve's missed.

Kmansion Living Room: Xander agrees with Victor, won't confess. He invites Victor to the wedding, but bad memories of Leo/Sonny's wedding cause Victor to refuse. He'll visit Maggie. He also tells Xander that he's been hard on him, but he's a true Kiriakis who's made him proud. Victor gives him a coin from Yurgos (Vic's father, Xander's grandfather) to help the family carry him.

Kmansion threshold: Eric and Nicole tell Sarah they have to talk to her. Before her wedding. It's important. Super important. They need to tell her now. They don't want to. They have to. It's about Mickey. It's really quite important. Sarah is scared. Eric excuses Nicole. He can't tell Sarah here.

Steve-aNO's deathbed: Kayla laments her decisions; Roman affirms that she made the right choice. Later, she implores him to come ho. He opens his eyes.

Prison: Maggie thanks Victor for visiting, talks about Sarah's visit. Maggie admits she was unsure about Xander at first, but she's now sure he's right for her daughter. As you are for me, Victor adds. Maggie hopes the Xander/Sarah marriage lasts forever.

Xander's room: Tying up his tie, Xander decides that in fact Victor is right; Sarah can never know the truth.

Eric's: Eric brings in Sarah. The news is super important. He sits her down, she asks what is it about our daughter. He says Mickey is not their daughter.
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Thanks. I would have expected that last part to be on a Friday afternoon. I wonder if we will see any more of that conversation tomorrow. And, yay - one of my other questions was answered. Both Sarah AND Vic went to visit Maggie in jail. But, really - a craft room? Are we sure she is not at Bayview?
There were actually a couple sweet moments today. Sarah going to Maggie in her wedding dress and Victor being nice and giving Xander that coin.

Kayla operated on Steve's frontal lobe and there is not an incision nor is his head shaved in the front. Man, she is good! When she was berating him and said you have to wake up I said 40 more minutes Kayla, then he'll wake up! :wink:

I am still shocked but very happy that Eric didn't just get super mad at Nicole for discovering this secret. I know it's not her fault, but it's very unlike him to not just fly off the handle. But he seriously took Sarah all the way to his apartment. What the hell did they talk about in the car over? I could just hear her: "Eric what is it? You have to tell me! What is it? Just tell me! Oooh, a squirrel!" :rotfl:
So..........Sarah in her wedding dress, hair, makeup, etc. but Eric has to take her to his apt. to tell her? And she goes? Despite the fact he & Nicole were about to enter the Kmansion? Huh? Were they going to spirit her away from the room if she was inside? I get they should be inside, in case she starts to cry, or scream or yell or something.

And I have decided there is no other way to explain the dragging out all week of all of this other than.....
Headwriter to Breakdown & Dialogue writers: O.K. fill in the show til the end of it, when Steve finally opens his eyes, Eric tells Sarah Mickey is not their child, but make sure Jack & Jen get scenes discussing the what ifs in regard to Steve's surgery. Oh, yeah, give Justin something to say as well. Just fill up the 37 minutes. Recap, if you want.
Today's episode was largely a non-stop exercise in anguish. Instead of depressing the viewers, the writers could have livened things up with events like the the following scenarios.

Victor arranges for Eric and Nicole to vanish before they can cause any more trouble. They're flown to one of his secret Greek islands where Nicole learns that, like Lani, Eric is terrified of the local goats.

Joey and Little Trippy appear and angrily threaten to sue Kayla and University Hospital for medical malpractice if anything has gone wrong with Steve's surgery;

Steve awakens and thinks that he's a chicken.
Heck, they are dragging everything out beyond belief.
And it does seem they have NOT started up anything new yet,..........which is surprising, being May sweeps is coming up. I truly dislike this tendency to concentrate on a few characters, a couple stories, for months, leaving other cast members under the bus. Not that I care for some, but it is like 3/4 of the cast sit on the sidelines while focus is put on a couple stories.
Yeah, today was clearly a Maggie day. But, come on - crafts and she has to bring her own wardrobe??? And a full made up face? This is jail??
I was very moved by the scenes between Victor and Xander.
Xander just got everything he's ever wanted from his uncle - love and acceptance.
I was also moved by his scene with Maggie.
For me, this was the show today. Everything else was fodder.
As Poirot said:
Headwriter to Breakdown & Dialogue writers: O.K. fill in the show til the end of it, when Steve finally opens his eyes, Eric tells Sarah Mickey is not their child, but make sure Jack & Jen get scenes discussing the what ifs in regard to Steve's surgery. Oh, yeah, give Justin something to say as well. Just fill up the 37 minutes. Recap, if you want.
Thanks, Jason.

It's a new day or finally tomorrow in Salem.

Nice to Jack and Jennifer today.

Nice conversation with Xander and Victor. Will Xander tell Sarah the
truth before the wedding? I hope so.

The end of today's show was more like a Friday one with Steve waking
up and Eric telling Sarah that Mickey is not our child.

Will Sarah think Eric isn't the father, but she's still the mother.

Will Steve wake up and still be Stevano?

robin, sorry you missed the show. Be sure and go to the towel topic.