Days of Our Lives - Thu., Dec. 13, 2018


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Kayla is in the private area talking via phone with Steve. He's been released, but he's going to set things right. Thus, he's not coming home. Tripp overhears and is upset. Later Kayla has updated on the eye and her part in it, as well as Stefan0's refusal to admit his part in the scam. Tripp (and the viewers) doesn't understand why Steve has to be the one out of town. Lots of recaps as Tripp eventually reassures Kayla that Steve will return.

Eric, at the Pub, is excitedly speaking with Sarah about finding a place for him & Holly, preferably with a yard. Will enters, they exchange recaps about Paul's exit and the aborted reunion with Sonny (including an off-screen recap of the Leo situation). Turns out Will's biggest problem at the moment is his apartment, which he can't afford solo. Eric gets an idea, and later, they've looked at pictures of the apartment and are ready to act. Will steps aside to call his landlord, who is cool with it. He gives Eric the key and Eric and Sarah leave to look at it. (If they like it, they will get in touch with Will to go over the paperwork.)

Maggie tells Chloe and Brady (after a replay of the closing scene with Nicole's letter) that she's given her blessing to let Eric raise Holly as Nicole wished. Chloe believes the letter deems otherwise. Lots of crosstalk, little plot advancement for about 20 scenes...then Maggie agrees that the letter indicates Nicole's thoughtful wish for Holly, but she's worried about Brady's stake in it. He claims he just wants what Nicole wanted, not revenge on Eric.

At the Kmansion, Sheila is going through the ceremony to marry Leo & Sonny when Victor undulates into the room. Some recaps occur as we are reminded that Leo accused Sonny of harassment, cost him his job, etc. Vic tries to clear the room of non-family. Leo and Sheila step into the foyer to discuss her bonus (where they discuss their mutual scams/redemptions). They return after Sonny has updated Victor (who snarks about Sonny's bad killing skills) and begin the ceremony. Sheila begins the ceremony; Leo takes Sonny, Sonny (after a new flashback of the Will/Sonny wedding) takes Leo, and they put rings on each other's fingers. Leo kisses Sonny. After the nuptials, Leo wants congratulations and wine. (He gets one of those.) Justin will be watching "Leonardo" like a hawk. Sheila wants her pay and Victor demands she leave the house.

At the pub, Will is drinking as he thinks of his promise with Sonny (there's a flashback of them from around the time of Paul's accident but I'm not going to bother to look it up). Back at the Kmansion, Sonny plans to run out on his husband and spend the night with Will. Victor stops him, saying that although he wishes Leo were dead in a lake, since Sonny married him, he can't tarnish the family name by spending time with Will. Meanwhile Will learns from Sheila (who's stopped in since the K-clan didn't offer her any champagne) that she completed Sonny and Leo's ceremony.

Eric and Sarah are talking about the apartment in the Square. Eric remembers talking with Nicole about raising Holly and they each wish the other happiness. Sarah gets a call from her boss, who wants her to return to work. She's shocked, and she admits she's not ready to return to the apartment she shared with Rex, who's probably spending time with Emily and Mimi. Despite Rex being his brother, Eric thinks him a fool for cheating when he had Sarah. Sarah's taken aback, thinks it might be time to go, but she is liking Salem more than she thought. They ruminate on this for about a month very awkwardly, until the curse is broken by Maggie. He immediately goes on about the apartment, Maggie eventually silences him. They have to talk about a letter from Nicole to Chloe.
That big noise at the end of the show yesterday, was Victor arriving, slamming the outside door, wanting to know what the heck was going on, having a fit about Leo, and all that Jason has said above.
Eric is so happy, so elated, and going on and on to Maggie about the apartment....sigghhhh.
Leo...someone needs to jab him back to reality......he ignores the snark, the insulting comments, Sonny's lack of enthusiasm, keeps that jovial smile and positivity. He cannot wait til the wedding night, Egads.
Thank you for the summary, Jason.

I'm still holding onto the hope that Victor has something in mind for getting rid of Leo. Otherwise, I am very disappointed that he just sat down and let the wedding go on to conclusion. I wish Leo and Sheila would team up and go to the other side of the world together but I fear I am stuck with both, maybe for even longer than I had to endure Bonnie and Hattie.

What makes Sonny (or anybody else) think Leo is going to be satisfied merely with getting Sonny to marry him? What is to stop him from dictating every move Sonny makes from now on--and even from controlling all of the Kiriakis clan, since none of them did anything to stop him from getting this far?
Victor was funny "was Ari not available to do the ceremony?" I still say will be funny if Sonny ends up falling for Leo. He did sleep with him on the first date so he was very attracted to him.

We had to listen to Maggie read Nicole's letter too! And why is no one saying but of course she did this before reconnecting with Eric. Her last words were for Eric to take care of Holly. Doesn't look very official either.

It was nice to have "Steve" on today, though just on the phone. But still. At least not just forgotten. He needs to come back.

Also Happy 93rd Birthday to Dick Van Dyke!! Love him and The Dick Van Dyke Show. My absolute favorite! More than 50 years later and still funny! Funny with no cussing or sex jokes.
Yep, can see it........Sonny tries to get a divorce....Oh, am off to police station with photos
Leo is not allowed to work for Titan......Oh, am off to police station with photos
Sonny insists on seperate bedrooms....Oh, am off to police station with photos
Sonny won't wear matching shirts, suits or whatever.....oh, am off to police station with photos
Don't think they are attractive at all, but Kate was in one, Chloe the other day, Sarah...guess it is. And in a few years they will all be rolling their eyes and saying they cannot believe they wore that, or the holey jeans, like the big hair years ago. LOL
He cannot wait til the wedding night, Egads.

I just hope, hope, hope, Sonny (though I don't like him anymore, or Will, or Leo) doesn't have sex with Leo. I am so tired of the forced sex on this show. This is abuse, and obtaining sexual favours via blackmail is horrible, whether you're a man or a woman. Enough. :angry::angry::sick::sick:
Thanks, Jason.

Will told Eric he could talk to Eli and probably get his old room back at the
Martin House.
Why isn't Sheila using it now?

Poor Eric he's so excited he's going to take care of Holly. I hope he won't be
upset after he reads Nicole's letter.

If Leo didn't marry with his legal name, would he still try to blackmail Sonny
if Sonny asked for a divorce?

I'm glad Kayla talked to Steve. Sad he's not planning to come home right away.
I thought Leo, Victor, and Sheila were great comic relief. I don’t like this storyline, but those three plus Sonny and Will’s sad faces made me LOL. Also, I don’t understand Will hinting to everyone that Leo is blackmailing Sonny. Wouldn’t you want to keep that quiet? I’m so glad Maggie is about to drop that delicious bomb on Sarah & Eric. We joke about Brady, but Eric can also fall in love with any woman he bumps into, and Sarah being shocked that her boss is about to fire her after not showing up to work in forever was hilarious. Sarah’s persistence with this Eric & Holly thing is a turnoff. Why can’t we get to know her character? No sparks are going to fly between her and Eric. She needs someone similar to Ben or Xander.
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I hope he won't be
upset after he reads Nicole's letter.

Nicole's letter was obviously written before she reconnected with Eric. Does it really have such importance? Plus, the letter was not even properly notarized, properly written (come on, "writers", at least TRY to show a little realism), so how much value does it have? None. I'm not saying I want Eric to raise Holly. Frankly, I don't care at this point, since we will not see this child unless the storyline calls for her. And I'm pretty sure, in the long run, Eric is going to be proven to be the father anyway (the drunk guy causing trouble at the fertility clinic...). So right now is just fake angst, in my opinion. And another forced pairing (Sarah and Eric) until the actress playing Nicole is brought back... if ever. But I think Nicole is not dead. So again, this custody battle that's sure to happen is pointless.
Yep, can see it........Sonny tries to get a divorce....Oh, am off to police station with photos
Leo is not allowed to work for Titan......Oh, am off to police station with photos
Sonny insists on seperate bedrooms....Oh, am off to police station with photos
Sonny won't wear matching shirts, suits or whatever.....oh, am off to police station with photos
