Days of Our Lives - Thu., Feb. 29, 2024


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
40 minutes, pace has moved down to snail level again.

DiMansion, front door - There's snow on the ground. Stefan mumbles about Harris waking up, drops his keys, overreacts. Clyde (in his prison cell) calls him to yell at him. Clyde knows Stefan is at home. Clyde tells him Harris is awake. Stefan thinks he's in the clear since Harris can't remember anything. Clyde reminds him the job must be finished.

Tripp and Ava's Apartment - Steve and Ava worry about Tripp. Steve wants to call the Shins. Ava isn't sure what to say, gets a surprising text. They watch the Goldman video (which appears on the screen in the corner the way they show texts, nice touch). Standard hostage, Tripp reads from the paper, this is a warning, no cops, etc. Steve watches the video again to get clues. Later, he is going to watch the video again.

Brewery Tank (establishing shot) - Tripp and Wendy stretch. They worry about how Ava will react to the video Goldman forced them to record. They've run out of topics for conversation. Tripp suggests dinner in Paris. No, he's not being wry; they sit on the stools and eat the rations while using French phrases. Wendy keeps her eyes closed as Tripp walks her through using imagination. (Lucky us, we get to see them sitting in the tank, not even a fantasy sequence with a cheesy Eiffel Tower backdrop.) This goes on for 21 scenes.

Peterson Apartment - Sloan comes in, calling for Eric (she's holding a package) and uses words to express surprise. The apartment is made up for a date. (Did they switch apartments? It looks different.) This is a Valentine's Day surprise from Eric to Sloan. I guess the intent is romantic something-or-other. Eric got Lillian, Sloan's assistant, to help by clearing her calendar and then Eric faked an emergency. Jude is with Marlena. Smooch, smooch. He's making up for passing out on the couch. Smooch, kiss. Eric gives her lingerie back to her and she goes to change, comes back out in her red lingerie, and they smooch and snoodle on the way to the bed (which is just feet from the couch).

Hospital (daytime establishing shot), Paulina's room - Abe is at Paulina's bedside. Chanel comes in. Paulina was resting her eyes. Chanel has a surprise - Lani and Eli! Paulina is overjoyed. The twins are with Doug/Julie/Thomas/Charlotte. Lani and Chanel talk about Chanel's marriage. Paulina recaps her medical woes. Lani and Eli arrived "earlier today". Abe shuffles the kids out of the room because Paulina was getting overwhelmed. Abe loves Paulina, Paulina feels lucky her girls are here and that Abe is by her side even with what he's facing.

Hospital waiting area - Eli, Lani, and Chanel talk about how serious the heart attack was and how Paulina needs a new heart. They're going to take turns staying with her and try to give Abe a break. They hug.

Paulina's Hospital Room - Chanel comes in, Lani and Eli are checking in with Julie to make sure "the twins" haven't destroyed "the house" (no word on what house). She brought ice chips. Paulina wants to cook. Eli comes in, he'll do the cooking. Paulina feels her heart is getting stronger from all the love.

DiMansion Stoop/Clyde's Cell - Clyde tells Stefan that a package will arrive. Stefan is to inject it into Harris's IV, which will cause an apparent heart attack. Later, he's drinking inside when the package arrives. He takes it into the Stefano-portrait room and opens it. (Apparently we should not remember that his brother is the DA and lives in the same house.) He then recaps the plan for anyone who might be around and fondles the murder weapon.

Peterson Apartment - Afterglow. Sloan wants a promise they won't go too long between "us time" incidents again. Eric thinks Marlena will babysit often. A phone call interrupts them. Nicole (offscreen) tells Eric that Holly's awake. Sloan remains stone faced as she says that's great. (It actually works for this scene.)

Hospital waiting area - Lani's getting coffee and Abe gives her a hug. Lani is really worried about Paulina. Lani asks how Abe is doing? Although he's the best dad in the world (per Lani), he's still got no memory. Abe asks where Eli is? He's showing pictures of the twins to Paulina. Abe asks how long they'll stay? Lani doesn't know; they want to stay in Salem, but Eli has a terrific job offer in DC. More hugs.

Tripp & Ava Apartment - Ava worries about Tripp, who is such a good person. They are standing uncomfortably close as Steve vows to bring the kids home.

Brewery Tank - Fantasy time is over. Wendy worries they won't be rescued. Tripp knows they will be found. He promises they'll get out and they'll go to Paris.

Paulina's Hospital Room - Paulina is enjoying the pictures Eli is showing her on his phone. Chanel is there. Lani and Abe enter. There will be more pictures. Paulina chokes up, these precious moments mean so much to her. Chanel vows they'll all get more time together. She loves her girls so much, they embrace. END
Thank you Jason for taking today's show. It was awful.

I'm wondering if Clyde has the DiMansion staff on his payroll too?? So he knows the comings and goings of residents.

I really don't give a rat's patootie over Sloan's constant need for personal gratification issues, so please find another story for her.

Are we sure Stefan is a DiMera??? He sure doesn't act like one. If I finish this job I'm done with you. Really Stefan, really???? Even Tripp knows better and he's not all that and a bag of chips.

Can't wait for what tomorrow brings.
Are we sure Stefan is a DiMera??? He sure doesn't act like one. If I finish this job I'm done with you. Really Stefan, really???? Even Tripp knows better and he's not all that and a bag of chips.
For crying out loud, seriously. Did they give him a lobotomy after he died? When he arrived in Salem, he was at least a shrewd businessman who was worth multi-millions. Now, he has all the intelligence of a Sweet Bits tainted biscuit. Even our favorite Salem stoner, Rory, is smarter than this.
ON another note that I forgot to add, just how is Julie to cope with the loss of her house, caring for Thomas and Charlotte and now the twins? Let's not forget Maggie is taking care of Victoria and the evil Konstantin.

I'm sure Maggie didn't sign up for this when she welcomed Doug and Julie into her house. :rotfl:
Great job, Jason! You got stuck with a snooze of a show.

I did not recognize Eli at first. Didn't he have much shorter hair last time we saw him? He is handsome no matter what his hair looks like. Glad to see him and Lani.

Everyone refers to Jules and Carver as babies or twins. They are not babies anymore, but toddlers. Aren't they around three? I know ages are never accurate in Salem, but they should still not be referred to as babies now.

Could Sloan be more indifferent and obvious when Eric told her that Holly is home? Sloan is so self centered. Can't believe she is wearing the Jude necklace. Maybe she'll drop it down the toilet, oops! But Eric would just give her another one. She is lucky that Sami isn't in town, she would be taken down a peg or two. Cat fight!

The 21 scenes, per Jason, in the Brewery Tank, were torture. "The horror, the horror!"

Tripp and Wendy still could play "I Spy." I know WE can: I spy with my little eye...two boring people...a very boring plot...very boring dialogue.

Paulina is fading away. She should not be straining to speak so much, but she is too weak for a chalk board. It is painful to watch and hear her. I do hope she has a good outcome.
Carver and Jules were born 12/24/2020. They could be 2 years old, 3 years old, in kindergarten, or in college. It's a real toss up.

They are showing lots of outside shots which is nice. Only Stefan had snow.

So nice to have Lani back. Eli did look different. Maybe the hair?

I thought Sloan seemed annoyed when she got home. Eric does seem to truly love her. How he loves this self centered wench who wants the kid gone I don't know. I was hoping she would have slipped and referred to Jude as your son not our son.

Are there not cameras at the DiMera mansion so Stefan can see who delivered it?
A few questions about today’s nonsense.

How low can Stefan Zero go? Not only is he Clyde’s obedient little helper, he takes lots of verbal abuse.

Why can’t Brady put an end to the constant fretting at Paulina’s bedside by hustling over to the hospital to tell her family that heart transplants in Salem are a walk in the park? He could conclude his pep talk by opening his shirt and saying: “And look Ma, no scar.”

Why don’t Trippy and Wendy imagine a real Parisian tourist experience: going to Wimpy’s for a burger and pomme frites?

Now that Lani has made her obligatory visit to Paulina’s bedside, why isn’t she rushing over to the DiMansion to see her best friend ever — Kritter Kristen?

Finally, years ago there was an ad campaign whose theme was “New Jersey and you, perfect together.” Today’s version was Eric and Sloan, disgusting together.
Thanks, Jason. Enjoy your weekend trip.

Sloan's apartment is the same one she's had.

This was such a great show with so many great couples. Not really.

The best part of the show was Eli and Lani coming home.

Ava told Steve she wanted the nightmare to end. All of viewers agree.

Can it still be possible Jennifer is in her coma and this is what we're seeing?

Clyde was using a cell phone in his cell. :)

Sloan wasn't happy when she found out Nicole was on the phone.
I feel like the problem with Sloan's apartment is that sometimes the bed is there and sometimes it isn't. I think when Marlena and John went over for dinner it wasn't there but other times it's like it takes up the room. Totally beside the point that it makes no sense that the baby seems to have a room that went unused when Sloan was single.
Thanks for the summary. It's nice to see all the family back together at the hospital with Paulina. Unfortunately that was the only good thing about the episode. Everything else was boring, nonsensical filler. Maybe I was getting more spoiled after some good (or decent, at least) episodes last week. Sad.